WFMU RealAudio streams:
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
December 25
FTR #438: Christmas Bushes: Business As Unusual RealAudio
December 18
FTR #436: Triumph of the Shill Pt 3: The Kaiser of California RealAudio
December 11
FTR #435: Road to Lugano RealAudio
December 4
FTR #419: Looking back at the Anthrax Attacks. RealAudio
November 27
FTR #434: Triumph of the Shill Part 2, Reichstag Wildfire? RealAudio
November 20
FTR #433: 5thColumn, Part II RealAudio
November 13
FTR # 431: Desert Flower 2: More on the Bushes of Arabia (30mins)
FTR #432: Update on Operation Green Quest (30 mins). RealAudio
November 6
FTR #430: the First Refuge of a Scoundrel RealAudio
October 30
FTR #429: Triumph of the Shill RealAudio
October 23
FTR #428: Gold Warriors RealAudio
October 16
FTR #426: The Return of the Rising Sun, Part 2;
FTR #427: Guilding the Lily — The Japanese Looting of Asia in World War II RealAudio
October 9
FTR #425: Closing the Ring: An Update on 9/11 RealAudio
September 30
FTR #418: Fireside Chat. RealAudio
September 23
FTR #424: The Past Is Prologue 2: A Memorial to Sept. 11th RealAudio
September 16
FTR #423: I’ve Got a Secret: Update on 9/11 and Related Subjects RealAudio
September 9
FTR #327: Were We Controlled? (from 9/01) RealAudio
September 2
FTR #422: True Lies, More About Conan the Republican RealAudio
August 26
FTR #421: Pump This: The Schwarzenegger File RealAudio
August 19
FTR #420: The Destabilization of California Pt. 2 RealAudio
August 12
FTR #419: Looking Back at the Anthrax Attacks. RealAudio
August 5 #418: A Fireside Chat. RealAudio
July 29
FTR #417: Investigation of 9/11, Iraq etc. RealAudio
July 22
FTR #416: Fascism, Islamism & Terrorism RealAudio
July 15
FTR #415: Campaign Preview RealAudio
July 8
FTR #414: Islam Under the Swastika & its Implications for Today RealAudio
July 1 #413: Looking Back and Looking Ahead RealAudio
June 24
FTR #412: The Engineer Intends To Wreck The Train RealAudio
June 17
FTR #411: The Bayer Facts: I.G. Farben and the Politics of Murder RealAudio
June 10
FTR #410: Deja-Vu All Over Again RealAudio
June 3
FTR #409: Let’s Make a Deal, Part 2 RealAudio
May 27
FTR #408: Update on 9/11 RealAudio
May 20
FTR #407: Pecunia Nervus Belli RealAudio
May 13
FTR #405: 5th Column RealAudio
May 6
FTR #404: Anglo-Saxonia Vs. Germania, Continuation of World War II RealAudio
April 29
FTR #403: Let’s Make a Deal (None Dare Call It Treason) RealAudio
April 22
FTR #406: Interview w/John Loftus RealAudio
April 15
FTR #402: Pincer’s Movement RealAudio
April 8
FTR #401: The Day of the Cynics RealAudio
April 1
FTR #400: This Earth Island RealAudio
March 25
FTR #399: The Serpent’s Diaries RealAudio
March 18
FTR #383: Interview with Kevin Coogan RealAudio
March 11
WFMU Marathon, Dave Emory Live with co-hosts Ken and The Cosmic Cowboy RealAudio
March 4
WFMU Marathon, Dave Emory live with co-hosts Cosmic Cowboy and Donna Summer RealAudio
February 25
FTR #398: More on the Virtual State & Manipulation of Political Polarities RealAudio
February 18
FTR #395: Tangled Webs: Deep Politics, Para-Politics, and Proxy War in the Middle East RealAudio
February 11
FTR #397: The Virtual State & Machiavellian Politics RealAudio
February 4
FTR #396: Economics, Geopolitics, & Proxy War In the Middle East RealAudio
January 28
FTR #394: The Battle of Menwith Hill: Signal Intelligence & the 9/11 Attacks. RealAudio
January 21
FTR #392: Desert Flowers: the Bushes of Arabia;
FTR #393: Love Means Never Having To Say You’re Saudi RealAudio
January 14
FTR #316: Update on the Politics of SV-40 RealAudio
January 7
FTR #390: Political Plate Techtonics RealAudio
WFMU RealAudio streams: 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
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