Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.


For The Record programs from 700–799, Complete Audio

Com­plete FTR audio:
1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700–799

All files are MP3 for­mat. Each seg­ment is approx­i­mate­ly 29 min­utes in length.

Please con­sid­er donat­ing to sup­port the work of Dave Emory.

FTR #700 Deutsch­land Über Alles Side 1
FTR #700 Deutsch­land Über Alles Side 2

FTR #701 Update on Koso­vo Side 1
FTR #701 Update on Koso­vo Side 2

FTR #702 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 1
FTR #702 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates Side 2

FTR #703 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Catch­ing Up with the “Herd Shot ‘Round the World” Side 1
FTR #703 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Catch­ing Up with the “Herd Shot ‘Round the World” Side 2

FTR #704 Inter­view with John Lof­tus Side 1
FTR #704 Inter­view with John Lof­tus Side 2

FTR #705 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 1
FTR #705 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 2

FTR #706 Inter­view with John Lof­tus: The Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion as the Last Vic­tim of World War II Side 1
FTR #706 Inter­view with John Lof­tus: The Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion as the Last Vic­tim of World War II Side 2

FTR #707 Update on Euro Fas­cism Side 1
FTR #707 Update on Euro Fas­cism Side 2

FTR #708 Going Deep with Daniel Hop­sick­er Side 1
FTR #708 Going Deep with Daniel Hop­sick­er Side 2

FTR #709 Update on Euro Fas­cism Side 1
FTR #709 Update on Euro Fas­cism Side 2

FTR #710 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 1
FTR #710 Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters Side 2

FTR #711 Inter­view (#1) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 1
FTR #711 Inter­view (#1) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 2

FTR #712 Inter­view (#2) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 1
FTR #712 Inter­view (#2) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 2

FTR #713 Inter­view (#3) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 1
FTR #713 Inter­view (#3) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 2

FTR #714 Inter­view (#4) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 1
FTR #714 Inter­view (#4) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 2

FTR #715 Inter­view (#5) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 1
FTR #715 Inter­view (#5) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 2

FTR #716 Inter­view (#6) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 1
FTR #716 Inter­view (#6) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 2

FTR #717 Inter­view with Dave Gaubatz about “Mus­lim Mafia” Side 1
FTR #717 Inter­view with Dave Gaubatz about “Mus­lim Mafia” Side 2

FTR #718 In Your Face­book: A Vir­tu­al Panop­ti­can? Side 1
FTR #718 In Your Face­book: A Vir­tu­al Panop­ti­can? Side 2

FTR #719 Inter­view with Philippe Karsen­ty about the Mohammed al-Dura Inci­dent Side 1
FTR #719 Inter­view with Philippe Karsen­ty about the Mohammed al-Dura Inci­dent Side 2

FTR #720 Update on the Pan-Turk­ist Move­ment Side 1
FTR #720 Update on the Pan-Turk­ist Move­ment Side 2

FTR #721 A Mosque in Munich Side 1
FTR #721 A Mosque in Munich Side 2

FTR #722 The “9/11 Mosque” Tea Par­ty and its Mul­ti­ple Mad Hat­ters Side 1
FTR #722 The “9/11 Mosque” Tea Par­ty and its Mul­ti­ple Mad Hat­ters Side 2

FTR #723 Doin’ the Earth Island Boo­gie Side 1
FTR #723 Doin’ the Earth Island Boo­gie Side 2

FTR #724 Wiki of the Damned Side 1
FTR #724 Wiki of the Damned Side 2

FTR #725 Leak This! Wiki Spooks and the World of Stieg Lars­son Side 1
FTR #725 Leak This! Wiki Spooks and the World of Stieg Lars­son Side 2

FTR #726 The Kochto­pus: The Tea Par­ty Move­ment Man­i­fests Clas­si­cal Fas­cism Side 1
FTR #726 The Kochto­pus: The Tea Par­ty Move­ment Man­i­fests Clas­si­cal Fas­cism Side 2

FTR #727 Whith­er Chi­na? Side 1
FTR #727 Whith­er Chi­na? Side 2

FTR #728 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Tricky Treats Side 1
FTR #728 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Tricky Treats Side 2

FTR #729 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Strange Doings South of the Bor­der Side 1
FTR #729 Inter­view with Daniel Hop­sick­er: Strange Doings South of the Bor­der Side 2

FTR #730 Inter­view with Russ Bak­er (Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets”) Side 1
FTR #730 Inter­view with Russ Bak­er (Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets”) Side 2

FTR #731 Inter­view with John Lof­tus about “Amer­i­ca’s Nazi Secret” Side 1
FTR #731 Inter­view with John Lof­tus about “Amer­i­ca’s Nazi Secret” Side 2

FTR #732 Dead Man’s Chest: Wik­i­Fas­cism and the Attack of the Cyber-Wan­der­vo­gel Side 1
FTR #732 Dead Man’s Chest: Wik­i­Fas­cism and the Attack of the Cyber-Wan­der­vo­gel Side 2

FTR #733 Wik­iLeaks Soup: The ROVE­ing Reporter (A Night in Tunisia) Side 1
FTR #733 Wik­iLeaks Soup: The ROVE­ing Reporter (A Night in Tunisia) Side 2

FTR #734 A Night in Tunisia, Pt. II: Are Karl Rove and Wik­iLeaks Work­ing with the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood? Side 1
FTR #734 A Night in Tunisia, Pt. II: Are Karl Rove and Wik­iLeaks Work­ing with the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood? Side 2

FTR #735 Bay of Pigs Meets the Octo­ber Sur­prise: Lee Har­vey Oba­ma and the Pig­gy Back Coup in the Mid­dle East Side 1
FTR #735 Bay of Pigs Meets the Octo­ber Sur­prise: Lee Har­vey Oba­ma and the Pig­gy Back Coup in the Mid­dle East Side 2

FTR #736 Taqqiya Sun­rise: More about the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and the Pig­gy-Back Coup in the Mid­dle East Side 1
FTR #736 Taqqiya Sun­rise: More about the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood and the Pig­gy-Back Coup in the Mid­dle East Side 2

FTR #737 Taqqiya Sun­rise, Part II: Turk­ish Taffy (More on the Rolling Coups in the Mid­dle East Side 1
FTR #737 Taqqiya Sun­rise, Part II: Turk­ish Taffy (More on the Rolling Coups in the Mid­dle East Side 2

FTR #738 Turk­ish Taffy, Part II Side 1
FTR #738 Turk­ish Taffy, Part II Side 2

FTR #739 Turk­ish Taffy, Part 3 Side 1
FTR #739 Turk­ish Taffy, Part 3 Side 2

FTR #740 Update on the Melt­down Part 6: The Wachovia File

FTR #741 Bail, Bail, the Gang’s All Here

FTR #742 Body Count (Sweet Home Alaba­ma) Side 1
FTR #742 Body Count (Sweet Home Alaba­ma) Side 2

FTR #743 Inter­view (#8) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 1
FTR #743 Inter­view (#8) with Russ Bak­er, Author of “Fam­i­ly of Secrets” Side 2

FTR #744 The Shape of Things to Come Side 1
FTR #744 The Shape of Things to Come Side 2

FTR #745 Wik­i­Fas­cism, Part 2 Side 1
FTR #745 Wik­i­Fas­cism, Part 2 Side 2

FTR #746 Greek Tragedy Side 1
FTR #746 Greek Tragedy Side 2

FTR #747 Bringin’ It All Back Home Side 1
FTR #747 Bringin’ It All Back Home Side 2

FTR #748 Update on the Rewrit­ing of the His­to­ry of World War II, Side 1
FTR #748 Update on the Rewrit­ing of the His­to­ry of World War II, Side 2

FTR #749 Inter­view with John Lof­tus, Side 1
FTR #749 Inter­view with John Lof­tus, Side 2

FTR #750 Sur­vey­ing the Scene with Daniel Hop­sick­er, Side 1
FTR #750 Sur­vey­ing the Scene with Daniel Hop­sick­er, Side 2

FTR #751 Inter­view with Russ Bak­er (app. 30 min­utes)

FTR #752 The U‑2 Inci­dent Revis­it­ed (app. 30 min­utes)

FTR #753 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook: Overview, Side 1
FTR #753 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook: Overview, Side 2

FTR #754 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 1: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 1 (Cit­i­zen Green­wald), Side 1
FTR #754 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 1: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 1 (Cit­i­zen Green­wald), Side 2

FTR #755 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 2: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 2 (Wik­i­fas­cism, Part 3), Side 1
FTR #755 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 2: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 2 (Wik­i­fas­cism, Part 3), Side 2

FTR #756 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 3: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 3 (The Paulis­tin­ian Lib­er­tar­i­an Orga­ni­za­tion), Side 1
FTR #756 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 3: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 3 (The Paulis­tin­ian Lib­er­tar­i­an Orga­ni­za­tion), Side 2

FTR #757 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 4: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 4 (The Grup­pen­hob­bit), Side 1
FTR #757 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 4: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 4 (The Grup­pen­hob­bit), Side 2

FTR #758 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 5: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 5 (The Deep Fifth Col­umn), Side 1
FTR #758 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 5: Drama­tis Per­son­ae, Part 5 (The Deep Fifth Col­umn), Side 2

FTR #759 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 6: More About the Deep Fifth Col­umn, Side 1
FTR #759 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 6: More About the Deep Fifth Col­umn, Side 2

FTR #760 Bit[coin]burg: The Rebels With­out a Clue, Side 1
FTR #760 Bit[coin]burg: The Rebels With­out a Clue, Side 2

FTR #761 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 7: Why the NSA Should Be Spy­ing on Ger­many and Its Chan­cel­lor, Side 1
FTR #761 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 7: Why the NSA Should Be Spy­ing on Ger­many and Its Chan­cel­lor, Side 2

FTR #762 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 8: U‑2 Brut? (The Desta­bi­liza­tion of the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion), Side 1
FTR #762 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 8: U‑2 Brut? (The Desta­bi­liza­tion of the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion), Side 2

FTR #763 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook: Part 9: Cit­i­zen Green­wald’s Finan­cial Angel, Side 1
FTR #763 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook: Part 9: Cit­i­zen Green­wald’s Finan­cial Angel, Side 2

FTR #764 Bit[coin]burg, Part 2: The Snow­den-Inspired, Bit­coin-Oper­at­ed, Online Mur­der Incor­po­rat­ed, Side 1
FTR #764 Bit[coin]burg, Part 2: The Snow­den-Inspired, Bit­coin-Oper­at­ed, Online Mur­der Incor­po­rat­ed, Side 2

FTR #765 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 10: Shear­ing the Piglet (“They’re Shocked, Shocked”), Side 1
FTR #765 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 10: Shear­ing the Piglet (“They’re Shocked, Shocked”), Side 2

FTR #766 Bob Dylan vs. The Ustachi, Side 1
FTR #766 Bob Dylan vs. The Ustachi, Side 2

FTR #767 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 11: The Desta­bi­liza­tion of the NSA and GCHQ, Side 1
FTR #767 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 11: The Desta­bi­liza­tion of the NSA and GCHQ, Side 2

FTR #768 What the Hell Does Dave Emory Mean by “Under­ground Reich”, Part 1: The Nau­mann Coup Attempt of 1953, Side 1
FTR #768 What the Hell Does Dave Emory Mean by “Under­ground Reich”, Part 1: The Nau­mann Coup Attempt of 1953, Side 2

FTR #769 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 12: Blitzkrieg on Amer­i­can Inter­net and Elec­tron­ics Busi­ness, Side 1
FTR #769 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 12: Blitzkrieg on Amer­i­can Inter­net and Elec­tron­ics Busi­ness, Side 2

FTR #770 Bit[coin]burg, Part 3: Fool’s Gold, Side 1
FTR #770 Bit[coin]burg, Part 3: Fool’s Gold, Side 2

 FTR #771 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 13: Beware of Lib­er­tar­i­ans Bear­ing Gifts (The 1934 Coup Attempt Redux), Side 1
FTR #771 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 13: Beware of Lib­er­tar­i­ans Bear­ing Gifts (The 1934 Coup Attempt Redux), Side 2

FTR #772 Body Count, Part II (Col­lat­er­al­ized “Death” Oblig­a­tions), Side 1
FTR #772 Body Count, Part II (Col­lat­er­al­ized “Death” Oblig­a­tions), Side 2

FTR #773 The Boston Marathon Bomb­ing, the Third Posi­tion and the Lead­er­less Resis­tance Strat­e­gy, Side 1
FTR #773 The Boston Marathon Bomb­ing, the Third Posi­tion and the Lead­er­less Resis­tance Strat­e­gy, Side 2

FTR #774 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 14: The Cor­po­rate Con­nec­tions and the Pub­lic ver­sus Pri­vate Dynam­ic, Side 1
FTR #774The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 14: The Cor­po­rate Con­nec­tions and the Pub­lic ver­sus Pri­vate Dynam­ic, Side 2

FTR #775 Ratzinger Leaves the Ship–The Res­ig­na­tion of Pope Bene­dict XVI, Side 1
FTR #775 Ratzinger Leaves the Ship–The Res­ig­na­tion of Pope Bene­dict XVI, Side 2

FTR #776 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 15: Updates and Fur­ther Analy­sis, Side 1
FTR #776The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 15: Updates and Fur­ther Analy­sis, Side 2

FTR #777 The OUN/B File, Part 1, Side 1
FTR #777 The OUN/B File Part 1, Side 2

FTR #778 The OUN/B File, Part 2, Side 1
FTR #778 The OUN/B File, Part 2, Side 2

FTR #779 OUN/B Redux: The Under­ground Reich and the Ukrain­ian Cri­sis, Side 1
FTR #779 OUN/B Redux: The Under­ground Reich and the Ukrain­ian Cri­sis, Side 2

FTR #780 OUN/B Redux, Part 2, Side 1
FTR #780 OUN/B Redux, Part 2, Side 2

FTR #781 All’s Well That’s Orwell: The Min­istry of Truth and the Ukrain­ian Cri­sis (Yuschenko Uber Alles), Side 1
FTR #781 All’s Well That’s Orwell: The Min­istry of Truth and the Ukrain­ian Cri­sis (Yuschenko Uber Alles), Side 2

FTR #782 All’s Well That’s Orwell, Part 2: The Min­istry of Truth and the Ukrain­ian Cri­sis, Part 2 (Schme­mann Uber Alles), Side 1
FTR #782 All’s Well That’s Orwell, Part 2: The Min­istry of Truth and the Ukrain­ian Cri­sis, Part 2 (Schme­mann Uber Alles), Side 2

FTR #783 Can You Put Lip­stick on a Nazi?, Side 1
FTR #783 Can You Put Lip­stick on a Nazi?, Side 2

FTR #784 “First, Tame the Intel­lec­tu­als . . . “, Side 1
FTR #784 “First, Tame the Intel­lec­tu­als . . . “, Side 2

FTR #785 Bit[coin]burg, Part 4: Fool’s Gold, Part 2, Side 1
FTR #785 Bit[coin]burg, Part 4: Fool’s Gold, Part 2, Side 2

FTR #786 The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 16: Update and Sum­ma­ry Analy­sis, Side 1
FTR #786The Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Part 16 Update and Sum­ma­ry Analy­sis , Side 2

FTR #787 The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Spring (I Told You So), Side 1
FTR #787 The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood Spring (I Told You So), Side 2

FTR #788 Greek Tragedy, Part 2: “Clause­witz­ian Economics”–The Con­tin­u­a­tion of War by Oth­er Means, Side 1
FTR #788 Greek Tragedy, Part 2: “Clause­witz­ian Economics”–The Con­tin­u­a­tion of War by Oth­er Means, Side 2

FTR #789 RFK Assas­si­na­tion Reopened, Side 1
FTR #789 RFK Assas­si­na­tion Reopened, Side 2

FTR #790 Now, About that Malaysian Air­lin­er . . . , Side 1
FTR #790 Now, About that Malaysian Air­lin­er . . . , Side 2

FTR #791 They May Not Know Art, but They Know What They Like, Side 1
FTR #791 They May Not Know Art, but They Know What They Like, Side 2

FTR #792 Cau­tion: Banksters at Work (More Col­lat­er­al­ized “Death” Oblig­a­tions), Side 1
FTR #792 Cau­tion: Banksters at Work (More Col­lat­er­al­ized “Death” Oblig­a­tions), Side 2

FTR #793 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates, Side 1
FTR #793 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates, Side 2

FTR #794 The Fires This Time: Update on Ukraine, Side 1
FTR #794 The Fires This Time: Update on Ukraine, Side 2

FTR #795 Fas­cism, Hin­du Nation­al­ism and Naren­dra Modi, Side 1
FTR #795 Fas­cism, Hin­du Nation­al­ism and Naren­dra Modi, Side 2

FTR #796 Ster­ling Exam­ple: Anoth­er Vis­it with Daniel Hop­sick­er, Side 1
FTR #796 Ster­ling Exam­ple: Anoth­er Vis­it with Daniel Hop­sick­er, Side 2

FTR #797 Cyber-Lib­er­tar­i­an Fas­cism: Update on the Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Side 1
FTR #797 Cyber-Lib­er­tar­i­an Fas­cism: Update on the Adven­tures of Eddie the Friend­ly Spook, Side 2

FTR #798 Thrive on This! Counter-Cul­ture Fas­cism in Cin­e­ma, Side 1
FTR #798 Thrive on This! Counter-Cul­ture Fas­cism in Cin­e­ma, Side 2

FTR #799 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates, Side 1
FTR #799 Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates, Side 2

 Com­plete FTR audio:

1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700–799

All files are MP3 for­mat. Each seg­ment is approx­i­mate­ly 29 min­utes in length.

Please con­sid­er donat­ing to sup­port the work of Dave Emory.


16 comments for “For The Record programs from 700–799, Complete Audio”

  1. I love the episodes. Why have the record­ings stopped com­ing?

    Posted by Patrick McNicholas | October 30, 2011, 2:21 pm
  2. Hi Patrick–

    As you can dis­cern from the front page “9/11 mes­sage”, I am tak­ing a hia­tus from pro­gram pro­duc­tion, due to the pres­sures of my day job.

    The fact of the mat­ter is that I have been push­ing the enve­lope for some time.

    Doing the shows and the descrip­tions is a tremen­dous amount of work and, com­bined with a full-time day job, it is an enor­mous bur­den.

    I am con­tin­u­ing to post arti­cles in the “Food For Thought” sec­tion.

    Lis­ten­ers should get in the habit of using the web­site, in order to keep up to date.

    I will resume pro­gram pro­duc­tion when that becomes fea­si­ble.

    Thanks for your inquiry

    Posted by Dave Emory | October 30, 2011, 5:10 pm
  3. @Dave:
    Been keep­ing up the best I can myself. BTW, I found your lat­est arti­cle to be quite insight­ful. Any­way, hope to see some new stuff even­tu­al­ly. =)

    Posted by Steven L. | October 30, 2011, 7:47 pm
  4. Would you con­sid­er cre­at­ing a struc­ture for accept­ing dona­tions of cash and assis­tance in order to reward and pro­mote this most excel­lent cache of vital infor­ma­tion?
    Aside from sup­port­ing your finan­cial needs, this site is no doubt more impor­tant to us than your old day job.
    Make it pos­si­ble for this site to pro­vide more val­ue to you than the day job and we all could ben­e­fit tremen­dous­ly from a broad­er dis­per­sion of this infor­ma­tion.
    A sug­ges­tion please: My tym­pan­ic mem­brane pleads for reduced deci­bel range on future record­ings so that the loud­est peaks are not so much loud­er than the aver­age vol­ume lev­els and like­wise for the low­est. Bring it all clos­er to the medi­an for increased lis­ten­abil­i­ty.
    In the “give ’em an inch” dept., then have a vol­un­teer go back and treat the archival audio files in a like­wise fash­ion.
    The Man is not the Man, You are the Man.
    Best Regards

    Posted by Bubba Stein | November 3, 2011, 12:05 pm
  5. I want to sec­ond BUBBA STEIN’S pro­pos­al. I miss the audio you pro­duced and would be hap­py to con­tribute to your work. Thank you for all you have helped me under­stand and deal with all the dis­in­for­ma­tion around me.

    Posted by Tony Klein | April 23, 2012, 3:15 pm
  6. A “donate” but­ton would be a very good idea — even if it is just to ensure this site stays “live” (and there are a few options aside from Pay­pal).

    Posted by paul | June 19, 2012, 5:47 pm
  7. Best all around site out there, thank you for your effort. More episodes please, look­ing for­ward to ( need ) more updates and top­ics. Love the site and your com­mer­cial free for­mat. Dona­tion but­ton is a good idea ( you deserve it ), have you pinned to the you tube chan­nel and nobody else. Not in agree­ment with all aspects but some of the best polit­i­cal sci­ence talk in the radio.

    Posted by lazy freedom | October 10, 2012, 1:47 am
  8. Get well soon.

    Posted by lazy freedom | November 9, 2012, 2:34 am
  9. Dave Emory your work is fan­tas­tic. I must say the work on the Aryan Nation and re-con­sti­tut­ed Reich is amaz­ing. Real­ly miss your work. You should adopt the No Agen­da mod­el and go pure pod­cast, solic­it dona­tions AND read let­ters from those who donate.

    Posted by John Calvin Jones, PhD, JD | April 2, 2013, 4:52 pm
  10. What a body of work Dave, BRAVO, it’s going to take me a while to lis­ten to all these shows but I’m up for it. I’m tru­ly thank­ful to a dear friend that emailed me this link...I’ll be sure to pass it on and will be send­ing a dona­tion to you ASAP. Be well and you can be PROUD of your con­tri­bu­tion to inform the peo­ple.

    P.S. Peo­ple please DONATE SOMETHING it all adds up!

    Warmest Regards,

    Posted by Icie Parker-Niems | August 31, 2013, 2:33 pm
  11. This site is unbe­liev­able! I have lis­tened to some of these on my com­mute to work. Excel­lent top­ics!

    Posted by Dan | October 11, 2013, 8:58 am
  12. good to hear your back on the air

    Posted by Lazy Freedom | January 29, 2014, 9:29 am
  13. Great shows Mr. Emory...I too would be proud to donate to the cause of your efforts. It is not going unrec­og­nized.

    Posted by Warren Lobb | February 3, 2014, 5:43 pm
  14. 1984 is now mid­dle aged . . . apples aside.

    Posted by Lazy Freedom | February 24, 2014, 12:37 am
  15. Thrilled to hear you back on the air, Dave. Any chance of archived shows could be made avail­able in some kind of pod­cast for­mat, so peo­ple could lis­ten on the go, ie, with­out hav­ing to be near a wi fi sig­nal?

    Posted by truthseeker | March 1, 2014, 9:22 am
  16. @truthseeker–

    I sug­gest using the link at the top of the page and at the top of recent posts to get the flash­drive, con­tain­ing all of the infor­ma­tion on this web­site, plus videos of lec­tures.



    Posted by Dave Emory | March 1, 2014, 3:53 pm

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