Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

Search Results

Your search for 'SVG ASM' returned 4 results.

FTR #409 Let’s Make a Deal, Part 2

Major con­flicts of inter­est of key Bush admin­is­tra­tion play­ers and allies.

FTR #311 Bush League, Part II — More about the Associations and Actions of the Georges Bush

Cal­i­for­ni­a’s ener­gy “cri­sis” was exac­er­bat­ed, if not caused, by the inter­ests served by George W. Bush.

FTR #294 Update on Corporate Germany

As the glob­al ener­gy indus­try is dereg­u­lat­ed, ener­gy cor­po­ra­tions are cross­ing nation­al bound­aries.

FTR #272 ” . . .They Shall Reap the Whirlwind”

Envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tion for mil­i­tary pur­pos­es

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