As the title indicates, this program examines manifestations of fascism around the world.
In Europe, we analyze:
1.-The recapitulation of Nazi and fascist elements in the current Bulgarian coalition government of Boyko Borisov. (Bulgaria was a Nazi ally in World War II.)
2.-The vitality of “regionalism”–a political/economic doctrine that advocates the secession of key prosperous regions from nation states.
3.-Analysis of regionalism as an application of globalist economic theory to Euorope.
4.-The history of regionalism’s advoacy by Third Reich veteran theoreticians.
5.-Edward Snowden and Julian Assange’s support for Catalan secession from Spain.
6.-The success of the AfD in German elections.
7.-AfD politician Alexander Gauland’s statement that Germans should be proud of what that country’s soldiers accomplished in World War II.
8.-The Austrian Freedom Party’s projected success in upcoming elections. The party was formed in 1956 by Third Reich veterans as a vehicle for re-introducing Austrian Nazis into the country’s political life.
In Latin America, we examine:
1.-The verdict that Argentine AMIA bombing investigator Alberto Nisman’s death was a murder, not a suicide.
2.-Review of the AMIA bombing investigation.
3.-The discovery of a cache of Nazi artifacts, including devices used for determining racial purity. Hitler apparently posed with some of the artificats.
4.-The role of Nisman’s widow as the judge investigating the Nazi artifact case.
5.-Operational links between American Nazi Christopher Cantwell and the Koch Brothers-funded Ludwig Von Mises Institute in Brazil.
In the United States, we detail:
1.-How Breitbart actively promoted Neo-Nazism, while downplaying what it was actually doing.
2.-How white supremacist and Nazi elements are successfully using YouTube to mainstream fascist and racist views.
In the Middle East, we highlight:
1.-Benjamin Netanyahu’s political connections with the Thyssen/Krupp firm, one of the lynchpins of the Bormann capital network.
2.-Yair Netanyahu’s attribution of his father’s political difficulties to sabotage by an international Jewish conspiracy.
3.-Ronald Regan’s 1981 citation of Ibn Khaldun as a key advocate for supply-side economics.
4.-Review of the Muslim Brotherhood’s embrace of the views of Ibn Khaldun.
In programs and posts, we have highlighted the fascist element in the Zionist movement and Israel. We have also covered the Bormann network’s strategic use of Jews to head many of its operations. It turns out that Benjamin Netanyahu and close associates have been deeply involved with ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. The Thyssen interests are at the core of the Bormann capital network and, in turn, are profoundly involved with the evolution and history of the Bush family’s business dealings. Ehud Barak recently noted that the “seeds of fascism” had been planted in Israel. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
In a recent appearance before a Jewish audience (while drumming up support for the Iran nuclear deal), President Obama noted that Iran was a country that denied the Holocaust. Obama’s remarks were deeply ironic in light of the fact that the OUN/B redux government in power in Ukraine (with American military, political and economic support) continues to manifest a profound Holocaust revisionism. Political and military allies of the Third Reich, the OUN/B under Stephan Bandera and Jaroslav Stetsko implemented ethnic cleansing massacres against Jews, Poles, Russians Roma and other “political undesirables” during the Second World War. Nurtured within elements of Western intelligence and incorporated into the Republican Party after World War II, the OUN/B were projected back into Ukraine following the breakup of the U.S.S.R. Implementing a law criminalizing criticism of the OUN/B and its military wing the UPA, the Ukrainian regime is institutionalizing a fundamental perversion of that region’s history during World War II. The Ukrainian perspective is being echoed in Western media and political pronouncements. Program Highlights Include: the Nazi Azov Battalion’s development of a youth wing; the whitewashing of the murderous career of Symon Petliura, a Ukrainian pogromist and antecedent of the OUN/B; the role of OUN/B operative Volodomyr Viatrovych in implementing Ukraine’s historical revisionism; continued cover-up of the facts concerning the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17; review of “Yuschenkoism”–Viktor Yuschenko’s revisionist policies that set the stage for Poroshenko’s perpetuation of those policies; review of Ukrainian presidents Yuschenko and Poroshenko honoring the OUN/B executioners at Babi Yar; Symon Petlyura’s abortive alliance with Vladimir Jabotinsky, which has been used to deny Petliura’s anti-Semitism.
In future programs, we will explore the fascist/Zionist connection at greater length. Something interesting to contemplate is this: has the U.S. replaced fascist Italy as the “Iron Wall” that Vladimir Jabotinsky sought to ensure the viability of Zionist development of Israel? Netanyahu’s blatant attemt at subverting not only Obama’s foreign policy but his administration, as well, is playing superbly into the theme of “a Jewish conspiracy controls America on behalf of Israel.” This theme resonates effectively with traditional anti-Semitic pronouncements such as “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” In a future program, we will ruminate about the role of “Bormann Jews” in Israel, and the extent to which they MIGHT influence that country’s policies. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
With Benjamin Netanyahu circumventing accepted procedure and preparing to address Congress–apparently in order to circumvent Obama’s policy toward Iran–we take time to review the history of the Netanyahu family and the Likud Party. Likud is the heir to the fascist element in the Zionist movement, especially the Betar that was headed by Vladimir Jabotinsky. Netanyahu’s father was the personal secretary to Jabotinsky, whose forces took military training at Mussolini’s naval cadet school and were reviewed by Il Duce himself. A top aide to Jabotinsky wrote that this was not an alliance of convenience but one of ideological affinity. Continuing the relationship between fascism and reactionary Zionism, the Likud sent a representative to the national convention of Gianfranco Fini’s Alleanza Nationale, the successor to Mussolini’s blackshirts. The GOP sent a seated Congressman (Bob Young) to the convention as well. Right-wing Israeli politicians continue to network with European fascists. After discussion of the Stern Gang, an even more extreme fascist element of the Zionist movement, the broadcast concludes with a look at the relationship between Israel, some Jewish businessmen and the Bormann capital network. This should not be interpreted as echoing the cheesy rhetoric that is popular at the moment characterizing Israel and/or the Zionist movement as fascist.
Continuing our ongoing coverage of the Ukrainian crisis, the program begins with an examination of the continuity of the OUN/B Third Reich collaborationist milieu through the decades. The “new” President Petro Poroshenko is advised by a team of political vetarns, including Roman Zvarych (“Svarych”), the personal secretary to OUN/B head Jaroslav Stetsko and a right-hand man to his widow and successor Slava Stetsko. Svarych served as Minister of Justice in both Tymnoshenko governments, as well as under Viktor Yuschenko. The Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, co-founded by Slava Stetsko and Zvarych, has served as a central element in Ukrainian political coalitions, embodying the continuity of the OUN/B throughout the short history of post-Soviet Ukraine. In addition to retaining Swoboda’s Andriy Parubiy as Ukraine’s top defense official, Poroshenko is implementing the EU austerity doctrine, continuing the brutal civil war and opening up Ukraine to German investment. The U.S. and EU are endorsing fracking and fossil fuel production to sabotage the Russian economy and President Putin’s government.
Nazi Pied Piper Ron Paul a running-dog for GOP nominee Mitt Romney; May prove to be a right-wing Ralph Nader in 2012 election, by running as independent with backing of elements behind Arab Spring!
Recorded July 24, 2005 REALAUDIO MP3: Side A Side B In the wake of 9/11, the London bombings and other, less-publicized terrorist incidents, this program sets forth more information about the historical development of the fascist/Islamist relationship. (FTR#456 is a compendium of many of the fascist/Nazi links to contemporary terrorism—9/11 in particular.) After highlighting a […]
Program details and audio links.
The program highlights Underground Reich presence on both sides of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.