This program affords a vista on several critical political and national security landscapes, including the use of nuclear power plants as an economic weapon and sabotaged via physical interdiction or cyber-interference.
After examining a supposed “Russian-meddling” incident which was actually an ANTI-Russian incident to use Ukrainian nuclear power plants to supersede the old Soviet power grid in former republics of the U.S.S.R., we note the continued dominance of the Ukrainian political landscape by virulent fascists evolved from the World War II era OUN/B.
We conclude with a terrifying look at the possibility that the sabotaging/hacking of nuclear power plants could lead to a Third World War.
With the media and political establishments turning handsprings over “Russia-gate,” we examine in detail one of the incidents prominent in the presentation of the supposition that “our democracy” was manipulated by the Russians.
In late January, Trump point man for “matters Russian”–CIA/FBI operative Felix Sater, a long-time associate of his and Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen and a Ukrainian parliamentarian named Andrii Artemenko were proposing a cease-fire/peace plan for Ukraine. This has been spun by our media as constituting yet another of the “Russia controls Trump” manifestations.
The facts, however, reveal that this was not a “pro-Russian” gambit but an ANTI-Russian gambit! In addition to the CIA/FBI affiliation of Sater, it should be noted that Artemenko was part of the Pravy Sektor milieu in Ukraine, one of the most virulent of the OUN/B successor organizations in power in that benighted nation.
Sater, Artemenko and others were working on a plan to rehabilitate Ukrainian nuclear power plants in order to generate electricity for Ukraine and the Baltic states, freeing those former Soviet republics from their old Soviet electrical power grids. The aging Soviet grids are a remaining element for potential Russian influence in these areas.
Andrii Artemenko:
1.-” . . . is a populist politician with ties to the far-right Ukrainian military-political group “Right Sector” and a member of the pro-Western opposition parliamentary coalition led by former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s party. . . .. . . . Artemenko, who is a staunch ally of Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, a former head of Ukraine’s security service with lofty political ambitions, has aligned himself with other West-leaning populists like Tymoshenko. . . .”
2.-” . . . . has a wife who is a model, he served 2.5 years in prison without a trial, he has business in U.S and he is involved in the military trade to the war zones in the Middle East. At home, he has close ties with the ultra-nationalistic Right Sector. . . .”
3.-” . . . according to his previous e‑declaration in 2015, Artemenko has a wife, model Oksana Kuchma and four children, including two with U.S. citizenship — Edward Daniel, Amber Katherine. . . .”
4.-” . . . . founded several companies that provided military logistics services into the conflict zones and traveled to Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Qatar for business trips. . . .”
5.-” . . . . is the deputy head of the European Integration Committee and responsible for diplomatic connections with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United States, Kuwait, Lithuania and Belarus. . . .”
6.-” . . . . joined the Right Sector political party and was rumored to be one of the sponsors of its leader, Dmytro Yarosh, during his presidential election campaign in 2014. There is even a photo of Artemenko, seating among the Right Sector Party founders at the first party meeting in March 2014. Right Sector spokesperson Artem Skoropadsky told the Kyiv Post on Feb. 20 that he couldn’t confirm or deny whether Artemenko financed the Right Sector Party. . . .”
Anything but a “pro-Russian” agent. Again, he was working with Trump point man for matters Russian Felix Sater on this deal to provide nuclear-generated electricity to some former Soviet republics. Again, an anti-Russian plot, NOT a pro-Russian plot!
Next, we note that June 30th has been established as a commemorative celebration in Lvov [Lviv]. It was on June 30, 1941, when the OUN‑B announced an independent Ukrainian state in the city of Lviv. That same day marked the start of the Lviv Pograms that led to the death of thousands of Jews.
The holiday celebrates Roman Shukhevych, commander of the Nachtigall Battalion that carried out the mass killings. The city of Lviv is starting “Shukhevychfest” to be held in Lviv on June 30th, commemorating the pogrom. Shukhevych’s birthday. Shukhevych was named a “Hero of the Ukraine” by Viktor Yuschenko.
In past posts and programs, we have discussed Volodomir Vyatrovich, head of the Orwellian Institute of National Remembrance. He defended Shukhevych and the public displaying of the symbol of the Galician Division (14th Waffen SS Division.)
Returning to Sater collaborator Andrii Artemenko, we note that he is part of push by Pravy Sektor and other OUN/B successor organizations in Ukraine to oust Poroshenko.
A major, terrifying part of the program focuses on nuclear power plants, the physical and/or cyber sabotaging of those plants and the possibility that this could lead to a Third World War. Against the background of the drumbeat of anti-Russian propaganda to which we are being subjected, the charge that “Russian hackers” attempted to gain access to U.S. nuclear power plants using a spearfishing attack is to be viewed with alarm.
“. . . . The Washington Post reported Saturday that U.S. government officials have already pinned the recent nuclear cyber intrusions on Russia. . . . Analysts remain quick to tamp down assertions that Russia’s fingerprint on the latest attack is a sure thing. . . . Still, it’s a pretty alarming situation regardless of who was behind it, in part because it’s an example of how potentially vulnerable things like nuclear plants are to any hacker, state-backed or not: . . . . Still, the source said a well-resourced attacker could try sneaking in thumb drives, planting an insider or even landing a drone equipped with wireless attack technology into a nuclear generation site. Reports indicate that the infamous Stuxnet worm, which damaged Iranian nuclear centrifuges in the late 2000s, probably snuck in on removable media. Once inside the “air gapped” target network, Stuxnet relied on its own hard-coded instructions, rather than any remote commands sent in through the internet, to cause costly and sensitive nuclear equipment to spin out of control. . . .”
The above-excerpted story should be viewed against the background of a frightening development in Florida. Devon Arthurs – a neo-Nazi-turned-Muslim–murdered two of his neo-Nazi roommates back in May. National Guard soldier Brandon Russell – Arthurs’s surviving third roommate, was found with bomb-making materials, radioactive substances and a framed picture of Timothy McVeigh after police searched their residence.
1.-Planned to sabotage a nuclear power plant. ” . . . . He said Russell studied how to build nuclear weapons in school and is ‘somebody that literally has knowledge of how to build a nuclear bomb.’ . . . He also said they had a plan to fire mortars loaded with nuclear material into the cooling units of a nuclear power plant near Miami. He said the damage would cause ‘a massive reactor failure’ and spread ‘irradiated water’ throughout the ocean. . . .”
2.-Belonged to a Nazi group called “Atomwaffen.” ” . . . The FBI said Russell “admitted to his neo-Nazi beliefs” and said he was a member of a group called Atomwaffen, which is German for ‘atomic weapon.’ . . .”
3.-Was in the National Guard. Recall that, in the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk, the Underground Reich gains control of the opinion-forming media, infiltrates the U.S. military and takes over the country after it is devastated by a series of terrorist incidents involving Russian WMDs. The stage is set for a Nazi flase flag operation that could be blamed on Russia.
Russell, and the rest of Atomwaffen, received a wringing endorsement from brilliant Nazi hacker Andrew Auerenheimer. Auernheimer is a skilled hacker who may very well have the ability to trigger a nuclear melt down someday. Writing of the murder of Russell’s roommates Auernheimer, the two killed roommates were “friends of friends” and the “Atomwaffen are a bunch of good dudes. They’ve posted tons of fliers with absolutely killer graphics at tons of universities over the years. They generally have a lot of fun and party.”
The point, here, is that Auerenheimer is part of the Nazi milieu that was looking to sabotage a nuclear power plant. With our media hyping “Russian hacking,” including the supposed attempt to hack U.S. nuclear power plants, the propaganda stage is set for someone with Auerenheimer’s formidable computer skills to sabotage a nuke plant, thereby [very possibly] starting World War III.
This post concludes with a detailed article referred to briefly at the end of the broadcast. It delves into the technically complicated discussion about the high-profile hacks.
Against the background of the reports of Russian hacking of U.S. nuclear power plants, the “Atomwaffen” link to Ukraine-based Andrew Auerenheimer, writer Jeffrey Carr’s reflections are to be weighed very seriously:
” . . . . Here’s my nightmare. Every time a claim of attribution is made—right or wrong—it becomes part of a permanent record; an un-verifiable provenance that is built upon by the next security researcher or startup who wants to grab a headline, and by the one after him, and the one after her. The most sensational of those claims are almost assured of international media attention, and if they align with U.S. policy interests, they rapidly move from unverified theory to fact.
Because each headline is informed by a report, and because indicators of compromise and other technical details are shared between vendors worldwide, any State or non-State actor in the world will soon have the ability to imitate an APT group with State attribution, launch an attack against another State, and generate sufficient harmful effects to trigger an international incident. All because some commercial cybersecurity companies are compelled to chase headlines with sensational claims of attribution that cannot be verified. . . .”
Program Highlights Include: The CIA/State Department background of Kurt Volker (nice Anglo-Saxon name, that), Trump’s envoy to Ukraine and an advocate of selling weaponry to that benighted state; Andrii Artemenko and Felix Sater’s would-be associate in the Ukrainian nuclear power plant scheme, Robert Armao; Armao’s links to Nelson Rockefeller, Marc Rich and Francesco Pazienza (a figure in the investigations into P‑2, the shooting of Pope John Paul I and the collapse of the Banco Ambrosiano); Review of James Comey’s role in investigating Bill Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich; review of the revival of the FBI’s Twitter account and its dissemination of Marc Rich material on the eve of the election; review of Felix Sater’s CIA/FBI background; Auerenheimer’s obsession with Timothy McVeigh; Brandon Russell’s fascination with Timothy McVeigh..
Introduction: We begin with reading and analysis of an article by Jeremy Kuzmarov about David H. Byrd and his purchase of stock in LTV on the run-up to the Vietnam War (that stock appreciated enormously due to the Vietnam War).
Byrd was also the founder of the Civil Air Patrol. A unit of the CAP was also the first association between David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald, as well as Iran-Contra drug smuggler Barry Seal, who may have been flying a getaway plane from Dallas on 11/22/1963.
Key points of discussion and analysis include:
“. . . .Byrd’s right-wing sensibilities were evident when he traveled to Nazi Germany several years before World War II and had a brief meeting with Hitler. When Byrd returned to the U.S. after that encounter, he spoke positively of Hitler’s ‘sincerity’ and ‘basically sound policies.’. . .”
“. . . .Byrd subsequently developed a close friendship with one of Heinrich Himmler’s former assassins, Werner von Alvensleben, a double agent in World War II who owned and operated the big game hunting company that Byrd allegedly traveled to Mozambique with at the time of the JFK assassination. . . .”
” . . . . Byrd was also friends with Ernest Udet, the #2 man at the German Nazi Luftwaffe appointed by Herman Goering. Udet was in charge of research and development for the Luftwaffe dive-bomber [the JU87 or ‘Stuka,’ a favorite aircraft of Hans Ulrich Rudel–D.E.]. . . .”
Generaloberst Ernst Udet
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
Not included in the original broadcast, we present excerpts of Luftwaffe General Udet’s Wikipedia entry. As outlandish as it might initially appear, the curious deaths of high-ranking Luftwaffe officers who were on their way to attend Udet’s funeral following his November, 1941 suicide should be viewed with suspicion. Was the “suicide” used to mask Udet’s possible defection/collaboration with the West?
Note that Udet was accustomed to hunting in East Africa, as were D.H. Byrd and the younger Werner von Alvensleben.
Note also Albensleben’s association with Nazi cinematographer Len Riefenstahl and his piloting of a Curtis aircraft. In AFA#1, we noted how the Navy technique of dive bombing was betrayed to the Axis through demonstrations using such aircraft.
” . . . . Ernst Udet (26 April 1896 – 17 November 1941) was a German pilot during World War I and a Luftwaffe Colonel-General (Generaloberst) during World War II. . . .”
” . . . . Udet and another wartime comrade—Suchocky—became pilots to an African filming expedition. The cameraman was another veteran, Schneeberger, whom Udet called ‘Flea,’ and the guide was Siedentopf, a former East African estate owner. . . . Udet engaged in hunting while in Africa. . . .”
” . . . . He appeared with Leni Riefenstahl in three films: The White Hell of Pitz Palu (1929), Stürme über dem Mont Blanc (1930), and S.O.S. Eisberg (1933). . . .”
” . . . . In the Berlin 1936 Summer Olympics Udet entered the arts competition literature category with his autobiography, Mein Fliegerleben (My Flying Life) (published 1935). . . .”
” . . . . Udet joined the Nazi party in 1933 when Hermann Göring promised to buy him two new U.S.-built Curtiss Hawk II biplanes (export designation of the F11C‑2 Goshawk Helldiver). The planes were used for evaluation purposes and thus indirectly influenced the German idea of dive bombing aeroplanes, such as the Junkers Ju 87 (Stuka) dive bombers. They were also used for aerobatic shows held during the 1936 Summer Olympics. . . .”
” . . . . Udet became a major proponent of the dive bomber, taking credit for having introduced it to the Luftwaffe. On 9 June 1936 he had, through his political connections, been named Chief of the Technical Office, T‑Amt, (the development wing of the Reich Ministry of Aviation). . . .”
” . . . . On 17 November 1941, Udet shot himself in the head. . . . On their way to attend Udet’s funeral, the World War II fighter ace Werner Mölders died in a plane crash in Breslau, and the high Luftwaffe executive General der Flieger Helmuth Wilberg died in another plane crash near Dresden. . . .”
Next, we present a masterful analysis by the brilliant Russ Baker deconstructing D.H. (“Dry Hole”) Byrd’s cover story of being on Safari in Mozambique at the time of the JFK assassination.
We then excerpt a very important analysis by Dan Alcorn, linking David H. Byrd with a milieu involving a former assassin for the S.S. and David H. Byrd. Key points of analysis and discussion include:
” . . . . The second [FOIA] request is Werner von Alvensleben, who had been an intelligence asset – a double agent for the U.S. OSS in World War II, and who was associating with David Harold Byrd, the owner of the Book Depository building around the time of the assassination. . . .”
” . . . . We have not been able to get access to the operational files of the CIA; they’ve refused to give us access to any of the operational files about these three subjects of the investigation. This is important to us because we have sourcing from the Dallas Morning News that Werner von Alvensleben was in Dallas in late 1963 as the guest of David Harold Byrd. And this is important as we get into the background of Werner von Alvensleben because at one time, earlier in his career in 1933, he had been an assassin for Heinrich Himmler, the Nazi leader in Hitler’s Germany, and that makes it relevant to exploring what was going on in 1963. . . .”
” . . . . Among other people, our research has found– were known to David Harold Byrd, was an Ernst Udet. U ‑D ‑E ‑T, and he was the number two in the Luftwaffe to Hermann Göring in Nazi Germany. Byrd describes Udet as a close friend in Byrd’s autobiography, and Udet was in charge of research and development for the Luftwaffe, which is the theme that seems to run through some of these connections: the forward ‑looking research and development process for aviation and aerospace. Aviation was the basis for the relationship between Byrd and Ernst Udet of the Luftwaffe. . . .”
” . . . . In researching Werner von Alvensleben and his big game hunting operation, I came across the information that von Alvensleben ‘s favorite rifle was the Mannlicher-Schoenauer rifle. Of course, I was familiar with the Mannlicher ‑Carcano because that’s the rifle said to have been used to kill President Kennedy. I wasn’t aware of the Mannlicher-Schonauer. I did some research and it turns out that the Mannlicher-Schonauer was the finest hunting rifle of that era, it was an Austrian rifle. . . .”
” . . . . It was said on numerous sites devoted to guns and ammunition. that the Mannlicher-Schonauer and the Mannlicher-Carcano rifles used essentially identical ammunition. Very difficult to tell the two cartridges apart. There are sources among the blogs that say the ammunition, some ammunition was manufactured with the purpose of being used interchangeably between the two rifles. Well, this rifle was the favorite rifle of Werner von Alvensleben, the big game hunter. It was also favored by other big game hunters of the time because of its ability to stop large animals; that was what it was particularly effective for. In researching the Mannlicher-Schoenauer rifle I came across testimony to the Warren Commission; it came up before the Warren Commission in the following way: Warren Commissioner John McCloy was at a session in which the FBI ballistics expert, Robert Frazier, testified. John McCloy interrupted the questioning to ask his own question, which was whether the three hulls (cartridges) that were found on the sixth floor of the Book Depository building could have been fired by a Mannlicher-Schonauer rifle rather than a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. . . .”
The program concludes with an excerpt from Joseph McBride’s book Into the Nightmare: My Search for the Killers of John F. Kennedy and Officer J.D. Tippit concerning the role of television in cognitively and politically shaping the public’s view of the JFK assassination.
Introduction: Taking a respite from the projected long series of programs on U.S. Asian policy, these programs begin with Monte’s discussion of a link between Guy Banister’s “detective agency” and the coalescence of the Process Church of the Final Judgment, a focal point of a four-part Miscellaneous Archive Series on “The Ultimate Evil.
A close former associate of Banister incorporated the Process Church, which appears to have served as an intelligence front, to an extent.
The associate–Tommy Baumler–was a Nazi.
In this analysis, Monte utilized a book titled The Mad Bishops.
The bulk of the programs consist of analysis of the latest “attempt” on Trump’s life, as well as the apparent Nazi genesis of the “Haitians eating dogs and cats” meme.
It is our consensus that the “attempts” on Trump’s life are intended to provoke violence against Trump’s political opponents.
Ryan Wesley Routh also networked with the Azov Battalion.
Introduction: These programs continue to explore the overwhelming probability that the 544 Camp Street/531 Lafayette Place address in New Orleans that housed Guy Banister’s “Detective Agency” was, in addition to being an intelligence epicenter, also housed fascist elements of a domestic Gladio/Stay Behind operation.
Groups like the KKK, the American Nazi Party, the National States Rights Party, the Minutemen and the Christian Defense League appear to have been operating (to an extent) as agents of the national security establishment.
Background information is presented in numerous programs;;;;;;‑2/;;–21-who-shot-the-pope/;–13-the-aryan-nations/.
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The war in Ukraine has served to make the normalization of Nazis almost routine. This broadcast highlights that normalization, places it in a broader historical context and sets forth essential background information that fleshes out understanding of the phenomenon.
Points of Analysis and Discussion Include:
1a.–The program begins with review of a critical insight made by Glenn Pinchback, an officer at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. This insight encapsulates an ideological dynamic that has, in part, resulted in the normalization of Nazis via the Ukraine war.
1b.–Exemplifying the normalization of Nazis is the whitewashing of the Plast organization by the New York Times, which presents it as a normal summer camp.
2.–A more accurate portrayal of the Plast organization was presented by Scott Ritter: “ . . . . Plast is to Ukrainian nationalists like the Hitler Youth was to German Nazis. . . .”
3.–The whitewashing of Plast can be seen as deriving from the cultivation of Ukrainian and other Eastern European fascist groups by the Gehlen organization.
4.–For the second time this year, Azov Nazis were feted as heroes at Stanford University.
5.–Stanford fellow and conservative luminary Francis Fukuyama was among those who celebrated the Azov Nazis.
6.–Azov’s Nazis evolved directly from the Third Reich collaborationist government of Ukraine. Roman Svarych, WWII Ukrainian Nazi satrap Yaroslav Stetsko’s personal secretary in the 1980’s, was instrumental in the spawning of Azov. Svarych was the Minister of Justice of Ukraine under three different administrations. (That is the equivalent of U.S. Attorney General.)
7.–Ukrainian revisionist Volodymyr Viatrovych served as Minister of Education in Ukraine.
8.–Ukrainian school children are now taught the doctrine of fascist and anti-Semitic ideologue Ulas Samchuk.
9.–Apologists for the Ukrainian fascists cite Vlodymyr Zelensky’s Jewish heritage as proof that Ukraine isn’t infested with Nazis. Zelensky is extensively networked with the Azov Nazis.
10.–Former U.S. Airborne soldier Brian Boyenger appears to have assisted the Georgian Legion in the Maidan false-flag sniper killings. Boyenger also presides over Task Force Pluto, which has incorporated U.S. Nazis into its ranks, including indicted murderers.
11.–Former Marine and U.S. Nazi Christopher Pohlhaus is training American Nazis to fight in Ukraine. One wonders if his trainees will return to the U.S. in order to subdue those who figure to be blamed for “losing” Ukraine.
Exploring aspects of the “counter-culture” of the 1960’s against the background of the CIA and military’s experimentation with mind-altering substances and various mind-control techniques, this program asks the question: “Was it really good?”
Key Points of Analysis and Discussion Include:
1.–Details concerning SPAN, the operational code-name for the dosing with LSD of the entire town of Pont St.-Esprit in Southern France.
2.–The story of William Hayward, the director of the ’60s cult film Easy Rider. Hayward was the victim of psychiatric confinement by elements associated with the intelligence community.
3.–The monitoring of Ken Kesey’s LSD events by members of the intelligence community.
4.–Former OSS agent Gregory Bateson’s stewardship of the introduction of Ken Kesey to LSD.
5.–Sourcing for the information about the Bateson/Kesey dynamic and discussion of CIA and military experiments with mind-altering substances at the University of Vermont.
6.–CIA operative George Hunter White’s surreptitious dosing of unwitting subjects with LSD.
7.–George Hunter White’s arrest of jazz singer Billie Holiday for opium possession in 1949. Drug arrests destroyed Holiday’s ability to work in establishments that served alcohol.
8.–The story of a San Francisco event featuring the cream of the psychedelic bands of the time. The event benefitted the Hare Krishna cult.
9.–Discussion of the fascist philosophy of the leader of the Hare Krishna cult.
10.–The biography of John Perry Barlow, former campaign manager for Dick Cheney and lyricist for the Grateful Dead. Barlow’s role with the EFF, an organization with many worthy members and reputation but one which, nonetheless, has worked for the intelligence community.
11.–Barlow’s interaction with the CIA and NSA and an examination of the possibility of his stewardship of social media.
Updating the Ukraine war, this program highlights a number of considerations: The phenomenon of “Astroturfing” to generate increased support for the war; the casting of a Belarus veteran of the Nazi Azov formations as a political martyr; the western regime-change institutions’ support for such persons; the New York Times’ shifting coverage about Nazis in Ukraine; Russian warning at the U.N. in October of 2022 about Ukraine’s plans to blow up the Nova Khakovka dam; Washington Post’s December, 2022, article about Ukraine’s trial assaults on the dam; examination of the distinct possibility that a British Storm Shadow missile was used to blow up the dam.
The program begins with discussion of Bohdan Daszak’s work on behalf of the Germans in a World War II concentration camp. After highlighting disinformation in a summation of Bohan Daszak’s service, we note that the Daszak family was from the Lvov, in Ukraine. That is the area in which the notorious Janowska concentration camp was located. Allegations that “Daddy Daszak” worked at Janowska may very well be true.
After highlighting the Plast organization, a global Ukrainian equivalent of the Hitler Youth and speculating about the possibility that the senior Daszak may have grown up with service in Plast, we note the significant roles of both Finland and Sweden in collaborating with the Nazis, a history which adds ominous depth to the recent admission of both nations to NATO.
Next, the broadcast details the renaming of a street in Kiev for Ulas Samchuk, a notorious anti-Semite and Nazi/OUN‑B collaborator. His work is required reading in Ukrainian schools!
The program concludes with a look at the New York Times’ whitewashing of the Nazi manifestation in Ukraine.