Recorded January 2 and 9, 2005 Listen to #493: MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 RealAudio Listen to #494 MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 RealAudio Due to the overlapping nature of FTRs #493 and #494, the descriptions for the two programs are merged into a single, longer document. The programs set forth the crooked […]
Recorded November 28, 2004REALAUDIONB: This stream contains both FTR #s 487 and 488 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broadcast. 1. The program begins by reprising a section of an excellent article about BCCI by the brilliant Lucy Komisar. (This article was a major focal point of FTR#485.) The excerpt presented in this program […]
Recorded November 28, 2004REALAUDIONB: This stream contains both FTR #s 487 and 488 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broadcast. Many people now know the name of Diebold—one of the companies manufacturing the controversial electronic voting machines. Less well known is the Sequoia Pacific firm—a company that is tainted with organized crime connections, as […]
Electoral fraud, and election 2000 as coup d’etat.
“Some Folks Need Killing!” So declared North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson on June 30. At a church. With the full endorsement of the church’s pastor, Reverend Cameron McGill, who explained how Robinson only meant the people ‘trying to kill us’ should be killed. Two days later, Heritage Foundation President and Project 2025 leader Kevin Roberts made his now infamous “Second American Revolution” speech, warning that the revolution would remain bloodless “if the left allows it”. Days later, Donald Trump laughably disavowed knowing anything about Project 2025. And while Roberts’s comments have received ample attention, Robinson’s “Some Folks Need Killing!” comments have remained an under-explored topic. Because as we’re going to see, Mark Robinson has become quite a celebrity on the far right. With one very notable fan base: The American Renewal Project dedicated to recruiting conservative pastor to run for office and the Council for National Policy (CNP) figures behind it. Not only is Robinson the star of American Renewal Project events, but it turns out Reverend McGill is a recruiter for the group too. That project, formed in 2005 by political activist David Lane but with roots going all the way back to the formation of the CNP in 1981, is what we’re going to explore in this post. Because as disturbing as Robinson’s “Some Folks Need Killings” comments may have been out of of context, they are a lot more disturbing when placed in context. A Christian Nationalist dominionist context that warns of plans for a lot more than just ‘some’ killing.
The title of the program references former Trump campaign manager and former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich’s advisor Paul Manafort as “Lee Harvey Manafort.”
Far from being a “Russian/Putin/Kremlin agent, Paul Manafort is a U.S. intelligence officer, who was charged with the task of teasing Ukraine from the Russian into the Western orbit. Heeding polls that found Ukraine’s citizens to oppose the country’s inclusion into NATO and midwiving a report that exonerated then Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich of criminal excess in the jailing of his predecessor and rival Yulia Timoshenko, Manafort undertook political activism on behalf of both causes in order to effect his goal of Westernizing Ukraine.
When the combination of popular dissatisfaction with the austerity-laden EU association proposal and Russian pressure led to Yanukovych’s cancellation of the deepening of Ukrainian/EU relations, the Euromaidan coup sealed the fate of the Yanukovych government. “Plan B” for the integration of Ukraine into the Western camp was the Euromaidan coup, which culminated in the sniper killings of numerous civilians. As discussed in FTR #‘s 982 and 993, those sniper attacks may well have been a provocation, effected by Ukrainian fascist and OUN/B successor Andriy Parubiy christened “The Captain of the Maidan” and–very possibly–Manafort himself.
Plan B, for the maneuvering of Ukraine into the Western camp might be termed “Plan OUN/B.”
Manafort–like Lee Harvey Oswald and Edwin Wilson before him–has been “left out in the cold” by his spymasters, left to take the fall for an operation he undertook on their behalf. Hence, our christening of Trump’s former, unfortunate campaign manager as “Lee Harvey Manafort.”
A major factor in the events highlighted in our last program, this broadcast and the forthcoming program is the Habsburg (also spelled “Hapsburg”) dynasty and related elements. The Habsburgs are the royal family that presided over the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which ruled Central and much of Eastern Europe for 600 years.
In addition to the Habsburg power political forces, our analysis focuses on the tiny, Habsburg-affiliated European principality of Liechtenstein. With a population of just 32.000, Liechtenstein is a vertically-integrated lean, mean money-laundering machine.
Overlapping the Liechtenstein connection is the Alfa Group–a Russian conglomerate, the most important component of which is the Alfa Bank.
For purposes of clarity, we present synoptic analysis of key points of discussion and analysis in FTR #‘s 1007 and related programs.
1.–The Alfa conglomerate maintains the Alfa Fellowship program, a subsidiary of the Carl Duisberg Society’s new umbrella the Cultural Vistas organization.
2.–The Carl Duisberg Society was the vehicle that shepherded 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta around Germany and the U.S.
3.–Alfa subsidiary Crown Alfa had dealings with commodities Marc Rich, whose pardon was investigated by James Comey.
4.–In FTR #930, we noted that another Alfa associate Mikhail Fridman did purchase Marc Rich assets.
5.–Also in FTR #930, we noted an Alfa Bank server communicating with the Trump organization.
6.–In 2001, Crown Alfa associate Norbert Seeger’s Progressive Citizens Party of Liechtenstein gave Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein unprecedented power, making him, in effect, Europe’s only absolute monarch. Hans-Adam’s new powers gave him control over the courts and judicial system just as the 9/11 attacks and resulting Operation Green Quest investigations were moving in the direction of the Lichtenstein-based Al-Taqwa nexus.
7.–An Al-Taqwa subsidiary, the Asat Trust had links to the House of Liechtenstein–the ruling family of Liechtenstein.
8.–Robert Mueller helped derail the Operation Green Quest investigation while serving as head of the FBI.
9.–The House of Liechtenstein is a subsidiary of the House of Habsburg.
In this program, we set forth elements overlapping the dynamics presented above, including:
1.–Manafort’s networking with the “Habsburg Group” of European politicians to effect Ukraine’s integration into the EU orbit: ” . . . . . . . . A second Washington lobbying firm hired by Mr. Manafort, the Podesta Group, also said last year that it had ‘arranged meetings and media opportunities’ for visiting European leaders regarding Ukraine, starting in 2012, including for Mr. Gusenbauer, Mr. Prodi and two former presidents, Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland and Viktor A. Yushchenko of Ukraine. . . . The group of senior former politicians, according to the indictment, was informally called the Hapsburg Group, after the Austro-Hungarian dynasty, the Habsburgs. . . .”
2.–Lee Harvey Manafort and the Habsburg Group enlisted Alex van Der Zwaan, son-in-law of German Khan the (Kiev) Ukraine-born founder of Alfa Bank: ” . . . . Alex van der Zwaan was charged with lying to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates, who served as a top official on President Trump’s campaign and a longtime business partner of former campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Based in London, van der Zwaan worked for the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, which worked with Manafort and Gates when they served as political consultants in Ukraine. Van der Zwaan is the son-in-law of German Khan, a billionaire and an owner of Alfa Group, Russia’s largest financial and industrial investment group. . . . Like the Manafort and Gates charges, van der Zwaan’s case is rooted in Ukraine, where Manafort worked as an international political consultant starting in 2005. . . .”
3.–Members of the Habsburg dynasty have been involved in the context in which Lee Harvey Manafort and the Habsburg Group were operating, in order to ease Ukraine into the Western, rather than the Russian orbit. ” . . . . Georg von Habsburg, the 32-year-old-grandson of Emperor karl I, to the position of Hungary’s ambassador for European Integration. In neighbouring Austria, the traditional heart of Habsburg power, Georg’s brother, Karl, 35, was recently elected to represent the country in the European parliament. In addition to this, he serves as the president of the Austrian branch of the Pan-European movement. . . . .”
Jumping forward some 14 years from our previous article, we see that a Habsburg princess was anointed as Georgia’s ambassador to Germany. Note that [now former] Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili endorsed her. Saakashvili became, for a time, the governor of the Ukrainian province of Odessa! Note, also, the role of the Habsburgs in the final phase of the Cold War: “. . . . The heirs to the Habsburg emperors helped speed the downfall of the Soviet empire, particularly by arranging the cross-border exodus from Hungary to Austria in the summer of 1989 that punched the first big hole in the iron curtain. . . .”
Karl von Habsburg has been active in Ukraine for some years before establishing a radio station. Karl von Habsburg is the head of the UNPO. Note the Ukrainian orientation and influence of Wilhelm von Habsburg, in World War I through the World War II eras, as well as his anti-Soviet activism: ” . . . . A military officer by training, Wilhelm supported Ukraine’s independence struggle during World War I. He fought with Ukrainian troops against the Russians, and had schemed and cajoled a myriad of politicians to support his monarchial aspirations. Almost until his death at the hands of the Soviets in 1948 – he was snatched off the streets of Vienna and transported to a prison in Kyiv for working as an agent against the Soviet Union – Wilhelm believed this slice of the family’s empire could be his. . . .”
4.–Fast-forwarding again some five years from our previous two articles and one year after the EuroMaidan coup we see that actions speak louder than words, and Karl’s new Ukrainian radio station says a lot: “Since 20 January, a truly European radio station [Note this–D.E.] is broadcasting in Ukraine, its main sponsor, Karl-Habsburg Lothringen, told EurActiv in an exclusive interview . . . . Karl Habsburg-Lothringen is an Austrian politician and head of the House of Habsburg. Since 1986, he has served as President of the Austrian branch of the Paneuropean Union. . . .”
As we noted, “Plan B” for Ukraine might be termed “Plan OUN/B.” Otto von Habsburg formed the European Freedom Council with Jaroslav Stetzko, the wartime head of the Ukrainian Nazi collaborationist government that implemented Third Reich ethnic cleansing programs in Ukraine. The EFC was closely aligned with the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, headed by Stetzko. The ABN, as we have seen in the past, is a re-naming of the Committee of Subjugated Nations, a consortium of Eastern European fascist groups formed by Hitler in 1943.”. . . . The Hapsburg monarchy helped guide the leadership in their former possessions. The Freedom Council was formed by Otto von Hapsburg and Jaroslav Stetzko at a conference in Munich on June 30-July 2 1967, as a coordinating body for organizations fighting communism in Europe. EMP H.R.H. Otto von Hapsburg was honorary chairman of the European Freedom Council, based in Munich, during the 1980s and allied to the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN). . . .”
An important consideration in the context of his program is the career and position of Roman Zvarych. In addition to being the spokesman for the Nazi Azov Battalion, Zvarych was:
1.–Minister of Justice under Viktor Yuschenko.
2.–Minister of Justice under both Tymoshenko governments.
3.–An adviser to Petro Poroshenko.
4.–In the 1980’s, the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetzko, the wartime head of the Nazi collaborationist government in Ukraine. Stetzko implemented Nazi ethnic cleansing in Ukraine during World War II.
Program Highlights Include:
1.–Ukraine’s suspension of cooperation with the Mueller probe, in order to avoid endangering Trump’s arming of Ukraine.
2.–Manafort and the Habsburg Group’s networking with Andrei Artemenko, a Pravy Sektor affiliate whose operations with Felix Sater and Michael Cohen were described as part of a Russian conspiracy but were, in fact, part of an anti-Russian conspiracy. This is discussed at length in FTR #967.
3.–Review of Felix Sater’s intelligence background. Sater is the point man for Trump’s dealings with Russia. ” . . . . Sater reported back to intelligence agencies on the results of coalition bombings, kills on the battlefield, the financial networks behind the 9/11 bombers and other al-Qaeda members worldwide, and even the identity of a New Mexico company believed to be laundering terror funds in the US. . . .”
A colleague of Eddie the Friendly Spook [Snowden], Julian Assange and Glenn Greenwald, Kim Schmitz, aka “Kim Dotcom”] espouses the same libertarian/free market ideology underlying the “corporatism” of Benito Mussolini. With an extensive criminal record in Germany and elsewhere, “Der Dotcommandant” has eluded serious punishment for his offenses, including executing the largest insider trading scheme in German history.
Embraced by the file-sharing community and elements of the so-called progressive sector, Dotcom actually allied himself with John Banks and his far-right ACT Party in New Zealand. His embrace of the so-called progressive sector came later and is viewed as having damaged left-leaning parties at the polls. Dotcom is enamored of Nazi memorabilia and owns a rare, author-authographed copy of “Mein Kampf.”
Much of the second side of the program compares the “Divine, Theocratic” free-market economic theory of The Family and the corresponding ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. Both see wealth and economic privilege as a matter of divine will, with that perceived will being the governing ethos of an ideal society.
WFMU’s 2005 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAudio format.
Fascist elements originating in the period prior to, during and after the Second World War evolved and branched out during the Cold War. The fascism they manifested is blossoming in a number of different ways and places.
Download links to Dave Emory’s “For The Record” series, programs 400 through 499.