Complete FTR audio:
1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700–799 | 800–899 | 900–999
1000- 1100 | 1100–1199 |
All files are MP3 format.
FTR#1300–The Collapse of Credit Suisse and the Shadows of Safehaven.
FTR#1301 Who Killed Terry Yeakey?
FTR#1302 How Many Lies Before You Belong to the Lies?, Part 24.
FTR#1303 How Many Lies Before You Belong to the Lies?, Part 25.
FTR#1304 Albert Hofmann, the Nazis and the CIA.
FTR#1305 How Groovy Was It Really?
FTR#1309 Deep Politics and the Death of Iris Chang, Part 3.
FTR#1310 Deep Politics and the Death of Iris Chang, Part 4.
FTR#1311 How Many Lies Before You Belong to the Lies?, Part 26.
FTR#1312 Update on the Destabilization of China, Part 1.
FTR#1313 Update on the Destabilization of China, Part 2.
FTR#1314 “Injun’ Country”: The Mohawk Mothers’ Trail of Tears, Part 1.
FTR#1315 “Injun’ Country,” Part 2: The Mohawk Mothers’ Trail of Tears, Part 2.
FTR#1316 Fireside Rant about the Gaza War and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Part 1.
FTR#1317 Fireside Rant about the Gaza War and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Part 2.
FTR#1318 How Many Lies Before You Belong to the Lies?, Part 27.
FTR#1319 How Many Lies Before You Belong to the Lies?, Part 28.
FTR#1320 “La Plus Ca Change . . . .”
FTR#1321 The Assassination of John Lennon
FTR#1322 Interview with Jim DiEugenio and Paul Bleau about Chokeholds.
FTR#1323 Interview with Jim DiEugenio and Paul Bleau about Chokeholds.
FTR#1324 Interview with Jim DiEugenio and Paul Bleau about Chokeholds.
FTR#1325 Interview#1 with Matt Crumpton, Jim DiEugenio and Paul Bleau about Chokeholds.
FTR#1326 Interview#2 with Matt Crumpton, Jim DiEugenio and Paul Bleau about Chokeholds.
FTR#1327 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #1.
FTR#1328 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #2.
FTR#1329 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #3.
FTR#1330 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #4.
FTR#1331 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #5.
FTR#1332 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #6.
FTR#1333 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #7.
FTR#1334 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #8.
FTR#1335 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #9.
FTR#‘s 1336 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #10.
FTR#‘s 1337 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #11.
FTR#‘s 1338 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #12.
FTR#1339 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #13.
FTR#‘s 1340 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #14.
FTR#1341 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #15.
FTR#1342 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #16.
FTR#1343 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #17.
FTR#1344 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #18.
FTR#1345 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #19.
FTR#1346 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #20.
FTR#1347 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #21.
FTR#1348 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #22.
FTR#1349 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #23.
FTR#1350 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #24.
FTR#1351 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #25.
FTR#1352 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #26.
FTR#1353 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #27.
FTR#1354 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #28.
FTR#1355 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #29.
FTR#1356 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #30.
FTR#1357 Conversations with Monte: Conversation #31.
FTR#1358: Conversations with Monte: Conversation #32.
FTR#1359: Conversations with Monte: Conversation #33.
FTR#1360: Byrds of a Feather, Part 1.
FTR#1361: Byrds of a Feather, Part 2.
FTR#1362: The Truth About Pearl Harbor, Part 1.
FTR#1363: The Truth About Pearl Harbor, Part 2.
FTR#1364: The Return of Sebastian Gorka: Terror Blitzkrieg in London?, Part 1.
FTR#1365: The Retutrn of Sebastian Gorka: Terror Blitzkrieg in London, Part 2.
FTR#1366: Miscellaneous Articles and Updates, Part 1.
FTR#1367: Miscellaneous Articles and Udates, Part 2.
FTR#1368: Korea on Our Minds, Part 1.
FTR#1369: Korea on Our Minds, Part 2.
FTR#1370: Korea on Our Minds, Part 3.
FTR#1371: Korea on Our Minds, Part 4.
FTR#1372: Korea on Our Minds, Part 5.
Complete FTR audio:
1–99 | 100–199 | 200–299 | 300–399 | 400–499 | 500–599 | 600–699 | 700–799 | 800–899 | 900–999
1000- 1100 | 1100–1199 |
All files are MP3 format.
Hi Dave, am no longer able to download podcasts either manually or by app.
Bests, Paul
Others have not had this trouble.
Check your connections.
Suggest you also subscribe to the Patreon site.
Hi Dave, Are you taking a break from making new shows available on this site?
@Rich Moser–
See the post at the left-hand side of the website.
More new shows will be forthcoming presently.
You got your mojo back!!! Monte is a significant addition to your long running ruminations on our culture. For awhile you ended derisively with “good luck”; now you say “thanks for listening”. I’m really glad you’re energized again.
I’ve been listening to you since 2009, and I’ve not only listened just about every aired program, but I’ve read Paul Manning’s “Martin Bormann; Nazi in Excile”, and Winkler’s “1,000 year Conspiracy”, and the Francis Yockey book as well.
It’s not Emory 2.0, it’s 3.0. First it was Nip Tuck, then you alone, and now with Monte.
Thanks for all your hard work! Some of us are paying attention.
FTR#1359: Conversations with Monte: Conversation #33. is posted but not coming up. thanks
@Zee Run–
Please note the advisory: the program has been recorded but is not yet available. It will be available presently.
Dave Emory
I have listened to you for over 20 years after finding you on a small station in the Catskills. I starred reading about the JFK assassination in the early 70s and went down the rabbit hole. I have been really out of my mind since the election of this fascist pig. I am 76 and ready to leave the country. You are the only one that I get my information from and I thank you for devoting your life to getting the truth out. I was anxious to hear what you had to say after the election and listened to conversation 31 and 32 but 33 is like in red. I hope I can get it. Thanks again and I will continue to listen to you as long as I am alive. John Socia
Mr. Emory, do you subscribe to any particular online news sources or substacks? I’m always in awe of how your so on top of so many articles on top of books.
@Steve Kopesky–
The sources for my information speak for themselves, as I have always prioritized meticulous documentation.
Dave Emory
Where do I find the brilliant Terrafractal ?
I din’t find anything on the Spitfire List site
@Arthur Kennedy–
He holds forth in Pterrafractyl’s Nest at the left-hand side of the front page and also in the comments:‑4/‑1/#comment-386778
I hope this helps.
Dave Emory
Today is a dark day. Ironically, on MLK day, a racist fascist dictator takes over the country. At 76 I can’t believe this although you have warned us about fascism. Keep hoping for a new program. I’m wearing black today.
@John Socia–
New shows are forthcoming.