Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.


For The Record programs 1–99, Complete Audio

Com­plete FTR audio:
1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700– 

Many of the old­er pro­grams have approx­i­mate­ly 8 sec­onds of silence at the open­ing.
All files are MP3 for­mat. Each seg­ment is approx­i­mate­ly 29 min­utes in length.

Please con­sid­er donat­ing to sup­port the work of Dave Emory.


FTR #1 Inter­view with Dr. Nick Begich Side 1
FTR #1 Inter­view with Dr. Nick Begich Side 2

FTR #2 The “Pho­ny Mon­ey” Scan­dal

FTR #3 Update on the P‑2 Lodge

FTR #4 Emerg­ing Virus­es Side 1
FTR #4 Emerg­ing Virus­es Side 2

FTR #5 Argen­tine Ter­ror

FTR #6 The Priebke Affair

FTR #7 Inter­view with Frank Spier­ing Side 1
FTR #7 Inter­view with Frank Spier­ing Side 2

FTR #8 Inter­view with Colonel Dan Mar­vin Side 1
FTR #8 Inter­view with Colonel Dan Mar­vin Side 2

FTR #9 Inter­view with Stephen Worth Side 1
FTR #9 Inter­view with Stephen Worth Side 2

FTR #10 Blood Oath Side 1
FTR #10 Blood Oath Side 2
FTR #10 Blood Oath Side 3
FTR #10 Blood Oath Side 4
FTR #10 Blood Oath Side 5
FTR #10 Blood Oath Side 6
FTR #10 Blood Oath Side 7

FTR #11 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar and Stephen Worth Side1
FTR #11 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar and Stephen Worth Side2
FTR #11 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar and Stephen Worth Side3

FTR #12 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar Side1
FTR #12 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar Side2

FTR #13 Lega­cy of Decep­tion Side 1
FTR #13 Lega­cy of Decep­tion Side 2
FTR #13 Lega­cy of Decep­tion Side 3
FTR #13 Lega­cy of Decep­tion Side 4
FTR #13 Lega­cy of Decep­tion Side 5
FTR #13 Lega­cy of Decep­tion Side 6

FTR #14 Inter­view with Don­ald Freed Side 1
FTR #14 Inter­view with Don­ald Freed Side 2

FTR #15 Inter­view with Don­ald Freed, Stephen Sin­gu­lar and Stephen Worth Side 1
FTR #15 Inter­view with Don­ald Freed, Stephen Sin­gu­lar and Stephen Worth Side 2

FTR #16 Inter­view with Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Dr. Alan Cantwell, Ed Haslam and Dr. Garth Nicol­son Side 1
FTR #16 Inter­view with Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Dr. Alan Cantwell, Ed Haslam and Dr. Garth Nicol­son Side 2
FTR #16 Inter­view with Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Dr. Alan Cantwell, Ed Haslam and Dr. Garth Nicol­son Side 3
FTR #16 Inter­view with Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Dr. Alan Cantwell, Ed Haslam and Dr. Garth Nicol­son Side 4

FTR #17 The Ebo­la Virus

FTR #18 The Death of Wal­ter Reuther Side 1
FTR #18 The Death of Wal­ter Reuther Side 2

FTR #19 Inter­view with Ed Haslam Side 1
FTR #19 Inter­view with Ed Haslam Side 2
FTR #19 Inter­view with Ed Haslam Side 3
FTR #19 Inter­view with Ed Haslam Side 4
FTR #19 Inter­view with Ed Haslam Side 5
FTR #19 Inter­view with Ed Haslam Side 6

FTR #20 Inter­view with Har­ry Mar­tin Side 1
FTR #20 Inter­view with Har­ry Mar­tin Side 2

FTR #21 Louis Far­rakhan and the Pol­i­tics of Mur­der
FTR #22 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar, Steven Worth and Don­ald Freed Side 1
FTR #22 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar, Steven Worth and Don­ald Freed Side 2

FTR #23 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar, Steven Worth and Don­ald Freed Side 1
FTR #23 Inter­view with Stephen Sin­gu­lar, Steven Worth and Don­ald Freed Side 2

FTR #24 Bio­log­i­cal War­fare and Per­sian “Gulf War Syn­drome” Side 1
FTR #24 Bio­log­i­cal War­fare and Per­sian “Gulf War Syn­drome” Side 2

FTR #25 OTRAG Side 1
FTR #25 OTRAG Side 2

FTR #26 Sons of the Gestapo Side 1
FTR #26 Sons of the Gestapo Side 2
FTR #26 Sons of the Gestapo Side 3

FTR #27 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties Side 1
FTR #27 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties Side 2
FTR #27 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties Side 3
FTR #27 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties Side 4
FTR #27 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties Side 5
FTR #27 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties Side 6
FTR #27 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties Side 7
FTR #27 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties Side 8

FTR #28 Jörg Haider Side 1
FTR #28 Jörg Haider Side 2

FTR #28 Jörg Haider Side 3

FTR #29 Inter­view with John Lof­tus Side 1
FTR #29 Inter­view with John Lof­tus Side 2
FTR #29 Inter­view with John Lof­tus Side 3
FTR #29 Inter­view with John Lof­tus Side 4

FTR #30 Inter­view II with Nick Begich Side 1
FTR #30 Inter­view II with Nick Begich Side 2

FTR #31 Kamel Hus­sein and Iraq­gate Side 1
FTR #31 Kamel Hus­sein and Iraq­gate Side 2

FTR #32‑A Fas­cism, Eugen­ics and Euthana­sia Side 1
FTR #32‑A Fas­cism, Eugen­ics and Euthana­sia Side 2

FTR #32‑B The Right to Die Move­ment Side 1
FTR #32‑B The Right to Die Move­ment Side 2

FTR #33 They Thought They Were Free Side 1
FTR #33 They Thought They Were Free Side 2

FTR #34 Hashude

FTR #35 Fun With Sci­ence Side 1

FTR #35 Fun With Sci­ence Side 2

FTR #36 Trib­ute to George Seldes

FTR #37 Roots of the Cold War

FTR #38 Il Martel­lo

FTR #39 Where was Mark Fuhrman on the Night of June 12,1994?

FTR #40 To Sand­point and Beyond

FTR #41 Don­ald Nixon, Robert Vesco et al

FTR #42 Pope Shoot­ing Update

FTR #43 The Pope Shoot­ing: Stibam

FTR #44 ODESSA: Then and Now

FTR #45 Who Killed Ennis Cos­by?

FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 1
FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 2

FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 3
FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 4
FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 5
FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 6
FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 7
FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 8
FTR #46 Orders to Kill Side 9



FTR #47 Update on the JFK Assas­si­na­tion Side 1
FTR #47 Update on the JFK Assas­si­na­tion Side 2
FTR #47 Update on the JFK Assas­si­na­tion Side 3
FTR #47 Update on the JFK Assas­si­na­tion Side 4

FTR #48 Ger­many, Croa­t­ia and the U.S. Side 1
FTR #48 Ger­many, Croa­t­ia and the U.S. Side 2

FTR #49 Ustachi, ABN, WACL and the Shoot­ing of the Pope

FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 1
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 2
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 3
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 4
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 5
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 6
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 7
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 8
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 9
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 10
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 11
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 12
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 13
FTR #50 Reunit­ed Ger­many: The New Dan­ger Side 14

FTR #51 The Bomb­ing of Pan Am Flight 103 Side 1
FTR #51 The Bomb­ing of Pan Am Flight 103 Side 2

FTR #52 The Ter­ror Con­nec­tion (Part 1)

FTR #53 The Ter­ror Con­nec­tion (Part 2)

FTR #54 Inter­view with Dick Rus­sell Side 1
FTR #54 Inter­view with Dick Rus­sell Side 2

FTR #55 More Fun with Sci­ence Side 1
FTR #55 More Fun with Sci­ence Side 2

FTR #56 Still More Fun With Sci­ence Side 1
FTR #56 Still More Fun With Sci­ence Side 2

FTR #57 The CIA and The News Media Side 1
FTR #57 The CIA and The News Media Side 2

FTR #58 “Oper­a­tion Glad­io” Update

FTR #59 The Turk­ish “Stay Behind”

FTR #60 Okla­homa City Bomb­ing Update

FTR #61 Update on the Bomb­ing of Pan Am Flight 103

FTR #62 Ed Haslam Update Side 1
FTR #62 Ed Haslam Update Side 2

FTR #63 Ed Haslam Live Side 1
FTR #63 Ed Haslam Live Side 2

FTR #64 The Order of The Solar Tem­ple Side 1
FTR #64 The Order of The Solar Tem­ple Side 2

FTR #65 Con­tem­po­rary Influ­ences of Third Reich Occultism Side 1
FTR #65 Con­tem­po­rary Influ­ences of Third Reich Occultism Side 2

FTR #66 The Truth About So-Called UFOs Side 1
FTR #66 The Truth About So-Called UFOs Side 2

FTR #67 UFOs and The Alien Con­tact Decep­tion Side 1
FTR #67 UFOs and The Alien Con­tact Decep­tion Side 2

FTR #68 The Aliens Are STILL Not Among Us Side 1
FTR #68 The Aliens Are STILL Not Among Us Side 2

FTR #69 Even MORE Fun With Sci­ence: Earth­quake Weapon­ry Side 1
FTR #69 Even MORE Fun With Sci­ence: Earth­quake Weapon­ry Side 2

FTR #70 Inter­view With Mar­tin A. Lee Side 1
FTR #70 Inter­view With Mar­tin A. Lee Side 2

FTR #71 Mar­tin A. Lee Live Side 1
FTR #71 Mar­tin A. Lee Live Side 2

FTR #72 More Dis­cus­sion With Mar­tin A. Lee Side 1
FTR #72 More Dis­cus­sion With Mar­tin A. Lee Side 2

FTR #73 Inter­view with Dr. Leonard Horowitz Side 1
FTR #73 Inter­view with Dr. Leonard Horowitz Side 2

FTR #74 The Civil­ian-Mil­i­tary Rift in Amer­i­can Soci­ety Side 1
FTR #74 The Civil­ian-Mil­i­tary Rift in Amer­i­can Soci­ety Side 2

FTR #75 Con­nec­tions to the British Roy­al Fam­i­ly
FTR #76 Epi­logue To “Mary, Fer­rie and The Mon­key Virus” Side 1
FTR #76 Epi­logue To “Mary, Fer­rie and The Mon­key Virus” Side 2

FTR #77 Who Killed Gian­ni Ver­sace?
FTR #78 Inter­view with Christo­pher Simp­son Side 1
FTR #78 Inter­view with Christo­pher Simp­son Side 2

FTR #79 Inter­view III with Nick Begich Side 1
FTR #79 Inter­view III with Nick Begich Side 2

FTR #80 Fas­cism a La Mode Side 1
FTR #80 Fas­cism a La Mode Side 2

FTR #81 Inter­view IV with Mar­tin A. Lee Side 1
FTR #81 Inter­view IV with Mar­tin A. Lee Side 2

FTR #82 The Strange Saga of Charles Hayes Side 1
FTR #82 The Strange Saga of Charles Hayes Side 2

FTR #83 The Great Mail Train Rob­bery Side 1
FTR #83 The Great Mail Train Rob­bery Side 2

FTR #84 George Bush, “Rev­erend” Jer­ry Fal­well and “Rev­erend” Sun Myung Moon Side 1
FTR #84 George Bush, “Rev­erend” Jer­ry Fal­well and “Rev­erend” Sun Myung Moon Side 2

FTR #85 The Com­ing of The Euro­pean Mon­e­tary Union
FTR #86 The Man­fred Roed­er Affair
FTR #87 Uncle Sam and The Swasti­ka Redux — Gulf War Syn­drome Side 1
FTR #87 Uncle Sam and The Swasti­ka Redux — Gulf War Syn­drome Side 2

FTR #88 Update On the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing Side 1
FTR #88 Update On the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing Side 2

FTR #89 The Nazi Anthrax Scare of 1998

FTR #90 A Review and Analy­sis of “Ser­pen­t’s Walk”

FTR #91 Trou­ble On Oiled Waters

FTR #92 Update On the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing

FTR #93 The Sci­ence of Coer­cion II — Inter­view With Christo­pher Simp­son Side 1
FTR #93 The Sci­ence of Coer­cion II — Inter­view With Christo­pher Simp­son Side 2

FTR #94 A Look At Glob­al Fas­cism Side 1
FTR #94 A Look At Glob­al Fas­cism Side 2

FTR #95 Fas­cism in Europe Side 1
FTR #95 Fas­cism in Europe Side 2

FTR #96 Ger­man Cor­po­rate Acqui­si­tions in the Unit­ed States Side 1
FTR #96 Ger­man Cor­po­rate Acqui­si­tions in the Unit­ed States Side 2

FTR #97 Update on the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing Side 1
FTR #97 Update on the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing Side 2

FTR #98 Update on Vat­i­can Pow­er Pol­i­tics, the P‑2 Lodge and Licio Gel­li Side 1
FTR #98 Update on Vat­i­can Pow­er Pol­i­tics, the P‑2 Lodge and Licio Gel­li Side 2

FTR #99 Tides of 20th Cen­tu­ry Cap­i­tal Flow Side 1
FTR #99 Tides of 20th Cen­tu­ry Cap­i­tal Flow Side 2

Many of the old­er pro­grams have approx­i­mate­ly 8 sec­onds of silence at the open­ing.
All files are MP3 for­mat. Each seg­ment is approx­i­mate­ly 29 min­utes in length.

Please con­sid­er donat­ing to sup­port the work of Dave Emory.

Com­plete FTR audio:
1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700– 


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