Produced in the pre-internet era, these long documentaries consist of printed sources excerpted and analyzed on the air.
Despite relative obscurity, the World Anti-Communist League played a significant role in the politics of the second half of the 20th century.
Comparatively little notice has been given to very disturbing evidence suggesting that AIDS is man-made.
A major intelligence-related controversy of the late Cold War, the shooting of Pope John Paul II in 1981 was widely and mistakenly blamed on the Soviet Union.
Hitler’s commando, former SS officer Otto Skorzeny was a prominent figure in the development of the methodology and organizational ontogenesis of terrorism.
When Ronald Reagan was Governor, highly visible, influential, politically-connected murders and terrorist plots (real and alleged) came to light in California.
The history of the intelligence community and the narcotics trade.
Broad and detailed analysis of the treasonous scandal, exposing the institutional corruption at the very heart of the U.S. executive branch.
Linking the December, 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 to Iran-Contra cover-up.
Persian Gulf War, U.S. covert action in USSR and Eastern Europe, Reagan-Bush policies to pressure and destabilize Russia.
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