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This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: Full appreciation and analysis of the historical and political depth of Ukraine as a “pivot point”–a nexus vital to control of the Earth Island and, consequently, the world–can be gleaned from examination of the extent of networking between Ukrainian fascists, other Central and Eastern European fascists and Third Reich intelligence. Note the massive presence of a Ukrainian/Nazi Fifth Column in the US, linked to and directed by Third Reich intelligence.
The Ukrainian nationalist alliance with Nazi Germany had as its foundation the understanding that Hitler would invade the Soviet Union and enlist the Ukrainians as allies.
This portion of the discussion overlaps material presented in FTR #907.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include:
- The role of former Czarist intelligence agent Boris Brasol in the White Russian/fascist underground operating in conjunction with Axis intelligence. [Note: in FTR #511–a recap of Miscellaneous Archive Show M11–we noted Boris Brasol’s role as a conduit of funds between American industrialist Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler.]
- The presence in this milieu of General George Van Horn Moseley, who was: an aide to Douglas MacArthur; an aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy; as discussed in AFA #10, a plotter with Third Reich intelligence to overthrow FDR.
- Harry Bennett’s collaboration with Axis agent Father Couglin. Bennett was in charge of Hitler financial backer Henry Ford’s “Personnel Service,” which used professional criminals to attack Ford employees and union organizers. Bennett was a key member of the Michigan parole board and got some of the most vicious criminals in that state’s correctional system released into the service of Ford, where they continued to ply their trade.
- The key presence in this milieu of the OUN, which had a headquarters in Rome. ” . . . . In late 1940, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists [OUN–D.E.] moved to Rome, where a correspondent of the official Ukrainian Fascist newspaper Svoboda, of New Jersey, was the paymaster of funds supplied in the United States. All members of the organization in Germany were in the Gestapo or the Regular Army from the moment war broke out in Europe. They kept up constant contact with their American associates. . . .”
The Ukraininan fascist milieu was exposed in by Alexei Pelypenko. A Roman Catholic priest, Pelypenko turned against the Axis after the Hitler-Stalin pact. No longer having confidence in Hitler’s plans to invade the Soviet Union and enlist the support of the Ukrainian fascists as a political and military ally.
Pelypenko and others sought to ally themselves with Britain and the U.S. in a Central European alliance that listeners/readers will recognize as a manifestation of the Intermarium. ” . . . . the action of the Moscow government in moving into East Poland and stopping the German advance and the signing of the pact between Hitler and Stalin caused him and his fellow Ukrainians to lose faith in the Germans’ carrying out their part of the agreement. He and his colleagues felt that they should throw their lot in with the British and work for the formation of a bloc of Slavic states, including Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and ‘Ukrainia.’ These colleagues knew that it would be necessary to have British and American support to form the bloc and defend the area from Russian aggression. . . .”
Note, also, that the OUN assassinated the Polish Minister of the Interior. The assassin was said by Pelypenko to have been targeting FDR on behalf of the Axis. ” . . . . he [Pelypenko] revealed that a White Russian who had assassinated the Polish Minister of the Interior in 1934, was being imported to assassinate President Roosevelt. . . . ”
We conclude the program with discussion of the OUN’s murder of Polish Minister of the Interior Bronislaw Pieracki. According to Pelypenko, the assassin was going to be brought into the United States to kill FDR. Note that the assassination of Pieracki was planned at a meeting in Berlin.
” . . . . The assassination of Bronisław Pieracki, referred to as the Warsaw process in the Ukrainian historiography, was a well-orchestrated target killing of Poland’s top politician of the interwar period, Minister of Interior Bronisław Pieracki (1895–1934) by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) as a retaliation for the government policy of Pacification which was carried out by the police. OUN was formed in Poland as an amalgamation between a number of extreme right-wing organizations including the Union of Ukrainian Fascists.[2] From the moment of its founding in 1929, fascism played a central role in the organization, combining extreme ethno-nationalism with terrorism, corporatism, and anti-Semitism.[2][3] The chosen assassin, Hryhorij Maciejko pseudonym ‘Gonta’, was a trusted member of OUN.[4] The assassination plan was decided at an OUN meeting in Berlin. Maciejko was supplied with a makeshift bomb and a 7.65mm caliber pistol from Bandera.[1] In the morning of 15 June 1934 Maciejko (age 31) appeared at the Foksal Street in Warsaw in front of a social club frequented by Pieracki. He waited there for several hours undetected. The minister arrived in his limousine at 3:30 p.m.; however, Maciejko’s bomb failed. He pulled the gun and shot the minister from behind twice in the back of his head.[4] Maciejko escaped successfully with the help of OUN emissaries all the way to Czechoslovakia and further to Argentina. . . . ”
Ultimately, OUN personnel were involved in covering-up the assassination of JFK by helping to create the “Soviets did it” diversion. This was covered at length in FTR #876.
1. Full appreciation and analysis of the historical and political depth of Ukraine as a pivot point–a nexus vital to control of the Earth Island and, consequently, the world–can be gleaned from examination of the extent of networking between Ukrainian fascists, other Central and Eastern European fascists and Third Reich intelligence. Note the massive presence of a Ukrainian/Nazi Fifth Column in the US, linked to and directed by Third Reich intelligence.
The Ukrainian nationalist alliance with Nazi Germany had as its foundation the understanding that Hitler would invade the Soviet Union and enlist the Ukrainians as allies.
This portion of the discussion overlaps material presented in FTR #907.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include:
- The role of former Czarist intelligence agent Boris Brasol in the White Russian/fascist underground operating in conjunction with Axis intelligence. [Note: in FTR #511–a recap of Miscellaneous Archive Show M11–we noted Boris Brasol’s role as a conduit of funds between American industrialist Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler.]
- The presence in this milieu of General George Van Horn Moseley, who was: an aide to Douglas MacArthur; an aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy; as discussed in AFA #10, a plotter with Third Reich intelligence to overthrow FDR.
- Harry Bennett’s collaboration with Axis agent Father Couglin. Bennett was in charge of Hitler financial backer Henry Ford’s “Personnel Service,” which used professional criminals to attack Ford employees and union organizers. Bennett was a key member of the Michigan parole board and got some of the most vicious criminals in that state’s correctional system released into the service of Ford, where they continued to ply their trade.
- The key presence in this milieu of the OUN, which had a headquarters in Rome. ” . . . . In late 1940, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists [OUN–D.E.] moved to Rome, where a correspondent of the official Ukrainian Fascist newspaper Svoboda, of New Jersey, was the paymaster of funds supplied in the United States. All members of the organization in Germany were in the Gestapo or the Regular Army from the moment war broke out in Europe. They kept up constant contact with their American associates. . . .”
Alfred Rosenberg was the chief inspiration for the American White Russian groups led by the Organization for Rebirth of the Ukraine, better known as ODWU, and the Ukrainian Hetman Organization, or UHO. The concern of these organizations, which were keenly supported by Boris Brasol, was the recapturing of the Ukraine from the Soviet Union. [Note: in FTR #511–a recap of Miscellaneous Archive Show M11–we noted Boris Brasol’s role as a conduit of funds between American industrialist Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler.–D.E.] Meetings of the Control Commission of the Ukrainian national Organization were held at 83 Grand Street, Jersey City, and were heavily attended by leaders of the Ukrainian community. By 1940, the association had a membership of forth thousand people, all operating under former leaders of the White Guard, a terrorist Czarist organization that committed acts of violence, murder, and despoliation in Poland and the Balkans. The directing body or Provid, which worked directly with the Abwehr and with the Auslands Organisation (AO), had a string of special liaison officials bound to their duties by a sacred oath, who threaded through free nations spreading their doctrines and subversive plans.
In the late 1930s, terrorist leaders of the ODWU, including leaders of the German Arm specializing in espionage operations, arrived in the United States and were granted residency when many Jews had difficulty in squeezing through the needle’s eye of the State Department Visa Division, By 1940, following a series of clandestine meetings across the nation, the leader of the ODWU in the United States was Monsignor Ivan Buchko of the Ukrainian Catholic church at 22 East Seventh Street, New York. Despite the fact that his activities on behalf of the Nazis had resulted in his removal even from countries like Argentina and Uruguay, he was admitted back to the United States and had no further problems with either Breckinridge Long, of the Visa Division, or Major Lemuel Schofield of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
The hetman was particularly influential in Detroit. It is not surprising that a special assistant to Harry Bennett, of Ford Motor Company, was one of the hetmans at a time when Bennett 3was working closely with Coughlin to infiltrate labor unions. The German-American Bund under Gerhardt Wilhelm Kunze paid funds into the UHO, and the reliable German Library of Information, at 17 Battery Place, supplied much propaganda material for distribution. A keen admirer of the UHO and the ODWU was Joseph P. Kamp, the proselytizer, editor and publisher, and sponsor of the Nazi Sympathizer Major General Van Horn Moseley, who later became a supporter and intimate friend of Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.
Meanwhile, leaders of the ODWU and the UHO besieged Hitler with telegrams of approval of his every move. The organizations had contacts in the Army.
In late 1940, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists [OUN–D.E.] moved to Rome, where a correspondent of the official Ukrainian Fascist newspaper Svoboda, of New Jersey, was the paymaster of funds supplied in the United States. All members of the organization in Germany were in the Gestapo or the Regular Army from the moment war broke out in Europe. They kept up constant contact with their American associates. The Ukrainian Catholic diocese gave support to the organization; and when a representative went to New York City as an auxiliary authorized by Cardinal Spellman, he actually began promoting the ODWU and the UHO through Catholic journals. The organizations raised substantial funds to subvert the large number of Ukrainian-Americans who were opposed to their activities.
The Ukrainian Mutual Aid Society held a meeting in New York City on October 101940, demanding the ejection of the ODWU and the UHO from Ukrainian circles. The members insisted that unless the Ukrainian national Association purged itself of all pro-Nazi elements they would split off permanently from the UNA. Letters were drawn up, signed by all members, insisting on the outlawing of the extremists. They were backed by the liberal newspaper PM and by Albert E. Kahn’s weekly newsletter The Hour.
In December 1940, with the matter not resolved, a member of the British appeasement group which was lobbying for negotiated peace with Hitler made contact with Svoboda’s editor, in Canada. The paper had been banned there. The agent told him that he represented Lord Halifax, who was shortly to become British ambassador to Washington; about a month earlier, at a meeting at the Mark Hopkins Hotel, in San Francisco, Sir William Wiseman, of Kuhn, Loeb, had discussed with the Princess Stefanie Hohenloe and Nazi Consul General Fritz Wiedemann Lord Halifax’s role in a negotiated peace with Germany.
Boris Brasol was in support of the Fascists. On January 26, 1941, he published in the newspaper Rossiya an open letter to Radio station WEAF in New York City attacking the Fred Waring orchestra for ruining the old Russian national anthem to the commercial “Forty million Americans are smoking Chesterfields.” Brasol condemned the jazzing up of the hymn as part of a Bolshevik plot and threatened a Russian-American boycott of the well-known brand of cigarette.
In March of 1941, the Ukrainian press service in Rome increased supplies of propaganda to the United States. In one bulletin, it bragged that ODWU members in Argentina, operating directly under the Nazis, had sunk several British ships. Other missives from Rome attacked the ODWU critics in The Hour and PM. But Albert E. Kahn, of the former publication, obtained a document in booklet form with photographs showing a UHO convention in Berlin in which the members gave the Nazi salute to a portrait if Hitler. Publication of this information caused embarrassment in Berlin, since the organization was not thought to be as widely exposed as the German-American Bund. There was talk in Nazi circles of disbanding it; but on April 5, Kahn charged that Ukrainian Fascists were responsible for the sabotage of the Pennsylvania Railroad Cleveland-to-Pittsburgh express which caused the death of five persons.
Other organizations supported the Ukrainians. These included Romanian groups connected to the Iron Guard. Support also came from the Armenians, in the form of the Tashnags, or Armenian Revolutionary Federationers, who had made a deal with Hitler that he would put them in power when he invaded their Soviet controlled country. A Tashnag had stabbed to death Archbishop Leon Tourian, a primate of the Armenian Church in America, when he was celebrating Mass in New York on Christmas Eve 1933, charging that the archbishop was a Soviet secret agent.
The Tashnags had financial and personal links to the Irish and White Russian groups. As early as March 15, 1938, the ODWU organ The Nationalist extended an invitation to all Armenian revolutionaries to coordinate their activities with the Ukrainians. And that collaboration continued until the early 1940s. Like the Ukrainians, the Armenian terrorists falsely claimed the support of the whole of their national community.
The same month, instead of discrediting th4 ODWU and the UHO, Nazi Germany issued instructions for Ukrainians to step up their activities. Under orders from Berlin, they infiltrated agents into every industry and the Army, Navy, and Coast Guard, until finally they matched the Irish in being instruments of Nazi subversive efforts.
By July, 1941, the Ukrainian organizations were financed from Berlin and American sympathizers to the sum of $6,000,000. Through their recording secretary, they retained contact with the Berlin headquarters. They denounced Winston Churchill and Roosevelt for joining forces with the Soviet Union.
All through that summer, Ukrainian fifth columnists spread out across the United States filming roads, bridges, factories, and military and naval locations. Virtually the whole of Pittsburgh, with its mills, railroad yards and river barges; Detroit and the bridge to Windsor, Ontario; and Lockheed and other airplane plants in California were filmed by the underground groups. By October, they had a grasp of the whole American defense system. They were aided by Lithuanians who supervised the distribution of Nazi materials in Lithuanian-language dailies bitterly attacking the Red Russians and calling for all Lithuanians to stand shoulder to shoulder against the Soviet Union. The organization worked very closely with the Quisling-type regime in Lithuania, the puppet government set up under the Nazis. The Lithuanians were particularly active in distributing leaflets condemning Germany’s enemies in the matter of the invasion of Russia.
The Ukrainians had friends everywhere. Even so distinguished a publisher as the Yale University Press published a book, Michael Hrushevsky’s A History of the Ukraine, which praised the German Ukrainian fifth column in the most extravagant terms and praised Hitler outright. A venomous stream of manifestos poured out of ODWU headquarters as Hitler became an increasing threat to the United States and Roosevelt waged an undeclared war in the Atlantic. It was not until after Pearl Harbor that at last, the Jewish Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, ordered the freezing of the Ukrainian funds. . . . .
2. The Ukraininan fascist milieu was exposed in by Alexei Pelypenko. A Roman Catholic priest, Pelypenko turned against the Axis after the Hitler-Stalin pact. No longer having confidence in Hitler’s plans to invade the Soviet Union and enlist the support of the Ukrainian fascists as a political and military ally.
Pelypenko and others sought to ally themselves with Britain and the U.S. in a Central European alliance that listeners/readers will recognize as a manifestation of the Intermarium. ” . . . . the action of the Moscow government in moving into East Poland and stopping the German advance and the signing of the pact between Hitler and Stalin caused him and his fellow Ukrainians to lose faith in the Germans’ carrying out their part of the agreement. He and his colleagues felt that they should throw their lot in with the British and work for the formation of a bloc of Slavic states, including Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and ‘Ukrainia.’ These colleagues knew that it would be necessary to have British and American support to form the bloc and defend the area from Russian aggression. . . .”
Note, also, that the OUN assassinated the Polish Minister of the Interior. The assassin was said by Pelypenko to have been targeting FDR on behalf of the Axis. ” . . . . he [Pelypenko] revealed that a White Russian who had assassinated the Polish Minister of the Interior in 1934, was being imported to assassinate President Roosevelt. . . . ”
The OUN’s murder of Bronislaw Pieracki is discussed below.
. . . . Pelypenko attached himself to the chief of the Gestapo in South America, and to the German embassy. Because of his links to White Russians and the German Government, he joined the international plot to assist Ukrainians in starting a revolution on the day when Germany would invade Russia. However, the action of the Moscow government in moving into East Poland and stopping the German advance and the signing of the pact between Hitler and Stalin caused him and his fellow Ukrainians to lose faith in the Germans’ carrying out their part of the agreement. He and his colleagues felt that they should throw their lot in with the British and work for the formation of a bloc of Slavic states, including Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and “Ukrainia.” These colleagues knew that it would be necessary to have British and American support to form the bloc and defend the area from Russian aggression. They also felt Turkey and Greece could be used as a buffer against Russia.
Arriving at the beginning of 1941, he revealed that the Nazis and the Japanese had designs on the Panama Canal. He said that the Polish army stationed in Iran was being trained to attack Russia; that Turkey would be brought into the fight against Russia; that the Soviets were furious with Washington for not closing down Count Vonsiatsky’s activities; that Russia would be very dangerous after World War II; and that no official secrets must be given to the Russian ambassador.
Pelypenko told Military Intelligence officers of G‑2 on March 18, 1941, that Nazis were coordinating German, Japanese, Italian, and Spanish spies on the American West Coast through the Ukrainian and other White Russian groups under Vonsiatsky. He gave the army men lists of names of White Russian spies; and he revealed that a White Russian who had assassinated the Polish Minister of the Interior in 1934, was being imported to assassinate President Roosevelt. . . .
3. We conclude the program with discussion of the OUN’s murder of Polish Minister of the Interior Bronislaw Pieracki. According to Pelypenko, the assassin was going to be brought into the United States to kill FDR. Note that the assassination of Pieracki was planned at a meeting in Berlin.
Ultimately, OUN personnel were involved in covering-up the assassination of JFK by helping to create the “Soviets did it” diversion. This was covered at length in FTR #876.
“Assassination of Bronislaw Pieracki;”
The assassination of Bronisław Pieracki, referred to as the Warsaw process in the Ukrainian historiography, was a well-orchestrated target killing of Poland’s top politician of the interwar period, Minister of Interior Bronisław Pieracki (1895–1934) by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) as a retaliation for the government policy of Pacification which was carried out by the police.
OUN was formed in Poland as an amalgamation between a number of extreme right-wing organizations including the Union of Ukrainian Fascists.[2] From the moment of its founding in 1929, fascism played a central role in the organization, combining extreme ethno-nationalism with terrorism, corporatism, and anti-Semitism.[2][3] The chosen assassin, Hryhorij Maciejko pseudonym “Gonta”, was a trusted member of OUN.[4]
The assassination plan was decided at an OUN meeting in Berlin. Maciejko was supplied with a makeshift bomb and a 7.65mm caliber pistol from Bandera.[1] In the morning of 15 June 1934 Maciejko (age 31) appeared at the Foksal Street in Warsaw in front of a social club frequented by Pieracki. He waited there for several hours undetected. The minister arrived in his limousine at 3:30 p.m.; however, Maciejko’s bomb failed. He pulled the gun and shot the minister from behind twice in the back of his head.[4] Maciejko escaped successfully with the help of OUN emissaries all the way to Czechoslovakia and further to Argentina.[5] The state funeral of Pieracki was attended by some 100,000 people. The coffin was sent to Nowy Sącz in a special train and laid in his family tomb.[6]
The Polish authorities did not realize at first that OUN was behind the assassination, and blamed the Polish National Radical Camp (ONR) for it. The mistake had terrible consequences for Poland’s political life.[5] As a result of this, the Bereza Kartuska prison for dissidents was formed.[4] Only a year later it became known that OUN was behind the assassination of Bronisław Pieracki. The process of OUN leaders before a Warsaw circuit court took place between 18 November 1935 and 13 January 1936. Stepan Bandera, Mykola Lebed and several other members of the OUN were proven guilty of preparation of the assassination. . . .
Don’t know if you’ve seen the series of blog articles by Yasha Levine concerning the Ukrainian nazi background of Chrystia Freeland — Canadian Foreign Minister
I discussed Ms. Freeland in FTR #‘s 948
and 1004.
Dave Emory