Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

FTR #793 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

Updat­ing and intro­duc­ing a num­ber of sto­ries, this pro­gram notes the death of Nazi art deal­er Cor­nelius Gurlitt, high­light­ed in FTR #791. After detail­ing the back­ground and polit­i­cal con­nec­tions of Fra­zier Glenn Miller, accused of killing three peo­ple at a Jew­ish Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter in Kansas, the pro­gram high­lights the grow­ing con­trol of Amer­i­can media out­lets by doc­tri­naire fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions with a her­itage evolv­ing from World War II. In addi­tion to the spec­tac­u­lar growth of pub­lish­ing giant Ber­tels­mann, with a Nazi and SS her­itage, the broad­cast under­scores the con­trol of the Al-Jazeera net­work by the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. The curi­ous adver­tis­ing behav­ior of BMW, con­trolled by the heirs of Joseph Goebbels is set forth, as well.

Snowden’s Ride, Part 4: The Underground Reich and U.S. Internet, Media Business

We’ve cov­ered Eddie “The Friend­ly Spook” Snow­den’s exploits in numer­ous pre­vi­ous posts. A pos­si­bil­i­ty that bears exam­i­na­tion involves L’Af­faire Snow­den as a gam­bit to under­mine Amer­i­can inter­net dom­i­nance. Said to be secure, the Frank­furt DE-CIX exchange is the busiest in the world. The Ger­man inte­ri­or min­is­ter has warned against using Amer­i­can inter­net servers.

So It Begins, Part 2: Bertelsmann Occupies Town in Yorkshire (Sit Down Before You Read This)

The U.S. and the EU are pro­ceed­ing for­ward in talks to estab­lish the world’s largest free trade zone–an eco­nom­ic NATO. IF the agree­ment evolves along the lines of the Unit­ed King­dom’s inclu­sion in EU legal reg­u­la­to­ry machin­ery, we may see some­thing akin to the Ber­tels­mann cor­po­ra­tion’s assump­tion of gov­ern­men­tal con­trol of a munic­i­pal dis­trict in York­shire, in the UK.! The world’s largest pub­lish­er, Ber­tels­mann was the pub­lish­er for the SS in World War II and gives every indi­ca­tion of retain­ing its Nazi char­ac­ter.

Bertelsmann to Control World’s Largest Book Publisher

The for­mer sup­pli­er of books for the SS is wield­ing larg­er influ­ence. Ber­tels­mann will dom­i­nate the new Ran­dom House/Penguin merged unit, which will con­trol 25% of the world’s pub­lish­ing busi­ness. Head­ed by “for­mer” SS man Hein­rich Mohn, Ber­tels­mann shows every indi­ca­tion of main­tain­ing its Nazi char­ac­ter and obscur­ing them at the same time. Its offi­cial house his­to­ri­an pub­lished books blam­ing World War II on Franklin Delano Roo­sevelt, U.S. impe­ri­al­ism and Jew­ish con­trol of the U.S. news media.

FTR #695 Dancing Machine: Reflections on the Death of Michael Jackson

Michael Jack­son sur­round­ed at the time of his death by vet­er­an spooks, black fas­cists, orga­nized crime fig­ures and Mid­dle East­ern sheikhs. Two weeks after his death, a new music licens­ing sub­sidiary of the Nazi-linked Ber­tels­mann cor­po­ra­tion is launched. Are they going for the Jack­son-con­trolled Bea­t­les cat­a­log?

FTR #616 Going Native, Part 3: Homeland Insecurity

Record­ed Octo­ber 28, 2007 MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Con­tin­u­ing analy­sis from FTR#550, this pro­gram looks at the use of native, “unrep­re­sent­ed” peo­ples by polit­i­cal ele­ments that don’t appear to be gen­uine­ly con­cerned with the wel­fare of those pop­u­la­tion groups. Specif­i­cal­ly, we look at a strange brew of Tibetan Bud­dhists, Mon­go­lian Bud­dhists, Islamists […]

FTR #615 Going Native, Part 2 German Foreign Policy and Its Implications

Record­ed Octo­ber 21, 2007 MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Con­tin­u­ing analy­sis from FTR#550, this pro­gram looks at the use of native, “unrep­re­sent­ed” peo­ples by polit­i­cal ele­ments that don’t appear to be gen­uine­ly con­cerned with the wel­fare of those pop­u­la­tion groups. Specif­i­cal­ly, we look at a strange brew of Tibetan Bud­dhists, Mon­go­lian Bud­dhists, Islamists […]

FTR #584 Rewriting History

Lis­ten: MP3 Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO Intro­duc­tion: In Mein Kampf (his auto­bi­og­ra­phy and polit­i­cal man­i­festo), Adolph Hitler spoke of the big lie: “Most peo­ple tell lit­tle lies. They would be ashamed to tell big ones. They would nev­er cred­it oth­ers with such great impu­dence as the com­plete rever­sal of facts. Even expla­na­tions would long […]

FTR #581 Update on Japanese Fascism

Record­ed Jan­u­ary 15, 2007 Lis­ten: MP3 This is one, 30-minute broad­cast. REALAUDIO NB: This stream con­tains both FTR #s 580 and 581 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broad­cast. Intro­duc­tion: High­light­ing recent trends toward reviv­ing the ultra-nation­al­ism and his­tor­i­cal revi­sion­ism of Japan’s fas­cist past, this pro­gram sets forth the polit­i­cal agen­da being pushed by Shin­zo […]

FTR #298 Update on German Corporate Control Over American Media

Award giv­en to Ber­tels­mann CEO Thomas Mid­del­hoff, and aspects of Ger­man cor­po­rate con­trol over the Amer­i­can media.

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