Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.


Con­sists of MP3 files of all of the pro­gram mate­r­i­al. Lis­ten­ers hav­ing trou­ble with the RealAu­dio files on the For The Record posts should locate and use the cor­re­spond­ing MP3 files.

This category contains 28 posts
Thanks to the continuing generosity of radio stations WFMU and KFJC, the entire corpus of Dave Emory's audio recordings are available to internet listeners as RealAudio streams or MP3 downloads. Programs aired on WFMU since July 2009 are availble in Flash Audio.
Listen to For The Record:
Ask your local station to carry the show.

AFA — Anti-Fascist Archives, Complete Audio

Com­plete audio for Dave Emory’s “Anti-Fas­cist Archives” series, for­mer­ly known as “Radio Free Amer­i­ca” (RFA).

WFMU RealAudio 2007

WFMU’s 2007 archives of Dave Emory’s “for The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

For The Record programs 500–599, Complete Audio

Down­load links to Dave Emory’s “For The Record” series, pro­grams 500 through 599.

WFMU RealAudio 2006

WFMU’s 2006 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2005

WFMU’s 2005 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

The Guns of November Audio Archive

Com­plete audio down­load page for Dave Emory’s “Guns of Novem­ber” radio series.

For The Record programs 400–499, Complete Audio

Down­load links to Dave Emory’s “For The Record” series, pro­grams 400 through 499.

Miscellaneous Archives Audio

Com­plete audio down­load page for Dave Emory’s “Mis­cel­la­neous Archives” radio pro­grams.

WFMU RealAudio 2004

WFMU’s 2004 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2003

WFMU’s 2003 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.