Pt. 1: Past Coup Attempts in the U.S. (AFA 10)
Part 1a 42:41 | Part 1b 42:19 | Part 1c 42:50 | Part 1d 44:48
(Recorded July 11, 1985)
First of a four-part series about fascism in America, this program documents the early growth and powerful nature of American fascism. Much of the program centers on the actions of American industrialists and financiers sympathetic to fascism, most of whom were also professionally connected to corporate elements in Nazi Germany.
The program presents analysis and history of the relationship of the Morgan and Dupont interests to the MacArthur Group in the military (General Douglas MacArthur and an important group of high-ranking officers on his staff.) The machinations of this economic, military and political milieu are the focus of much of the broadcast.
The show highlights the 1934 coup attempt by powerful members of America’s corporate elite. Dissatisfied to the point of treason by President Roosevelt’s New Deal, they sought to overthrow FDR and install a Mussolini-style “corporate state.” (See Miscellaneous Archive Show M42.) The conspirators sought to utilize an armed force of World War I veterans, led by Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler, a two-time winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor.
A true patriot, Butler pretended to go along with the conspirators, but actually informed the Roosevelt administration of the plot. During the subsequent Congressional investigation, Butler revealed that among the central conspirators were members of the Morgan-Dupont economic axis and that Douglas MacArthur had been the plotters’ first choice to lead the coup.
The program also documents the involvement of elements of the MacArthur/Morgan/Dupont milieu in subsequent attempts to overthrow FDR. Some of those attempts were undertaken in conjunction with Third Reich intelligence officers and with the knowledge and blessing of the Nazi leadership.
The program concludes with history and analysis of the program of assassination and terror conducted by the so-called “Black Reichswehr” (para-military units functioning at the behest of the German military leadership.) This assassination program paved the way for Hitler’s rise to power.
Program highlights include: the Nazi /fascist background of Major General Charles Willoughby (Douglas MacArthur’s top intelligence officer from 1939 through the beginning of the Korean War); MacArthur’s selection of Andres Soriano (a prominent Phillipine fascist) to hold a key post in the islands after “liberation;” the support given by the 1934 coup backers to Hitler; MacArthur staffer General George Van Horne Moseley’s collaboration with German intelligence in an attempt to overthrow FDR; American fascist William Dudley Pelley’s treasonous attempts to help overthrow Roosevelt (also undertaken in conjunction with German intelligence); the post-World War II American right’s adoption of the ideological line of the pre-war domestic fascists; the connections of the early Nazi party in Germany to Reichswehr intelligence
Pt. 2: The John Birch Society (AFA 11)
Part 2a 43:32 | Part 2b 43:49 | Part 2c 42:37 | Part 2d 42:40 | Part 2e 21:30
(Recorded September 8, 1985)
Most Americans have heard of the John Birch Society, but few know much about its origins and history. Continuing the line of analysis from AFA-10, this program documents the reality of this organization. Concentrating on attempts to overthrow constitutional government in the United States, the program emphasizes the role of the “China Lobby,” elements of the John Birch Society and their respective roles in the assassination of President Kennedy.
The broadcast delineates the evolution of the China Lobby, dating from the end of World War II. Society figurehead John Birch was the intelligence officer for General Claire Chenault’s Flying Tigers in World War II, subsequently serving with the OSS China contingent. Birch was killed recruiting Chinese collaborationst troops to fight the Chinese communists. (These collaborationist forces had served the Japanese during World War II.) Coming little more than a week after the end of the war in the Pacific, his death was heralded by the American right as “the beginning of World War III.”
The discussion turns to other instances of Japanese and/or Axis forces being recruited by the U.S. and the Kuomintang to fight against Mao Tse Tung’s forces. (As late as 1947, there were 80,000 fully-armed Japanese troops in eastern and northwestern Manchuria alone helping to guard the railway system for Chiang Kai- shek’s forces.)
The “China Lobby” evolved from American military and intelligence personnel who served in China during the war. Most important of these was General Albert C. Wedemeyer, who replaced General Joseph Stillwell as American military liason to Chiang Kai- shek. (Birch had been under Wedemeyer’s command at the time of his death.) Educated (in part) at the German military academy in Nazi Germany, Wedemeyer rented his apartment from Gerhard Rossbach. Along with Ernst Rohm, Rossbach had commanded the SA and worked for the CIA after the war.
Wedemeyer remains the chief suspect in the deliberate betrayal of the U.S. mobilization for World War II to The Chicago Tribune, bitterly opposed to both FDR and the prospect of American entry into the war. Its publication fundamentally compromised U.S. military preparation for war. Wedemeyer became a lynchpin of the China Lobby and a darling of the far right in the 1940’s and 50’s. In the 1980’s, Reagan appointed the reactivated Wedemeyer to a special military position.
The program centers on the working hypothesis that elements of the John Birch Society served as a front, enabling reactionary elements of the military to project their activities into civilian society in order to affect political reaction. In this respect, the organization functioned in a manner roughly analogous to the German Nazi Party in the 1920’s.
The program highlights the overlapping elements between the China Lobby and the JBS. Elements of the John Birch Society participated in the assassination of President Kennedy, functioning in conjunction with fascist and Nazi elements dating from World War II.
Mr. Emory conceptualizes Kennedy’s assassination as the resolution of a constitutional struggle between the civilian and military sectors of American society, the culmination of a chain of events begun with the 1934 coup attempt and the coming of fascism to America.
Program highlights include: Gestapo spy Louis Siefken’s stint as Chiang Kai Chek’s intelligence chief during the war; General Edwin Walker’s service as chief U.S. military adviser to Chiang in the 1950’s; Walker’s political conflicts with Kennedy; the alleged “attempt” by Oswald in April of 1963; the staging of the alleged Oswald/Walker incident by Larrie Schmidt and American Nazi elements spawned within American Army units in Germany; the collaboration of the Schmidt/ CUSA milieu with the H.L. Hunt financial empire, elements associated with the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc Nations, the Gehlen spy outfit and World War II era German Nazis; the Hunt- sponsored American Volunteer Group (formed to assassinate American political figures); the genesis of the group’s title with the Flying Tigers (Birch’s unit).
Part 3a 43:27 | Part 3b 43:21 | Part 3c 43:13 | Part 3d 43:03 | Part 3e 43:15 | Part 3f 11:03
(Recorded October 24, 1985)
This program details the involvement of groups and individuals discussed in AFA #‘s 10 & 11 in the assassinations of President Kennedy, his brother Robert and Martin Luther King. Particular emphasis is on the role played in the JFK assassination by neo-Nazis and Bay of Pigs veterans enraged by President Kennedy’s little-known attempts to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba’s Fidel Castro.
Two pivotal and overlapping elements in Mr. Emory’s analysis are what he termed “the Cuban Freikorps” and the historical/functional continuity between the China, Guatemala and Cuban lobbies. Many of the people and institutions that compromised the China Lobby (discussed in AFA-11) directed their energies toward the overthrow of Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz. (Arbenz was deposed in a CIA-led coup in 1954.)
Those elements from the China/Guatemala lobby lent their efforts to the CIA-coordinated efforts to depose Castro. Following the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961, a huge paramilitary milieu picked up where that invasion had left off. Officially “private,” this milieu was actually a clandestine extension of the national security establishment coordinated by the intelligence community. In this regard, these anti-Castro warriors were analogous to the Freikorps or “Black Reichswehr,” whose murderous activities in the 1920’s helped overthrow the Weimar Republic (see AFA-10 and M5.)
Far from acceding to the Cuban Freikorps’ desire to depose Castro, President Kennedy was moving to normalize relations with Cuba at the time of his death. Utilizing a back-door diplomatic channel to Castro, Kennedy had worked out a tentative agreement with the Cuban strongman. The accord involved a quid pro quo, with Kennedy taking responsibility for the hated Batista dictatorship (overthrown by Castro’s revolutionaries) on behalf of the United States and Castro moving away from the international communists in his own circle, Che Guevara in particular. (Castro, although Marxist, was primarily a Cuban nationalist and understood that the best long-term prospects for his country lay in a productive relationship with its giant neighbor to the North. His near brush with nuclear war in the Cuban missile crisis freshly in mind, Kennedy was attempting to end the Cold War.)
There are firm indications that the anti-Castro Cuban community had learned of the secret negotiations, which further enraged them against Kennedy. At the moment that he heard that Kennedy had been killed, Castro was meeting with Jean Daniel, a French journalist serving as one of JFK’s diplomatic representatives. Castro is reported to have said “this is bad news. bad news!” In the years since the assassination, Daniel, members of the Kennedy state department and Castro himself have confirmed this account.
Program highlights include: the role of Loran Eugene Hall (investigated by New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison in connection with the JFK assassination) in the “Cuban Freikorps;” Reagan aide (and later U.S. Attorney General) Ed Meese’s efforts at submerging the truth concerning the Garrison investigaion by deep-sixing the extradition request for Edgar Eugene Bradley; the role of Soldier of Fortune editor Robert K. Brown in the Anti-Castro effort; Aryan Nations aide Keith Gilbert’s attempt to kill Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (he claims to have been protected and financed by powerful people while in prison for the attempt); Gilbert’s links to Loran Eugene Hall and both men’s connections to the milieu of Colonel William Potter Gale, a former MacArthur aide and a prime-mover in the Aryan Nations milieu.
Pt. 4: The Ku Klux Klan (AFA 13)
Part 4a 42:57 | Part 4b 43:00 | Part 4c 42:33 | Part 4d 43:18 | Part 4e 44:07
(Recorded December 5, 1985)
The concluding installment of this episodic examination of American fascism, this broadcast highlights the involvement of Ku Klux Klan elements with elements of the national security establishment. Emphasizing the involvement of some of these elements with the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, the program demonstrates that the Klan is far more than an amalgam of night-riding rednecks. In addition, involvement of Klan elements with instances of terrorism have helped to expose the ambiguous roles of some participants.
After analyzing connections between a Sirhan double and Aryan Nations figure Keith Gilbert (mentioned in AFA-12 in connection with an attempt on the life of Martin Luther King), the discussion turns to the links between the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing and the assassinations of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King (see G‑4, AFA‑8). One of the most notorious incidents of violence during the civil rights struggles of the 1960’s, the church bombing was perpetrated by Klan elements, led by Robert Chambliss.
Chambliss’s defense was conducted by former Birmingham mayor Arthur Hanes Sr. In addition to representing James Earl Ray (see AFA‑8), Hanes had worked for the FBI, CIA and was the mayor of Birmingham when that the city was at the center of the civil rights struggle. A recording made in early November of 1963 by a Miami police informant connects the 16th St. Baptist Church bombing with the assassinations of Martin Luther King and JFK.
Discussed at some length in AFA-12, the “Cuban Freikorps” milieu involved numerous Klan elements, as well as American Nazi Party members and members of various paramilitary right-wing organizations. The discussion highlights the 3‑bullet suicide of American Nazi Party member Daniel Burros at the home of Pennsylvania Klan member Roy Frankhouser. (Burros’ name and phone number were in Oswald’s address book at the time of his arrest.) Frankhouser has worked for the Federal Government, his role being variously described as working for CIA or National Security Council.
Much of the program focuses on David Duke, the Louisiana fascist who has been a Nazi, a Klansman and a Republican candidate for office. Originally a member of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party (Rockwell’s address and phone number were also in Oswald’s address book), Duke has maintained that he worked for the CIA in Southeast Asia. Although the Agency has denied Duke’s assertion, private investigators who have investigated the Klan have concurred with Duke’s claim of government service.
The broadcast also details the involvement of numerous government agents (doubling as Klan & Nazi members) with a mixed Klan and Nazi contingent that massacred some communist demonstrators in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1979. The concluding section of the program looks at the Reagan administrations as the culmination of the development of American fascism and the ultimate exponent of “Freikorps methodology”.
Program highlights include: David Duke’s role as an unindicted co-conspirator in an abortive Klan and Nazi takeover of the Caribbean island of Domenica (all of the invasion’s other planners were indicted.); the role of ATF agent Bernard Butkovich with the Klan and Nazi group that perpetrated the Greensboro massacre; the role of Ed Dawson (who led the Nazi & Klan caravan in Greensboro) as an FBI informant; the CIA background of the foreman of the jury that acquitted the Nazis & Klansmen of the Greensboro massacre; the influence of the abortive Klan-Nazi Domenican coup attempt in setting the stage for Domenica’s participation in the U.S.-led invasion of Grenada; FBI informant Gary Thomas Rowe’s role in the slaying of civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo; Louis Farrakhan’s association with Nazi and white supremacist elements.
There is a brief mention of Congressman Ron Paul in relation to the attempted coup in Domenica, and what sounded like a business relationship with David Duke. I would like to investigate this further. Any advice on where to start?
John Perkins apparently has been an “economic hit man” for corporations for years. He wrote a book titled Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. In the barely sufferable and rather toxic movie Zeitgeist: Addendum (I know it stinks) he describes the ways by which connected-CIA corporations try to influence foreign policy, and go as far as to murder foreign leaders when judged necessary. Perkins doesn’t refer to that system as the “Underground Reich” but rather as “clandestine”. He also speaks not of “Corporate State” but rather of Corporacracy. I thought the overlap with your working hypothesis being that close, it would be interesting for listeners to get this testimony from somebody who worked on the ground, doing the dirty job. Again, I know that the movie is bad but that part is worth watching. It starts around 0:25 minutes in the movie through 0:41, roughly. And further on, for the curious outhere, we can see a UFO around 1:15:40. What Perkins says supports with concrete experience your working hypothesis.
As regard the Ron Paul connection to the Neo-Nazi private coup/invasion, there is close to a total media (and historical) blackout on this whole episode.
The “definitive” work on the incident (Bayou of Pigs: The True Story of an Audacious Plot to Turn a Tropical Island into a Criminal Paradise, by
Stewart Bell ISBN-13: 978–0470153826) mentions Paul only in passing twice in the text — apparently due to it being unavoidable.
The prosecution submitted Rep. Paul’s name along with that of Former Texas Governor John Connally (the very same) to the trial judge on a subpoena list of close to 30 unindicted co-conspirators during pre-trial discovery — the Texas Judge struck Paul and Connlly’s names off the list without comment.
The supposed mastermind of the plot then attempted to call Rep. Paul as a character witness in his defense (he was representing himself) but the judge again refused to allow it.
It should be noted that Ron Paul has for the longest time enjoyed loyal and stifling financial backing from the founder and webmaster of the Stormfront website and was well-known (at least until very recent years) when he became well-known in the wake of his superficial America First brand of isolationism, capturing the public mood for dining one a week in Washington with a rotating delegation of influential White Supremacists.
Paul’s connection to Connally goes back even further — in fact, John Connally is Ron Paul’s political mentor.
Paul himself is largely an expression of the Fascist Third Position and indeed has provable ties with a single issue Anti-Obama party called the American Third Position Party and the British National Party (BNP), with whom he has been shown coordinating their respective messages in a series of leaked email disclosures.
Indeed! In this context, bear in mind that Baby Face Snowden was a contributor to Ron Paul’s campaign.
The sums contributed were small, but it is very indicative of Snowden’s political orientation.
Very large sums were contributed to Paul’s Super PAC by Uber-fascist Peter Thiel, whose Palantir firm appears to have been the originator of the PRISM platform.
Thiel, in turn, is professionally associated with the Koch Brothers’ Cato Institute, as is Glenn Greenwald, with whom Snowden partnered to leak this information.
The media furor (“fuehrer?”) we are witnessing is a far-right, Nazi-linked destabilization of Obama.
Right now we are witnessing the Tea-Party, Koch Brothers and the secret interests behind Grover Norquist destabilize Obama and the US by putting us into a financial crisis.
I suspect that the Tea-Party is the creation of the Underground Reich and related US far-right business interests manipulating true american “superpatriots” by what I assume uses propaganda to target these citizen’s psychological profiles and belief systems and to serve the interests of the Undeground Reich.
Most Tea-Party members feel they are self determined, but consistently there are a strong themes of anti-Obama, anti-United Nations (the organization created out of defeating the Axis powers) and pro states rights (i.e. weaken the Federal government) being disseminated. This information can cause these constitution loving people to serve a foreign enemy that they hate and would never support. However, it would be impossible for someone to explain this to them and get them to understand that that is exactly what is going on.
They hate George Sorros and his influence on the Liberal Democratic Party.
Dave — is Sorros a Nazi in disguise? This way the underground reich has sufficient influence over both parties by taking extremely conservative and extremely liberal views. Thus reasonable policies can not hashed out and the two parties do not want to work together.
This is definitely one of my favorite archive shows. Great dirt on MacArthur. Check out this great article on the Dupont Dynasty, the oldest of america’s great capitalist familes.
I am impressed, especially the part about the fascists taking positions on both the right and the left that cannot be reconciled ....
bird has two wings for a reason
Interesting Interview with Kathleen Belew Author of Bring the War Home on 80’s Nazis/KKK