A speculative element of discussion concerns a cult/church in South Korea which is the epicenter of a burst of coronavirus cases in that country. A reputed presence of a branch of the organization is in Wuhan, which has directed discussion in the direction of the virus having migrated from Hubei province to South Korea. Might it be possible that it was used to introduce the virus into China in the first place? “. . . . Jung Eun-kyeong, director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the authorities were investigating reports that Shincheonji had operations in Hubei, the Chinese province that includes Wuhan, where the virus emerged. The South Korean news agency Newsis reported on Friday that Shincheonji had opened a church in Wuhan last year, and that references to it had been removed from the church’s website. Church officials could not immediately be reached for comment. . . .” The Shincheonji organization appears to overlap the Unification Church. In addition to networking between elements of both organizations, the Shincheonji Church has many doctrinal similarities to the Moon organization. Most important of these points of overlap between the organizations is the position and influence of Kim Kun-Nam in Shincheonji: ” . . . . Kim Kun-nam, one of the two authors of Shintan, which can be called the first doctrine of Shincheonji, is from the Unification Church. Kim also served as a lecturer in the Unification Church. It is no exaggeration to say that Shincheonji doctrine developed on the basis of what Kim made. . . .”
In FTR #291, we examined the Unification Church as an extension of the Japanese Patriotic Societies, that brought fascism to Japan through a program of political assassination and propaganda. David Jang, whose business enterprises control both Newsweek and The International Business Times, has a background in the Unification Church, formerly headed by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
Reagan, Bush I administrations secretly armed Japan with weapons-grade plutonium. Space exploration projects a cover for Japanese nuclear arms development. How far do these tentacles reach?
A prophetic rebroadcast: the political heritage to which George W. is heir. The Bush family has a long, extensive, influential, and largely sinister history.
From YouTube.com Michael Jenkins, U.S. leader of the Unification Church (the “Moonies”) claims to have persuaded George H.W. Bush to drink Holy Wine, during a visit to the presidential library at Texas A&M in 2007. Holy Wine is the communion juice of the Moonies, symbolizing the blood and body of the Reverend Moon, Jenkins’s master. […]
by Bill BerkowitzTALK TO ACTION George H.W. Bush to speak at the Rev. Sun Myung Moon-owned Washington Times’ 25th anniversary celebration in mid-May When former President George H.W. Bush takes the stage to deliver the keynote address in honor of the 25th anniversary of the ultra-conservative Washington Times newspaper in mid-May, it will not be […]
” . . .the broadcast further develops the relationship between the Bush family and . . . the Japanese patriotic and ultra-nationalist societies and the Moon outfit. . . .”
Why won’t Congress and the television news media investigate the relationship between the Bush family and Sun Myung Moon? by Carla BinionOnline Journal/February 22, 2001 The following essay explains why the story is newsworthy. While TV talking heads hammer the public hour after hour with repetitious chatter about Clinton’s pardons and gossipy allegations of “theft” […]
The political heritage to which George W. is heir. The Bush family has a long, extensive, influential, and largely sinister history.
Close professional relationships among former President George H.W. Bush, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon.