Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.


Ask your local station to carrry For The Record

Call, write or email the pro­gram direc­tor of your local com­mer­cial or non-com­mer­cial radio sta­tion, and ask him or her to start car­ry­ing Dave Emory’s For the Record. Con­sid­er these use­ful points:

  • “For The Record” is a week­ly radio pro­gram, con­sist­ing of two 29-minute seg­ments, and is pro­vid­ed free of charge to both com­mer­cial and non-com­meri­cial sta­tions.
  • Each week, Dave exam­ines the inter­con­nect­ing his­tor­i­cal process­es, peo­ple and insti­tu­tions which shape the com­plex geopo­lit­i­cal land­scape.
  • While often out­side the main­stream of pub­lic infor­ma­tion, Dave Emory has a proven track record of prog­nos­ti­ca­tion and “I told you so...” pro­vid­ing much need­ed con­text to the fast-mov­ing and often unin­tel­li­gi­ble news events of our time.
  • You can sug­gest replac­ing any repeat pro­gram­ming your local sta­tion airs.
  • If a sta­tion wants more infor­ma­tion, direct them to SpitfireList.com.

Your input and sup­port is valu­able, and your local sta­tions will lis­ten if you make an effort.

Here’s a great search tool to find your local radio sta­tions.

Are you a broad­cast­er?


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