With the Trump administration moving against gay rights and reproductive rights, and with the public attention largely focused on yet another mass murder in Las Vegas, we delve back into the archives for the benefit of newer and younger listeners.
On 2/28/1988, we recorded Miscellaneous Archive Show M13: Gay Rights, Reproductive Rights and the Third Reich, highlighting how the nascent, vigorous gay rights movement in Weimar Germany was a focal point for Nazi propaganda and political action. Furthermore, a mass killing by homosexual Fritz Haarmann terrorized Weimar Germany, fueled Nazi anti-gay propaganda and reinforced the public perception in the German populace that the situation was “out of control.”
Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld was the lynchpin of the strong gay liberation movement in Weimar Germany and, as a result, was a focal point of Nazi Party propaganda, fueled with the additional fodder of the fact that Hirschfeld was Jewish.
(We note, in passing, that the gay rights movement in Weimar Germany received considerable support from a segment of the country’s feminist community grouped around Dr. Helena Stoecker.)
Historically, German attitudes toward homosexuality were mixed, with some regions manifesting a relatively liberal attitude and enforcement posture and others, an extremely reactionary position in both respects. Paragraph 175 was the official German statute making sex between adults of the same gender illegal. Again, the enforcement of Paragraph 175 was highly selective from a regional standpoint.)
In a manner directly foreshadowing U.S. right-wing propaganda in recent decades, the Nazi Party denounced Hirschfeld and homophile sexual activity as a product of, and a contributor to, the moral decay of the Weimar Republic and democracy in general.
A major contributing factor to the impact of this Nazi propaganda was the Fritz Haarman incident.
In the city of Cologne, Germany, a mass murderer/serial killer named Fritz Haarmann terrorized the city with a gruesome series of killings in which youngsters were lured to his dwelling, killed and their corpses butchered, packaged and sold as “horse meat.” The fact that Haarmann was homosexual contributed to the outrage of many citizens. The gruesome kilings and lurid headlines they generated helped fuel the perception that “something was wrong with society.” (Although there appear to have been many differences, we wonder about the Las Vegas shooting and its effect on the American populace in the context of the Haarmann incident.)
This reinforced the Nazi anti-gay propaganda.
Adding another dimension to the case were the facts that:
1.-Haarmann was an informant for the Cologne police department.
2.-Haarmann carried a Cologne p.d. badge.
3.-The head of the Cologne police department was Gustav Noske, who, as the defense minister of the fledgling Weimar Republic, had formed the military formations that crushed the socialist uprisings that occurred in Germany after the First World War. Those formations, the Freikorps, the Einwohnerwehren and the Zeit Freiwilligen Verbande crushed the uprisings and laid the foundation for what became known as “The Black Reichswehr.” Those “underground” military formations assassinated key political figures in Germany (such as Walther Rathenau), laying the groundwork for the rise of the Nazis.
The Nazi anti-gay propaganda fused with the party’s anti-abortion stance, as gays, advocates for gay rights, women seeking abortions and abortion-rights advocates were tarred with the same ideological brush as being “anti-German” by virtue of the ideological concept that more births of “German stock” strengthened the German nation.
Furthermore, pro-gay rights and pro-abortion positions were lumped into a larger, negative ideological stance grouping both viewpoints in with “Jewish” and “communist” ‘enemies of the state.”
“Anti-Nazi hero” Pastor Martin Niemoller was not opposed to Hitler on principle. An early Nazi, his opposition was technical and seen as qualifying him as a possible “kinder, gentler Fuehrer,” thus enabling postwar perpetuation of Nazi power structure.
U.S. far-right, extremist and mainstream overlap; past U.S. coup attempts; fifth column subversion; collusion with U.S. and foreign governments and business.
Recent political and economic matters affecting Germany, the dominant nation in Europe.
Explores the possibility that the militia movement may be a tool or extension of the government.
Taking stock of several dynamics that threaten to end our species and civilization, this begins series with analysis of the background and philosophy of Klaus Schwab, his father, his mentor Henry Kissinger and transnational corporate influences on the decisively important World Economic Forum.
Key Points of Analysis and Discussion Include: The Escher-Wyss firm of Switzerland; Its employment of Klaus Schwab and his father; The company’s collaboration with Nazi German; The company’s role in producing technology for the Third Reich’s atomic bomb program; Klaus Schwab’s academic mentoring by Henry Kissinger, Kissinger’s collaboration with the Nazi intelligence milieu imported into the U.S. after WWII; The Escher-Wyss firm’s collaboration with the Apartheid South African nuclear program; The decisive influence of the Club of Rome on the World Economic Forum; the WEF’s quasi-eugenics policies.
We then note that Peter Thiel’s father also worked on the Apartheid South African atomic bomb.
The series then chronicles analysis by elite Pentagon-connected scientists that CO2 could be used as a weapon of mass-destruction.
Next, we highlight the [belated] alarm that AI’s could produce the enslavement and/or destruction of society.
Over the decades, Mr. Emory’s analysis has focused on the enormous importance of President Kennedy’s assassination. The series next highlights some of the Nazi connections to that prominent event.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: The Joint Chiefs’ meeting with their German counterparts [all WWII veterans] in the Pentagon on the afternoon of 11/22/1963; The primary role of General Gerhard Wessel in the Gehlen organization, from WWII to his succeeding of Reinhard Gehlen as head of the BND; Ludwig Erhard’s scheduled state dinner on 11/25/1963–the day of JFK’s funeral; Ludwig Erhard’s networking with the SS and planning for the post WWII economic revival of the Third Reich; Nazi General Adolf Heusinger’s ascent to the top NATO military position, a role that gave him an office in the Pentagon.
We conclude with brief discussion of the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, a subject to which we will return in our next program in the series.
Updating the Ukraine war, this broadcast centers largely on the wholesale whitewashing of Ukrainian Nazi fighting formations, the Azov units, in particular.
In turn, this whitewashing is the historical culmination of a long process.
As Mr. Emory has noted in many programs and posts, the Russia-Ukraine war has completed the process of the Nazification of America that he has chronicled for the better part of half a century.
A central role in that process was played by General Franz Halder.
We have taken note of Halder before, discussing the fact that Reinhard Gehlen cleared his formation of a working agreement with the U.S. by conferring with Halder and Admiral Karl von Doenitz, who succeeded Hitler, following his alleged “suicide.”
Perhaps even more important is his decisive post-war work revising the history of the Wehrmacht and World War II, shepherding blatant, readily verifiable lies into accepted historical truth.
In the long, ongoing series of programs about the Ukraine war, Mr. Emory has discussed his belief that the war has functioned in a manner not unlike the Philosopher’s Stone of the medieval alchemists.
That stone was believed to be able to transform lead into gold. The war is transforming individuals and institutions in the West into the same historical revisionist fabric as the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory.
” . . . . After the war, he lived a comfortable life as an author, commentator and ‘historical consultant’ for the U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH). . . .”
“. . . . Halder’s job was to rehabilitate Nazism for the benefit of his new American patrons. If the Nazis could be ideologically separated from the German people and the German Army, America could use the most useful of Hitler’s soldiers in their war against the Soviet Union without raising suspicion. Halder oversaw a team of 700 former Wehrmacht officers and intentionally set about rewriting history to present the image of a clean Wehrmacht and a German people ignorant of Nazi brutality. His deputy was CIA agent Adolf Heusinger, a Nazi war criminal who was largely responsible for planning the endless massacres of ‘security warfare,’ and was later a commander of both the German Army and NATO. . . .”
” . . . . Halder enjoyed special status, releasing information to only the most privileged journalists and historians. With the legitimacy granted by his title, access to information, and U.S. government backing, Halder’s CMH was considered a gold standard source for academic historians and their information was highly coveted. Halder used this to carefully vet to whom he released information, ensuring he got the maximum impact.”
“From 1955 to 1991 his works were cited at least 700 times in academic publications, especially by professors and researchers in Western military academies. Since Western historians were forced to drink from Halder’s well, they passed down the poison to their students, and from there the lies worked their way into the public consciousness. Eventually, Nazi propaganda was laundered into ‘truth’ through simple repetition and careful control of sources. . . . .”
Next, we detail the ideological identification of the top Ukrainian military commander with Third Reich Ally Stephan Bandera.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Four Star General Valery Zaluzhnyi is not shy about his profound affinity with Bandera: “ . . . . Zaluzhnyi is shown in uniform standing in a military office with several other soldiers in front of a desk adorned with busts of OUN‑B leaders and Nazi-collaborators Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych. Photos of both Shukhevych and Bandera are also prominently hanging on the wall in the background along with the red and black Banderite flag. . . .”
As discussed in our previous article, post-World War II U.S. political culture has been shaped by the Nazi/Pentagon alliance of General Franz Halder and hundreds of his former fellow Wehrmacht officers. That alliance has re-shaped the perception of the Second World War in an unabashedly pro-Nazi fashion.
The whitewashing of Bandera and his OUN/B dates back to the incorporation of that organization’s parent agency, the Reinhard Gehlen “Org” into the U.S. intelligence establishment.
The Belarus Secret by John Loftus; Alfred A. Knopf & Co. [HC]; Copyright 1982 by John Loftus; ISBN 0–394-52292–3; p. 104.
. . . . The CIC had an agent who photographed eleven volumes of the secret files of the OUN/Bandera. These files clearly show how most of its members worked for the Gestapo or SS as policemen, executioners, partisan hunters, and municipal officials. The OUN contribution to the German war effort was significant, including raising volunteers for several SS divisions. It was precisely because of its work with the Nazis that Wisner wanted to hire the OUN for his special forces. . . .
The New York Times has been at the forefront of the whitewashing of the Azov formations and wholesale denial of the Nazification of the Ukrainian national security structure.
Now, “the Gray Lady” has been glorifying the Bratstvo battalion, another of the fascist fighting formations in the Ukrainian order of battle.
Descended from the UNA-UNSO, itself having been led by Yuri Shukhevych, son and collaborator of Roman Shukhevych, the Bratstvo battalion is being hailed as an exemplary commando unit.
(Roman Shukhevych was an OUN/B war criminal who, among other things, led the Lvov pogrom of June 30, 1941 committed by the SS-controlled Einsatzgruppe Nachtigall. He was declared a “Hero of Ukraine” by the political forces behind the Maidan coup.)
Among those joining the normalization of Azov Nazis are: Vogue magazine, MSNBC and the School of Visual Arts (New York).
Former press officer of the Azov Battalion, Dmytro Kozatsky has achieved gravitas in the West at the named institutions.
“ . . . . Protests erupted at DOC NYC’s premiere of the film Freedom on Fire (2022) at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) Theatre in Manhattan, which hosted Kozatsky as a guest speaker. Audience members who raised the accusations during a Q&A were forcibly removed from the event. . . .”
Author Lambert Strether concludes: “ . . . . what stuns me is the ease with which Kozatsky is penetrating our cultural institutions. Booking agents, facilities managers, press agents, board members who organize such things, fashion editors, network anchors: All combining their efforts to service a Nazi professionally, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, which at this point perhaps it is. . . .”
The Nazification of America via the Azov “Philosopher’s Stone” has swept up Congressional representatives from both political parties and academic groups at Stanford University.
Not to be outdone by the above individuals and institutions, the ADL has joined the chorus declaring that the Azovs aren’t Nazis.
Perhaps the whitewashing of the Azov Nazis should not surprise, particularly given that the formations’ atrocities in Ukraine are widely attributed to—drumroll, fanfare—the Russians!
Foremost in the Western falsification of Ukrainian/Azov atrocities is the massacre at Bucha, which helped terminate and marginalize ongoing behind-the-scenes negotiations to end the war.
One of the few Western voices correctly attributing the Bucha massacre is Scott Ritter.
“ . . . . Ukrainian security forces, in particular the “Safari” unit staffed by veterans of the neo-Nazi Azov Regiment, caught up with scores of these refugees while they made their way north and, in the vernacular of the Ukrainians, “cleansed” them, gunning them down on the spot, or binding their hands behind their backs before executing them in the alleyways and streets of Bucha. . . .”
The program begins with recap of the adaptation of IBM’s Hollerith machines to Nazi data compilation. (We concluded FTR #1075 with discussion of this.): ” . . . . Germany’s vast state bureaucracy and its military and rearmament programs, including the country’s growing concentration camp/slave labor system, also required data processing services. By the time the U.S. officially entered the war in 1941, IBM’s German subsidiary had grown to employ 10,000 people and served 300 different German government agencies. The Nazi Party Treasury; the SS; the War Ministry; the Reichsbank; the Reichspost; the Armaments Ministry; the Navy, Army and Air Force; and the Reich Statistical Office — the list of IBM’s clients went on and on.
” ‘Indeed, the Third Reich would open startling statistical venues for Hollerith machines never before instituted — perhaps never before even imagined,’ wrote Edwin Black in IBM and the Holocaust, his pioneering 2001 exposé of the forgotten business ties between IBM and Nazi Germany. ‘In Hitler’s Germany, the statistical and census community, overrun with doctrinaire Nazis, publicly boasted about the new demographic breakthroughs their equipment would achieve.’ . . . .
“Demand for Hollerith tabulators was so robust that IBM was forced to open a new factory in Berlin to crank out all the new machines. At the facility’s christening ceremony, which was attended by a top U.S. IBM executive and the elite of the Nazi Party, the head of IBM’s German subsidiary gave a rousing speech about the important role that Hollerith tabulators played in Hitler’s drive to purify Germany and cleanse it of inferior racial stock. . . .”
In that same article, Yasha Levine notes that the Trump administration’s proposed changes in the 2020 census sound as though they may portend something akin to the Nazi census of 1933: ” . . . . Based on a close reading of internal Department of Commerce documents tied to the census citizen question proposal, it appears the Trump administration wants to use the census to construct a first-of-its-kind citizenship registry for the entire U.S. population — a decision that arguably exceeds the legal authority of the census. ‘It was deep in the documentation that was released,’ Robert Groves, a former Census Bureau director who headed the National Academies committee convened to investigate the 2020 census, told me by telephone. ‘No one picked up on it much. But the term ‘registry’ in our world means not a collection of data for statistical purposes but rather to know the identity of particular people in order to use that knowledge to affect their lives.’ Given the administration’s posture toward immigration, the fact that it wants to build a comprehensive citizenship database is highly concerning. To Groves, it clearly signals ‘a bright line being crossed.’ . . .”
In the conclusion to Surveillance Valley, Yasha Levine notes how IBM computing technology facilitated the Nazi slave labor operations throughout the Third Reich. The epicenter of this was Mauthausen.
The systematic use of slave labor was central to Nazi Germany’s industrial infrastructure: ” . . . . But in the 1930s, Mauthausen had been a vital economic engine of Hitler’s genocidal plan to remake Europe and the Soviet Union into his own backyard utopia. It started out as a granite quarry but quickly grew into the largest slave labor complex in Nazi Germany, with fifty sub-camps that spanned most of modern-day Austria. Here, hundreds of thousands of prisoners–mostly European Jews but also Roma, Spaniards, Russians, Serbs, Slovenes, Germans, Bulgarians, even Cubans–were worked to death. They refined oil, built fighter aircraft, assembled cannons, developed rocket technology, and were leased out to private German businesses. Volkswagen, Siemens, Daimler-Benz, BMW, Bosch–all benefited from the camp’s slave labor pool. Mauthausen, the administrative nerve center, was centrally directed from Berlin using the latest in early computer technology: IBM punch card tabulators. . . .”
Mauthausen’s IBM machines were, in turn, central to German industry’s use of slave labor: ” . . . . the camp had several IBM machines working overtime to handle the big churn of inmates and to make sure there were always enough bodies to perform the necessary work. These machines didn’t operate in isolation but were part of a larger slave labor control-and-accounting system that stretched across Nazi-occupied Europe connecting Berlin to every major concentration and labor punch card, telegraph, telephone, and human courier. This wasn’t the automated type of computer network system that the Pentagon would begin to build in the United States just a decade later, but it was an information network nonetheless: an electromechanical web that fueled and sustained Nazi Germany’s war machine with blazing efficiency. It extended beyond the labor camps and reached into the cities and towns, crunching mountains of genealogical data to track down people with even the barest whiff of Jewish blood or perceived racial impurity in a mad rush to fulfill Adolf Hitler’s drive to purify the German people, but they made the Nazi death machine run faster and more efficiently, scouring the population and tracking down victims in ways that would never have been possible without them. . . .”
In his book–one of the most important in recent memory–Yasha Levine sets forth vital, revelatory information about the development and functioning of the Internet.
Born of the same overlapping DARPA projects that spawned Agent Orange, the Internet was never intended to be something good. Its generative function and purpose is counter-insurgency. ” . . . . In the 1960s, America was a global power overseeing an increasingly volatile world: conflicts and regional insurgencies against US-allied governments from South America to Southeast Asia and the Middle East. These were not traditional wars that involved big armies but guerilla campaigns and local rebellions, frequently fought in regions where Americans had little previous experience. Who were these people? Why were they rebelling? What could be done to stop them? In military circles, it was believed that these questions were of vital importance to America’s pacification efforts, and some argued that the only effective way to answer them was to develop and leverage computer-aided information technology. The Internet came out of this effort: an attempt to build computer systems that could collect and share intelligence, watch the world in real time, and study and analyze people and political movements with the ultimate goal of predicting and preventing social upheaval. . . .”
In this landmark volume, Levine makes numerous points, including:
1.–The harvesting of data by intelligence services is PRECISELY what the Internet was designed to do in the first place.
2.–The harvesting of data engaged in by the major tech corporations is an extension of the data gathering/surveillance that was–and is–the raison d’etre for the Internet in the first place.
3.–The big tech companies all collaborate with the various intelligence agencies they publicly scorn and seek to ostensibly distance themselves from.
4.–Edward Snowden, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Jacob Appelbaum, the milieu of the Tor Network and WikiLeaks are complicit in the data harvesting and surveillance.
5.–Snowden and other privacy activists are double agents, consciously channeling people fearful of having their communications monitored into technologies that will facilitate that surveillance!
The program notes that counterinsurgency–the functional context of the origin of the Internet–is at the foundation of the genesis of Nazism. At the conclusion of World War I, Germany was beset by a series of socialist/Communist uprisings in a number of cities, including Munich. Responding to that, underground Reichswehr units commanded by Ernst Rohm (later head of the SA) systematically assassinated the leaders of the revolution, as well as prominent social democrats and Jews, such as Walther Rathenau. In Munich, an undercover agent for the political department of the Reichswehr under General Von Lossow infiltrated the revolutionaries, pretending to be one of them.
Following the crushing of the rebellion and occupation of the city by Reichswehr units, that infiltrator identified the leaders of the revolution, who were then summarily executed. The infiltrator’s name was Adolf Hitler.
After the suppression of the rebellion, Hitler, Rohm and undercover Reichswehr agents infiltrated a moribund political party and turned it into an intelligence front for the introduction of the supposedly de-mobilized German Army into German society for the purpose of generating political reaction. That front was the German National Social Workers Party.
The broadcast re-capitulates (from part of Miscellaneous Archive Show M11) Hitler’s speech to the Industry Club of Dusseldorf. This speech, which won the German industrial and financial elite over to the cause of the Nazi Party, equated democracy with Communism.
Manifesting a Social Darwinist perspective, Hitler opined that the [assembled] successful, accomplished were, by definition superior to others. If those, by definition, inferior people were allowed to control the political process, they would structure the social and economic landscape to their own benefit.
This, according to Hitler, would be counter-evolutionary.