Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

News & Supplemental

For The Record

Conversations with Monte: Conversations#'s 19 & 20

FTR#‘s 1345 & 1346

MP3: FTR#1345    FTR#1346

Lat­est Pro­grams Pro­duced: FTR#‘s 1366 & 1367: Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates, Parts 1 and 2.

NB: FTR#‘s 1368 through 1372–“Korea on Our Minds, Parts 1–5,” have been record­ed and will be avail­able present­ly.

Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is avail­able on a 64GB flash dri­ve, avail­able for a con­tri­bu­tion of $65.00 or more (to KFJC). Click Here to obtain Dav­e’s 40+ years’ work, which now must be con­tained on a 64gb flash­drive. 32GB is too small. The new dri­ve con­tains all of Dav­e’s shows to date with new co-host Monte and his work on the ori­gins of Covid.

WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE.

“Polit­i­cal language…is designed to make lies sound truth­ful and mur­der respectable, and to give an appear­ance of solid­i­ty to pure wind.”

— George Orwell, 1946

KNSJ (89.1 FM) is now air­ing “For The Record”

Dave Emory has launched a Patre­on site: patreon.com/DaveEmory

These pro­grams begin an explo­ration of the his­to­ry of U.S. involve­ment with Asian fas­cism from the pre-World War II peri­od until the present.

Crit­i­cal back­ground infor­ma­tion on U.S. cap­i­tal sup­port for Japan­ese fas­cism and Japan’s cen­turies-long sub­ju­ga­tion of Korea may be found in FTR#‘s 905 and 1141.

Top­ics and Points of Dis­cus­sion For Inclu­sion in this series: The Cab­i­net Research Offi­cer next to Ruby at the press con­fer­ence; Gen­er­al Arisue and his myr­i­ad con­nec­tions; Tsu­ji Masanobu and his links to Arisue, the Bataan Death March and also high­light­ing the death of Iris Chang in this dis­cus­sion; Both Syn­g­man Rhee’s and Ngo Dinh Diem’s work for the Japan­ese; The use of the Uighurs by the Japan­ese and their imme­di­ate suc­ces­sors; The divid­ing of Korea at the 38th par­al­lel by Col’s David Dean Rusk and Bon­es­teel; Rusk’s work for Admi­ral Hil­lenkoet­ter at CIA, as well as any oth­er intel­li­gence links you have for him (There was at least anoth­er, but I can’t remem­ber if off the top of my head); Colonel Bonesteel’s lat­er work in Viet­nam as a Gen­er­al and for CIA; Gen­er­al Kim Sook Won and his work as a “Ban­dit Hunter;” Kim Sook Won’s role as com­man­der of Syn­g­man Rhee’s bor­der forces; We will dis­cuss I.F. Stone’s Hid­den His­to­ry of the Kore­an War, not­ing that it appears that South Korea attacked first, bat­ing the North to coun­ter­at­tack; What the Kore­an War did strate­gi­cal­ly for MacArthur & Company—precluding an attack by Mao’s forces on Formosa/Taiwan, as well as solid­i­fy­ing Rhee’s posi­tion in South Korea (which might have been end­ed by a pop­u­lar ref­er­en­dum); JFK’s cut­ting loose of Syn­g­man Rhee and his White Terror—undoubtedly anoth­er major rea­son for his assas­si­na­tion; Willough­by, of course; Jim Wilcott and the Japan­ese fas­cists with whom he worked; Oswald in Japan and E. Howard Hunt’s role in covert oper­a­tions in Japan; Review of JFK’s attempts to extri­cate us from Viet­nam; Eisuke Ono’s role as a Japan­ese Naval Intel­li­gence pay­mas­ter in the U.S. in1933; Fred­er­ick Rutland’s work for Mit­subishi and the oper­a­tional links to Kodama Yoshio and Arisue (Rut­land was the guy Ono was pay­ing); The posi­tion of Ono in the post-WWII bank­ing milieu inex­tri­ca­bly linked with Gold­en Lily—The links to Tiarks, Nor­bert Bog­dan and the role of the Bank of Tokyo as the suc­ces­sor to the Yoko­hama Specie Bank.





30+ years on the Radio

Dave Emory's weekly For The Record program examines the interconnecting historical processes, people and institutions which shape the complex geopolitical landscape.



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Latest ‘For The Record’ Posts

FTR#‘s 1366 & 1367 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates, Parts 1 and 2
Jan 3 Introduction: Bringing up to date a number of points of inquiry, the program details the profound role of Peter Thiel's professional orbit in the make-up of... Read more »
FTR#‘s 1364 & 1365 The Return of Sebastian Gorka: Terror Blitzkrieg in London? Parts 1 & 2
Dec 21 Introduction: Donald Trump has appointed Sebastian Gorka as his "terroism czar" on the National Security Council. Gorka not only appears to have links to British... Read more »
FTR#‘s 1362 & 1363 The Truth About Pearl Harbor, Parts 1 and 2
Dec 18 Introduction: With the GOP targeting Social Security (implemented by FDR), the historical and cognitive discrediting of the New Deal has featured a fascistic revisionist history of... Read more »
FTR#‘s 1360 & 1361: Byrds of A Feather, Parts 1 and 2
Dec 7 Introduction: We begin with reading and analysis of an article by Jeremy Kuzmarov about David H. Byrd and his purchase of stock in LTV on... Read more »
FTR#‘s 1357, 1358 & 1359 Conversations with Monte: Conversations #‘s 31, 32 & 33
Nov 16 Introduction: These programs highlight aspects of Trump's election: Discussion and Analysis Includes: Trump's Madison Square Garden rally shortly before the election--"Nuremburg on the Hudson;" Smedley Butler's granddaughter's reflection... Read more »

Pterrafractyl's Nest

Soft Fascism Florida-Style: Ron DeSantis’s War on Amendment 4 A fascist to the core. That's how retired US general Mark Milley, who directly served Trump as the chair of joint chiefs of staff, as described in Bob Woodward's upcoming book. As Milley put it, "He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country." And while they may be true, it's important to keep in mind that Donald Trump is far from the only aspiring fascist in contemporary American politics. The Schedule F/Project 2025 scheme orchestrated by the Council for National Policy is a group effort, after all. And as we're going to see, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been laying the groundwork for the kind of 'soft fascism' that we should anticipate a lot more of under a second Trump presidency. The kind of 'soft fascism' that is shaped less by Trump's personal madness and more by the theocratic ambitions of the movements that have long animated the Republican Party. Which brings us to DeSantis's war on Amendment 4, a ballot initiative that would enshrine abortion rights in Florida's state constitution up to the moment of viability, coming months after Florida Republicans put in place a restrictive new 6 week abortion ban. After first trying to get Amendment 4 thrown off the ballot, the DeSantis administration has proceeded to spend taxpayer funds on an anti-Amendment 4 public messaging campaign includes tv and radio ads. An unprecedented investigation into the Amendment 4 ballot signatures has also been opened, with police showing up at people's homes to confirm they signed the petition. Local election supervisors are also under suspicion of verifying invalid signatures. And as we're going to also see, there's no possible way this investigation can get the Amendment 4 removed from the ballot even if it succeeded in revealing some fraud. It's pure intimidation. More recently, the Florida government has threatened television station employees with criminal charges if they air a pro-Amendment 4 ad. Why? Because the state claims the ads - which raise questions about whether or not women's health is adequately protected under the new 6 week abortion law - pose a threat to public health because the new law in no way endangers women. Yes, if you run an ad suggesting the new Florida abortion law - one of the strictest in the US - could put women at risk, you could be criminally charged. So if you were wondering how the GOP is planning on handling public discontent over the unpopular policy that are about to be imposed on the public at large, look to Florida. Ron DeSantis is one of the Council for National Policy's favorite politicians for a reason. Read more »

Recommended Reading

Family of Secrets Family of Secrets The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America Read more »