Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

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FTR #1006 Robert Mueller and the Subversion of Operation Green Quest

This pro­gram is a “pre­quel” to upcom­ing analy­sis of the fun­da­men­tal dynam­ics of the “Rus­sia-Gate” psy-op, which is inex­tri­ca­bly linked with the Ukraine cri­sis, the deep pol­i­tics of U.S. “black-ops,” the Under­ground Reich, the 9/11 attacks and the House of Haps­burg [or Habsburg–one will find both spellings.]

As can be read­i­ly imag­ined, this will be quite a bicy­cle ride, and will take a cou­ple of pro­grams, plus some dili­gent fol­low­ing of linked infor­ma­tion, to absorb.

Robert Mueller is a very, very “spe­cial” pros­e­cu­tor indeed. In fact, he is not a “pros­e­cu­tor” at all–he is a fix­er. Charged with the legal untan­gling of numer­ous, over­lap­ping crim­i­nal con­spir­a­cies involv­ing pow­er­ful ele­ments of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty deal­ing drugs and engag­ing in, or enabling ter­ror­ism, Mueller has been “less than vig­or­ous” in his inves­ti­ga­tions.

Most sig­nif­i­cant­ly for our pur­pos­es, the inves­ti­ga­tions he has overseen–read “overlooked”–are pro­gres­sive­ly over­lapped. From Iran-Con­tra relat­ed inves­ti­ga­tions into the Bank of Com­merce and Cred­it Inter­na­tion­al, the crim­i­nal career of Manuel Nor­ie­ga and the bomb­ing of Pan Am 103, to indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions fig­ur­ing in the nascent ener­gy ven­tures of George W. Bush, to the financ­ing of Al-Qae­da, Mueller’s judi­cial provinces lead direct­ly to the Rus­sia-Gate psy-op, whose ele­ments fig­ure in the mosa­ic of the 9/11 attacks.

The pro­gres­sion of scan­dals obfus­cat­ed by Mueller include:

1.–BCCI–Dubbed by wags “The Bank of Crooks and Crim­i­nals,” BCCI was used by Oliv­er North and the Iran-Con­tra milieu for some of their oper­a­tions, in addi­tion to serv­ing as a finan­cial vehi­cle for the financ­ing of ter­ror­ism. Mueller did not pur­sue the U.S./Reagan admin­is­tra­tion ele­ments involved in the Bank’s oper­a­tions.
2.–Manuel Noriega–Another of the play­ers in the Iran-Con­tra drug deal­ing, Nor­ie­ga’s pros­e­cu­tion cir­cum­nav­i­gat­ed the Pana­man­ian dic­ta­tor’s oper­a­tions on behalf of the U.S. nation­al estab­lish­ment that orig­i­nal­ly placed him in pow­er.
3.–The bomb­ing of Pan Am 103–alleged by the insur­ance inves­ti­ga­tor’s report to have been exe­cut­ed by Monz­er Al-Kas­sar, the bomb­ing killed a team of mil­i­tary intel­li­gence offi­cers who had come across some of the Iran-Con­tra play­ers and their deal­ings with ter­ror­ists. Al-Kas­sar was report­ed by the DEA to bring 20% of the hero­in into the Unit­ed States. Al-Kas­sar was used by Oliv­er North for some of his ship­ments of weapons to the Con­tras.
4.–Operation Green Quest–The inves­ti­ga­tion into the financ­ing of Al-Qae­da, the inquest pro­duced the raids of 3/20/2002. These raids tar­get­ed indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions over­lap­ping both the Bank Al-Taqwa and the Islam­ic Free Mar­ket Insti­tute of Grover Norquist. The Bank Al-Taqwa held an account with an unlim­it­ed line of cred­it for Al-Qae­da. Incor­po­rat­ed in Liecht­en­stein, Al-Taqwa was head­ed by a for­mer Nazi intel­li­gence offi­cer named Youssef Nada. The dri­ving force behind the Bank Al-Taqwa was Fran­cois Genoud, the heir to the polit­i­cal last will and tes­ta­ment and col­lect­ed lit­er­ary works of Adolf Hitler, Mar­tin Bor­mann and Joseph Goebbels. Talat Oth­man, the oper­at­ing direc­tor of Norquist’s Islam­ic Free Mar­ket Insti­tute and pro­tege of BCCI king­pin Gaith Pharaon, inter­ced­ed with then Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Paul O’Neill on behalf of the indi­vid­u­als and insti­tu­tions tar­get­ed by the 3/20/2002 raids. O’Neill was fired lat­er that year. The Oper­a­tion Green Quest inves­ti­ga­tion went nowhere and then FBI direc­tor Robert Mueller did not pur­sue any of the above leads.

This con­cate­na­tion is com­plex and, with­out research, opaque. For more about Oper­a­tion Green Quest, the role of Robert Mueller’s FBI in the sub­ver­sion of Oper­a­tion Green Quest, see FTR #‘s 356, 357, 415, 433, 454, 456, 462, 464, 467, 498, 499, 513, 569, 603.

In our next two pro­grams, we will be look­ing at the Al Taqwa com­plex and Liecht­en­stein, where it was incor­po­rat­ed. It was head­ed by Youssef Nada, whose CV we review for con­ve­nience. ” . . . . . . . . But Yussef Nada is even bet­ter-known to the Egypt­ian [intel­li­gence] ser­vices, who have evi­dence of his mem­ber­ship in the armed branch of the fra­ter­ni­ty of the Mus­lim Broth­ers in the 1940’s. At that time, accord­ing to the same sources, he was work­ing for the Abwehr under Admi­ral Canaris and took part in a plot against King Farouk. Mr. This was not the first time that the path of the Mus­lim Broth­ers crossed that of the ser­vants of the Third Reich. . . . ”

We will also be look­ing at the polit­i­cal envi­ron­ment of the Carl Duis­berg Soci­ety, which is allied with the Alfa Fel­low­ship, which appears to be some­thing of an MBA pro­gram for the Alfa Con­glom­er­ate and the Alfa Bank, major focal points of our upcom­ing inquiry.

The Carl Duis­berg Soci­ety, which shep­herd­ed Atta into the U.S. is now part of the Cul­tur­al Vis­tas orga­ni­za­tion, which includes the Alfa Fel­low­ship. ” . . . . In the 1920’s, Carl Duis­berg, Gen­er­al Direc­tor of Bay­er AG in Ger­many, envi­sioned send­ing Ger­man stu­dents to the Unit­ed States on work-study pro­grams. Duis­berg was con­vinced that inter­na­tion­al prac­ti­cal train­ing was crit­i­cal to the growth of Ger­man indus­try. Many of the return­ing trainees lat­er rose to promi­nent posi­tions at AEG, Bay­er, Bosch, Daim­ler Benz, and Siemens, bring­ing with them new meth­ods for mass pro­duc­tion, new ideas, and new busi­ness prac­tices. [This places them in the heart of Third Reich indus­try and war production–D.E.] Fol­low­ing World War II, alum­ni from the first exchanges found­ed the Carl Duis­berg Gesellschaft (CDG) in 1949 to help engi­neers, busi­ness­men and farm­ers gain inter­na­tion­al work expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary for the rebuild­ing of Ger­many . . . .”

Of the incor­po­ra­tion of CDS into cul­tur­al Vis­tas and the sub­se­quent devel­op­ment of the orga­ni­za­tion, we read: ” . . . . The orga­ni­za­tion was offi­cial­ly incor­po­rat­ed as a non­prof­it in 1963. In Jan­u­ary 2011, Cul­tur­al Vis­tas was formed after a non­prof­it merg­er between two long­stand­ing exchange orga­ni­za­tions: the Asso­ci­a­tion for Inter­na­tion­al Prac­ti­cal Train­ing (AIPT) and CDS Inter­na­tion­al. . . .”

. . . . In 1968, the Carl Duis­berg Soci­ety was found­ed in New York City as a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion designed to rekin­dle Duisberg’s orig­i­nal exchanges and to facil­i­tate inter­na­tion­al career train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for Amer­i­cans and Ger­mans. The name was offi­cial­ly changed to CDS Inter­na­tion­al in 1987 to reflect the organization’s increas­ing­ly inter­na­tion­al nature of its pro­grams beyond Ger­many to include part­ners in oth­er Euro­pean coun­tries, Asia and Latin Amer­i­ca. . . .’

It comes as no sur­prise that, accord­ing to the BKA, Mohamed Atta’s asso­ciates in South Flori­da includ­ed the chil­dren of promi­nent Ger­man indus­tri­al­ists.

FTR #966 Dramatis Personae of the Russia-Gate Psy-Op

Devel­op­ing infor­ma­tion about the cast of char­ac­ters in the “Rus­sia-Gate” psy-op, we high­light the polit­i­cal alle­giance of “Team Trump”–the oper­a­tives involved with Trump’s cam­paign and busi­ness deal­ings with Rus­sia, as well as Robert Mueller, for­mer FBI chief and a very spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor indeed.

Although Trump cer­tain­ly had links to Russ­ian mob fig­ures, they are by no means the prime movers in this dra­ma.

Most impor­tant­ly, we detail the polit­i­cal resumes and deep pol­i­tics under­ly­ing the cast of char­ac­ters in this dra­ma, track­ing the oper­a­tional links back to Joe McCarthy and the red-bait­ing spe­cial­ists from the first Cold War.

Joe McCarthy legal point man Roy Cohn is, to a con­sid­er­able extent, the spi­der at the cen­ter of this web. Cohn:

1.-Was Trump’s attor­ney for much of “The Don­ald’s” pro­fes­sion­al life.
2.-Introduced Trump cam­paign man­ag­er and dirty tricks spe­cial­ist Roger Stone to the seat­ed Pres­i­dent.
3.-Was instru­men­tal in arrang­ing for a bribe which made “inde­pen­dent” Repub­li­can John Ander­son the Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date for the Lib­er­al Par­ty in New York. This gam­bit gave Rea­gan a key vic­to­ry in New York. Cohn and Stone’s asso­ciate in this oper­a­tion was Antho­ny “Fat Tony” Salerno–one of Cohn’s mob clients and among Don­ald Trump’s orga­nized crime asso­ciates as well.
4.-Was the point man for intro­duc­ing Rupert Mur­doch to Ronald Rea­gan and forg­ing the right-wing media attack machine that dom­i­nates today, the most promi­nent ele­ment of which is Fox News.

Roger Stone is anoth­er fig­ure who weaves through­out this con­cate­na­tion. Stone:

1.-Was Don­ald Trump’s cam­paign man­ag­er and lat­er dirty tricks oper­a­tive, who net­worked with Wik­iLeaks go-between for the Trump/Alt-right crew.
2.-Was tout­ing Lib­er­tar­i­an Par­ty can­di­date Gary John­son. John­son and Jill Stein were advo­cat­ed for by Stone as par­tic­i­pants in the debates between Hillary Clin­ton and Trump. (John­son and Stein’s com­bined vote total helped Trump win in sev­er­al key states.)
3.-Worked with Roy Cohn to put “inde­pen­dent” Repub­li­can John Ander­son the Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date for the Lib­er­al Par­ty in New York. This gam­bit gave Rea­gan a key vic­to­ry in New York, as not­ed above.

The point man for the Trump busi­ness inter­ests in their deal­ings with Rus­sia is Felix Sater. A Russ­ian-born immi­grant, Sater is a pro­fes­sion­al crim­i­nal and a con­vict­ed felon with his­tor­i­cal links to the Mafia. Beyond that, and more impor­tant­ly, Sater is an FBI infor­mant and a CIA con­tract agent. As the media firestorm around “Rus­sia-gate” builds, it is impor­tant not to lose sight of Sater. ” . . . . He [Sater] also pro­vid­ed oth­er pur­port­ed nation­al secu­ri­ty ser­vices for a report­ed fee of $300,000. Sto­ries abound as to what else Sater may or may not have done in the are­na of nation­al secu­ri­ty. . . .” We won­der if help­ing the “Rus­sia-Gate” op may have been one of those.

Beyond Sater, oth­er key play­ers in this con­cate­na­tion do not track back to “Kremlin/Putin/FSB/KGB.” Rob Goldstone–the pub­li­cist whose over­ture to Don­ald Trump, Jr. ini­ti­at­ed the lat­est “Rus­sia-gate jour­nal­is­tic feed­ing fren­zy in the media, began his career a jour­nal­is­tic foot sol­dier for Rupert Mur­doch, the very same Rupert Mur­doch whose chris­ten­ing as a GOP/right-wing pro­pa­gan­dist was ini­ti­at­ed by Roy Cohn.

Gold­stone con­tact­ed Don­ald Trump Jr., dan­gling the bait that there might be dirt on Hillary avail­able if he met with some asso­ciates. Fore­most among those is a Russ­ian attor­ney, Natal­ie Vesel­nit­skaya. Her appar­ent pur­pose in this meet­ing was not to offer up dirt on Hillary Clin­ton but to work toward eas­ing a media lock­down on a doc­u­men­tary about the Mag­nit­sky affair.

Spun in the West, the U.S. in par­tic­u­lar, as a clas­sic exam­ple of ham-fist­ed Russ­ian cor­rup­tion and vio­lence, the Mag­nit­sky affair was revealed in the film doc­u­men­tary to be an exam­ple of U.S. cor­rup­tion, not Russ­ian.

Craft­ed by Putin polit­i­cal oppo­nent Andrei Nekrasov, the film revealed an unex­pect­ed dynam­ic: ” . . . . Nekrasov dis­cov­ered that a woman work­ing in Browder’s com­pa­ny was the actu­al whistle­blow­er and that Mag­nit­sky – rather than a cru­sad­ing lawyer – was an accoun­tant who was impli­cat­ed in the scheme. . . .”

Attempt­ing to lift the media black­out on Nekrasov’s film was Vesel­nit­skaya’s goal, not dis­sem­i­nat­ing dirt on Hillary Clin­ton.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: the financ­ing of Joe McCarthy’s career by Nazi sym­pa­thiz­er Wal­ter Har­nischfeger, part of the Ger­man-Amer­i­can Fifth Col­umn in this coun­try which was at the fore­front of the dis­cus­sion in FTR #‘s 918, 919; McCarthy’s use of a post­war Nazi net­work head­ed by Gen­er­al Karl Wolff, SS chief Hein­rich Himm­ler’s per­son­al adju­tant; Spe­cial Pros­e­cu­tor Robert Mueller’s role in cov­er­ing up the BCCI scan­dal and the over­lap­ping Oper­a­tion Green Quest inves­ti­ga­tion pur­suant to 9/11.

FTR #941 Who Is Tulsi Gabbard? (Part 1)

The first of two pro­grams high­light­ing Tul­si Gab­bard, a Demo­c­ra­t­ic con­gres­sion­al rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Hawaii, this broad­cast notes her high-pro­file role in pro­mot­ing Bernie Sanders for Pres­i­dent, her inco­her­ent stance on Muslims/Islam, her net­work­ing with the Hin­du nationalist/fascist gov­ern­ment of Naren­dra Modi, the favor­able view of Gab­bard held by the Trumpenkampfver­bande, and Gab­bard’s pro­found links to a branch of the Hare Krish­na cult run by a fel­low named Chris But­ler aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa.

A major focal point of the pro­gram is the occult fas­cist nature of the views of Hare Krish­na sect founder Abhay Cha­ra­nar­avin­da Bhak­tivedan­ta Swa­mi Prab­hu­pa­da, whom we shall refer to as Prabuha­da. Cen­tral to our exam­i­na­tion of Gab­bard is the ques­tion of whether or not she might be a “ringer” inside the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty and–possibly–a mind-con­trol job?

We begin with dis­cus­sion of Tul­si Gab­bard’s high-pro­file sup­port for Bernie Sanders. ” . . . . Sanders has been sur­pris­ing­ly low-key in his response to this lat­est wave of pop­ulist delu­sion. Time is short. He must force­ful­ly tell his sup­port­ers to aban­don their mis­guid­ed write-in mis­sion, and soon. Every minute he keeps qui­et, spoil­er cam­paigns such as Op Deny 270 and BernieVote.com recruit more vot­ers from Face­book and Twit­ter to write in Sanders. In Cal­i­for­nia, 55 peo­ple man­aged to reg­is­ter as “elec­tors” to get Sanders approved as an offi­cial write-in can­di­date, with Hawaii Demo­c­ra­t­ic Rep. Tul­si Gab­bard as vice pres­i­dent. The Sandernistas spent last week argu­ing that Clin­ton is just as “evil” as Trump, based on rumors – whipped up dis­grace­ful­ly by rogue pro-Trump FBI agents, then quashed Sun­day with a big “nev­er mind” by FBI Direc­tor James Comey – that fresh­ly unearthed emails might yet get her indict­ed. .[We won­der if “Op Deny 270 and BernieVote.com might be some of the vot­er sup­pres­sion oper­a­tions Trump dirty tricks maven Roger Stone boast­ed of dur­ing the campaign?–D.E.] . .”

Of con­sid­er­able inter­est are Gab­bard’s inco­her­ent views on Muslims/Islam and how they relate to her sup­port for Sanders:

She has beeen crit­i­cal of Oba­ma because his stance on ISIS does­n’t label the group as rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Islam: “ . . . . ‘Meet the Demo­c­rat Who’s Not Afraid to Crit­i­cize Pres­i­dent Oba­ma on ISIS,’ intones a recent ABC News head­line. The sto­ry describes remarks by Hawaii Rep. Tul­si Gab­bard (D), who has for the past month been all over the media slam­ming Oba­ma’s refusal to direct­ly asso­ciate ISIS and oth­er ter­ror­ists with the Islam­ic faith. She’s par­tic­u­lar­ly a favorite of right-wing media. . . .”

Gab­bard’s sup­port for Sanders is osten­si­bly due to her oppo­si­tion to wars of regime change (a stance with which we agree, BTW.) This con­trasts with her anti-Islam mil­i­tan­cy: ” . . . . The news­pa­per char­ac­ter­ized her sup­port as “tem­pered” and wrote that she reit­er­at­ed her con­cerns over the for­mer sec­re­tary of State’s Mid­dle East poli­cies. . . . Gab­bard, a vet­er­an of two Mid­dle East deploy­ments, resigned her post as vice chair­woman of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee in Feb­ru­ary to endorse Sanders, a Ver­mont sen­a­tor. She said then, in a video, that Amer­i­ca could elect ‘a pres­i­dent who will lead us into more inter­ven­tion­ist wars of regime change or we can elect a pres­i­dent who will ush­er in a new era of peace and pros­per­i­ty.’ . . .”

Curi­ous­ly, Gab­bard has joined Sanders in sup­port­ing African-Amer­i­can Mus­lim Kei­th Elli­son for chair of the DNC. We feel that IF that were to hap­pen, it would play right into the hands of Roger Stone/Trump/Steve Ban­non et al. Is that the real goal of Gab­bard’s stance?

Elli­son has net­worked with Mus­lim Broth­er­hood front orga­ni­za­tions in the U.S., some­thing that will work to the ben­e­fit of Roger Stone/Trump/Steve Ban­non et al.
gab­bardtrump­Next, the pro­gram recaps net­work­ing between the milieux of Don­ald Trump, Tul­si Gab­bard and Naren­dra Modi:

Trump’s Indi­an part­ners in his real estate projects over­lap the milieu of Mod­i’s BJP (a cat’s paw for the Hin­du nation­al­ist and fas­cist par­ty the RSS.) ” . . . . Mr. Trump’s part­ner in the Trump Tow­er Mum­bai is the Lod­ha Group, found­ed by Man­gal Prab­hat Lod­ha, vice pres­i­dent of the Bharatiya Jana­ta Par­ty — cur­rent­ly the gov­ern­ing par­ty in Par­lia­ment — in Maha­rash­tra State. The Lod­ha Group has already nego­ti­at­ed with the Unit­ed States gov­ern­ment; it announced a land­mark pur­chase of a prop­er­ty, known as the Wash­ing­ton House, on tony Alta­mount Road, from the Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment for 3.75 bil­lion rupees, almost $70 mil­lion. His part­ner in an office com­plex in Gur­gaon, near New Del­hi, is IREO, whose man­ag­ing direc­tor, Lalit Goy­al, is the broth­er-in-law of a Bharatiya Jana­ta mem­ber of Par­lia­ment, Sud­han­shu Mit­tal. Mr. Mit­tal, in an inter­view, has denied hav­ing any con­nec­tion with the real estate com­pa­ny. . . .”

Trump inter­viewed Gab­bard for a cab­i­net posi­tion: “. . . . Demo­c­ra­t­ic Rep. Tul­si Gab­bard, a high-pro­file Bernie Sanders sup­port­er dur­ing the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­maries, is “under seri­ous con­sid­er­a­tion” for var­i­ous Cab­i­net posi­tions in Pres­i­dent-elect Don­ald Trump’s admin­is­tra­tion, accord­ing to a senior offi­cial on the tran­si­tion team.A ccord­ing to the offi­cial, the 35-year-old Hawaii con­gress­woman is being looked as a can­di­date for sec­re­tary of state, sec­re­tary of defense or Unit­ed Nations ambas­sador. If select­ed, Gab­bard will be the first woman as well as the youngest pick for Trump’s Cab­i­net. . . .”

Trump’s “alt-right” advi­sor Steve Ban­non is a fan of Gab­bard’s: ” . . . . Stephen Ban­non, Trump’s chief strate­gist, report­ed­ly likes Gab­bard because of her stance on guns, refugees and Islam­ic extrem­ism along with her abil­i­ty to invoke strong anti-estab­lish­ment pop­ulist sen­ti­ment on the left. . . .”

Ban­non is also a fan of Naren­dra Modi and has fol­lowed his polit­i­cal rise close­ly: ” . . . . Mr. Trump may be large­ly indif­fer­ent to the rea­sons behind his Hin­du loy­al­ists’ fer­vor, but his most senior advis­ers are not. The campaign’s chief exec­u­tive, Stephen K. Ban­non, is a stu­dent of nation­al­ist move­ments. Mr. Ban­non is close to Nigel Farage, a cen­tral fig­ure in Britain’s move­ment to leave the Euro­pean Union, and he is an admir­er of India’s prime min­is­ter, Naren­dra Modi, a Hin­du nation­al­ist Mr. Ban­non has called ‘the Rea­gan of India.’ It may be pure coin­ci­dence that some of Mr. Trump’s words chan­nel the nation­al­is­tic and, some argue, anti-Mus­lim sen­ti­ments that Mr. Modi stoked as he rose to pow­er. But it is cer­tain­ly not coin­ci­den­tal that many of Mr. Trump’s biggest Hin­du sup­port­ers are also some of Mr. Modi’s most ardent back­ers. . . .”

Gab­bard is also a big fan of Naren­dra Modi, hav­ing been involved with the plan­ning of Mod­i’s U.S. vis­it and net­work­ing with BJP mem­bers: ” . . . . Gab­bard, a strong sup­port­er of Modi, is a Demo­c­rat Con­gress­woman from Hawaii. . . . She had spo­ken to Modi after his vic­to­ry in the Indi­an gen­er­al elec­tions and con­grat­u­lat­ed him and the Bharatiya Jana­ta Par­ty (BJP). She has also been involved in the plan­ning of Modi’s US vis­it and had last month met two BJP lead­ers Vijay Jol­ly and MP Rajyavard­han Rathore in that con­nec­tion. . . .”

On a trip to India, Gab­bard net­worked with both the BJP and the RSS, the Hin­du nationalist/fascist par­ty for which Mod­i’s BJP is a cat’s paw. (All of Mod­i’s cab­i­net appoint­ments were drawn from the RSS. Mod­eled on the Ger­man Nazi Par­ty and Mus­solin­i’s black­shirts, the RSS killed Gand­hi.): “. . . . Speak­ing at a fundrais­ing event for the BJP in August 2014 . . . Gab­bard said that Modi’s elec­tion vic­to­ry was only pos­si­ble because ‘peo­ple stood up, one by one by one by one, and said we will demand that this change occurs.’ . . . Gab­bard was treat­ed as roy­al­ty on her vis­it to India last year. As she hob­nobbed with the Indi­an prime min­is­ter and for­eign min­is­ter among oth­ers, The Tele­graph, a Kolkata-based news­pa­per, called her ‘the Sangh’s mas­cot’ in the US. The Sangh, a moniker for the Rashtriya Swayam­se­vak Sangh (RSS), is a right-wing hin­dut­va organ­i­sa­tion and the ide­o­log­i­cal guardian of the BJP par­ty that rules India now. . . .”

Mar­ket­ed as “the first Hin­du in Con­gress,” Gab­bard, her fam­i­ly, her in-laws and polit­i­cal milieu are deeply con­nect­ed to an off­shoot of the Hare Krish­na sect in Hawaii led by Chris But­ler aka Jagad Guru Sid­dhaswaru­panan­da Parama­ham­sa:

Gab­bard’s Wash­ing­ton-based chief of staff, Kain­oa Penaroza, is the son of Bill Penaroza, linked to a polit­i­cal front for But­ler’s orga­ni­za­tion. ” . . . . Kain­oa Penaroza, who was appoint­ed as Gabbard’s Wash­ing­ton, D.C.-based chief of staff last month despite his rel­a­tive lack of polit­i­cal expe­ri­ence, is the son of Bill Penaroza, who was among a slate of 14 can­di­dates run­ning for a vari­ety of offices in 1976 under an enig­mat­ic polit­i­cal par­ty called the Inde­pen­dents for God­ly Gov­ern­ment. The party’s con­nec­tion to But­ler was revealed in a three-part inves­tiga­tive series by the Hon­olu­lu Advertiser’s Water Wright in 1977. . . .”

Penaroza­’s wife works as Gab­bard’s Wash­ing­ton fundrais­er. Both lived at a prop­er­ty owned by a group that owned Healthy’s, a store con­trolled by But­ler’s group. ” . . . . Penaroza, 30, and his wife, Alana Leigh Penaroza, who now works as Gabbard’s D.C. fundrais­er, at one time lived in a Kailua prop­er­ty owned by Joseph Bis­mark, a Sin­ga­pore-based busi­ness­man whose com­pa­ny, QI Group, bought Healthy’s in 2007. Accord­ing to the Hawaii Depart­ment of Com­merce and Con­sumer Affairs, Healthy’s owns Noni Con­nec­tion LLC, which lists Kain­oa Penaroza as its direc­tor and sec­re­tary. . . .”

Aba­ham Williams, Gab­bard’s now-hus­band, is from a fam­i­ly with deep ties to the But­ler cult. ” . . . . Abra­ham Williams, Gabbard’s 26-year-old fiancé, is a free­lance cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er who also grew up in a fam­i­ly with strong ties to But­ler. His moth­er, Anya Antho­ny, is list­ed as a reg­is­tered agent of Wai Lana Pro­duc­tions LLC, a com­pa­ny named after Butler’s wife, Wai Lan, that runs www.wailana.com, which sells yoga instruc­tion DVDs, cloth­ing and oth­er acces­sories. . . . .”

Gab­bard’s mother-in-law–Anya Anthony–is part of the But­ler cult milieu and is the man­ag­er of Gab­bard’s dis­trict office in Hon­olu­lu. ” . . . . Antho­ny is now the man­ag­er of Gabbard’s dis­trict office in Hon­olu­lu. Last month, Gab­bard put a post on Face­book intro­duc­ing Antho­ny as her soon-to-be moth­er-in-law. Gab­bard not­ed that she had asked the Con­gres­sion­al Ethics Com­mit­tee to deter­mine if it was eth­i­cal for the con­gress­woman to employ her future moth­er-in-law. The com­mit­tee signed off on Anthony’s con­tin­ued employ­ment, a com­mit­tee spokesman con­firmed to Civ­il Beat.

Sunil Khe­maney, one Gab­bard’s sup­port­ers on her trip to India where she net­worked with Modi, the BJP and the RSS, is tied to the But­ler busi­ness milieu. ” . . . . Sunil Khe­maney, who accom­pa­nied Gab­bard on her Decem­ber trip to India, is list­ed in Wai Lana Pro­duc­tions’ busi­ness reg­is­tra­tion records as its man­ag­er. He is also the direc­tor of Healthy’s and one of the trustees of Wai Lana Yoga Trust, whose mis­sion is to ‘edu­cate and teach the gen­er­al pub­lic about the phi­los­o­phy, moral stan­dards and prac­tices of yoga for the ben­e­fit of mankind.’ Khe­maney is also the vice pres­i­dent of the East West Yoga Foun­da­tion, a non­prof­it reg­is­tered in Ari­zona. Chris But­ler is list­ed in Ari­zona cor­po­ra­tion records as its direc­tor, along with his wife, who is the pres­i­dent and direc­tor. . . .”

Tul­si’s father Mike is also tied to the But­ler cult: ” . . . . Mike Gab­bard has long main­tained that he’s a Catholic, not Hare Krish­na. But, in Hon­olu­lu Magazine’s 2004 pro­file, he acknowl­edged his ties to But­ler: ‘Although I’m not a mem­ber of the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion, I’m eter­nal­ly thank­ful to Chris But­ler … whose teach­ings of kar­ma yoga (self­less ser­vice) and bhak­ti yoga (devo­tion to God) have brought me back to my Catholic roots and the fun­da­men­tal teach­ings of Christ.’ . . . . Mike Gab­bard was in the audi­ence at a tap­ing of Chris Butler’s TV show, “Jagad Guru Speaks,” which aired for sev­er­al years in the 1980s and 1990s. . . .”

Tul­si’s moth­er Car­ol is also tied to But­ler and both of her par­ents sat on the board of direc­tors of Buter’s group: ” . . . . . Mul­ti­ple his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments show that, at var­i­ous points in the his­to­ry of the Sci­ence of Iden­ti­ty Foun­da­tion, both Mike and Car­ol Gab­bard sat on its board. Accord­ing to var­i­ous reports, they were bestowed San­skrit names, ‘Krish­na Katha das’ and ‘Devahuti dasi,’ respec­tive­ly. . . .”

Gab­bard her­self denotes But­ler as her per­son­al guru at around 3:45 in an embed­ded video, the autio track of which is con­tained in the show. Note that the talk Gab­bard is giv­ing is an adu­la­to­ry pre­sen­ta­tion of Prabuha­da.

Prab­hu­pada’s views are note­wor­thy for our pur­pos­es: “. . . . ISKCON founder A C Bhak­tivedan­ta Swami’s views were even more bizarre than I expect­ed: rape vic­tims asked for it, Blacks are infe­ri­or and should be enslaved, Aryans are the supreme race, Hitler was right when attack­ing the Jews, and the “non-Aryan” major­i­ty of the human race are use­less eaters no bet­ter than dogs. The pre­ferred form of gov­ern­ment is an abso­lutist monar­chy. Racism is appar­ent­ly an inte­gral part of the ide­al Vedic soci­ety, since “shu­dra” (the des­ig­na­tion of the work­er-caste) means “black”, which in turn lit­er­al­ly refers to Blacks, a cat­e­go­ry which also includes Dra­vid­i­ans from south­ern India. . . .”

The pro­gram con­cludes with a longer look at Prab­hu­pada’s fascist/racist views–an exam­i­na­tion that will be set forth at greater length in the next pro­gram.
Pro­gram High­lights Include:

a)An exam­i­na­tion of the frag­ment­ing and usurpa­tion that befell the Hare Krish­na cult after Prab­hu­pada’s death. This, too, will be set forth at greater length in the next pro­gram.
b)Speculation about Gab­bard’s pos­si­ble role in the com­pro­mis­ing of the DNC.
c)Review of the alle­ga­tion by Craig Mur­ray that he gave the infor­ma­tion com­pro­mis­ing the DNC to Wik­iLeaks, after hav­ing received it from a dis­sat­is­fied DNC insid­er.
d)Gabbard’s curi­ous stance on Trump’s appoint­ment of recent­ly-retired gen­er­als to fill key cab­i­net posts.

Update on “A Night in Tunisia”

New Tunisian gov­ern­ment not “mod­er­ate” as adver­tised. Mus­lim Broth­er­hood extrem­ists in dri­ver’s seat there, will­ful­ly deceiv­ing Tunisians and for­eign­ers about real intent.

FTR #722 The “9/11 Mosque” Tea Party and its Multiple Mad Hatters

“9/11 Mosque” Imam no mod­er­ate; sec­ond gen­er­a­tion Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, his for­eign lan­guage pro­nounce­ments and actions belie his “mod­er­a­tion;” Sup­port­ers and oppo­nents ignore pro­found ties between their “side” and what they oppose.

FTR #721 A Mosque in Munich

The Nazi and fas­cist roots of con­tem­po­rary Islamism illus­trat­ed by impor­tant new book; con­ti­nu­ity between Third Reich “Ost­poli­tik” and West­ern Cold War pol­i­cy per­pet­u­ate Islam­ic fas­cist and pan-Turk­ist ele­ments, many linked to Holo­caust.

FTR #666 Badjacketing Obama, Part 4

Hav­ing left office with­out inves­ti­ga­tion of GOP/Muslim Brotherhood/al Qae­da polit­i­cal nexus, Bush/Cheney leave Oba­ma to deal with those very forces.

FTR #663 Badjacketing Obama, Part III

Mus­lim Broth­er­hood staffs “mod­er­ate” Mus­lim out­reach to Oba­ma; GOP pre­dicts ter­ror­ism.

FTR #603 I Told You So Part III Update on the Subversion of Operation Green Quest

Sup­pressed infor­ma­tion about the 9/11 mon­ey trail.

FTR #454 The War President in Action

Record­ed April 4, 2004 Lis­ten: MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 RealAu­dio Archiv­ing impor­tant mate­r­i­al from past broad­casts about the Bush admin­is­tra­tion’s record on com­bat­ing ter­ror­ism, this pro­gram eval­u­ates the per­for­mance of this “war pres­i­dent” (as Bush char­ac­ter­ized him­self in a recent inter­view.) Not only has the admin­is­tra­tion run inter­fer­ence for pow­er­ful Sau­di inter­ests (with […]

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