The program begins with material overlapped from our previous program, delineating U.S. government protection of Jihadist elements, in order that they could be used as proxy warriors in ongoing covert operations.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: The FBI’s limiting of the investigation of the assassination of extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane; the fact that the limiting of that investigation permitted Ali Mohamed, Mahmoud Aboulihama and Mohammed Salameh to participate in future terrorist attacks, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the 1998 Nairobi Embassy bombing; the FBI’s blaming of the attenuation of the investigation of the Kahane murder on New York DA Robert Morgenthau; Morgenthau’s previous investigation of the CIA-linked BCCI; the FBI’s shielding of Army Special Forces operative Ali Mohamed in the1993 World Trade Center bombing; the FBI’s shielding of Mohamed in the 1995 “Landmarks Case”—the plot to blow up the United Nations, the George Washington Bridge and both the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels; the probability that Mohamed’s utility as a trainer of mujahadeen for covert operations in Afghanistan, Bosnia and parts of the former Soviet Union was the cause of his inviolability.
The next section of the program presents information about the genesis of Ali Mohamed as a U.S. agent and trainer of mujahadeen.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: Zbigniew Brzezinski’s creation of the mujahadeen training and recruitment organization at the outset of the Afghan war against the Soviet Union; the training of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat’s elite personal guard (of which Ali Mohamed was a member) by J.J. Capucci and Associates, headed by “ex” CIA-agent Edwin Wilson and Theodore Shackley; the handing over of the training of Sadat’s guard to the CIA following Brzezinski’s visit to Egypt in 1980; Ali Mohamed’s training at Fort Bragg in the U.S. by Special Forces; Mohamed’s networking with and allegiance to both Sheikh Rahman (involved with the Al-Kifah Center mujahadeen effort, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Landmarks case) and Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man and eventual successor.
Next, we dolly back and examine the continued domestic and foreign operations of the Al-Kifah Center milieu, including operations involving drug trafficking and other criminal activity, support for the Al-Kifah Center by Saudi Arabia and the Center’s involvement in covert operations in Xinjiang Province in China, Chechnya in Russia, Uzbekistan and other former parts of the Soviet Union and the Balkans.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: The transition of Ali Mohamed’s mujahadeen-training program from sending fighters to Afghanistan to sending fighters to Bosnia; the Saudi government’s partial financing of Sheikh Rahman’s defense fund (Rahman was indicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing); Al-Kifah trainees’ participation in covert operations in Chechnya, Tajikistan and fighting alongside the Uighurs in Xinjiang province; Al-Qaeda’s alliance with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan; the Al-Qaeda/IMU use of heroin trafficking to finance combat and terror operations; the 9/11 Commission Report’s dismissal of the verifiable fact that Al-Qaeda helped finance its operations with the Afghan drug trade; the Al-Kifah Center milieu’s involvement in the drug trade, as well as arson-for-hire and counterfeiting; Mujahid Abdulqaadir Menepta, a Muslim suspect in both the 9/11 case and the Oklahoma City bombing; Menepta’s alleged involvement in organized crime and drug trafficking; the Al-Kifah Center’s joint operations with the Saudis; Sphinx Trading’s link to the Al-Kifah operation; the protection of Sphinx Trading even after 9/11.
Fleshing out the jihadist milieu, we note bin Laden relatives and their involvement in Al-Qaeda fronts and the cover-up of their activities by the Deep State milieu.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: the World Assembly of Muslim Youth and its links to mujahadeen and terrorism; Abdullah bin Laden’s leadership of the WAMY; Abdullah bin Laden’s evacuation by jet along with other Saudis and members of the bin Laden family after 9/11; the Golden Chain letter discovered in the IIRO office in Bosnia, containing the names of key Al-Qaeda financiers; the presence in the “Golden Chain’ of Khalid bin Mahfouz, the top banker in Saudi Arabia; the IIRO’s founding by Jamal Kalifa, Osama bin Laden’s nephew.
The last part of our program reviews two elements presented in FTR#1181.
In the trial of Ramzi Yousef, a lay-out of the terror scenario that became the 9/11 attacks was on Yousef’s laptop, yet was never brought to light.
Likewise, the name of Khalid Shaikh Mohamed–dubbed the mastermind of the 9/11 and currently the focal point of ongoing legal proceedings–was all but omitted from Yousef’s trial, despite his participation in the aborted “Operation Bojinka” plot to blow up a number of airliners over the Pacific.
In our series, we note the exclusion of key participants in the murder of extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane, which permitted co-conspirators to participate in the first World Trade Center attack in 1993 and Nairobi U.S. Embassy bombings in 1998.
Among the probable motives for these key, deadly omissions is the use of these Al-Qaeda, Muslim-Brotherhood derived terrorist elements as proxy warriors in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya and Uzbekistan.
We conclude by reviewing how cynical the Deep State can be, acting with a complete disregard for American combat military personnel.
This program highlights German/Underground Reich connections to both the 9/11 attacks and the Oklahoma City bombing. Of particular significance is Ernst Uhrlau: chief of Hamburg police at the time German intelligence had the 9/11 cell under surveillance, appointed coordinator of intelligence for the German chancellor in 1998 and head of the BND in 2005. The son of Chancellor Kohl’s chief of staff may have masterminded the Oklahoma City bombing and BND may well have been manipulating Mohamed Atta.
It should come as no surprise that the NSA would target Germany as a “hot spot” for electronic surveillance. We call attention to Ernst Uhrlau, chief of police in Hamburg during the time German intelligence had the Hamburg cell of 9/11 hijackers under surveillance, later special adviser to Chancellor Helmut Kohl on intelligence matters (the son of whose chief of staff may have masterminded the Oklahoma City bombing), and eventually head of the BND! UPDATED ON 10/30/2013.
Well, two days before Egypt’s historic presidential runoff between the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi and Mubarak’s ex-Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq it looks like Egypt’s revolution is back to the square. No, not mass protests in Tahrir square, although that looks like a very real possibility sooner or later. That’s because Egypt’s revolution is back to square one. It’s been quite a week in Egypt.
WikiLeaks inextricably linked with intelligence services around the world; A founder of the group says they act like “spies”; WikiLeaks’ Swedish base of operations overlaps the Swedish fascist political milieu portrayed in the Stieg Larsson books and movies.
Poppy Bush tabbed by Gerald Ford to head CIA as Kennedy assassination investigations proceed; Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove and Paul Wolfowitz launch their careers courtesy of Poppy and Gerald Ford in same time period.
With JFK safely out of the way, Poppy Bush safeguards the interests that killed him; elected to Congress, Poppy lands a plum committee position, courtesy of his father; strings pulled to get Dubya into a National Guard position; Dubya goes AWOL.
Comment: The brilliant new book Family of Secrets by Russ Baker analyzes the BCCI imbroglio at great length. (It was the BCCI nexus that spawned the business relationship between the Bush and Bin Laden families.) Of course, the BCCI/James R. Bath concatenation lies at the foundation of the investigation into the terror-funding apparatus that was […]
Saudi money power helps them evade 9/11 guilt; investigation revealing connection between Bush administration and terror financing moves forward; CIA’s [ex] Scheuer’s treasonous remarks; Syrian nuke investigation continues.
Having left office without investigation of GOP/Muslim Brotherhood/al Qaeda political nexus, Bush/Cheney leave Obama to deal with those very forces.