Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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Your search for '"Al Qaeda"' returned 301 results.

Al Qaeda, the Underground Reich and Proxy War

In numer­ous pro­grams, we have dis­cussed the Under­ground Reich’s use of Al Qae­da and oth­er Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and Arab allies as proxy war­riors against the Unit­ed States. We have also spo­ken of Osama bin Laden’s goal of under­min­ing the U.S. econ­o­my through his ter­ror pro­gram. We can see Ayman al-Zawahir­i’s pro­posed strat­e­gy of advis­ing Mus­lims to invest in cur­ren­cies oth­er than the dol­lar and advis­ing them not to pur­chase Amer­i­can goods as both a strat­e­gy to under­mine the Unit­ed States, per se, and in terms of a long term strat­e­gy of help­ing to ele­vate Ger­many eco­nom­i­cal­ly.

Al Qaeda Linked to Rogue Aviation Network

In ear­ly 2008, an offi­cial at the U.S. Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty sent a report to his supe­ri­ors detail­ing what he called “the most sig­nif­i­cant devel­op­ment in the crim­i­nal exploita­tion of air­craft since 9/11.”

Swiss probe anti‑U.S. neo-Nazi Suspected financial ties to al Qaeda

by Jay Bushin­skyChron­i­cle For­eign Ser­vice Bern, Switzer­land — At the behest of Pres­i­dent Bush, Swiss law author­i­ties are inves­ti­gat­ing an alliance between Islam­ic mil­i­tants and Euro­pean neo-Nazis who have alleged­ly been pro­vid­ing finan­cial sup­port to Osama bin Laden’s al Qae­da net­work. Experts say Islam­ic mil­i­tants and far-right move­ments — a coali­tion they call the Third […]

FTR#‘s 1366 & 1367 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates, Parts 1 and 2

Intro­duc­tion: Bring­ing up to date a num­ber of points of inquiry, the pro­gram details the pro­found role of Peter Thiel’s pro­fes­sion­al orbit in the make-up of Team Trump.

Pro­found­ly influ­enced by the writ­ings and views of Third Reich the­o­reti­cian Carl Schmitt, Thiel is at least as well-posi­tioned as for­mer Pay­Pal bud­dy Elon Musk to prof­it from the incom­ing Trump admin­is­tra­tion.

Of par­tic­u­lar sig­nif­i­cance is the ABN milieu’s craft­ing of a cur­ricu­lum to be taught to school chil­dren!

“. . . . The Vic­tims of Com­mu­nism Memo­r­i­al Foun­da­tion is an out­growth of the Nation­al Cap­tive Nations Com­mit­tee, a group found­ed by Ukrain­ian nation­al­ist Lev Dobri­an­sky to lob­by against any effort for detente with the Sovi­et Union. Its co-chair­man, Yaroslav Stet­sko, was a top leader of the fas­cist OUN‑B mili­tia that fought along­side Nazi Ger­many dur­ing its occu­pa­tion of Ukraine in World War Two. Togeth­er, the two helped found the World Anti-Com­mu­nist League that was described by jour­nal­ist Joe Cona­son as ‘the orga­ni­za­tion­al haven for neo-Nazis, fas­cists, and anti-Semit­ic extrem­ists from two dozen coun­tries.’. . .”

The cur­ricu­lum man­i­fests fas­cist ide­ol­o­gy: ” . . . . Its method­ol­o­gy was also uni­ver­sal­ly panned, with many point­ing out that the tens of mil­lions of Sovi­et and Nazi loss­es dur­ing World War II were attrib­uted to com­mu­nist ide­ol­o­gy. This means that both Adolf Hitler him­self and many of his vic­tims are count­ed towards the vast­ly over­in­flat­ed fig­ure. . . . The prin­ci­pal orga­ni­za­tion pro­mot­ing the 100 mil­lion fig­ure today is the Vic­tims of Com­mu­nism Memo­r­i­al Foun­da­tion . . . . The group, set up by the U.S. gov­ern­ment in 1993, added all world­wide Covid-19 deaths to the vic­tims of com­mu­nism list, argu­ing that the coro­n­avirus was a com­mu­nist dis­ease because it orig­i­nat­ed in Chi­na. . . .”

Ante Pavel­ic
Pho­to Cred­it: Wikipedia.org

The Vic­tims of Com­mu­nism Memo­r­i­al Foun­da­tion lion­izes fas­cists and Nazis: ” . . . . Those includ­ed Roman Shukhevych, a Ukrain­ian nation­al­ist and Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tor, as well as Ante Pavelić who ran a Nazi pup­pet regime in Croa­t­ia and is con­sid­ered a chief per­pe­tra­tor of the Holo­caust in the Balka­ns . . . .”

Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Includes: An alleged Chi­nese hack that will ben­e­fit Elon Musk’s Star­link; A Musk asso­ciate named by Trump to head NASA; The found­ing of a firm called Sauron by a Thiel asso­ciate; Spec­u­la­tion about the pos­si­ble effects of Lui­gi Man­gione’s alleged mur­der of Unit­ed­Health Care CEO Thomp­son; The pos­si­ble appoint­ment of RFK, Jr’s cam­paign man­ag­er “ex” CIA agent Amaryl­lis Fox to be a Deputy Direc­tor of CIA; Fox’s long, close asso­ci­a­tion with Tul­si Gab­bard; Elon Musk’s social media sup­port of the AfD; The pro-AfD posts of the accused Magde­burg Christ­mas mas­sacre “perp;” The chron­i­cling of the ascent of Mr. Julani (Al-Qae­da, ISIS) in Syr­ia in Sep­tem­ber of 2018; Mr. Julani’s being mint­ed as Syr­i­an head of state fol­low­ing the fall of Asad; The assas­si­na­tion of Russ­ian Gen­er­al Kir­illov, who opined that Covid was an Amer­i­can BW weapon.

FTR#1305 How Groovy Was It Really?

Explor­ing aspects of the “counter-cul­ture” of the 1960’s against the back­ground of the CIA and mil­i­tary’s exper­i­men­ta­tion with mind-alter­ing sub­stances and var­i­ous mind-con­trol tech­niques, this pro­gram asks the ques­tion: “Was it real­ly good?”

Key Points of Analy­sis and Dis­cus­sion Include:

1.–Details con­cern­ing SPAN, the oper­a­tional code-name for the dos­ing with LSD of the entire town of Pont St.-Esprit in South­ern France.

2.–The sto­ry of William Hay­ward, the direc­tor of the ’60s cult film Easy Rid­er. Hay­ward was the vic­tim of psy­chi­atric con­fine­ment by ele­ments asso­ci­at­ed with the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty.

3.–The mon­i­tor­ing of Ken Kesey’s LSD events by mem­bers of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty.

4.–Former OSS agent Gre­go­ry Bateson’s stew­ard­ship of the intro­duc­tion of Ken Kesey to LSD.

5.–Sourcing for the infor­ma­tion about the Bateson/Kesey dynam­ic and dis­cus­sion of CIA and mil­i­tary exper­i­ments with mind-alter­ing sub­stances at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ver­mont.

6.–CIA oper­a­tive George Hunter White’s sur­rep­ti­tious dos­ing of unwit­ting sub­jects with LSD.

7.–George Hunter White’s arrest of jazz singer Bil­lie Hol­i­day for opi­um pos­ses­sion in 1949. Drug arrests destroyed Hol­i­day’s abil­i­ty to work in estab­lish­ments that served alco­hol.

8.–The sto­ry of a San Fran­cis­co event fea­tur­ing the cream of the psy­che­del­ic bands of the time. The event ben­e­fit­ted the Hare Krish­na cult.

9.–Discussion of the fas­cist phi­los­o­phy of the leader of the Hare Krish­na cult.

10.–The biog­ra­phy of John Per­ry Bar­low, for­mer cam­paign man­ag­er for Dick Cheney and lyri­cist for the Grate­ful Dead. Bar­low’s role with the EFF, an orga­ni­za­tion with many wor­thy mem­bers and rep­u­ta­tion but one which, nonethe­less, has worked for the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty.

11.–Barlow’s inter­ac­tion with the CIA and NSA and an exam­i­na­tion of the pos­si­bil­i­ty of his stew­ard­ship of social media.

Bringin’ It All Back Home? Again?

West­ern intel­li­gence agencies–American in particular–appear to be reca­pit­u­lat­ing “Oper­a­tion Cyclone” in Ukraine. That oper­a­tion involved the train­ing and oper­a­tional inser­tion of Islamists into Afghanistan in that coun­try’s war against the Sovi­et Union. “Cyclone 2” entails the use of Nazi/White Suprema­cist com­bat­ants in a clan­des­tine effort against Rus­sia in Ukraine. An impor­tant arti­cle from “The Gray Zone” reit­er­ates the warn­ing sound­ed here for years agout the “blow­back” this will be hav­ing in the U.S. Ukrain­ian tele­vi­sion anchor quotes Adolf Eich­mann ver­ba­tim in this video from UKRAINE 24. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE. Mr. Emory emphat­i­cal­ly rec­om­mends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash dri­ve con­tain­ing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fas­cist books on easy-to-down­load PDF files.

FTR#1238 How Many Lies Before You Belong to The Lie?, Part 11

This pro­gram con­tin­ues our cov­er­age of the Ukraine war. The title comes from the late, bril­liant polit­i­cal come­di­an Mort Sahl’s 1976 auto­bi­og­ra­phy Heart­land. One of New Orleans DA Jim Gar­rison’s inves­ti­ga­tion of the assas­si­na­tion of the JFK.

In Con­sor­tium News, Joe Lau­ria presents Pen­ta­gon intel­li­gence which, like the infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed by Bill Arkin in the Newsweek piece we cov­ered in FTR#1237, lays out infor­ma­tion fun­da­men­tal­ly in con­trast to what De Bret­ton-Gor­don has voiced and which Joe Biden has tak­en at face val­ue.

” . . . . Reuters report­ed: ‘The Unit­ed States has not yet seen any con­crete indi­ca­tions of an immi­nent Russ­ian chem­i­cal or bio­log­i­cal weapons attack in Ukraine but is close­ly mon­i­tor­ing streams of intel­li­gence for them, a senior U.S. defense offi­cial said.’ It quot­ed the Pen­ta­gon offi­cial as say­ing, ‘There’s no indi­ca­tion that there’s some­thing immi­nent in that regard right now.’. . .”

Hamish de Bret­ton Gor­don – the same fig­ure who was warn­ing the world about Russ­ian forces releas­ing COVID-Ebo­la from a Ukrain­ian bio­lab – is now warn­ing of impend­ing Russ­ian chem­i­cal attacks. And when it comes to mak­ing bogus claims about chem­i­cal attacks, de Bret­ton Gor­don isn’t lack­ing in expe­ri­ence, hav­ing set the table for false-flag chem­i­cal attacks in Syr­ia: “ . . . . Oth­er forms of evi­dence were also col­lect­ed on-the-ground by de Bret­ton-Gor­don, and pro­vid­ed to a num­ber of offi­cial inves­ti­ga­tions into chem­i­cal attacks. In at least one instance – an OPCW/UN Joint Inves­tiga­tive Mech­a­nism (JIM) probe into a pur­port­ed chem­i­cal strike in Talmenes, April 2014 – videos sub­mit­ted by CBRN Task­force, a shady orga­ni­za­tion he found­ed in Alep­po, were found to show clear signs of fal­si­fi­ca­tion. . . .”

Oleh Tihany­bok, leader of the OUN/B suc­ces­sor orga­ni­za­tion Svo­bo­da, orig­i­nal­ly orga­nized by Andriy Paru­biy.

Joe Biden has tak­en the inflam­ma­to­ry, weaponized rhetoric and pro­pa­gan­da dis­sem­i­nat­ed by the likes of Hamish de Bret­ton-Gor­don and obe­di­ent media out­lets at face val­ue.

His uncrit­i­cal embrace of this apoc­a­lyp­tic ver­biage sets the stage for World War III.

Con­sum­mate­ly iron­ic is Biden’s use of the terms “cyn­i­cal” and “obscene” in his dis­missal of the valid­i­ty of Putin’s stat­ed war goal of “De-Naz­i­fi­ca­tion.”

As will be detailed in forth­com­ing pro­grams and posts, then Vice-Pres­i­dent Joe Biden was involved with the net­work­ing through which the Svo­bo­da orga­ni­za­tion and Andriy Paru­biy effect­ed the Maid­an coup.

As the point man in U.S.-Ukrainian rela­tions, Biden bears great respon­si­bil­i­ty for the ascent of the Nazi ele­ments dom­i­nant in con­tem­po­rary Ukraine.

Igor Kolo­moisky is the oli­garch who: Was the pri­ma­ry financier of Zelensky’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign; Owned the tele­vi­sion net­work on which Zelen­sky devel­oped his pub­lic persona—leading to his ascent to the pres­i­den­cy of Ukraine; Was a pri­ma­ry financier of the Azov Bat­tal­ion, one of the most impor­tant Nazi units in the Ukrain­ian mil­i­tary and the par­ent orga­ni­za­tion of the Nation­al Druzhy­na Mili­tia (which served as elec­tion mon­i­tors for Zelensky’s bal­lot run).

Kolo­moisky also main­tained a con­trol­ling inter­est in Buris­ma, the nat­ur­al gas com­pa­ny on which Hunter Biden served as a direc­tor.

It was his posi­tion as a direc­tor of Buris­ma that was the foun­da­tion of his devel­op­ment of an appar­ent U.S./Ukrainian bio­log­i­cal war­fare pro­gram, involv­ing Pen­ta­gon financ­ing and heav­i­ly over­lap­ping the ele­ments fig­ur­ing in Mr. Emory’s “Oswald Insti­tute of Virol­o­gy” expose.

Although heav­i­ly spun–as would be expect­ed from a Dai­ly Mail article–our con­clud­ing sto­ry not only has impor­tant impli­ca­tions for the war in Ukraine, but also res­onates with our long series on “The Oswald Insti­tute of Virol­o­gy.”

We note that there are sig­nif­i­cant con­nec­tions between the agency over­see­ing the Ukrain­ian projects and insti­tu­tions impli­cat­ed in the appar­ent “bio-skull­dug­gery” sur­round­ing the U.S. bio­log­i­cal war­fare gam­bit involv­ing what Mr. Emory has termed “The Oswald Insti­tute of Virol­o­gy.” This is dis­cussed in: FTR#‘s 1157–1159, 1170, 1183 through 1193, and 1215.

The essence of the “Oswald Insti­tute of Virol­o­gy” gam­bit con­cerns the DTRA and Pen­ta­gon fund­ing of bat-borne coro­n­avirus research at the Wuhan Insti­tute of Virol­o­gy, much of it through Peter Dasza­k’s Eco­Health Alliance. Once the research was com­plete, it result­ed in pub­li­ca­tion which includ­ed the genome of the bat virus­es being researched. Using tech­nol­o­gy dis­cussed below, the virus­es were then syn­the­sized from scratch and pop­u­la­tion groups were vec­tored with the same viral strains being researched by the WIV. 

It turns out that Hunter Biden–a mem­ber of the board of direc­tors at Burisma–was instru­men­tal in secur­ing fund­ing for Eco­Health Alliance part­ner Metabio­ta, described in a screen shot of an e‑mail as being “to the DOA what Palan­tir is to CIA.”

Both Eco­Health Alliance and Metabio­ta have been involved with bat-borne coro­n­avirus at the WIV.

Note that–” . . . . ‘His [Hunter Biden’s] father was the Vice Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States and in charge of rela­tions with Ukraine.’ . . .”

Pre­vi­ous­ly we have not­ed then Vice-Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s close rela­tion­ship with U.S. Ambas­sador Geof­frey Pyatt and Ukraina­ian fas­cist Andriy Paru­biy dur­ing the Maid­an coup, which cen­tered on false-flag sniper killings from build­ings con­trolled by Svo­bo­da (for­mer­ly the Social Nation­al Par­ty of Ukraine, found­ed by Paru­biy.)

FTR#‘s 1178 1179, 1180: Fascism and The Uyghur Genocide Myth, Parts 1, 2, 3

The media in this and oth­er coun­tries have been dom­i­nat­ed by a pro­pa­gan­da blitzkrieg alleg­ing “geno­cide” being com­mit­ted by Chi­na in its oil and min­er­al-rich Xin­jiang province against the Turko­phone, Mus­lim minor­i­ty in that region.

This alle­ga­tion is a well-doc­u­ment­ed polit­i­cal mythol­o­gy, which has come to dom­i­nate the polit­i­cal and jour­nal­is­tic nar­ra­tive in the U.S. because of media adher­ence to the pro­nounce­ments of a num­ber of over­lap­ping fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions.

In addi­tion to the dom­i­nance of cov­er­age of Xin­jiang by the Ger­man nation­al Adri­an Zenz, a fel­low trav­el­er of the OUN/B deriv­a­tive Cap­tive Nations Com­mit­tee, the fas­cist mind con­trol cult Falun Gong and ele­ments that have evolved from the Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute of Islam­ic Thought are deeply involved with U.S. intel­li­gence cut-outs that have mid­wived the Uyghur “geno­cide myth.”

Pan-Turk­ist fas­cist ele­ments in Xin­jiang over­lap Al-Qae­da affil­i­ates.

An alleged U.N. report on the geno­cide stems from the alle­ga­tions of the sole Amer­i­can mem­ber of a U.N. pan­el, who pro­vid­ed no cor­rob­o­rat­ing evi­dence.

Key Points of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include:

1.–” . . . . A spokesper­son from the UN Office of the High Com­mis­sion­er for Human Rights (OHCHR) con­firmed in a state­ment to The Gray­zone that the alle­ga­tion of Chi­nese ‘camps’ was not made by the Unit­ed Nations, but rather by a mem­ber of an inde­pen­dent com­mit­tee that does not speak for the UN as a whole. That mem­ber hap­pened to be the only Amer­i­can on the com­mit­tee, and one with no back­ground of schol­ar­ship or research on Chi­na. . . .”
2.–” . . . . This is to say, one Amer­i­can mem­ber of an inde­pen­dent UN body made a provoca­tive claim that Chi­na was intern­ing 1 mil­lion Mus­lims, but failed to pro­vide a sin­gle named source. And Reuters and the West­ern cor­po­rate media ran with it any­way, attribut­ing the unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tions of one US indi­vid­ual to the UN as a whole. . . . ”
3.–” . . . . In addi­tion to this irre­spon­si­ble mis­re­port­ing, Reuters and oth­er West­ern out­lets have attempt­ed to fill in the gaps left by McDougall, refer­ring to reports made by so-called “activist group” the Net­work of Chi­nese Human Rights Defend­ers (CHRD). . . .”
4.–” . . . . How­ev­er, tax doc­u­ments uncov­ered by The Gray­zone show that a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of this group’s bud­get comes from the US government’s Nation­al Endow­ment for Democ­ra­cy (NED), a CIA-linked soft-pow­er group that was found­ed by the Ronald Rea­gan admin­is­tra­tion in the 1980s to push regime change against inde­pen­dent gov­ern­ments and sup­port “free mar­kets” around the world. . . .”

A “Gray Zone” piece from a cou­ple of months ago about a major main­stream pro­mo­tion of the geno­cide claims via a New York Times op-ed writ­ten by an Amer­i­can woman of Uyghur ances­try that more or less regur­gi­tat­ed the geno­cide claims of Adri­an Zenz. The op-ed neglect­ed men­tion that the author, Amelia Pang, was an employ­ee of The Epoch Times from 2011–2016.

That paper is an organ of the Falun Gong cult.

The “Gray Zone” arti­cle does more than detail a major exam­ple of main­stream media cat­a­pult­ing this mis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign.

The arti­cle under­scores how the ‘con­cen­tra­tion camp’ claims from the West sud­den­ly erupt­ed in 2017, after the Trump admin­is­tra­tion basi­cal­ly made a new Cold War with Chi­na a major for­eign pol­i­cy objec­tive in keep­ing with Steve Bannon’s vision of a new Great Pow­ers war.

Key Points of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include:

1.–” . . . . The author of the New York Times op-ed, Amelia Pang, hap­pens to be a for­mer employ­ee of the Epoch Times, a far-right pro­pa­gan­da arm of a fanat­i­cal anti-Chi­na cult called Falun Gong. . . .”
2.–” . . . . Pang’s op-ed ran just days before the Trump admin­is­tra­tion for­mal­ly accused Bei­jing of geno­cide. US Sec­re­tary of State Mike Pom­peo, a far-right rap­ture-ready evan­gel­i­cal, alleged that Chi­na ‘has com­mit­ted geno­cide against the pre­dom­i­nant­ly Mus­lim Uyghurs and oth­er eth­nic and reli­gious minor­i­ty groups in Xin­jiang.’ The Pom­peo State Depart­ment pro­vid­ed no evi­dence to bol­ster its extreme accu­sa­tions, yet alleged that China’s cam­paign of ‘geno­cide’ began in March 2017. . . .”
3.–” . . . . The report both Pang and NPR were cit­ing was not a Unit­ed Nations doc­u­ment, but rather an inves­ti­ga­tion by a far-right Ger­man aca­d­e­m­ic named Adri­an Zenz. . . .”
4.–” . . . . To make her case that the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment was guilty of “geno­cide,” Pang mis­lead­ing­ly implied that the Unit­ed Nations has accused Chi­na of the crime – a dis­in­for­ma­tion tac­tic that has become com­mon in anti-Chi­na report­ing in the West­ern media. But the UN has not done so. . . . ”
5.–” . . . . As Ajit Singh and Max Blu­men­thal report­ed for The Gray­zone, Zenz’s esti­mate that ‘over 1 mil­lion’ Mus­lim minori­ties are held in ‘con­cen­tra­tion camps’ in Xin­jiang was based on a lone report by Istiqlal TV, an Islamist media out­let run by Uyghur sep­a­ratists based in Turkey. The out­let pro­vides a friend­ly plat­form for extrem­ist sup­port­ers of the East Turkestan Islam­ic Move­ment (ETIM), a sep­a­ratist group that seeks to build an Islam­ic state in Xin­jiang, which it calls East Turkestan. ...”
6.–” . . . . ETIM, also known as the Turk­istan Islam­ic Par­ty (TIP), is an al-Qae­da-linked extrem­ist mili­tia that has car­ried out numer­ous ter­ror­ist attacks in Xin­jiang. ETIM, also known as the Turk­istan Islam­ic Par­ty (TIP), is an al-Qae­da-linked extrem­ist mili­tia that has car­ried out numer­ous ter­ror­ist attacks in Xin­jiang. It is rec­og­nized as a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion by the Unit­ed Nations, Euro­pean Union, and many coun­tries. Pompeo’s State Depart­ment removed ETIM from the US government’s offi­cial ter­ror­ist list in Octo­ber 2020, as part of Washington’s inten­si­fy­ing cold war on Chi­na. . . .”
7.–” . . . . The pho­to Pang ref­er­enced has been heav­i­ly cir­cu­lat­ed by West­ern media out­lets and NGOs, and is upheld as prac­ti­cal­ly the only image prov­ing the exis­tence of ‘con­cen­tra­tion camps’ run by Bei­jing. This char­ac­ter­i­za­tion is how­ev­er deeply mis­lead­ing. The pho­to was not tak­en by some coura­geous pris­on­er or cru­sad­ing inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist; it was pub­lished by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment itself, in a press release from 2014 — three years before the State Depart­ment claimed the ‘geno­cide’ began in Xin­jiang. In fact, the orig­i­nal image was pub­lished on the Xin­jiang Bureau of Justice’s own WeChat account, with a water­mark iden­ti­fy­ing it as an offi­cial pho­to tak­en by Chi­nese author­i­ties. West­ern anti-Chi­na pro­pa­gan­dists have sub­se­quent­ly cropped off the water­mark and pre­sent­ed the pho­to as proof of Chi­na caught in the act. . . .”
8.–” . . . . At the top of her per­son­al web­site, Amelia Pang adver­tis­es her book, ‘Made in Chi­na: A Pris­on­er, an SOS Let­ter, and the Hid­den Cost of America’s Cheap Goods,’ which is due in Feb­ru­ary 2021. The book’s home­page high­lights a blurb writ­ten by Orville Schell . . . . Schell also has an eye­brow-rais­ing record of work at the Ford Foun­da­tion, a CIA cut-out, in Indone­sia from 1964 to 1966, at pre­cise­ly the time when the country’s US-backed mil­i­tary dic­ta­tor­ship was enact­ing an actu­al geno­cide. With help from the CIA, Indonesia’s dic­ta­tor Suhar­to mur­dered between 1 and 3 mil­lion com­mu­nists, left-wing sym­pa­thiz­ers, labor orga­niz­ers, and eth­nic Chi­nese peo­ple, in what the CIA pri­vate­ly admit­ted was ‘one of the worst mass mur­ders of the 20th cen­tu­ry,’ along­side the Nazi Holo­caust. . . .”

Anti-Asian racism is very much at the fore­front of pub­lic con­scious­ness at the moment. It would be disin­gen­u­ous for any­one to claim that the phe­nom­e­non  was unre­lat­ed to the full-court press against Chi­na.

Exem­pli­fy­ing that racism is a mem­ber of the Pan-Turk­ist fas­cist MHP par­ty, which is front and cen­ter in the anti-Uighur desta­bi­liza­tion effort and the prop­a­ga­tion of the “geno­cide” myth. (We have dis­cussed Pan-Turk­ist fas­cism in–among oth­er programs–AFA #14  and FTR #59.)

“. . . . . In 2015, mem­bers of the MHP-affil­i­at­ed Grey Wolves for­mer­ly led by Alparslan Türkes attacked South Kore­an tourists in Turkey, mis­tak­ing them for Chi­nese cit­i­zens, in protest of the sit­u­a­tion in Xin­jiang. Turk­ish MHP par­ty leader Devlet Bahçeli defend­ed the attacks. ‘How are you going to dif­fer­en­ti­ate between Kore­an and Chi­nese?’ the right­ist politi­cian ques­tioned. ‘They both have slant­ed eyes. Does it real­ly mat­ter?’ . . . .”

Yet anoth­er inci­sive, coura­geous arti­cle about the myth of Uighur geno­cide was pub­lished by “The Gray­zone” in March.

The vehi­cle for launch­ing this pro­pa­gan­da is The New­lines Insti­tute, a sub­sidiary ele­ment of Fair­fax Uni­ver­si­ty of Amer­i­ca.

The founder of New­lines Insti­tute is Ahmed Alwani, Vice-Pres­i­dent of the Inter­na­tion­al Islam­ic Insti­tute, one of the orga­ni­za­tions raid­ed by Trea­sury Depart­ment and FBI agents on 3/20/2002 for alleged­ly fund­ing Al-Qae­da and oth­er Mus­lim-Broth­er­hood linked ter­ror­ist groups.

Key Ele­ments of Dis­cus­sion and Analy­sis Include: 

1.–” . . . . The report, pub­lished on March 8 by the New­lines Insti­tute for Strat­e­gy and Pol­i­cy, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Raoul Wal­len­berg Cen­tre for Human Rights, fol­lows a last-minute accu­sa­tion made in Jan­u­ary by the out­go­ing Trump admin­is­tra­tion, along with sim­i­lar dec­la­ra­tions by the Dutch and Cana­di­an Par­lia­ments. It was pub­lished short­ly after the release of a remark­ably sim­i­lar report on Feb­ru­ary 8 that was com­mis­sioned by the US gov­ern­ment-backed World Uyghur Con­gress, and which alleged that there is a ‘cred­i­ble case’ against the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment for geno­cide. . . .”
2.–” . . . . Ahmed Alwani is the founder and pres­i­dent of the New­lines Insti­tute. Alwani pre­vi­ous­ly served on the advi­so­ry board for the U.S. military’s Africa Com­mand (AFRICOM) and is the Vice Pres­i­dent of the Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute of Islam­ic Thought (IIIT); his father, Taha Jabir Al-Alwani was one of IIIT’s founders. . . .”
3.–” . . . . New­lines’ report relies pri­mar­i­ly on the dubi­ous stud­ies of Adri­an Zenz, the US gov­ern­ment pro­pa­gan­da out­let, Radio Free Asia, and claims made by the US-fund­ed sep­a­ratist net­work, the World Uyghur Con­gress. These three sources com­prise more than one-third of the ref­er­ences used to con­struct the fac­tu­al basis of the doc­u­ment, with Zenz as the most heav­i­ly relied upon source – cit­ed on more than 50 occa­sions. Many of the remain­ing ref­er­ences cite the work of mem­bers of New­lines Institute’s Uyghur Schol­ars Work­ing Group’, of which Zenz is a found­ing mem­ber and which is made up of a small group of aca­d­e­mics who col­lab­o­rate with him and sup­port his con­clu­sions. . . .”
4.–” . . . . The lead­er­ship of New­lines Insti­tute includes for­mer US State Depart­ment offi­cials, US mil­i­tary advi­sors, intel­li­gence pro­fes­sion­als who pre­vi­ous­ly worked for the “shad­ow CIA” pri­vate spy­ing firm, Strat­for, and a col­lec­tion of inter­ven­tion­ist ide­o­logues. . . .”
5.–” . . . . Just days before New­lines Institute’s report on Chi­na was released, its FXUA’s accred­i­ta­tion was once again in poten­tial jeop­ardy. On March 5, an advi­so­ry board to the US Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion rec­om­mend­ed ter­mi­nat­ing recog­ni­tion for ACICS. The Nation­al Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee on Insti­tu­tion­al Qual­i­ty and Integri­ty vot­ed 11-to‑1 to rec­om­mend that ACICS lose the fed­er­al recog­ni­tion it needs to oper­ate. The advi­so­ry com­mit­tee made the same rec­om­men­da­tion in 2016, lead­ing to the ACICS’s recog­ni­tion being revoked under the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion, before recog­ni­tion was restored to the trou­bled accred­i­tor in 2018 by then-Pres­i­dent Trump’s Sec­re­tary of Edu­ca­tion, the infa­mous pri­va­ti­za­tion activist and oli­garch Bet­sy Devos. . . .”
6.–” . . . . New­lines Insti­tute pub­lished its report in col­lab­o­ra­tion with The Raoul Wal­len­berg Cen­tre for Human Rights. The report’s prin­ci­pal author, Yon­ah Dia­mond, is legal coun­sel for The Wal­len­berg Cen­ter, and many of the report’s sig­na­to­ries hold affil­i­a­tions with the orga­ni­za­tion. . . .”
7.–” . . . . The Wal­len­berg Cen­tre has become a haven for anti-Chi­na hawks, includ­ing Senior Fel­lows David Kil­go­ur, for­mer Cana­di­an Sec­re­tary of State, and David Matas. . . . Kil­go­ur and Matas have exten­sive ties to the far-right, anti-Chi­na reli­gious cult Falun Gong. Both men are reg­u­lar­ly con­trib­u­tors to the group’s pro­pa­gan­da arm, The Epoch Times, a media net­work that The New York Times has described as an ‘anti-Chi­na, pro-Trump media empire’ and ‘lead­ing pur­vey­or of right-wing mis­in­for­ma­tion’. . . . ”

The pro­gram con­cludes with dis­cus­sion of the Wal­len­berg fam­i­ly, one of Swe­den’s most promi­nent indus­tri­al clans and inex­tri­ca­bly linked with both the inter­na­tion­al car­tel sys­tem, the Third Reich and–as we see below–the remark­able and dead­ly Bor­mann flight cap­i­tal orga­ni­za­tion.

The Wal­len­bergs were cen­tral­ly involved in numer­ous cloak­ing oper­a­tions for Nazi big busi­ness, and also had strong links to the Allied indus­tri­al firms under­tak­ing war pro­duc­tion.

(The sub­stance and com­plex­i­ties of the car­tel sys­tem and inter­na­tion­al fas­cism were dis­cussed in–among oth­er programs–FTR#511. The over­all polit­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal con­text in which the car­tels operate–globalization–is ana­lyzed in the intro­duc­tion to the Books for Down­load sec­tion.)

Exem­pli­fy­ing the fam­i­ly’s posi­tion in the Wall Street/cartel pan­theon is George Mur­nane of the Wal­len­berg hold­ing com­pa­ny A.B. Investor: ” . . . . In Novem­ber 1940, a vot­ing trust agree­ment was set up in the Unit­ed States under which George Mur­nane was des­ig­nat­ed by the Wal­len­bergs’ Enskil­da Bank as the sole vot­ing trustee with com­plete pow­er to vote the Amer­i­can Bosch stock at stock­hold­ers’ meet­ings in the Unit­ed States. The vot­ing trust arrange­ment pro­vid­ed that if George Mur­nane should die, his suc­ces­sor should be named by John Fos­ter Dulles, senior part­ner of Sul­li­van & Cromwell, the law firm which rep­re­sents the Wal­len­bergs and the Enskil­da Bank in the Unit­ed States. . . .”

One of the most sig­nif­i­cant of the Wal­len­bergs’ oper­a­tions con­cerned its glob­al monop­oly on ball bear­ings and its ship­ment of Swedish bear­ings to off­set Nazi Ger­many’s loss­es in the cost­ly Schwe­in­furt raids.

” . . . . It hap­pened that two thirds of Ger­many’s entire bear­ing indus­try was con­cen­trat­ed in a sin­gle group of four fac­to­ries at Schwe­in­furt. Three of them, account­ing for 36 per cent of Ger­many’s pro­duc­tive capac­i­ty, were owned by VKF; and one, account­ing for 30 per cent of Ger­man capac­i­ty, was owned by the only remain­ing large inde­pen­dent, Fis­ch­er A.G.

When Amer­i­can air forces bombed Schwe­in­furt dur­ing the war, in an effort to knock out this strate­gic point in Ger­man indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion, Schwe­in­furt was dis­cov­ered to be one of the most heav­i­ly defend­ed spots in Ger­many. Ger­man defens­es inflict­ed a loss of fifty Amer­i­can heavy bombers in one raid alone. When these raids tem­porar­i­ly knocked out Schwe­in­furt, the effect was large­ly nul­li­fied by ship­ments of bear­ings from SKF in Swe­den. . . .”

It is this her­itage that under­lies the Wal­len­berg Cen­tre for Human Rights.

Tibet: AOC Soils Her Diapers (Never Overestimate a Space Cadet from the Bronx)

Demon­strat­ing her lack of his­tor­i­cal and polit­i­cal aware­ness, AOC has lent her voice to the anti-Chi­na, CIA-linked pro­pa­gan­da cho­rus, call­ing for Tibet’s “inde­pen­dence” from Chi­na. As we have seen in past pro­grams, AOC has derived her polit­i­cal momen­tum from her cam­paign man­ag­er and chief of staff Saikat Chakrabar­ti, an acolyte of Indi­an fas­cist Sub­has Chan­dra Bose–“The Duce of Ben­gal.” We have cov­ered Tibet and the Dalai Lama in numer­ous pro­grams, includ­ing FTR #‘s 547, 548 and 842, not­ing the Dalai Lama’s pro­found links to SS officers–some of them Class A war criminals–and the CIA. He prays dai­ly to a Mon­go­lian War God. We have also high­light­ed the nature of the regime rep­re­sent­ed by the Dalai Lama: “In the Dalai Lama’s Tibet, tor­ture and mutilation—including eye goug­ing, the pulling out of tongues, ham­string­ing, and amputation–were favored pun­ish­ments inflict­ed upon run­away serfs and thieves. Jour­ney­ing through Tibet in the 1960s, Stu­art and Roma Gelder inter­viewed a for­mer serf, Tsereh Wang Tuei, who had stolen two sheep belong­ing to a monastery. For this he had both his eyes gouged out and his hand muti­lat­ed beyond use. He explains that he no longer is a Bud­dhist: ‘When a holy lama told them to blind me I thought there was no good in reli­gion.’ Since it was against Bud­dhist teach­ings to take human life, some offend­ers were severe­ly lashed and then ‘left to God’ in the freez­ing night to die. ‘The par­al­lels between Tibet and medieval Europe are strik­ing,’ con­cludes Tom Grun­feld in his book on Tibet. In 1959, Anna Louise Strong vis­it­ed an exhi­bi­tion of tor­ture equip­ment that had been used by the Tibetan over­lords. There were hand­cuffs of all sizes, includ­ing small ones for chil­dren, and instru­ments for cut­ting off noses and ears, goug­ing out eyes, and break­ing off hands. There were instru­ments for slic­ing off kneecaps and heels, or ham­string­ing legs. There were hot brands, whips, and spe­cial imple­ments for dis­em­bow­el­ing. . . .”

FTR#1176 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

As the title indi­cates, this broad­cast updates old sub­jects of inquiry and intro­duces new sto­ries.

Con­tin­u­ing reflec­tions on the “Capi­tol Riot” of 1/6/2021, the pro­gram reviews and flesh­es out Nazi links to the 9/11 attacks, this in the con­text of George W. Bush’s rhap­sodiz­ing about the “peace­ful trans­fer of pow­er” in this coun­try.

We call atten­tion to a num­ber of things:

1.–What hap­pened in Wash­ing­ton D.C. on 1/6/2021 was not fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fer­ent from the “Brooks Broth­ers Riot” in Flori­da that aid­ed the theft of the 2000 elec­tion. Orga­nized by Trump flak catch­er Roger Stone, that inci­dent and the efforts of cur­rent Supreme Court Jus­tices John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Bar­rett saw to it that Shrub would inher­it his father’s Pres­i­den­tial man­tle.

2.–In the wake of the Capi­tol Riot, the “Opin­ing Heads” raised the sub­ject of the Turn­er Diaries and its fore­shad­ow­ing of fas­cist vio­lence. In 1998, the author of that tome,–William Luther Pierce–explicitly fore­shad­owed the 9/11 attacks which defined and cement­ed Dubya’s admin­is­tra­tion. “ . . . . In one chill­ing com­men­tary Pierce, (after not­ing that Bin Laden and the rest of the lost gen­er­a­tion of angry Moslem youth had it with their par­ents’ com­pro­mis­es and were hell bent on revenge against infi­del Amer­i­ca) issued this stark, prophet­ic warn­ing in a 1998 radio address titled, ‘Stay Out of Tall Build­ings.’ ‘New York­ers who work in tall office build­ings any­thing close to the size of the World Trade Cen­ter might con­sid­er wear­ing hard hats . . .’ Pierce warned.’ . . . The run­ning theme in Pierce’s com­men­taries is—to para­phrase his hero Hitler—that Osama Bin Laden’s warn­ing to Amer­i­ca is ‘I Am Com­ing.’ And so is bio-ter­ror­ism.’ . . .”

3.– In (among oth­er pro­grams) FTR #186–the last pro­gram record­ed in 1999–Mr. Emory not­ed that George W. Bush’s first busi­ness venture–Arbusto Energy–was cap­i­tal­ized by the fam­i­ly of Osama Bin Laden.

4.–Also in FTR #456, we also not­ed that Fran­cois Genoud was a key finan­cial advis­er to the Bin Laden fam­i­ly. One of the most impor­tant fig­ures in the Nazi dias­po­ra, Genoud was the heir to the col­lect­ed works and polit­i­cal last will and tes­ta­ment of: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Mar­tin Bor­mann. “ . . . . Accord­ing to [finan­cial expert Ernest] Back­es’ infor­ma­tion, the trail leads to Switzer­land, to the accounts of an orga­ni­za­tion that was found­ed by the late lawyer Fran­cois Genoud and evi­dent­ly still sur­vives. Says Back­es, ‘One of the grounds for accu­sa­tion is that this Swiss attor­ney had the clos­est con­nec­tions with the Bin Laden fam­i­ly, that he was an advi­sor to the fam­i­ly, one of its invest­ment bankers. It’s known for cer­tain, that he sup­port­ed ter­ror­ism and was the estate execu­tor for Hitler and part of the ter­ror milieu.’ . . .”

5.–The Bank Al-Taqwa had an account for Al Qaeda’s oper­a­tions with an unlim­it­ed line of cred­it. Also in FTR#456, we not­ed that Al Taqwa chief (and for­mer Nazi intel­li­gence agent) Youssef Nada helped the Grand Mufti escape from Europe in the after­math of World War II. “ . . . . Anoth­er val­ued World War II Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tor was Youssef Nada, cur­rent board chair­man of al-Taqwa (Nada Man­age­ment), the Lugano, Switzer­land, Liecht­en­stein, and Bahamas-based finan­cial ser­vices out­fit accused by the US Trea­sury Depart­ment of mon­ey laun­der­ing for and financ­ing of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qae­da. As a young man, he had joined the armed branch of the secret appa­ra­tus’ (al-jihaz al-sir­ri) of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and then was recruit­ed by Ger­man mil­i­tary intel­li­gence. When Grand Mufti el-Hus­sei­ni had to flee Ger­many in 1945 as the Nazi defeat loomed, Nada report­ed­ly was instru­men­tal in arrang­ing the escape via Switzer­land back to Egypt and even­tu­al­ly Pales­tine, where el-Hus­sei­ni resur­faced in 1946.) . . . .”

6.–The San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle report­ed that: “ . . . . Author­i­ties believe Genoud found­ed Al Taqwa Bank and allo­cat­ed its resources to sup­port inter­na­tion­al ter­ror­ists such as Vladimir Ilich Ramirez, alias Car­los the Jack­al, and Bin Laden. . . . .”

7.–One of the most impor­tant ele­ments in the inves­tiga­tive trail lead­ing to and from the 9/11 attacks is SICO–the Swiss-based hold­ing com­pa­ny that man­ages the Bin Laden fam­i­ly inter­ests. Here, too, we see the influ­ence of Genoud: “ . . . . This com­pa­ny, estab­lished by the bin Ladens in 1980, is the flag­ship for the group’s activ­i­ties in Europe. It is head­ed by Yeslam bin Laden, and the board of direc­tors is made up almost exclu­sive­ly of mem­bers of the fam­i­ly clan, except for a Swiss cit­i­zen, Bau­doin Dunand. This well-known lawyer from French-speak­ing Switzer­land, who is on the boards of sev­er­al dozen com­pa­nies, came to pub­lic notice in 1983 when he agreed to rep­re­sent the Swiss banker Fran­cois Genoud, a con­tro­ver­sial fig­ure who had been a dis­ci­ple of Hitler . . . .”

Anoth­er of the croc­o­diles shed­ding tears in the after­math of the Capi­tol Riot was Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger, who com­pared the events of 1/6/2021 to Kristall­nacht. In FTR #492, we detailed Schwarzeneg­ger’s links to William Arm­stead Robin­son, who may well be a political/financial cat’s paw for the dead­ly Bor­mann net­work.

Next, we note that Mer­rick Gar­land has been con­firmed as Attor­ney Gen­er­al. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he had been the fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor in the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing. Numer­ous evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries were not investigated–those evi­den­tiary ele­ments led in the direc­tion of a much wider con­spir­a­cy.

Gar­land failed to inves­ti­gate pro­found links between the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing, the 1993 World Trade Cen­ter Bomb­ing and the 9/11 attacks.

Gar­land also failed to pur­sue the appar­ent role of Andreas Strass­meier in the bomb­ing.

9/11 Attacks’ Links to OKC Bomb­ing detailed in FTR#456 Include:

1.–A motel at which wit­ness­es saw Tim­o­thy McVeigh in the com­pa­ny of a num­ber of Mid­dle East­ern men/Arabs, includ­ing Mohamed Atta and “20th hijack­er” Zac­cha­rias Mous­saoui. Mous­saoui was rep­re­sent­ed by Jacques Verges, a pro­tege of Fran­cois Genoud (see above).

2.–Andreas Strass­meier’s appar­ent pur­suit of a Lufthansa sur­plus Boing 747.

3.–Philippine intel­li­gence agent Edwin Ange­les’ report of a meet­ing in the Philip­pines involv­ing Ramzi Youssef (mas­ter­mind of the first attack on the World Trade Cen­ter.

Next, we not­ed the refusal of Ukraine to extra­dite an accused mur­der­er, who had fought with Pravy Sek­tor (Right Sec­tor) in Ukraine.

Anoth­er out­crop­ping of Ukrain­ian fas­cism is man­i­fest­ing in the full-court pro­pa­gan­da press against Chi­na. Adri­an Zenz has become the “Go-To” source for U.S. polit­i­cal and media fig­ures on the polit­i­cal fan­ta­sy of Chi­nese “geno­cide” against the Uighurs.

The mil­i­tary coup in Myan­mar has been wide­ly report­ed on, how­ev­er there has been lit­tle dis­cus­sion of the pos­si­ble effect of the coup on Chi­na, which bor­ders that benight­ed nation and has part­nered with the deposed civil­ian gov­ern­ment on eco­nom­ic projects.

We con­clude with analy­sis of the Japan­ese fas­cist cult Hap­py Sci­ence, and their rein­force­ment of offi­cial Japan­ese his­tor­i­cal revi­sion­ism.

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