Although we have no hard information of a possible biological warfare link to the outbreak, an article from former Naval Intelligence officer Wayne Madsen is worth considering in that regard. In 2009, Germany was pondering the shipment of deadly pathogens, including Ebola virus to Ft. Detrick in Maryland. They voiced concern about the possibility that the samples might be weaponized, possibly giving themselves plausible deniability in the event that they were used for biological war purposes. All of the contents of this website as of 10/2/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive.
Revisiting the heroic Ed Haslam, we highlight new points of information from his book “Dr. Mary’s Monkey,” as well as setting forth information about Ebola, indicating that the official version of the evolution of that deadly disease is badly skewed. Key points of information in Ed’s new edition include the J. Edgar Hoover’s order to preclude FBI involvement in the investigation of Dr. Mary Sherman’s murder; Meyer Lansky aide Chauncey Holt’s links to Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA and Operation Mongoose (the Agency’s anti-Castro effort); Stanley Stumpf’s possible role in moving Dr. Mary Sherman’s body; the Warren Commission’s omission of Oswald’s signed time cards from the Reilly Coffee Company; Victoria and Owen Hawes’ account of Oswald’s visits to a neighbor of Dr. Mary Sherman and the possible disposal of bio-waste in the neighbor’s toilet; crime scene photos of Dr. Mary Sherman’d corpse that disprove the official version of her killing; the CIA’s complete redaction of “Crown Jewel #1”–the Agency’s activities between the late 1950’s and 1964.
Recorded less than 48 hours before the 9/11 attacks, foreshadowing the anthrax attacks that followed, and offering possible clues as to why, viewing worlds of clandestine fascist politics, the intelligence community and biological warfare research.
Listen now: One Segment This segment sets forth information indicating that the deadly Ebola virus that has emerged in Africa may be a man-made virus that was developed in Western biological warfare programs. Relying on information presented in a German television documentary and accessed in a magazine called The New African, the broadcast notes that […]
This program continues analysis of the “Pandemics, Inc.” consortium of Metabiota, EcoHealth Alliance, In-Q-Tel and Munich Re.
We note that Andrew C. Weber–a key executive of Metabiota–had an interesting background: ” . . . . He joined Metabiota in February 2016 as Head of Global Partnerships in the Government Business Unit. . . . He served until October 2014 as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical & Biological Defense Programs. . . .”
Weber was in that post at Metabiota when, in October of 2016, Metabiota initiated its projects in Ukraine.
Next, the program reviews an excerpting of a Wired Magazine article about the Metabiota/Munich Reinsurance project.
Bear in mind that In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the CIA and the intelligence community, is greasing the wheels of this project with financing.
We highlight two key points of information:
1.–The business success of the pandemic insurance would necessarily incorporate analysis of the “fear factor” of potential pandemic pathogens: ” . . . . As sophisticated as Metabiota’s system was, however, it would need to be even more refined to incorporate into an insurance policy. The model would need to capture something much more difficult to quantify than historical deaths and medical stockpiles: fear. The economic consequences of a scourge, the historical data showed, were as much a result of society’s response as they were to the virus itself. . . . The Sentiment Index was built to be, as Oppenheim put it, ‘a catalog of dread.’ For any given pathogen, it could spit out a score from 0 to 100 according to how frightening the public would find it. . . . Madhav and her team, along with Wolfe and Oppenheim, also researched the broader economic consequences of disease outbreaks, measured in the ‘cost per death prevented’ incurred by societal interventions. ‘Measures that decreased person-to-person contact, including social distancing, quarantine, and school closures, had the greatest cost per death prevented, most likely because of the amount of economic disruption caused by those measures,’ they wrote in a 2018 paper. . . .”
2.–More sinister, still, is the fact that Metabiota had analyzed the scenario of a novel coronavirus pandemic two years before it happened. This appears to be the 2018 paper referred to above. Do not fail to note that, at the time that Metabiota was running this scenario, they were partnered with EcoHealth Alliance, which was using Pentagon and USAID money to research and perform gain-of-function on these types of coronaviruses!! ” . . . . As the human and economic devastation multiplied in tandem across the globe, Metabiota’s employees suddenly found themselves living inside their own model’s projections. Just two years earlier, the company had run a large set of scenarios forecasting the consequences of a novel coronavirus spreading around the globe. . . .”
Next, we review aspects of important article presents depth on a number of overlapping considerations about biological warfare, the Covid “op” and the Ukraine war.
Of particular importance, here, is H5N1’s potential significance of the In-Q-Tel, Metabiota, Munich Re pandemic insurance consortium.
In addition to the H5N1’s real or potential impact on businesses involved with one aspect or another of commercial poultry, the possibility that a weaponized/zoonotic mutation of the virus could spawn a devastating human pandemic could be a major driver of “fear” and the willingness of businesses to purchase pandemic insurance.
Key Points of Analysis and Discussion Include:
1.–” . . . . The emergence of the virus in 1997 in Hong Kong was eerily predicted by Kennedy Shortridge, the scientist who would discover it. H5N1 didn’t infect humans until Shortridge and his colleagues had been studying its human infection potential in their labs for several years. At the time, the natural leap of a flu directly from poultry to humans was so improbable that scientists first suspected that it was the result of contamination from Shortridge’s lab. . . .”
2.–Normally, H5N1 human infections are extremely rare: ” . . . . H5N1 hardly ever infects people. News about highly pathogenic avian influenza usually leads with how deadly it is. Rarely is it mentioned that the disease hardly ever infects people. H5N1 kills more than half of the people who get it, but H5N1 has circled the globe for decades and there have only ever been 860 human infections worldwide. . . .”
3.–More about how rare human infections are and the rise of avian infections in 2022: ” . . . . There has never been an H5N1 pandemic and no human infectionwith H5N1 bird flu has ever been identified in the U.S. That’s an extraordinary safety record, given how filthy U.S. factory farms and slaughterhouses are and how fast the infection spreads among crowded birds. So far in 2022, 29 states have reported outbreaks of bird flu in 213 flocks resulting in the culling of nearly 31 million birds, including almost 5 percent of egg-laying hens. In 2015, it was even worse with 50 million birds culled, but there wasn’t a single human case. . . .”
4.–” . . . . Anthony Fauci has made significant investments in gain-of-function research to give H5N1 pandemic potential, making it easily transmissible from person to person—and Bill Gates chipped in, too! . . .”
5.–” . . . . In February 2006, Fauci convened a one-day in-house ‘NIAID Influenza Research Summit’ to identify influenza research priorities. In September, he opened up the topic to a 35-member ‘Blue Ribbon Panel on Influenza Research’ that included Fouchier and Kawaoka. The Blue Ribbon panel’s report doesn’t mention gain-of-function experiments, but Fauci gave them grants to do just that. [Ron] Fouchier and [Yoshihiro] Kawaoka’s now infamous gain-of-function research showed that, through lab manipulation, H5N1 could be altered to become highly transmissible among humans via airborne infection. . . .”
6.–” . . . . The first human H5N1 outbreak occurred in Hong Kong in 1997, the year of what the British call the ‘Hong Kong handover,’ when sovereignty over Hong Kong was transferred from the U.K. to China. It was during this ‘politically sensitive’ year that Kennedy Shortridge, an Australian scientist who was the director of the World Health Organization’s reference laboratory at the University of Hong Kong, confirmed human cases of highly pathogenic bird flu. . . .”
7.–” . . . .The 1997 Hong Kong H5N1 virus was unique in every respect. Time magazine reported, ‘On the H gene at a point called the cleavage site, [was] found a telltale mutation, the same kind of mutation found in other highly pathogenic avian viruses. …The virus … had regions that were identical to portions of [an] avian virus that struck Pennsylvania [chickens] in 1983.” The L.A. Times reported, ‘The H5 piece came from a virus in a goose. The N1 piece came from a second virus in a quail. The remaining flu genes came from a third virus, also in quail.’ . . . .”
8.–” . . . . Shortridge had been studying how avian influenza viruses spread to humans since 1975. Prior to discovering H5N1, Shortridge eerily predicted its emergence. As Frank Ching reported in ‘Bird Flu, SARS and Beyond’: As early as 1982, Shortridge had labeled southern China, where humans and domestic animals lived in close proximity, ‘an epicenter for the origin of pandemics.’ Ten years later, he called southern China a ‘virus soup’ and warned that pandemic influenza was a zoonosis, that is, it could be transmitted from animals to humans and, in 1995, he warned that influenza in southern China could not properly be called an ’emerging’ infection because it was constantly lurking. ‘Elusive might be more apt,’ he wrote. . . .”
9.–” . . . . An example of Shortridge’s penchant for such predictions is his 1995 Lancet article “The next pandemic influenza virus?” Curiously, H5N1 emerged two years later, in 1997, in the same city where Shortridge worked, Hong Kong. . . .”
10.–” . . . . At the time, the natural leap of a flu directly from poultry to humans was thought to be so unlikely that scientists first suspected contamination from Shortridge’s lab was the cause of the highly improbable H5N1 diagnosis. How would that contamination happen unless Shortridge hadn’t already been working with H5N1 in the lab? . . .”
11.–” . . . . H5N1 didn’t cause disease in humans until this potential had been studied in a lab for several years. Fauci had been funding Kawaoka and Fouchier’s efforts to get bird flu to leap to humans since 1990 and their work was connected to what Shortridge was doing in Hong Kong. For seven years prior to the first human H5N1 outbreak in 1997, Fauci had been funding Kawaoka’s gain-of-function bird flu research at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Kawaoka’s mentor there, Robert G. Webster, was working and publishing with Shortridge. Every year, Webster spent three months working with Shortridge at the University of Hong Kong, according to this profile of Webster which mentions Kawaoka as his protege. . . .”
12.–” . . . . The most eerie connection between Shortridge and Webster’s labs is that the closest known relative of the 1997 Hong Kong H5N1 was the avian virus that struck Pennsylvania chickens in 1983—that Yoshihiro Kawaoka had studied. According to Time magazine: Webster assigned a young scientist, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, to try to figure out how the [1983] virus transformed itself into such a ‘hot’ pathogen. Kawaoka, now a professor of virology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, compared the genetic structure of viruses from the first and second waves and found only a single, extremely subtle change in the H gene. The two viruses differed by just one nucleotide–one of 1,700 nucleotides that made up the gene. . . .”
13.–”. . . . There’s also a connection to Fouchier, through his mentor at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Jan De Jong, also a colleague and collaborator of Shortridge and Webster’s. . . .”
14.–” . . . . Kawaoka’s colleague and mentor Robert G. Webster and Fouchier’s colleague and mentor Jan De Jong were the first scientists outside of Hong Kong to receive samples of the 1997 H5N1 flu from Shortridge’s lab. . . .”
15.–” . . . . De Jong is often credited with being the one who identified the 1997 Hong Kong flu as H5N1, but he did so with ‘a panel of reagents to every type of flu strain yet known’ that had been brought from Webster’s lab in Memphis to the National Influenza Centre in Rotterdam. . . .”
16.–” . . . . Kawaoka and Fouchier are of post-Biological Weapons Convention era where the weaponization of pathogens is euphemistically called ‘gain-of-function’ research, but their older colleagues, De Jong, Shortridge and Webster came of age prior to 1972 and their mentors were of the pre-Biological Weapons Convention era when virologists knowingly and openly engineered viruses for military purposes. . . .”
17.–” . . . . Shortridge and Webster were trained by Frank Macfarlane Burnet who served on the Australian Department of Defence’s New Weapons and Equipment Development Committee in the 1940s and 50s. The Federation of American Scientists lists some of the most chilling things Burnet recommended: Burnet … said Australia should develop biological weapons that would work in tropical Asia without spreading to Australia’s more temperate population centres. . . .”
18.–Burnet’s observations: ” . . . . ‘Specifically to the Australian situation, the most effective counter-offensive to threatened invasion by overpopulated Asiatic countries would be directed towards the destruction by biological or chemical means of tropical food crops and the dissemination of infectious disease capable of spreading in tropical but not under Australian conditions.’ . . .”
18.–The broadcast notes a frightening relationship between Metabiota and the selection of Philip Zelikow to head a commission to determine the origin of Covid-19: ” . . . . In 2008, committed $30 million to virus hunting and gain-of-function research on potential pandemic pathogens through a project it called Predict and Prevent. At least $5.5 million of that went to Dr. Nathan Wolfe’s non-profit Global Viral Forecasting Initiative, which was soon to become the for-profit Metabiota. Other GVFI funders at the time included the Skoll Foundation, which also gave $5.5 million, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck Research Laboratories and the US Department of Defense. . . .”
19.–” . . . . When the GVFI became the for-profit Metabiota, Google Ventures continued to invest. In addition, it created a business partnership with Metabiota, ‘offering its big-data expertise to help the company serve its customers–insurers, government agencies and other organizations–by offering them forecasting and risk-management tools.’ In other words, they sell pandemic insurance. . . .”
20.–”. . . . Now that Metabiota has gotten caught up in the COVID origins scandal, its original investors, Eric Schmidt of Google, Jeffrey Skoll of EBay, Rajiv Shah of The Rockefeller Foundation (formerly USAID director, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) chipped in to fund the COVID Commission Planning Group, a white-wash led by Philip Zelikow who gave us the 9–11 Commission cover-up. . . .”
21.–In past programs, we have noted that David Franz, former head of the U.S.A.M.R.I.I.D at Fort Detrick was a key advisor to EcoHealthAlliance. Franz helped produce the encapsulated, weapons-grade anthrax used in the 2001 anthrax attacks: ” . . . . One of Metabiota’s PREDICT partners is EcoHealth Alliance, whose science and policy advisor, David Franz, produced the anthrax used in the 2001 attacks while working for Southern Research and partnering with scientists at Battelle. . . .”
The program concludes with discussion of Munich Re’s deep political association with the Third Reich, both in its initial, above-ground phase and in its role as a critical element of the remarkable, lethal Bormann capital association.
This is the third program in a short series updating not only our inquiry into the Covid “op” but the overlapping inquiry into the Metabiota/Pentagon biological research/warfare program in Ukraine.
In our “Bio-Psy-Op Apocalypse Now” programs, we noted Gilead Sciences’ development of the Tamiflu anti-viral developed for use in the event of a human adaptation of H5N1 avian flu.
Previously the chairman of Gilead’s board of directors, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had the Pentagon stockpile Tamiflu, while retaining generous amounts of Gilead stock–Rumsfeld profited handsomely thereby.
We have also discussed the gain-of-function research done on H5N1 to make it more infective in numerous programs.
This program explores the Ukraine programs and the allegation that weaponized H5N1 was being developed in that country.
Our research into Metabiota and the Ukraine biological laboratories is discussed in–among other programs–FTR#1239.
Research into the allegation of “digitized” migratory birds to be used as weapons is highlighted in FTR#1243.
In this and succeeding programs, we will analyze a very important article presenting depth on a number of overlapping considerations about biological warfare, the Covid “op” and the Ukraine war.
Recapping, underscoring and detailing an important milieu involved for decades with biological warfare advocacy, gain-of-function advocacy and manipulation of H5N1 avian flu, and researching the rare human outbreaks of the disease:
Two figures at opposite temporal ends of this array are Anthony Fauci and Frank Macfarlane Burnet. Fauci has channeled financing to gain-of-function manipulations performed by Ron Fouchier and Yoshihiro Kawaoka. Kawoka and Fouchier, in turn, are networked with Jan De Jong and Robert G. Webster.
Webster and Kennedy Shortridge are both colleagues/proteges of Macfarlane Burnet.
The decades long network of research projects and curious outbreaks of H5N1 among both birds and humans is detailed below:
Key Points of Analysis and Discussion Include:
1.–” . . . . The emergence of the virus in 1997 in Hong Kong was eerily predicted by Kennedy Shortridge, the scientist who would discover it. H5N1 didn’t infect humans until Shortridge and his colleagues had been studying its human infection potential in their labs for several years. At the time, the natural leap of a flu directly from poultry to humans was so improbable that scientists first suspected that it was the result of contamination from Shortridge’s lab. . . .”
3.–Normally, H5N1 human infections are extremely rare: ” . . . . H5N1 hardly ever infects people. News about highly pathogenic avian influenza usually leads with how deadly it is. Rarely is it mentioned that the disease hardly ever infects people. H5N1 kills more than half of the people who get it, but H5N1 has circled the globe for decades and there have only ever been 860 human infections worldwide. . . .”
4.–More about how rare human infections are and the rise of avian infections in 2022: ” . . . . There has never been an H5N1 pandemic and no human infection with H5N1 bird flu has ever been identified in the U.S. That’s an extraordinary safety record, given how filthy U.S. factory farms and slaughterhouses are and how fast the infection spreads among crowded birds. So far in 2022, 29 states have reported outbreaks of bird flu in 213 flocks resulting in the culling of nearly 31 million birds, including almost 5 percent of egg-laying hens. In 2015, it was even worse with 50 million birds culled, but there wasn’t a single human case. . . .”
5.–” . . . . Anthony Fauci has made significant investments in gain-of-function research to give H5N1 pandemic potential, making it easily transmissible from person to person—and Bill Gates chipped in, too! . . .”
6.–” . . . . In February 2006, Fauci convened a one-day in-house ‘NIAID Influenza Research Summit’ to identify influenza research priorities. In September, he opened up the topic to a 35-member ‘Blue Ribbon Panel on Influenza Research’ that included Fouchier and Kawaoka. The Blue Ribbon panel’s report doesn’t mention gain-of-function experiments, but Fauci gave them grants to do just that. [Ron] Fouchier and [Yoshihiro] Kawaoka’s now infamous gain-of-function research showed that, through lab manipulation, H5N1 could be altered to become highly transmissible among humans via airborne infection. . . .”
7.–” . . . . The first human H5N1 outbreak occurred in Hong Kong in 1997, the year of what the British call the ‘Hong Kong handover,’ when sovereignty over Hong Kong was transferred from the U.K. to China. It was during this ‘politically sensitive’ year that Kennedy Shortridge, an Australian scientist who was the director of the World Health Organization’s reference laboratory at the University of Hong Kong, confirmed human cases of highly pathogenic bird flu. . . .”
8.–” . . . .The 1997 Hong Kong H5N1 virus was unique in every respect. Time magazine reported, ‘On the H gene at a point called the cleavage site, [was] found a telltale mutation, the same kind of mutation found in other highly pathogenic avian viruses. …The virus … had regions that were identical to portions of [an] avian virus that struck Pennsylvania [chickens] in 1983.” The L.A. Times reported, ‘The H5 piece came from a virus in a goose. The N1 piece came from a second virus in a quail. The remaining flu genes came from a third virus, also in quail.’ . . . .”
9.–” . . . . Shortridge had been studying how avian influenza viruses spread to humans since 1975. Prior to discovering H5N1, Shortridge eerily predicted its emergence. As Frank Ching reported in ‘Bird Flu, SARS and Beyond’: As early as 1982, Shortridge had labeled southern China, where humans and domestic animals lived in close proximity, ‘an epicenter for the origin of pandemics.’ Ten years later, he called southern China a ‘virus soup’ and warned that pandemic influenza was a zoonosis, that is, it could be transmitted from animals to humans and, in 1995, he warned that influenza in southern China could not properly be called an ’emerging’ infection because it was constantly lurking. ‘Elusive might be more apt,’ he wrote. . . .”
10.–” . . . . An example of Shortridge’s penchant for such predictions is his 1995 Lancet article “The next pandemic influenza virus?” Curiously, H5N1 emerged two years later, in 1997, in the same city where Shortridge worked, Hong Kong. . . .”
11.–” . . . . At the time, the natural leap of a flu directly from poultry to humans was thought to be so unlikely that scientists first suspected contamination from Shortridge’s lab was the cause of the highly improbable H5N1 diagnosis. How would that contamination happen unless Shortridge hadn’t already been working with H5N1 in the lab? . . .”
12.–” . . . . H5N1 didn’t cause disease in humans until this potential had been studied in a lab for several years. Fauci had been funding Kawaoka and Fouchier’s efforts to get bird flu to leap to humans since 1990 and their work was connected to what Shortridge was doing in Hong Kong. For seven years prior to the first human H5N1 outbreak in 1997, Fauci had been funding Kawaoka’s gain-of-function bird flu research at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Kawaoka’s mentor there, Robert G. Webster, was working and publishing with Shortridge. Every year, Webster spent three months working with Shortridge at the University of Hong Kong, according to this profile of Webster which mentions Kawaoka as his protege. . . .”
13.–” . . . . The most eerie connection between Shortridge and Webster’s labs is that the closest known relative of the 1997 Hong Kong H5N1 was the avian virus that struck Pennsylvania chickens in 1983—that Yoshihiro Kawaoka had studied. According to Time magazine: Webster assigned a young scientist, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, to try to figure out how the [1983] virus transformed itself into such a ‘hot’ pathogen. Kawaoka, now a professor of virology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, compared the genetic structure of viruses from the first and second waves and found only a single, extremely subtle change in the H gene. The two viruses differed by just one nucleotide–one of 1,700 nucleotides that made up the gene. . . .”
14.–”. . . . There’s also a connection to Fouchier, through his mentor at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Jan De Jong, also a colleague and collaborator of Shortridge and Webster’s. . . .”
15.–” . . . . Kawaoka’s colleague and mentor Robert G. Webster and Fouchier’s colleague and mentor Jan De Jong were the first scientists outside of Hong Kong to receive samples of the 1997 H5N1 flu from Shortridge’s lab. . . .”
16.–” . . . . De Jong is often credited with being the one who identified the 1997 Hong Kong flu as H5N1, but he did so with ‘a panel of reagents to every type of flu strain yet known’ that had been brought from Webster’s lab in Memphis to the National Influenza Centre in Rotterdam. . . .”
17.–” . . . . Kawaoka and Fouchier are of post-Biological Weapons Convention era where the weaponization of pathogens is euphemistically called ‘gain-of-function’ research, but their older colleagues, De Jong, Shortridge and Webster came of age prior to 1972 and their mentors were of the pre-Biological Weapons Convention era when virologists knowingly and openly engineered viruses for military purposes. . . .”
18.–” . . . . Shortridge and Webster were trained by Frank Macfarlane Burnet who served on the Australian Department of Defence’s New Weapons and Equipment Development Committee in the 1940s and 50s. The Federation of American Scientists lists some of the most chilling things Burnet recommended: Burnet … said Australia should develop biological weapons that would work in tropical Asia without spreading to Australia’s more temperate population centres. . . .”
19.–Burnet’s observations: ” . . . . ‘Specifically to the Australian situation, the most effective counter-offensive to threatened invasion by overpopulated Asiatic countries would be directed towards the destruction by biological or chemical means of tropical food crops and the dissemination of infectious disease capable of spreading in tropical but not under Australian conditions.’ . . .”
20.–The broadcast notes a frightening relationship between Metabiota and the selection of Philip Zelikow to head a commission to determine the origin of Covid-19: ” . . . . In 2008, committed $30 million to virus hunting and gain-of-function research on potential pandemic pathogens through a project it called Predict and Prevent. At least $5.5 million of that went to Dr. Nathan Wolfe’s non-profit Global Viral Forecasting Initiative, which was soon to become the for-profit Metabiota. Other GVFI funders at the time included the Skoll Foundation, which also gave $5.5 million, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck Research Laboratories and the US Department of Defense. . . .”
21.–” . . . . When the GVFI became the for-profit Metabiota, Google Ventures continued to invest. In addition, it created a business partnership with Metabiota, ‘offering its big-data expertise to help the company serve its customers–insurers, government agencies and other organizations–by offering them forecasting and risk-management tools.’ In other words, they sell pandemic insurance. . . .”
22.–”. . . . Now that Metabiota has gotten caught up in the COVID origins scandal, its original investors, Eric Schmidt of Google, Jeffrey Skoll of EBay, Rajiv Shah of The Rockefeller Foundation (formerly USAID director, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) chipped in to fund the COVID Commission Planning Group, a white-wash led by Philip Zelikow who gave us the 9–11 Commission cover-up. . . .”
23.–In past programs, we have noted that David Franz, former head of the U.S.A.M.R.I.I.D at Fort Detrick was a key advisor to EcoHealthAlliance. Franz helped produce the encapsulated, weapons-grade anthrax used in the 2001 anthrax attacks: ” . . . . One of Metabiota’s PREDICT partners is EcoHealth Alliance, whose science and policy advisor, David Franz, produced the anthrax used in the 2001 attacks while working for Southern Research and partnering with scientists at Battelle. . . .”
Pivoting to the subject of apparent Russian discoveries of an advanced American-financed biological warfare program in Ukraine, we access the commentary of M.K. Bhadrakumar, a former Indian diplomat.
Bhadrakumar underscores some terrifying aspects of the apparent B.W. program, including “digitized” migratory birds, tracked by satellite and fitted with capsules of deadly microbes. When the birds are over a targeted country, they can be killed, triggering a pandemic.
” . . . . A mind-boggling ‘discovery’ that Russian forces in Ukraine stumbled upon is the use of numbered birds by the Pentagon-funded labs. . . . On the basis of this data, groups of migratory birds are caught, digitized and capsules of germs are attached to them that carry a chip to be controlled through computers. . . . During the long flight of the birds that have been digitized in the Pentagon bio-labs, their movement is monitored step by step by means of satellites and the exact locations are determined. . . . During the long flight of the birds that have been digitized in the Pentagon bio-labs, their movement is monitored step by step by means of satellites and the exact locations are determined. . . . The idea is that if the Biden Administration (or the CIA) has a requirement to inflict harm on, say, Russia or China (or India for that matter), the chip is destroyed when the bird is in their skies. Plainly put, kill the bird carrying the epidemic. . . . once the ‘digitized’ bird is killed and the capsule of germs it carries is released, the disease spreads in the ‘X’ or ‘Y’ country. It becomes a highly cost-effective method of harming an enemy country without any need of war or coup d’état or color revolution. The Russians have made the shocking claim that they are actually in possession of such migratory birds digitized in the Pentagon’s bio-labs. . . .”
A 2014 blog post details a 1960’s program in India that may have been a precursor to the apparent “digitized/weaponized” migratory birds program in Ukraine.
” . . . . It appeared that a unit of the U.S. Army called Migratory Animal Pathological Survey was interested in the project. The Army’s interest lay in knowing whether bacteria were being transmitted by the migrating birds. The project offered an excellent means of investigation and therefore had acquired an ominous significance. . . .”
Another possible 1960’s precursor of the “migratory birds of mass destruction” in Ukraine was a program to place voracious, disease-carrying Lone Star ticks in the Atlantic Flyway, through which migratory birds travel from Latin America through to the American Northeast.
” . . . . The sites were located on the Atlantic Flyway, the migratory bird superhighway that runs along the eastern South American and North American coasts. . . . . . . . Lone star ticks have several survival advantages over their deer tick cousins. They don’t wait patiently on a stalk of grass for passing prey; they are active hunters that crawl toward any carbon dioxide-emitting animal, including birds. . . . But in the 1970s, these ticks began rapidly expanding their range. 7 The first lone star tick observed on Montauk, Long Island, was in 1971, and as of 2018, established populations have been observed as far north as Maine. 8 . . . . All this begs the question: What is driving this mass migration of the lone star tick and its disease-causing hitchhikers northward? . . . .”
Is this research in any way linked to the Russian allegations of weaponization of H5N1 avian flu detailed in FTR#‘s 1248 and 1249?
In FTR#1243, we present information about the apparent biowarfare programs the U.S. funded in Ukraine. These bear more intense scrutiny. In a 4/06 U.N. Security Council meeting, Russia alleged that migratory birds had been digitized, fitted with capsules of deadly pathogens and were tracked via satellite. The Russians claim to actually have some of these digitized birds. This allegation aligns with known U.S. biowarfare investigation of and experiments with, migratory birds. A program in India in the 1960s was supervised by the U.S. Army and another program in the same time period involved placing the virulent-biting Lone Star Tick in the Atlantic Flyway used by birds migrating between North and South America. Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
This program continues our coverage of Ukraine.
The title of the series comes from the 1976 autobiography Heartland by the late, brilliant political comedian Mort Sahl, one of New Orleans DA Jim Garrison’s investigators his probe of President Kennedy’s assassination.
Amid the highly politicized accounts of alleged “Russian atrocities” in the Ukraine war, it is of the highest importance to remember that the “news” reaching the West is coming exclusively through the Ukrainian security authorities, chiefly the Azov-imprinted Ukrainian National Police and the associated Interior Ministry, which retains the dominant influence of Azov-associated Arsen Avakov and Vadim Troyan–the former head of the Ukrainian national police and, before that, Deputy Commander of the Azov Battalion.
Further clouding access to accurate information about what is actually occurring in the war is an accelerated American disinformation process enthusiastically touting dubious intelligence as a vehicle for—supposedly—“getting inside Putin’s head.”
It is highly unlikely that the purveyors of that low-quality intelligence are actually trying to influence Putin. The low-grade intelligence is more likely to be directed at the American people.
Also worth contemplating is the grotesque history of U.S. disinformation—a track record of egregious, official lying that dominates the American political and historical landscape.
The assassination of President Kennedy, the Vietnam War that, in large measure, resulted from that murder, the killings of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, the Iraq War and countless other fundamental official political lies do not appear to have taught the American people anything!
Their appetite for b.s. appears undiminished.
For more information about the “low-quality” intel being disseminated for psychological warfare purposes, see:‑1/#comment-370625
Next, we visit the satellite photos, also allegedly showing photos of the alleged “Russian atrocities” in Bucha, including the digging of the alleged mass grave to hold victims of said abominations.
Maxar is the company whose satellite photos are highlighted by our media to demonstrate the alleged atrocities.
Maxar, in turn, is the parent company of DigitalGlobe, a firm started by veterans of Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”).
Growing out of late 1992 legislation that legalized the entry of private firms into the strategic reconnaissance satellite business, DigitalGlobe was the source of propagandized pictures alleging a Russian “invasion” of Ukraine in 2014!
DigitalGlobe/Maxar’s track record warrants scrutiny of the firm’s “evidence” in the context of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”
More about Maxar can be found here:‑1/#comment-370595
In FTR#808, we set forth information about DigitalGlobe.
The satellite imagery purporting to show Russian armor and self-propelled artillery inside of Ukraine comes from a private company–DigitalGlobe. That company was founded by key personnel from Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative.
DigitalGlobe co-founder Doug Gerull had previously worked for the Zeiss firm, discussed in FTR #272 as one of the German/Underground Reich/Bormann firms that were moving into satellite imagery technology in the U.S.
An article published after FTR#808 was recorded noted the dubious nature of the claims of a “Russian Invasion” of Ukraine.
A major consideration to be weighed concerns the Azov-imprinted Ukrainian police’s use of an American AI facial recognition software called Clearview.
The brainchild of Alt-right lynchpin Charles Johnson, Clearview received key start-up investment capital from Peter Thiel, one of the driving forces behind Trump and a major player in the Big Tech and electronic surveillance scene.
Critics have expressed concern about Clearview’s potential for abuse. Note that the firm uses a database of 20 billion faces, scraped from social media.
Pivoting to the subject of apparent Russian discoveries of an advanced American-financed biological warfare program in Ukraine, we access the commentary of M.K. Bhadrakumar, a former Indian diplomat.
Bhadrakumar underscores some terrifying aspects of the apparent B.W. program, including “digitized” migratory birds, tracked by satellite and fitted with capsules of deadly microbes. When the birds are over a targeted country, they can be killed, triggering a pandemic.
” . . . . A mind-boggling ‘discovery’ that Russian forces in Ukraine stumbled upon is the use of numbered birds by the Pentagon-funded labs. . . . On the basis of this data, groups of migratory birds are caught, digitized and capsules of germs are attached to them that carry a chip to be controlled through computers. . . . During the long flight of the birds that have been digitized in the Pentagon bio-labs, their movement is monitored step by step by means of satellites and the exact locations are determined. . . . During the long flight of the birds that have been digitized in the Pentagon bio-labs, their movement is monitored step by step by means of satellites and the exact locations are determined. . . . The idea is that if the Biden Administration (or the CIA) has a requirement to inflict harm on, say, Russia or China (or India for that matter), the chip is destroyed when the bird is in their skies. Plainly put, kill the bird carrying the epidemic. . . . once the ‘digitized’ bird is killed and the capsule of germs it carries is released, the disease spreads in the ‘X’ or ‘Y’ country. It becomes a highly cost-effective method of harming an enemy country without any need of war or coup d’état or color revolution. The Russians have made the shocking claim that they are actually in possession of such migratory birds digitized in the Pentagon’s bio-labs. . . .”
A 2014 blog post details a 1960’s program in India that may have been a precursor to the apparent “digitized/weaponized” migratory birds program in Ukraine.
” . . . . It appeared that a unit of the U.S. Army called Migratory Animal Pathological Survey was interested in the project. The Army’s interest lay in knowing whether bacteria were being transmitted by the migrating birds. The project offered an excellent means of investigation and therefore had acquired an ominous significance. . . .”
Another possible 1960’s precursor of the “migratory birds of mass destruction” in Ukraine was a program to place voracious, disease-carrying Lone Star ticks in the Atlantic Flyway, through which migratory birds travel from Latin America through to the American Northeast.
” . . . . The sites were located on the Atlantic Flyway, the migratory bird superhighway that runs along the eastern South American and North American coasts. . . . . . . . Lone star ticks have several survival advantages over their deer tick cousins. They don’t wait patiently on a stalk of grass for passing prey; they are active hunters that crawl toward any carbon dioxide-emitting animal, including birds. . . . But in the 1970s, these ticks began rapidly expanding their range. 7 The first lone star tick observed on Montauk, Long Island, was in 1971, and as of 2018, established populations have been observed as far north as Maine. 8 . . . . All this begs the question: What is driving this mass migration of the lone star tick and its disease-causing hitchhikers northward? . . . .”
The program concludes with review of a Daily Mail article highlighting [confirmed] e‑mails from Hunter Biden’s laptop that partially confirm Russian discoveries of U.S.-financed biological warfare program in Ukraine.
This program continues our coverage of the Ukraine war. The title comes from the late, brilliant political comedian Mort Sahl’s 1976 autobiography Heartland. One of New Orleans DA Jim Garrison’s investigation of the assassination of the JFK.
In Consortium News, Joe Lauria presents Pentagon intelligence which, like the information presented by Bill Arkin in the Newsweek piece we covered in FTR#1237, lays out information fundamentally in contrast to what De Bretton-Gordon has voiced and which Joe Biden has taken at face value.
” . . . . Reuters reported: ‘The United States has not yet seen any concrete indications of an imminent Russian chemical or biological weapons attack in Ukraine but is closely monitoring streams of intelligence for them, a senior U.S. defense official said.’ It quoted the Pentagon official as saying, ‘There’s no indication that there’s something imminent in that regard right now.’. . .”
Hamish de Bretton Gordon – the same figure who was warning the world about Russian forces releasing COVID-Ebola from a Ukrainian biolab – is now warning of impending Russian chemical attacks. And when it comes to making bogus claims about chemical attacks, de Bretton Gordon isn’t lacking in experience, having set the table for false-flag chemical attacks in Syria: “ . . . . Other forms of evidence were also collected on-the-ground by de Bretton-Gordon, and provided to a number of official investigations into chemical attacks. In at least one instance – an OPCW/UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) probe into a purported chemical strike in Talmenes, April 2014 – videos submitted by CBRN Taskforce, a shady organization he founded in Aleppo, were found to show clear signs of falsification. . . .”
Oleh Tihanybok, leader of the OUN/B successor organization Svoboda, originally organized by Andriy Parubiy.
Joe Biden has taken the inflammatory, weaponized rhetoric and propaganda disseminated by the likes of Hamish de Bretton-Gordon and obedient media outlets at face value.
His uncritical embrace of this apocalyptic verbiage sets the stage for World War III.
Consummately ironic is Biden’s use of the terms “cynical” and “obscene” in his dismissal of the validity of Putin’s stated war goal of “De-Nazification.”
As will be detailed in forthcoming programs and posts, then Vice-President Joe Biden was involved with the networking through which the Svoboda organization and Andriy Parubiy effected the Maidan coup.
As the point man in U.S.-Ukrainian relations, Biden bears great responsibility for the ascent of the Nazi elements dominant in contemporary Ukraine.
Igor Kolomoisky is the oligarch who: Was the primary financier of Zelensky’s presidential campaign; Owned the television network on which Zelensky developed his public persona—leading to his ascent to the presidency of Ukraine; Was a primary financier of the Azov Battalion, one of the most important Nazi units in the Ukrainian military and the parent organization of the National Druzhyna Militia (which served as election monitors for Zelensky’s ballot run).
Kolomoisky also maintained a controlling interest in Burisma, the natural gas company on which Hunter Biden served as a director.
It was his position as a director of Burisma that was the foundation of his development of an apparent U.S./Ukrainian biological warfare program, involving Pentagon financing and heavily overlapping the elements figuring in Mr. Emory’s “Oswald Institute of Virology” expose.
Although heavily spun–as would be expected from a Daily Mail article–our concluding story not only has important implications for the war in Ukraine, but also resonates with our long series on “The Oswald Institute of Virology.”
We note that there are significant connections between the agency overseeing the Ukrainian projects and institutions implicated in the apparent “bio-skullduggery” surrounding the U.S. biological warfare gambit involving what Mr. Emory has termed “The Oswald Institute of Virology.” This is discussed in: FTR#‘s 1157–1159, 1170, 1183 through 1193, and 1215.
The essence of the “Oswald Institute of Virology” gambit concerns the DTRA and Pentagon funding of bat-borne coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, much of it through Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. Once the research was complete, it resulted in publication which included the genome of the bat viruses being researched. Using technology discussed below, the viruses were then synthesized from scratch and population groups were vectored with the same viral strains being researched by the WIV.
It turns out that Hunter Biden–a member of the board of directors at Burisma–was instrumental in securing funding for EcoHealth Alliance partner Metabiota, described in a screen shot of an e‑mail as being “to the DOA what Palantir is to CIA.”
Both EcoHealth Alliance and Metabiota have been involved with bat-borne coronavirus at the WIV.
Note that–” . . . . ‘His [Hunter Biden’s] father was the Vice President of the United States and in charge of relations with Ukraine.’ . . .”
Previously we have noted then Vice-President Joe Biden’s close relationship with U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt and Ukrainaian fascist Andriy Parubiy during the Maidan coup, which centered on false-flag sniper killings from buildings controlled by Svoboda (formerly the Social National Party of Ukraine, founded by Parubiy.)
This program continues analysis of the Ukraine war. The title of this series comes from Mort Sahl, who voiced the question in his autobiography.
Charges and counter-charges in the ongoing Ukraine war surround Pentagon-financed “veterinary” and other biological laboratories in Ukraine.
We note that there are significant connections between the agency overseeing the Ukrainian projects and institutions implicated in the apparent “bio-skullduggery” surrounding the U.S. biological warfare gambit involving what Mr. Emory has termed “The Oswald Institute of Virology.” This is discussed in: FTR#‘s 1170, 1183 through 1193, and 1215.
The essence of the “Oswald Institute of Virology” gambit concerns the DTRA and Pentagon funding of bat-borne coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, much of it through Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. Once the research was complete, it resulted in publication which included the genome of the bat viruses being researched. Using technology discussed below, the viruses were then synthesized from scratch and population groups were vectored with the same viral strains being researched by the WIV.
Just as Lee Harvey Oswald was set up to look like a communist before being framed for JFK’s murder, so, too the “Oswald Institute of Virology” was set up to take the blame for the coronavirus pandemic.
Essential background information to evaluate the debate:
1.–The alleged difference between “offensive” and “defensive” biological warfare research is academic: If one if researching how “wee beasties” infect, sicken and/or kill plants, animals or humans, it is the same research, whatever terminology one uses.
2.–Contemporary technology makes it possible to synthesize deadly pathogens from scratch: ” . . . . Advances in the area mean that scientists now have the capability to recreate dangerous viruses from scratch; make harmful bacteria more deadly; and modify common microbes so that they churn out lethal toxins once they enter the body. Today, the genetic code of almost any mammalian virus can be found online and synthesised. ‘The technology to do this is available now,’ said [Michael] Imperiale. ‘It requires some expertise, but it’s something that’s relatively easy to do, and that is why it tops the list.’ . . .”
3.–The essential parameters of the fact finding: ” . . . . So do bio labs exist inside Ukraine, and is the US supporting them? Yes, and yes. Ukraine does operate biological laboratories which receive US funding. . . .”
4.–” . . . . Do the Ukraine laboratories store dangerous biological agents? Yes, it appears so. [!] As part of their work researching diseases the bio labs do seem to hold dangerous pathogens. . . .”
The debate centers on U.S. Pentagon-financed laboratories in Ukraine. Note that the laboratories are described as “veterinary laboratories”–the Pentagon is in the business of war-fighting, which essentially consists of killing people and destroying property. They are not in the business of taking care of puppy dogs and kitty cats. Veterinarians are viewed as optimum for biological warfare work, because they do not have to take the Hippocratic Oath.
Key considerations in the controversy:
1.–” . . . . [Robert Pope, the director of the Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program] noted that some of the facilities may contain pathogens once used for Soviet-era bioweapons programs, but he emphasized that the Ukrainian labs currently did not have the ability to manufacture bioweapons. . . . In a March interview with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists . . . . He spoke specifically about the Pentagon’s support of 14 veterinary laboratories that provide Ukraine with sampling and diagnostic abilities to detect infectious diseases. . . .”
2.–The Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program is part of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. the former was involved in researching bats and deadly pathogens: ” . . . . the U.S. military — specifically the Department of Defense’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Program — began funding research involving bats and deadly pathogens, including the coronaviruses MERS and SARS, a year prior in 2017. . . .”
3.–Peter Daszak–of Ukrainian heritage–heads the EcoHealth Alliance, the largest military contractor receiving funds from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency: ” . . . . Meticulous investigation of U.S. government databases reveals that Pentagon funding for the EcoHealth Alliance from 2013 to 2020, including contracts, grants and subcontracts, was just under $39 million. Most, $34.6 million, was from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which is a branch of the DOD which states it is tasked to ‘counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks.’. . .”
4.–Further review of Shi’s research funding [at the Wuhan Institute of Virology] from the Pentagon, via EcoHealth Alliance: ” . . . . Shi Zhengli and her collaborators are also funded by the U.S. military. Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance currently receives more money from the Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for Scientific Research Combatting Weapons of Mass Destruction than any other military contractor—$15 million (25.575 percent) of the $60.2 million dispersed in the last 6 months. . . .”
5.–The DTRA funding of bat-borne coronovirus research at WIV gains further gravitas: “. . . . A Google Scholar search produced two papers Shi has published that lists DTRA as a funder. To see how the first paper, ‘Comparative Analysis of Bat Genomes Provides Insight into the Evolution of Flight and Immunity,’ is relevant to biological weaponry, it helps to understand the military’s interest in bat immunity. . . .”
Documents removed by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine–but archived by the Wayback Machine–confirm that the DTRA is among the sources of funding for DOD-funded labs in Ukraine. Note, too, the fact that many of these labs are “veterinary” labs. Veterinarians are highly-regarded for biological warfare recruitment, because they do not have to sign the Hippocratic Oath.
One must ask the question, also, as to why the Embassy suddenly removed these documents?
The West–in this case a highly-placed Colonel in the UK’s CBW establishment–are echoing the verbiage about Russian “false-flag” possibilities.
In light of the West’s false flag operations in the last ten years, that should alert us to the possibility of Russia being set up for a Ukraine/U.S. biological warfare false-flag.
The overall theme of the programs to be presented in this long series is captured in an observation made by Glenn Pinchback.
In 1961, the Joint Chiefs were pushing for a first strike on the Soviet Union–a decision to initiate nuclear war. JFK refused, walking out of the discussion with the disgusted observation that “We call ourselves the human race.”
In FTR #‘s 876, 926 and 1051, we examined the creation of the meme that Oswald had been networking with the Cubans and Soviets in the run-up to the assassination. In particular, Oswald was supposedly meeting with Valery Kostikov, a KGB official in charge of assassinations in the Western Hemisphere.
This created the pretext for blaming JFK’s assassination on the Soviet Union and/or Cuba. There are indications that JFK’s assassination may well have been intended as a pretext for a nuclear first strike on the Soviet Union.