Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

Search Results

Your search for '"John Buchanan"' returned 8 results.

FTR #481 Interview with John Buchanan

Jour­nal­ist John Buchanan presents infor­ma­tion on the Bush family’s wealth, gen­er­at­ed from bank­ing clients in Nazi indus­try, before, dur­ing and after WWII.

WFMU RealAudio 2007

WFMU’s 2007 archives of Dave Emory’s “for The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

For The Record programs 400–499, Complete Audio

Down­load links to Dave Emory’s “For The Record” series, pro­grams 400 through 499.

WFMU RealAudio 2004

WFMU’s 2004 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power

Rumours of a link between the US first fam­i­ly and the Nazi war machine have cir­cu­lat­ed for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how reper­cus­sions of events that cul­mi­nat­ed in action under the Trad­ing with the Ene­my Act are still being felt by today’s pres­i­dent by Ben Aris and Dun­can Camp­bell THE GUARDIAN George Bush’s […]

FTR #441 Pecunia Nervus Belli, Part II

Eco­nom­ic rela­tion­ships between the Bush admin­is­tra­tion, the Bor­mann — Under­ground Reich milieu, and the Arab petro­le­um-pro­duc­ing states.

FTR #435 The Road to Lugano

The Under­ground Reich is per­pet­u­at­ing the Sec­ond World War after a fifty-year hia­tus.

FTR #391 Discussion Points on 9/11 and Related Topics

Fas­cist and Nazi links dat­ing from the 1920s involv­ing Bush fam­i­ly, Arab and Mus­lim fas­cists, the Sau­di elite and the Under­ground Reich, per­pe­tra­tors of 9/11.

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