Picking up where FTR #844 left off, this program examines developments in Indonesia after the 1965 CIA coup that deposed Sukarno. An apparent participant in an unsuccessful 1958 attempt against Sukarno was Lee Harvey Oswald. Before tackling the bulk of the Indonesia material, Peter notes that the supposed “Communist” Oswald actually had connections to Nazi elements. After an encapsulation of the Japanese Golden Lily program that looted much of Asia, the program sets forth some of the mysteries that unfold in connection with the disposition of Sukarno’s “Revolutionary Fund.” Apparently comprised of both Golden Lily treasure and war loot transported to the Asia by the Third Reich, the Revolutionary Fund has defied efforts by Sukarno family members and associates to obtain some of the wealth. Among the cast of characters winding through the mysterious corridors of the Revolutionary Fund investigative maze are: a mysterious Dr. Poch, alleged in an Indonesian best seller by Dr. Susro Husodo to have been Adolf Hitler; the professional frustration and mysterious demise of Dr. Edison Damanik, who attempted to obtain some of the Revolutionary Fund loot; arms dealer Soeryo Goeritno, who suffered a disabling stroke or seizure when he attempted to navigate the perilous waters of the Revolutionary Fund and its tributaries.
This next installment of our discussions with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy” begins with discussion of individuals and organizations that comprised the postwar Nazi underground. Focused largely on the SS, these organizations were vehicles for the perpetuation of the Nazi struggle against the Allies (including the U.S. and Britain) at the same time as they interfaced with powerful elements of Western intelligence, who used them as Cold Warriors. Part of the Cold War strategy pursued by the U.S. was to resucitate (for a third time) the “global jihadist” strategy devised by Max von Oppenheim during the First World War. Seeking the “believing” Muslims as proxy warriors against the atheistic communists, powerful elements of CIA and the State Department enlisted the Muslim Brotherhood in this struggle. “Weaponized religion” was also used in Asia, where the Third Reich had already established a working relationship with the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhists, with SS officers of primary significance in the Nazis’ dealings with “His Holiness.” Key points of discussion include: the career of Otto Ernst Remer; the remarkable career of Francois Genoud; the Dalai Lama’s SS associate Bruno Beger’s atrocities war crimes; the Dalai Lama’s SS tutor–Heinrich Harrer–and his work for elements of U.S. and Western intelligence after the war.
Resuming our analysis of “The Hitler Legacy,” our next interview with Peter Levenda continues discussion of the rehabilitation of “jihadis as proxy warriors” by Germany in the run-up to, and during, the Second World War. Having assumed the position of Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini took advantage of resentment on the Arab street and mobilized it against the British and Jews. Beginning with pogroms during the 1920’s and 1930’s, Husseini’s activism blossomed into full-fledged participation in Nazi military compaigns, including recruiting Waffen SS units in Muslim territories. After discussing some similarities between Nazism and global jihadist ideology, Peter highlights the Grand Mufti’s post war work with the PLO and other Muslim political and military organizations. Joining the Grand Mufti were numeerous SS men and Nazi technical experts, there to continue their war against the Jews and to fight against Communism on behalf of Western intelligence agencies. In the Middle East, as in other countries where they were recruited as anti-Communist cadre, the Third Reich alumni pursued a Nazi agenda, spawning new Nazi political and military formations. Peter notes that they are not “neo”-Nazis, at all. Western intelligence helped foster postwar SS-assistance organizations such as Die Spinne and ODESSA, shepherded to a considerable extent by SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny.
Author Peter Levenda has posted an article (excerpted from his recent book) that encapsulates significant elements of discussion presented by Mr. Emory and featured on this website. Noting Imperial Germany’s use of Islamic proxy warriors during the First World War and Nazi Germany’s incorporation of the same stratagem, Levenda notes that Nazi elements have continued to use Muslim proxy warfare to advance the goals of what Mr. Emory calls the Underground Reich. Having incorporated many important elements of Nazi Germany’s national security establishment into its own after World War II, the United States has co-opted the tactic of proxy war. To its detriment, the U.S. has failed to grasp that the Underground Reich and its Islamist proxies have their own agendas. Those agendas feature the defeat of the United States as a centerpiece of long-term strategy. Concluding with an examination of recent American military involvement, the program notes that much of what we are doing actually benfits Germany and occurs in areas formerly belonging to the Ottoman Empire.
Angela Merkel made an ominous announcement last week. She wants to move ahead with walling off the EU’s web traffic and begin a “massive” counter-espionage campaign against the US and its Five Eyes partners. Brazil is moving ahead with its plans to remake the internet, including local data storage requirements and state-encrypted web services similar to Germany’s new anti-NSA state-backed email services. So domestic spying could be on the rise, the internet itself is at risk, and state-encryption services are now being offered as an anti-NSA panacea. Mainstreamed unbreakable encryption is also coming without a debate. An old enemy of privacy, the Clipper Chip, has returned in a new form. And its own arch-nemeses, the Four Horsemen of the Infopocalypse, are back too. And there are no obvious ways to uninvite these guests without a long talk
Werner Naumann–Joseph Goebbels’ chosen successor as head of the Nazi propaganda ministry–was arrested plotting a coup with other former high-ranking Nazis in 1953. The investigation revealed that Naumann and his associates were acting at the direction of a Nazi government-in-exile based in Madrid. With the support of German industry and finance, this Underground Reich operated all over the world, executing conspiracies in foreign countries on behalf of German cartels.
Israeli intelligence warned the CIA of impending “large scale” attacks by Bin Laden network. Two officers were sent to Washington in August, 2001 to warn U.S. Is this part of the reason Truthers, neo-Nazis, Saudis, Bushies and others blame the attacks on Mossad?
The Nazi and fascist roots of contemporary Islamism illustrated by important new book; continuity between Third Reich “Ostpolitik” and Western Cold War policy perpetuate Islamic fascist and pan-Turkist elements, many linked to Holocaust.
The Brotherhood is best understood as part of “the fascist international,” before, during and after World War II. It has allied with German and Italian fascists from WWII to the present.
Factual existence of Islamic fascism, in contrast to George W. Bush’s use of the term.