The realization of the Nazi ascent that is the foundation of the novel ‘Serpent’s Walk.’
“The focal point of the broadcast is Otto von Bolschwing, one of the principal officers in administering Hitler’s liquidation of the Jews.”
Reviewing past material in order to refresh and reinforce understanding of the historical context and foundation of the recent Jim DiEugenio interviews, this program reviews information relevant to the concept of the Christian West. “The Christian West” is explained in the description for AFA #37: ” . . . . When it became clear that the armies of the Third Reich were going to be defeated, it opened secret negotiations with representatives from the Western Allies. Representatives on both sides belonged to the transatlantic financial and industrial fraternity that had actively supported fascism. The thrust of these negotiations was the establishment of The Christian West. Viewed by the Nazis as a vehicle for surviving military defeat, ‘The Christian West’ involved a Hitler-less Reich joining with the U.S., Britain, France and other European nations in a transatlantic, pan-European anti-Soviet alliance. In fact, The Christian West became a reality only after the cessation of hostilities. The de-Nazification of Germany was aborted. Although a few of the more obvious and obnoxious elements of Nazism were removed, Nazis were returned to power at virtually every level and in almost every capacity in the Federal Republic of Germany. . . .”
Against the background of Allen and John Foster Dulles’ long, overlapping careers as lawyers for Sullivan & Cromwell, as well as government operatives, we note the decisive role of cartels in precipitating fascism and the position in the political and macro-economic landscape of the events stemming from that.
Program Highlights Include: American recruitment of Nazi Eastern Front intelligence officers in August of 1944 (far earlier than generally supposed); The Gehlen “Org“ ‘s incorporation into the CIA with the consent of a Nazi chain of command that was still in existence; the role in the Gehlen Org of Eastern European fascist organizations including the OUN/B, the Romanian Iron Guard, the Croatian Ustachi, the Bulgarian National Front and the SS Baltic Legion; the incorporation of those same Gehlen-controlled Eastern European fascists into the GOP via the Crusade For Freedom (CFF); the pivotal role of Gehlen/Nazi/CFF personnel in the postwar GOP (Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush); the re-institution of Nazis in the “New” Federal Republic of Germany; the control of the “New” Federal Republic of Germany by an underground Nazi fuehringsring and a command center in Madrid; the role of Canadian nickel interests in John Foster Dulles’ cobbling together of I.G. Farben; Garrison investigative target Clay Shaw’s networking with Canadian nickel interests; the role of both Dulles brothers in frustrating the interdiction of the Bormann flight capital program; the [apparently successful] negotiations between OSS chief William Donovan, his aide Allen Dulles and representative of the SS to realize the Christian West concept; the role of Crusade For Freedom personnel in the assassination of President Kennedy; Garrison investigative target Clay Shaw’s friendship with Nazi Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht; Foster Dulles’ professional intimacy with Schacht; Shaw’s links to Permindex and the SS-linked Schroeder banking empire; the decisive role of Allen Dulles, George Herbert Walker (W’s great grandfather and the grandfather of George H.W. Bush), Prescott Bush, Sr. (the father of George H.W. Bush and the grandfather of W) in laundering U.S. capital investment in Nazi Germany and the return of those Nazi monies to the U.S.; Nazi steel magnate Fritz Thyssen’s close relationship to: Allen Dulles, Prescott Bush, Martin Bormann and the Schroeder banking interests; Allen Dulles’ “go-to” relationship with Senator Prescott Bush (senior) while serving as head of the CIA.
In 1986, we recorded Miscellaneous Archive Show M4, dealing with feminist icon Gloria Steinem’s relationship with the CIA. Recorded at too high a level, the program makes difficult listening. We are publishing a transcript to supplement our FTR series on “Weaponized Feminism.”
QUICK: How many Presidential candidates can you name who kept a book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches by their bedside? Donald Trump does. For many years, what Mr. Emory terms “The Underground Reich” has been a fundamental point of discussion and analysis in these broadcasts and posts. In the third program analyzing the Donald Trump campaign, we examine the “Trumpenkampfverbande,” its political antecedents and adherents. Exemplifying, and networking with, generations of fascists and fascist organizations, the Trumpenkampfverbande embodies the emergence of the Underground Reich into plain view. A signature element of Trump’s campaign is his resuscitation of the “America First” slogan and concept, a manifestation both of his thinly-veiled appeal to Nazi and white supremacist elements and his willingness to cede dominance over world affairs to a German-dominated “third power bloc.” The America First concept mobilizes powerful feelings among those feeling overwhelmed and left behind by political and economic developments globally and in the United States. We note that the “original” America First was financed by Nazi Germany. Trump’s invocation of America First exemplifies the nature of his political heritage and allegiances. One of his top advisers Joseph E. Schmitz, “obsessed with all things German” and, according to associates, someone who “fired the Jews” (from the Pentagon) and manifested Holocaust denial. This is not atypical of “Team Trump.” One of the most important figures in mainstreaming “alt right” (i.e. Nazi, white nationalist and anti-Semitic) attitudes has been Breitbart’s Steve Bannon, now essentially running the Trump campaign. Trump and his campaign have a habit of re-tweeting information from “alt right” websites and message boards. Of primary significance in analyzing Trump concerns the main financial backer of his real estate projects–Deutsche Bank. In addition to the fact that this places a potential President in the position of owing upwards of $100 million to an institution that has openly defied U.S. regulatory positions, Deutsche Bank is a primary element of the remarkable and deadly Bormann capital network, about which we speak so often. Program Highlights Include: Analysis of the possibility that Trump’s father was in the Ku Klux Klan; review of Trump’s association with former Axis spy Norman Vincent Peale; review of Trump’s counsel–Senator Joe McCarthy aide Roy Cohn; Trump’s additional financial backing from George Soros, who got his start in business “Aryanizing” Jewish property during the Holocaust; Trump’s tweeting of a campaign ad featuring Waffen SS-clad World War II re-enactors; The enthusiastic suppoprt Trump has received from David Duke.
In July of 2015, Donald Trump tweeted a campaign ad that featured a picture of uniformed Waffen SS troopers in the lower right-hand corner. A photograph of Waffen SS-clad World War II reenactors, the picture was blamed on an intern. This has become a familiar sort of dodge by Trump when caught tweeting openly racist, anti-Semitic and/or pro-Nazi material–“Who, me?” “. . . . In an almost impossibly bizarre coincidence . . . . George’s brother John [Cairns] is also a stock photographer, and took the image of Nazi reenactors that was accidentally used in a flier for the campaign of North Carolina state legislator Tim Spear in 2010.. . . ”
When “The New York Times” takes note of the rise of fascism in America, you know things are getting very bad indeed. On successive days (Friday, 12/11 and Saturday, 12/12 of 2015), the Times featured two op-ed columns in each edition discussing the rise of fascism in Europe and the United States. Furthermore, one column noted the fixation by ISIS, the Hindu nationalist fascists in power in India and others on a mythical, idealized past. The broadcast recaps Peter Levenda’s analysis of the role of atavism in fueling fascist ideology. Longing for a mythical, idealized past free of the entanglements of the present, fascists of various types scapegoat those whom they view as having polluted society. Program Highlights Include: Donald Trump’s association with Helene Von Damm (protege of Eichmann superior and CIA officer Otto von Bolschwing); Trump’s association with Joseph McCarthy aide Roy Cohn; Trump’s association with former Axis spy Norman Vincent Peale; the assistance given Joe McCarthy’s witch hunts by a U.S. intelligence network drawing on the skills of SS officers and led by Karl Wolff (Heinrich Himmler’s personal adjutant.)
With Benjamin Netanyahu circumventing accepted procedure and preparing to address Congress–apparently in order to circumvent Obama’s policy toward Iran–we take time to review the history of the Netanyahu family and the Likud Party. Likud is the heir to the fascist element in the Zionist movement, especially the Betar that was headed by Vladimir Jabotinsky. Netanyahu’s father was the personal secretary to Jabotinsky, whose forces took military training at Mussolini’s naval cadet school and were reviewed by Il Duce himself. A top aide to Jabotinsky wrote that this was not an alliance of convenience but one of ideological affinity. Continuing the relationship between fascism and reactionary Zionism, the Likud sent a representative to the national convention of Gianfranco Fini’s Alleanza Nationale, the successor to Mussolini’s blackshirts. The GOP sent a seated Congressman (Bob Young) to the convention as well. Right-wing Israeli politicians continue to network with European fascists. After discussion of the Stern Gang, an even more extreme fascist element of the Zionist movement, the broadcast concludes with a look at the relationship between Israel, some Jewish businessmen and the Bormann capital network. This should not be interpreted as echoing the cheesy rhetoric that is popular at the moment characterizing Israel and/or the Zionist movement as fascist.
Werner Naumann–Joseph Goebbels’ chosen successor as head of the Nazi propaganda ministry–was arrested plotting a coup with other former high-ranking Nazis in 1953. The investigation revealed that Naumann and his associates were acting at the direction of a Nazi government-in-exile based in Madrid. With the support of German industry and finance, this Underground Reich operated all over the world, executing conspiracies in foreign countries on behalf of German cartels.