Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.


For The Record programs from 600–699, Complete Audio

Com­plete FTR audio:
1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700– 

All files are MP3 for­mat. Each seg­ment is approx­i­mate­ly 29 min­utes in length.

Please con­sid­er donat­ing to sup­port the work of Dave Emory.

FTR #600 The Axis Revis­it­ed: Chang­ing the Past and Con­trol­ling the Present Side 1
FTR #600 The Axis Revis­it­ed: Chang­ing the Past and Con­trol­ling the Present Side 2

FTR #601 You Got­ta Be Kid­ding: 9/11 Update Side 1
FTR #601 You Got­ta Be Kid­ding: 9/11 Update Side 2

FTR #602 The Plot to Seize the White House: Inter­view with Jules Archer (This pro­gram is 30 min­utes, only)

FTR #603 I Told You So, Part III: Update on the Sub­ver­sion of Oper­a­tion Green Quest Side 1
FTR #603 I Told You So, Part III: Update on the Sub­ver­sion of Oper­a­tion Green Quest Side 2

FTR #604 Kick­ing Over the Traces Side 1
FTR #604 Kick­ing Over the Traces Side 2

FTR #605 Inter­view with Dean McLeod and Peter Vogel about Port Chica­go Side 1
FTR #605 Inter­view with Dean McLeod and Peter Vogel about Port Chica­go Side 2

FTR #606 Project Paper­clip and AIDS Side 1
FTR #606 Project Paper­clip and AIDS Side 2

FTR #607 Sheikhs On A Plane & Oth­er Scary Sto­ries: Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er Side 1
FTR #607 Sheikhs On A Plane & Oth­er Scary Sto­ries: Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er Side 2

FTR #608 Update on the Okla­homa City Bomb­ing: In Search of John Doe No. 2

FTR #609 Update on Ger­many

FTR #610 The Knights of Mal­ta Revis­it­ed Side 1
FTR #610 The Knights of Mal­ta Revis­it­ed Side 2

FTR #611 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters, Cau­tion: Net­works at Work Side 1
FTR #611 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters, Cau­tion: Net­works at Work Side 2

FTR #612 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #612 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

FTR #613 The Social­ism of Fools, Part 2: Amer­i­can Drey­fus Side 1
FTR #613 The Social­ism of Fools, Part 2: Amer­i­can Drey­fus Side 2

FTR #614 Oleagi­nous Diplo­ma­cy: “Who Still Talks Nowa­days of the Exter­mi­na­tion of the Arme­ni­ans?” Side 1
FTR #614 Oleagi­nous Diplo­ma­cy: “Who Still Talks Nowa­days of the Exter­mi­na­tion of the Arme­ni­ans?” Side 2

FTR #615 Going Native, Part 2: Ger­man For­eign Pol­i­cy and Its Impli­ca­tions Side 1
FTR #615 Going Native, Part 2: Ger­man For­eign Pol­i­cy and Its Impli­ca­tions Side 2

FTR #616 Going Native, Part 3: Home­land Inse­cu­ri­ty Side 1
FTR #616 Going Native, Part 3: Home­land Inse­cu­ri­ty Side 2

FTR #617 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #617 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

FTR #618 Veteran’s Day Inter­view with John Lof­tus Side 1
FTR #618 Veteran’s Day Inter­view with John Lof­tus Side 2

FTR #619 Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde about the Assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy Side 1
FTR #619 Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde about the Assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy Side 2

FTR #620 Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde about the ‘Masques of New Orleans’ Side 1
FTR #620 Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde about the ‘Masques of New Orleans’ Side 2

FTR #621 Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde about the ‘Masques of New Orleans,’ Part II Side 1
FTR #621 Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde about the ‘Masques of New Orleans,’ Part II Side 2

FTR #622 More about the Nazi Ori­gins of Islam­ic Fas­cism Side 1
FTR #622 More about the Nazi Ori­gins of Islam­ic Fas­cism Side 2

FTR #623 I Told You So, Part IV: More about the Dol­lar and the Euro Side 1
FTR #623 I Told You So, Part IV: More about the Dol­lar and the Euro Side 2

FTR #624 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #624 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

FTR #625 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 1
FTR #625 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 2

FTR #626 Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde: “A Whole New Form of Gov­ern­ment” Side 1
FTR #626 Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde: “A Whole New Form of Gov­ern­ment” Side 2

FTR #627 Going Native, Part IV

FTR #628 It’s Not Easy Being Green: Nazi infil­tra­tion and Co-option of the Green Par­ty

FTR #629 It’s Not Easy Being Green, Part II: “Eco­fas­cism” Side 1
FTR #629 It’s Not Easy Being Green, Part II: “Eco­fas­cism” Side 2

FTR #630 Par­ty­ing Like It’s 1929

FTR #631 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates

FTR #632 Update on Sep­tem­ber 11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 1
FTR #632 Update on Sep­tem­ber 11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 2

FTR #633 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #633 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

FTR #634 Update on Sep­tem­ber 11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 1
FTR #634 Update on Sep­tem­ber 11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 2

FTR #635 Going Native, Part IV Side 1
FTR #635 Going Native, Part IV Side 2

FTR #636 Going Native, Part VI Side 1
FTR #636 Going Native, Part VI Side 2

FTR #637 Catch­ing Up with Daniel Hop­sick­er Side 1
FTR #637 Catch­ing Up with Daniel Hop­sick­er Side 2

FTR #638 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #638 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

FTR #639 The Aliens Are Com­ing! The Aliens Are Com­ing — NOT! Part II Side 1
FTR #639 The Aliens Are Com­ing! The Aliens Are Com­ing — NOT! Part II Side 2

FTR #640 Wing­ing It with Daniel Hop­sick­er Side 1
FTR #640 Wing­ing It with Daniel Hop­sick­er Side 2

FTR #641 “Were We Con­trolled?” Part II: The Col­lapse of Bear Stearns Side 1
FTR #641 “Were We Con­trolled?” Part II: The Col­lapse of Bear Stearns Side 2

FTR #642 Update on the Anthrax Attacks, AIDS and Bio­log­i­cal War­fare

FTR #643 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates

FTR #644 Inter­view with Ed Haslam About Dr. Mary’s Mon­key Side 1
FTR #644 Inter­view with Ed Haslam About Dr. Mary’s Mon­key Side 2

FTR #645 Catch­ing Up with John Lof­tus Side 1
FTR #645 Catch­ing Up with John Lof­tus Side 2

FTR #646 Geor­gia on Everybody’s Mind

FTR #647 Reflec­tions on the Com­ing Elec­tion

FTR #648 Arthur Who? Side 1
FTR #648 Arthur Who? Side 2

FTR #649 The Cor­po­rate State Revis­it­ed Side 1
FTR #649 The Cor­po­rate State Revis­it­ed Side 2

FTR #650 Ana­lyz­ing the Caus­es of the Crash: Inter­view with Lucy Komis­ar Side 1
FTR #650 Ana­lyz­ing the Caus­es of the Crash: Inter­view with Lucy Komis­ar Side 2

FTR #651 The Engi­neer Has Wrecked The Train Side 1
FTR #651 The Engi­neer Has Wrecked The Train Side 2

FTR #652 Palin by Com­par­i­son Side 1
FTR #652 Palin by Com­par­i­son Side 2

FTR #653 Touch­ing Bases with Daniel Hop­sick­er

FTR #654 The Oba­ma File, Part I: The Slum­lord Con­nec­tion

FTR #655 The Oba­ma File, Part II: Bad­jack­et­ing Oba­ma Side 1
FTR #655 The Oba­ma File, Part II: Bad­jack­et­ing Oba­ma Side 2

FTR #656 The Oba­ma File, Part III: Bad­jack­et­ing Oba­ma, Part 2, The Head­scarf Inci­dent

FTR #657 Tar­get­ing the Cen­ters of Finance

FTR #658 Update on the Melt­down Side 1
FTR #658 Update on the Melt­down Side 2

FTR #659 Heatin’ It Up for Oba­ma Side 1
FTR #659 Heatin’ It Up for Oba­ma Side 2

FTR #660 Walkin’ the Snake in the Mid­dle East, Part I: The Von Bolschwing Lega­cy Side 1
FTR #660 Walkin’ the Snake in the Mid­dle East, Part I: The Von Bolschwing Lega­cy Side 2

FTR #661 Walkin’ the Snake in the Mid­dle East, Part II: O.J. Ago­nistes and Pales­tin­ian Pornog­ra­phy Side 1
FTR #661 Walkin’ the Snake in the Mid­dle East, Part II: O.J. Ago­nistes and Pales­tin­ian Pornog­ra­phy Side 2

FTR #662 Reflec­tions on Islam­ic Fas­cism and Media Self-Cen­sor­ship

FTR #663 Bad­jack­et­ing Oba­ma, Part III

FTR #664 More Fun With Sci­ence, Part 6 Side 1
FTR #664 More Fun With Sci­ence, Part 6 Side 2

FTR #665 Update on the Melt­down, Part 2 Side 1
FTR #665 Update on the Melt­down, Part 2 Side 2

FTR #666 Bad­jack­et­ing Oba­ma, Part 4 Side 1
FTR #666 Bad­jack­et­ing Oba­ma, Part 4 Side 2

FTR #667 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 1
FTR #667 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 2

FTR #668 Sedi­tion!

FTR #669 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates

FTR #670 Update on the Melt­down, Part 3: Top Banana Repub­lic Side 1
FTR #670 Update on the Melt­down, Part 3: Top Banana Repub­lic Side 2

FTR #671 Update on the Melt­down, Part 4: Ger­many, the Under­ground Reich and the Glob­al Finan­cial Cri­sis Side 1
FTR #671 Update on the Melt­down, Part 4: Ger­many, the Under­ground Reich and the Glob­al Finan­cial Cri­sis Side 2

FTR #672 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Talk­ing about “Muthahs” on Moth­ers’ Day Side 1
FTR #672 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Talk­ing about “Muthahs” on Moth­ers’ Day Side 2

FTR #673 Nan­cy Pelosi: Bor­mann Demo­c­rat?

FTR #674 The Next Gen­er­a­tion Takes the Stage (Cau­tion: Neo-Nazis at Work)

FTR #675 Inter­view with Lucy Komis­ar: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch Side 1
FTR #675 Inter­view with Lucy Komis­ar: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch Side 2

FTR #676 Sedi­tion! (Part 2): Tar­get, Amer­i­ca! Side 1
FTR #676 Sedi­tion! (Part 2): Tar­get, Amer­i­ca! Side 2

FTR #677 Update on Glob­al Fas­cism Side 1
FTR #677 Update on Glob­al Fas­cism Side 2

FTR #678 Inter­view (#1) with Paul Fitzger­ald and Eliz­a­beth Gould Side 1
FTR #678 Inter­view (#1) with Paul Fitzger­ald and Eliz­a­beth Gould Side 2

FTR #679 Freeh at Last: Analy­sis of the Kho­bar Tow­ers Bomb­ing (Love Means Nev­er Hav­ing to Say You’re Sau­di, Part 2) Side 1
FTR #679 Freeh at Last: Analy­sis of the Kho­bar Tow­ers Bomb­ing (Love Means Nev­er Hav­ing to Say You’re Sau­di, Part 2) Side 2

FTR #680 Inter­view (#2) with Eliz­a­beth Gould and Paul Fitzger­ald Side 1
FTR #680 Inter­view (#2) with Eliz­a­beth Gould and Paul Fitzger­ald Side 2

FTR #681 Spe­cial­ized Knowl­edge and Abil­i­ties, Part II

FTR #682 Update on AIDS as a Man Made Dis­ease

FTR #683 Inter­view (#3) with Eliz­a­beth Gould and Paul Fitzger­ald Side 1
FTR #683 Inter­view (#3) with Eliz­a­beth Gould and Paul Fitzger­ald Side 2

FTR #684 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Busi­ness as Usu­al in South Flori­da Side 1
FTR #684 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Busi­ness as Usu­al in South Flori­da Side 2

FTR #685 Inter­view (#4) with Paul Fitzger­ald and Eliz­a­beth Gould Side 1
FTR #685 Inter­view (#4) with Paul Fitzger­ald and Eliz­a­beth Gould Side 2

FTR #686 Update on the Nation­al Can­cer Institute’s Viral Can­cer Pro­gram, Bio­log­i­cal War­fare and AIDS

FTR #687 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters

FTR #688 Dark­ness in the Vaults Side 1
FTR #688 Dark­ness in the Vaults Side 2

FTR #689 Inter­view with Ster­ling and Peg­gy Sea­grave Side 1
FTR #689 Inter­view with Ster­ling and Peg­gy Sea­grave Side 2

FTR #690 Update on the Melt­down, Part 5: Who and What was Roland Arnall? Side 1
FTR #690 Update on the Melt­down, Part 5: Who and What was Roland Arnall? Side 2

FTR #691 The Con­fed­er­ate Secret Ser­vice and the Assas­si­na­tion of Abra­ham Lin­coln Side 1
FTR #691 The Con­fed­er­ate Secret Ser­vice and the Assas­si­na­tion of Abra­ham Lin­coln Side 2

FTR #692 Women in the Klan (Palin by Com­par­i­son, Part 2), Side 1
FTR #692 Women in the Klan (Palin by Com­par­i­son, Part 2), Side 2

FTR #693 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #693 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

FTR #694 The Per­fect War Machine Side 1
FTR #694 The Per­fect War Machine Side 2

FTR #695 Danc­ing Machine: Reflec­tions on the Death of Michael Jack­son Side 1
FTR #695 Danc­ing Machine: Reflec­tions on the Death of Michael Jack­son Side 2

FTR #696 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #696 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

FTR #697 Chris­t­ian Fun­da­men­tal­ism and the Under­ground Reich Side 1
FTR #697 Chris­t­ian Fun­da­men­tal­ism and the Under­ground Reich Side 2

FTR #698 Echoes of Dealy Plaza (Update on the Assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy) Side 1
FTR #698 Echoes of Dealy Plaza (Update on the Assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy) Side 2

FTR #699 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #699 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

All files are MP3 for­mat. Each seg­ment is approx­i­mate­ly 29 min­utes in length.

Please con­sid­er donat­ing to sup­port the work of Dave Emory.

Com­plete FTR audio:
1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700– 


4 comments for “For The Record programs from 600–699, Complete Audio”

  1. I see #692 is miss­ing. Was there such a show?

    Posted by David Grace | April 22, 2014, 8:59 pm
  2. @David Grace–

    I did record a show about women in the Klan, but nev­er got around to writ­ing the descrip­tion.

    It basi­cal­ly is not in the archives.

    The mate­r­i­al was culled from the book “Women of the Klan,” which is avail­able.



    Posted by Dave Emory | April 23, 2014, 10:05 am
  3. Posted by Tom Hartley | April 24, 2014, 12:05 am
  4. hel­lo
    I still have hard copies of the book mar­tin boor­man Nazi in exile. I’d like some­one to use them.

    Posted by miguel delgadillo | November 10, 2015, 1:58 pm

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