Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.


WFMU RealAudio 2008

WFMU RealAu­dio streams:
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

Decem­ber 30
FTR #602: The Plot to Seize the White­house — Inter­view with Jules Archer RealAu­dio
Decem­ber 23
FTR #500: Con­ver­sa­tion with Sander Hicks and Alan Dun­can RealAu­dio
Decem­ber 16
FTR #656: The Oba­ma File, Part 3: Bad­jack­et­ing Oba­ma;
FTR #657: Tar­get­ing the Cen­ters of Finance RealAu­dio
Decem­ber 9
FTR #655: The Oba­ma File, Part 2: Bad­jack­et­ing Oba­ma RealAu­dio
Decem­ber 2
FTR #273: B is for Bush, B as in Bor­mann RealAu­dio

Novem­ber 25
FTR #653: Touch­ing Bases with Daniel Hop­sick­er RealAu­dio
Novem­ber 18
FTR #652: Palin by Com­par­i­son RealAu­dio
Novem­ber 11
FTR #651: The Engi­neer Has Wrecked the Train RealAu­dio
Novem­ber 4
FTR #650: Inter­view with Lucy Komis­ar on The Ori­gins of the Crash of 2008 RealAu­dio

Octo­ber 28
FTR #268: Amer­i­cans Thought They Were Free RealAu­dio
Octo­ber 21
FTR #648: Arthur Who? RealAu­dio
Octo­ber 14
FTR #646: Geor­gia on Everybody’s Mind;
FTR #647: Reflec­tions on the Com­ing Elec­tion RealAu­dio
Octo­ber 7
FTR #645: Catch­ing Up With John Lof­tus RealAu­dio

Sep­tem­ber 30
FTR #649: The Cor­po­rate State Revis­it­ed RealAu­dio
Sep­tem­ber 23
FTR #531: Inter­view with Lucy Komis­ar about ‘off­shore’ RealAu­dio
Sep­tem­ber 16
FTR #644: Inter­view with Ed Haslam about Dr. Mary’s Mon­key RealAu­dio
Sep­tem­ber 9
FTR #642: Update on the Anthrax Attacks;
FTR #643: AIDS and Bio­log­i­cal War­fare RealAu­dio
Sep­tem­ber 2
FTR #641: Were We Con­trolled? Part II, The Col­lapse of Bear Stearns RealAu­dio

August 26
FTR #640: Wing­ing it with Daniel Hop­sick­er RealAu­dio
August 19
FTR #167: No, the Aliens STILL Aren’t Among Us! RealAu­dio
August 12
FTR #68: The Aliens Are STILL Not Among Us RealAu­dio
August 5
FTR #67: UFO’s and The Alien Con­tact Decep­tion RealAu­dio

July 29
FTR #66: The Truth About So-Called UFO’s RealAu­dio
July 22
FTR #639: The Aliens are Com­ing! The Aliens are Com­ing! — Not!, Part II RealAu­dio
July 15
FTR #638: Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates RealAu­dio
July 8
FTR #637: Catch­ing Up with Daniel Hop­sick­er RealAu­dio
July 1
FTR #69: Even MORE Fun With Sci­ence — Earth­quake Weapon­ry RealAu­dio

June 24
FTR #636: Going Native, Part V RealAu­dio
June 17
FTR #635: Going Native, Part IV RealAu­dio
June 10
FTR #634: Update on Sep­tem­ber 11th and relat­ed mat­ters RealAu­dio
June 3
FTR #633: Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates (record­ed 5/11/08) RealAu­dio

May 27
FTR #154: Ger­man Geopol­i­tics and the Balkan War RealAu­dio
May 20
FTR #552: Update on the For­mu­la and the Standard‑I.G. Agree­ment of 1929;
FTR #534: Peak Oil, Fas­cism and Geno­cide RealAu­dio
May 13
FTR #506: The Road to Lugano, Part II, More about the under­ground Reich, The Bush Admin­is­tra­tion and the Peak Oil Con­tro­ver­sy RealAu­dio
May 6
FTR #385: For­mu­la for Dis­as­ter RealAu­dio

April 29
FTR #632: Update on Sep­tem­ber 11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters RealAu­dio
April 22
FTR #630: Par­ty­ing Like It’s 1929, plus
FTR #631: Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates RealAu­dio
April 15
FTR #629: It’s Not Easy Being Green, Part II: Eco-Fas­cism RealAu­dio
April 8
FTR #627: Going Native, Part IV: More on the Suc­ces­sion of Koso­vo;
FTR #628: It’s Not Easy Being Green: Fas­cist Infil­tra­tion and Co-option of the Green Par­ty RealAu­dio
April 1
FTR #626: Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde: a Whole New Form of Gov­ern­ment RealAu­dio

March 25
FTR #625: You Got­ta Be Kid­ding Part II: Update on 9/11 and Relat­ed Mat­ters RealAu­dio
March 18
FTR #624: Mis­cel­la­neous Arti­cles and Updates RealAu­dio
March 11
FTR #623: I Told You So Part IV: Look­ing Back on the Euro and the Dol­lar RealAu­dio
March 4
WFMU Marathon with co-hosts Lau­ra Cantrell and Ken Freed­man RealAu­dio

Feb­ru­ary 26
Marathon Marathon with co-hosts Bob W and Bron­wyn RealAu­dio
Feb­ru­ary 19
FTR #622: More on the Nazi Ori­gins of Islam­ic Fas­cism RealAu­dio
Feb­ru­ary 12
FTR #621: Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde About the Masques of New Orleans, Part II RealAu­dio
Feb­ru­ary 5
FTR #509: The Death of Iris Chang RealAu­dio

Jan­u­ary 29
FTR #620: Inter­view with Paris Flam­monde about The Masques of New Orleans RealAu­dio
Jan­u­ary 22
FTR #428: Gold War­riors — Inter­view with Peg­gy Sea­grave RealAu­dio
Jan­u­ary 15
FTR #561: Eco­nom­ic 9/11 Pt 2 RealAu­dio
Jan­u­ary 8
FTR #560: Eco­nom­ics 9/11 RealAu­dio
Jan­u­ary 1
FTR #547: Hell‑o Dalai RealAu­dio

WFMU RealAu­dio streams:
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009


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