This broadcast concludes our review of Fara Mansoor’s heroic, ground-breaking research on what we call “The Deep October Surprise,” and references the historical lessons to be drawn from the inquiry to the contemporary political scene. Usually, the term “October Surprise” refers to an alleged deal between the Reagan/Bush campaign and the Khomeini regime in Iran to withhold the U.S. hostages taken from the American Embassy until after Jimmy Carter’s humiliation and consequent election defeat were assured. Fara’s research goes farther and deeper, suggesting that the CIA learned of the Shah’s cancer in 1974 (from former CIA director Richard Helms), withheld the information from Jimmy Carter, installed Khomeini’s Islamic fundamentalists as an anti-communist bulwark on the Soviet Union’s Southern flank and then micro-managed the hostage crisis to insure the ascension of the Reagan/Bush/Casey forces. What has become known as the Iran-Contra Scandal was an outgrowth of this dynamic. In this program, we flesh out the networking involving the Shah’s intelligence specialist Hossein Fardoust, who selected the personnel for Khomeini’s military general staff and became the head of his secret police. Another of the Bush/CIA operatives–Ibrahim Yazdi–helped Khomeini move from Iraq to Paris, served as his de facto chief of staff in Paris, served as his PR flack in the U.S., and was instrumental in maneuvering Mashallah Khashani into place as security coordinator for the U.S. Embassy in Teheran. Program Highlights Include: Khashani’s leadership in the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in November of 1979; the partial disarming of the Marine guards at the embassy prior to the takeover; a prior takeover attempt on 2/14/1979 by Khomeini forces disguised as “leftists;” networking between some of Fardoust’s selections for Khomeini’s general staff and prominent figures in the Iran-Contra scandal; the counter-terrorism background of Linda Tripp, the Bush White House holdover who helped de-stabilize the Bill Clinton administration; Mitt Romney backer and FBI director James Comey’s initiation of the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e‑mail server.
Introduction: Donald Trump has appointed Sebastian Gorka as his “terroism czar” on the National Security Council. Gorka not only appears to have links to British intelligence, but ” . . . . Gorka was, apparently, a sworn member of Hungary’s neo-Nazi Vitezi Rend, or ‘Order of Heroes,’ a group that the State Department says was ‘under the direction of the Nazi Government of Germany during World War II’ and which continues to be neo-Nazi in its orientation. . . .”
With Gorka poised to direct any U.S. response to terrorism, clouds on the horizon suggest the possibility of a looming mass-casualty “False-Flag” operation, possibility in London. This is highly unappetizing.
Topics of Discussion and Analysis Include: Gorka’s father Paul, who participated in the 1956 Hungarian uprising and claims he was sprung from prison by Vietezi Rend forces; Sebastian Gorka’s links to British intelligence and Chris Donnelly; A “warning” by the head of Britain’s domestic intelligence agency (MI5) that Russia was fomenting terrorist incidents in the West; The allegation that webcams in London went black in September (IF true, a harbinger of false-flag operations?); Analysis of the “Novichok poisoning” of the Skirpals–a false-flag operation blamed on Russia and executed by British intel, apparently with CIA assistance.
Introduction: With the GOP targeting Social Security (implemented by FDR), the historical and cognitive discrediting of the New Deal has featured a fascistic revisionist history of Pearl Harbor.
Maintaining that Roosevelt deliberately let the attack proceed to bring the U.S. into World War II, this revisionism paints FDR as a traitor.
In this meticulously-researched and documented presentation, we not only refute this historical slander and revisionism, but demonstrate conclusively that Admiral Kimmel [in charge of Naval forces in Hawaii] and (perhaps to a lesser extent) General Short [in charge of Army forces in Hawaii] bear responsibility for the failure.
Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: The revisionist conspiracy theories about Pearl Harbor, blaming FDR, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Chief-of-Staff George C. Marshall among others for the failure of the military high command at Pearl Harbor; Major Henry Clausen’s pouch featuring a magnesium bomb to carry the decrypted messages from the Japanese Purple Code (a diplomatic code that was broken by U.S. intelligence personnel); The secure office in which Henry C. Clausen worked; The Army Board’s self-serving scapegoating of Chief-of-Staff Marshall; Three of the officers on the Army Board had been demoted by General Marshall; Among the shills attacking FDR was GOP Senator (from Michigan) Homer Ferguson, exposed as a propagandizing fool by Major Clausen; 1944 GOP Presidential Candidate Thomas Dewey was among those who pointed the accusing finger at FDR for deliberately allowing the attack to proceed; Warning on 1/24/41 of “a surprise attack upon the fleet or the naval base at Pearl Harbor. The dangers envisaged, in order of their importance and probability, are considered to be (1) air bombing attack, (2) air torpedo plane attack, (3) sabotage, (4) submarine attack . . . .’ ”; A message sent to Admiral Kimmel and seen by General Short–“The dispatch sent by the Chief of Naval Operations to Kimmel began with the fateful words ‘THIS DISPATCH IS TO BE CONSIDERED A WAR WARNING . . . . “; After noting that the U.S. had broken the Japanese Purple Code (a diplomatic code) ” . . . . Washington knew from reading these messages that war would have to break out, with Japan attacking somewhere in the Pacific. Therefore, the Navy in Washington alerted Kimmel on December 3 by sending two advisory messages that paraphrased the intercepts . . . . War had to follow; it was inevitable. . . .”; GOP shill Ferguson’s attempts to deflect blame toward Roosevelt: ” . . . . ‘But that was never sent to Kimmel and Short, was it?’ ‘It certainly was,’ I [Clausen] replied. I had him stone cold dead. . . .”; The Hawaiian newspapers had ample warning of the potential attacks to come; FDR knew that the intercepted messages meant that war was inevitable; Churchill and British intelligence knew that the intercepts meant that war was coming and alerted the U.S.; The role of the Bletchley Park codebreakers in communicating (to no avail) the Japanese imminent attack; The participation of one of those codebreakers–the late Colonel Harry Beckhough–on Mr. Emory’s website; Discussion of the U.S.S. Antares, the destroyer U.S.S. Ward and the warning they provided to Admiral Kimmel–to no avail; The attack on Pearl Harbor and the role in it played by General Minoru Genda, the eventual head of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force, and the recipient of a medal from the U.S. Air Force; The performance characteristics of the aircraft carriers in the Pacific and the battleships in Pearl Harbor; The leak of the U.S. Navy’s code-breaking secret to the Japanese via the Chicago Tribune and its FDR-hating publisher Robert McCormick; The commencement of the Golden Lily operation with the Rape of Nanking in 1937; The fact that the breaking of the Japanese code informed the U.S. of the nature of the cargo of their ships, possibly informing today of the position of sunken Golden Lily treasure.
Now, we learn that the development of the vaccines was realized through Palantir, Peter Thiel’s Alpha predator of the electronic surveillance landscape. Furthermore, we are now seeing calls to turn our whole society and government over to Artificial Intelligence. As people with an obligation to our descendants, we have the responsibility to preserve a record of the events leading to the collapse of our social and political milieu. There is no better way of fulfilling that obligation than by obtaining the latest flash drive, containing all of Dave’s 45+ years on the air and a library of old anti-fascist books. Dave has established a Patreon site featuring articles that he and other researchers have written, interviews with guests and three, weekly talks by Dave. Listeners can interact with Monte and other guests on the platform. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE.
As people with an obligation to our descendants, we have the responsibility to preserve a record of the events leading to the collapse of our social and political milieu. There is no better way of fulfilling that obligation than by obtaining the latest flash drive, containing all of Dave’s 45+ years on the air and a library of old anti-fascist books. Dave has established a Patreon site featuring articles that he and other researchers have written, interviews with guests and three, weekly talks by Dave. Listeners can interact with Monte and other guests on the platform. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE.
Reflecting on the sorry state of this country, the wisdom imparted by Sitting Bull in the 19th century looms large. “We have now to deal with another people, small and feeble when our forefathers first met with them, but now great and overbearing. . . . the love of possessions is a disease in them. These people have made many rules that the rich may break, but the poor may not! . . . They even take tithes of the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule. . . .” Dave has launched a Patreon platform, featuring articles and Zoom talks. People can network directly with guests such as Dave’s new co-host Monte. Containing all of Mr. Emory’s work on Covid-19 and the Ukraine War, the latest 64GB flash drive is now available! WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE.
A fascist to the core. That’s how retired US general Mark Milley, who directly served Trump as the chair of joint chiefs of staff, as described in Bob Woodward’s upcoming book. As Milley put it, “He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country.” And while they may be true, it’s important to keep in mind that Donald Trump is far from the only aspiring fascist in contemporary American politics. The Schedule F/Project 2025 scheme orchestrated by the Council for National Policy is a group effort, after all. And as we’re going to see, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been laying the groundwork for the kind of ‘soft fascism’ that we should anticipate a lot more of under a second Trump presidency. The kind of ‘soft fascism’ that is shaped less by Trump’s personal madness and more by the theocratic ambitions of the movements that have long animated the Republican Party. Which brings us to DeSantis’s war on Amendment 4, a ballot initiative that would enshrine abortion rights in Florida’s state constitution up to the moment of viability, coming months after Florida Republicans put in place a restrictive new 6 week abortion ban. After first trying to get Amendment 4 thrown off the ballot, the DeSantis administration has proceeded to spend taxpayer funds on an anti-Amendment 4 public messaging campaign includes tv and radio ads. An unprecedented investigation into the Amendment 4 ballot signatures has also been opened, with police showing up at people’s homes to confirm they signed the petition. Local election supervisors are also under suspicion of verifying invalid signatures. And as we’re going to also see, there’s no possible way this investigation can get the Amendment 4 removed from the ballot even if it succeeded in revealing some fraud. It’s pure intimidation. More recently, the Florida government has threatened television station employees with criminal charges if they air a pro-Amendment 4 ad. Why? Because the state claims the ads — which raise questions about whether or not women’s health is adequately protected under the new 6 week abortion law — pose a threat to public health because the new law in no way endangers women. Yes, if you run an ad suggesting the new Florida abortion law — one of the strictest in the US — could put women at risk, you could be criminally charged. So if you were wondering how the GOP is planning on handling public discontent over the unpopular policy that are about to be imposed on the public at large, look to Florida. Ron DeSantis is one of the Council for National Policy’s favorite politicians for a reason.
“Some Folks Need Killing!” So declared North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson on June 30. At a church. With the full endorsement of the church’s pastor, Reverend Cameron McGill, who explained how Robinson only meant the people ‘trying to kill us’ should be killed. Two days later, Heritage Foundation President and Project 2025 leader Kevin Roberts made his now infamous “Second American Revolution” speech, warning that the revolution would remain bloodless “if the left allows it”. Days later, Donald Trump laughably disavowed knowing anything about Project 2025. And while Roberts’s comments have received ample attention, Robinson’s “Some Folks Need Killing!” comments have remained an under-explored topic. Because as we’re going to see, Mark Robinson has become quite a celebrity on the far right. With one very notable fan base: The American Renewal Project dedicated to recruiting conservative pastor to run for office and the Council for National Policy (CNP) figures behind it. Not only is Robinson the star of American Renewal Project events, but it turns out Reverend McGill is a recruiter for the group too. That project, formed in 2005 by political activist David Lane but with roots going all the way back to the formation of the CNP in 1981, is what we’re going to explore in this post. Because as disturbing as Robinson’s “Some Folks Need Killings” comments may have been out of of context, they are a lot more disturbing when placed in context. A Christian Nationalist dominionist context that warns of plans for a lot more than just ‘some’ killing.
Introduction: In these programs, Monte presents analysis that links the milieu of the assassination of JFK to: the OUN/B; the Helsinki Youth Conference of 1962; Eastern Front death squad activity during World War II; propaganda denying violence against black people during the U.S. civil rights struggles of the early 1960’s; Joe Biden’s ongoing cover-up of the JFK assassination.
Over many years, it was Mr. Emory’s privilege and honor to have interviewed Daniel Hopsicker frequently and at length. In the wake of his passing from cancer on 8/22/2023 at the age of 72, we mourn the loss of this professional, and yet can be very glad for his having shared his work with us. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs “pretty convinced” Covid came from a U.S. Bio-Lab. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.