Discussion of Islamist terrorists has pointedly omitted the perpetrators’ links to the Muslim Brotherhood–the Islamic fascist organization that spawned groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Portrayed in the West as a “moderate’ organization, the Muslim Brotherhood was allied with the Axis in World War II and nurtured as anti-communist cadre by Western Intelligence (CIA in particular) during the Cold War. Much of the program reviews and details the corporatist and free market economic philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood, an ideology that endears the Ikhwan to powerful political and economic interests in the U.S. and elsewhere in the West. Among the events that has been obscured by the passage of time is the open opposition to the Treasury Department’s attempts at interdicting terrorist financing money, on the grounds that it would “restrict” the free-flow of international capital. Brotherhood elements continue to be used as proxy warriors by elements of Western and Saudi intelligence in places like Syria, the Caucasus and China’s Xinjiang Province. Program Highlights Include: The use of ISIS-linked Chechen fighters in Ukraine; Saudi Bin Laden Group’s use of Sullivan and Cromwell as its general counsel; Sullivan & Cromwell’s work on behalf of the financial institutions that were (successfully) resisting the Treasury Department’s attempts at interdicting terrorist financing; review of the forced resignation of Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill following the 3/20/2002 Operation Green Quest raids.
In the wake of the terrorist incidents in Paris, discussion has pointedly omitted the perpetrators’ links to the Muslim Brotherhood–the Islamic fascist organization that spawned groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Portrayed in the West as a “moderate’ organization, the Muslim Brotherhood was allied with the Axis in World War II and nurtured as anti-communist cadre by Western Intelligence (CIA in particular) during the Cold War. Successfully scapegoated by European fascist groups like the National Front, elements of the Brotherhood network with those same fascists, mutually benefitting from cultural and political alienation generated among their respective supporters. Much of the program reviews and details the corporatist and free market economic philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood, an ideology that endears the Ikhwan to powerful political and economic interests in the U.S. and elsewhere in the West. Brotherhood elements continue to be used as proxy warriors by elements of Western and Saudi intelligence in places like the Caucasus and China’s Xinjiang Province.
An interesting development concerns the Muslim Brotherhood’s relocation of their headquarters to Graz, Austria and three other unnamed European cities. Graz was a city that enjoyed Hitler’s favor and was an epicenter for postwar Underground Reich activity. Muslim Brotherhood lynchpin and apparent former Third Reich intelligence agent Youssef Nada resided there in the 1960’s, as did a number of other Brotherhood activists. the Schwarzenegger family also had links to the Graz area.
We recall the tsunami of praise, Hosannas and Hallelujahs gushing forth from the world’s media and political punditry, hailing the “Arab Spring” as the dawning of a new enlightenment in that part of the world, they missed the boat–-fundamentally. We, on the other hand, were warning that this phenomenon was an Underground Reich operation. Events in Egypt and Turkey have borne out our hypothesis in grimly convincingly fashion.
We recall the tsunami of praise, Hosannas and Hallelujahs gushing forth from the world’s media and political punditry. Hailing the “Arab Spring” as the dawning of a new enlightenment in that part of the world, they missed the boat–fundamentally. We, on the other hand, were warning that this phenomenon was a Nazi operation, having been initiated by powerful corporate forces in the second administration of George W. Bush, it had its trigger with the WikiLeaks milieu–itself a far-right, Nazi-linked entity, as we demonstrated in FTR’s 732 and #745. (In addition to the documentation in the original WikiLeaks/Arab Spring series, see the article excerpted below.) Before delving into details, an excellent overview of recent events in Egypt was provided in an English-language blog by a citizen of that tortured country. The contradictions and deadly undercurrents of unfolding events were eloquently summed up by Mahmoud Salem in “Imagine.”
Serial uprisings in the Middle East produced by covert operation begun under Bush, continued under Obama’s administration. Major architects connected to the intelligence community and the darkest corridors of Wall Street. New York Times advancing Muslim Brotherhood agenda.
Comment: With the rhetorical and diplomatic firestorm unfolding in the wake of the fiasco staged by Israel in the Mediterranean, a number of things become obvious, including questions about how Israeli intelligence failed to grasp the inevitability of such an event, if extreme caution were not exercised. And it wasn’t. First, the IHH–the charity that […]
The Brotherhood is best understood as part of “the fascist international,” before, during and after World War II. It has allied with German and Italian fascists from WWII to the present.
by Douglas FarahPublished on April 18th, 2006 Almost from the inception of the modern Islamic banking structure (early 1980s), the international Muslim Brotherhood set up a parallel and far-flung offshore structure that has become an integral part of its ability to hide and move money around the world. This network is little understood and has, […]
Listen: MP3: Side 1 Side 2 REALAUDIO THE PROJECT [Permalink from Daily Ablution blog] Introduction: In the plethora of broadcasts recorded since 9/11/2001, we have examined the primary role in the attacks of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic fascist organization that was allied with the Axis powers of World War II. Since the end of […]