A welcome return to our airwaves of Lucy Komisar features her characteristically incisive analysis of an Oscar-winning documentary about Alexei Navalny, the West’s “Baskin Robbins Flavor of the Month” in the Russian political domain.
Supported by characteristically selective coverage by Western journalistic and political elements, Alexei Navalny has demonstrated proto-fascistic tendencies and is more of a propaganda phenomenon than a real political leader.
In this program, we present Lucy’s analysis of the Navalny documentary, including her thoughts concerning possible intelligence connections to the documentary’s production and a quasi-McCarthyite response to her probing questions.
At a recent address by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble (given to the Council on Foreign Relations) Lucy Komisar braced the veteran politician over Germany’s hypocrisy concerning Greek debt. Schauble’s equivocation on the issue did not shake Lucy’s efforts to pin him down. In a linked article, do note the observations of Albrecht Ritschl, professor of economic history at the London School of Economics, who discussed Germany’s debt: ” . . . . “If we accept that Germany’s national product is somewhere to the tune of over 2 trillion euros, which is beyond 2.5 trillion U.S. dollars, we would be talking about a default and debt forgiveness of somewhere in the range of 10 trillion dollars. I would tend to think that this is probably unrivaled in 20th century history. . . . .” All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Food Services Giant Sodexo’s scams cost taxpayers, school children big bucks; Timothy Geithner ignored U.S. Treasury bonds naked short selling; Swiss Banks joining AIG in offshore machinations.
Investment industry corrupt to its foundations, in regular collusion with U.S. regulatory officials.
Insurance giant AIG’s prolific use of offshore scams, captive reinsurance, illegal gambits and operations, aided by high-level gov’t officials and legislators.
Investigative journalist Lucy Komisar’s chapter on BCCI in a new book “A Game as Old as Empire.”
Analysis and discussion of insurance giant AIG and its prolific use of “offshore” scams, AIG’s pioneering development of “captive” reinsurance companies to launder profits and evade taxes, AIG’s Coral Reinsurance, illegal gambits and operations have been aided by powerful and influential people.
Recorded November 11, 2004 REALAUDIO This broadcast covers a range of topics. Featuring the work of premier journalists Robert Parry and Lucy Komisar, the program begins with Robert’s discussion of the gross irregularities in the 2004 election process. A sharp discrepancy between the exit polls (generally viewed as very reliable) and the ultimate election results […]
Recorded June 6, 2004 REALAUDIO Supplementing information set forth in FTR#’s 413, 417, 423, this program documents Saddam Hussein’s financial machinations and highlights the institutions and individuals involved in secreting his ill-gotten gains out of Iraq. In addition to lucrative arms deals with major munitions makers (with kickbacks to the manufacturers), Saddam utilized the petroleum […]
Clearstream network and offshore banking.