With the introduction of the Euro, the European Monetary Union will begin the integration of all European countries into a single currency system for the first time since the Roman Empire. This program explores some of the political and economic aspects of the introduction of the Euro and the establishment of the EU. The conflict between the need to invest in job creation and the tough fiscal standards required to qualify for EU membership is likely to lead to tensions between member nations, as well as internal social distress within them. In addition, the introduction of the Euro may very well exacerbate tensions between the EU and the United States. The program explores, among other topics: the fudging of standards for membership by many key EU participants; EU provisions to implement tough emergency measures to ensure the free flow of goods during times of social unrest within member nations; the impact the Euro’s displacement of the D‑Mark will have on the rise of fascism in Germany; the impact of high unemployment on the rise of fascism throughout Europe and the possible devastating effect of the Euro on the U.S. economy.
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