The Hidden History of the Cold War, Part One
Part 1a 47:13 | Part 1b 45:09 | Part 1c 44:38 | Part 1d 47:24 | Part 1e 44:45 | Part 1f 10:47
(Recorded April, 1984)
This broadcast examines international fascism as a reaction to the founding of the former Soviet Union and the growth of socialist movements in other countries and how this development led to World War II. The program focuses on the critical support American industrialists and financiers gave to Hitler’s Germany and how this affected allied military policy during the war, as well as the incorporation of the Third Reich’s intelligence forces into the CIA at the conflict’s conclusion.
Program highlights include: Herbert Hoover’s diversion of aid requisitioned by Congress to Polish and Baltic armies fighting against the U.S.S.R. in the early 1920’s; the growth of Mussolini’s “corporate state” (as he termed his fascist system of government); the Hearst newspaper chain’s glowing portrayal of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy prior to the outbreak of World War II; the American Legion’s awarding of an honorary membership to Mussolini in 1935; the Curtis-Wright Company’s deliberate betrayal of dive-bombing (a closely-guarded U.S. Navy technique) to the Axis powers; Alger Hiss’ role as special counsel to the Nye-Vandenburg committee (investigating American corporations’ aid to the Axis powers); the Allies’ re-storation of fascist infrastructure in French North Africa and Italy following “liberation;” the British political betrayal of and military attacks upon the anti-fascist partisans in Greece before the end of the war; the formation of guerilla groups established by the Nazis during the war’s closing days in order to fight against the Soviet Union; the adoption of the Nazi guerrilla groups by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies; the fierce warfare conducted by the fascist guerillas (under Western sponsorship) in Poland and the former Soviet Union until 1953; the incorporation of the Nazi Eastern Front intelligence organization into the CIA (under the stewardship of its wartime head, General Reinhard Gehlen); the Third Reich genesis of many of the “catch-phrases” of the Cold War, including “Better Dead than Red” and “Iron Curtain.”
truly masterful delineation which transcends and includes both structural and “conspiracy” analysis.
Good to see and hear objective documentation and analysis of this important subject.
Did anyone ever hear about this?
It has taken me years to collect from bits and pieces and reach similar or the same findings. With the Cold War of =ists, and — isms blocking people’s minds, perhaps it is time!
Very good!
A fashionable website do do some history research which does not multiply bias and false teaching! Thank you!
@Ellen: I think you’ll find that Dave has always tried to provide as accurate & truthful an analysis as possible........and, tbh, I probably couldn’t do nearly as good of a job as he has. =)
My take on the Origins of the Cold War based on D.F. Fleming’s classic “the Cold War and it’s Origins” http://anti-imperialist‑
@Hugo Turner–
I would be careful of Fleming. Much of his analysis is accurate, but he is insufficiently critical of aspects of Soviet history, in my opinion.
The official version of the Cold War, and the U.S.S.R. is drivel.
One should not automatically hew unswervingly in the opposite direction.
By accident, I just now became aware of an interesting historic fact while viewing an episode of the YouTube© series «The Great War», by Jesse Alexander and others. If you navigate to this link and go to minute 02:00 in the video, you may be as shocked as I was: As it happens, the first ever live public radio address was an appeal by Herbert Hoover, asking for donations for his “famine relief” aid as Director of the American Relief Administration. The irony is priceless. What we have there is the fact that the first public address broadcast live from a remote location over the airwaves was an act of embezzlement and propaganda. As you’ll recall, Sayers and Kahn’s «The Great Conspiracy» relates how Herbert Hoover was later exposed on the floor of the U.S. Senate for taking the “relief” funds (which included taxpayer money) and using those funds to purchase rations, arms, and ammunition for the forces of Generals Rüdiger von der Goltz and Nikolai Yudenich fighting against the Bolsheviks in the Baltic area. I’m posting the audio archive link here so you can refresh your memory of the “Looking Back from 1984” broadcast AFA 1a where you and Nip Tuck talked about it (at about 1/3 of the way in):