Listen: One Segment
This program presents information supplemental to past discussion of the reality of UFOs in the earth’s atmosphere (built by human beings, not by supposed aliens “from outer space.”) After discussing a decision by scientists in late June of 1998 to take the UFO phenomenon seriously, the broadcast touches on the death within a four-day period of three Nazi rocket scientists who worked on the U.S. rocket and space program after World War II. Much of the program centers on more information about the pioneering development of so-called flying saucers by the Third Reich during the later stages of World War II. New information from a book published in 1998 highlights the work of Reimar and Walter Horten, Nazi aviation pioneers who developed a supersonic fighter aircraft that looked like “a flying dinner plate.” This prototype was operational by 1944. There are substantive indications that the work of the Horten brothers and other Nazi aeronautical engineers was continued and improved upon by the United States, Britain, Argentina and other countries in the post-war period. The broadcast concludes with a look at the type of spin control that has perpetuated the illusion that UFOs are either imaginary or extraterrestrial in nature.
Recently there have been several articles about UFO’s in the news. I am not a big believer that they are due to aliens from other solar systems (although factually I would have no way of proving either — I believe it is highly likely that life exists in other solar systems; but do not believe UFO sightings involve extraterrestrial beings). I suspect it is due to a secret pentagon program. However, it is not clear how the President, Congress, or investigative agencies do not appear to be aware of such U.S. based technology. There is a possibility that in the future this will either be used to distract the public from concerning political developments or be used as a psychological operation to spread terror to many people for political purposes.
What we do know is that:
1) In 1933 Wernher von Braun joined the SS horseback riding school as an SS-Anwarter and left a year later. In 1937 he joined rthe Nazi party. In 1940 he joined the SS. In 1943 he became and SS Sturmbannfuhrer (Major). Von Braun came to the US under Operation Paperclip. NASA after coming to the US under Project Paperclip. Wernher had an older brother, the West German diplomat Sigismund von Braun, who served as Secretary of State in the Foreign Office in the 1970s, and a younger brother, also named Magnus von Braun, who was a rocket scientist and later a senior executive with Chrysler (the aerospace division in Huntsville, Alabama). In 1940 his superior was Dr. Walter Dornberger who later became a Major General who retired from Bell Aircraft as a Vice President in 1965. In 1945 Von Braun explained his decision to surrender to the Western Allies, rather than Russians, as being influenced by a desire to share rocket technology with people who followed the Bible. In 1946he attended church in El Paso, Texas, and underwent a religious conversion to evangelical Christianity. Von Braun became NASA’S first director on 1 July 1960 and held the position until 27 January 1970.‑5
2) A 06/04/2021 NPR article by Bill Chappell “How UFO Sightings Went From Conspiracy Theory To A Serious Government Inquiry” mentions the following “[J]ournalist Annie Jacobsen told NPR in 2011 when she published a book about the mysterious Area 51 in Nevada. As speculation about that incident grew, Jacobsen added, the Army intelligence corps went on a search for former Third Reich aerospace designers who were said to have created a flying disc.” … That same year, the Air Force started a program to investigate UFO sightings, called Project BLUE BOOK. Over the next two decades, 12,618 strange sightings were reported to the project. When it was phased out in 1969, around 700 sightings were still categorized as “Unidentified,” according to the National Archives.
3) This next Guardian, UK article 06/17/202, by Adam Gabbatt “‘Something’s going on’: UFOs threaten national security, US politicians warn” includes the following most notably that the article alleges that they have they have turned off and on nuclear technology and that this super advanced technology if it were owned by the Russians or Chinese, the technology is so advanced that “they would own us right now,”
Here are some quotes from the article:
Last week Luis Elizondo, the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, told the Washington Post that UAPs posed a serious threat.
“In this country we’ve had incidents where these UAPs have interfered and actually brought offline our nuclear capabilities,” he said.
“We also have data suggesting that in other countries these things have interfered with their nuclear technology and actually turned them on, put them online.”
One theory is that UAPs could be advanced Chinese or Russian aircraft, but Burchett dismissed that in his TMZ interview.
“I think that’s ridiculous. If the Russians had UFO technology, they would own us right now,” he said. “It has to be something that’s, that’s out of our galaxy, it just has to be, if it is in fact is real.”
Elizondo also dismissed those suggestions.
“We are quite convinced that we’re dealing with a technology that is multigenerational, several generations ahead of what we consider next generation technology, so what we would consider beyond next generation technology,” Elizondo told the Post. “Something that could be anywhere between 50 to 1,000 years ahead of us.”
The flurry of recent videos and the imminent release of the report has ignited an excitement around unidentified flying craft that has not been seen for decades. Barack Obama even weighed in, telling CBS recently that “there’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are”.
4) Here is information from Von Braun’s FBI file. Page 8 shows concerns that Wernher Von Braun was alleged to have used his influence to get a contract to General Dynamics. He was sent a book about the Kennedy Assassination called “Mr. President” published by Fact & Fiction LTD Press. The letter came from Great Britain. The FBI did no further research on this issue. See page 35.