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FTR #1122 This program was recorded in one, 60-minute segment.
Introduction: This broadcast updates, in a admittedly strident mode, the Covid-19 outbreak. We begin with discussion of Moderna, Inc.
Moderna Inc. is one of the DARPA-funded companies that has been authorized to begin testing of vaccines. As discussed by Whitney Webb, Moderna Inc. is getting a green light to develop its mRNA vaccine (mRNA 1273) for preventing Covid-19 infection. The Western Edition of The New York Times contains information NOT contained in the online manifestation of the article.
Although vaccines that inject nucleic acid–either DNA or messenger RNA–into cells have been seen as promising, they have NEVER been administered to humans. The trials for the Moderna vaccine appear to be “fast-tracked.”
We have done numerous programs about the polio vaccine and how that “fast-tracked” (and consequently insufficiently vetted) vaccine was contaminated with the SV40 cancer-causing monkey virus.
In the context of the destabilization of China (covered in many programs and a key element of analysis in assessing the Covid-19 outbreak), we note that the collapsing of economies abroad, including the U.S., will significantly and adversely affect China’s export-oriented economy.
It may lead to the collapse of the Chinese economy eagerly–and financially–anticipated by J. Kyle Bass, Tommy Hicks Jr. and Steve Bannon.
An op-ed column further develops the potential danger to China’s economy posed by the Covid-19 outbreak. ” . . . . While China is no longer center stage, as the virus spreads worldwide there are renewed fears that the crisis could circle back to its shores by hurting demand for exports. Over the last decade China’s corporate debt swelled fourfold to over $20 trillion — the biggest binge in the world. The International Monetary Fund estimates that one-tenth of this debt is in zombie firms, which rely on government-directed lending to stay alive. . . .”
Next, we tackle the subject of an escalating media war between China and the U.S.
Trump’s labeling of Covid-19 as “the Chinese virus” is apparently in response to suggestions in Chinese social media and some published material pointing to the U.S. and/or national security elements within and/or associated with it as the source of the virus.
In FTR #1109, we examined Donald Trump’s dealings with Deutsche Bank, key “suicides” in connection with the bank’s records on Trump and Jared Kushner, Trump’s claims of executive privilege in attempts to keep the records secret, the apparent destruction of those records by Deutsche Bank and the tracking of the case to a decision by the Supreme Court.
Now, the Covid-19 outbreak may delay that decision indefinitely.
As highlighted above, Donald Trump has been labeling Covid-19 the “Chinese virus” in response to Chinese intimations (correct in their main contention in our opinion) that the U.S. is the point of origin of the virus.
An article in The Asia Times provides more depth on the growing media war between the U.S. and China.
Key points of discussion and analysis:
- China now openly views the U.S. as a threat: ” . . . . For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the U.S. as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference during the peak of the fight against coronavirus. . . .”
- President Xi Jinping has dropped verbal clues as to the Chinese view of the origin of the Covid-19: ” . . . . Beijing is carefully, incrementally shaping the narrative that, from the beginning of the coronavirus attack, the leadership knew it was under a hybrid war attack. The terminology of President Xi Jinping is a major clue. He said, on the record, that this was war. And, as a counter-attack, a ‘people’s war’ had to be launched. Moreover, he described the virus as a demon or devil. Xi is a Confucianist. Unlike some other ancient Chinese thinkers, Confucius was loath to discuss supernatural forces and judgment in the afterlife. However, in a Chinese cultural context, devil means ‘white devils’ or ‘foreign devils’: guailo in Mandarin, gweilo in Cantonese. This was Xi delivering a powerful statement in code. . . .”
- A Chinese Foreign Ministry official cited the Military World Games in Wuhan as a possible vectoring point. (We believe this is possible, although we suspect the Shincheonji cult and a USAMRIID association with a Wuhan virological institute as other possible vectors.) IF, for the sake of argument, fascist elements (CIA, Underground Reich or whatever) chose the US military athletes as a vector, it would have been altogether possible to do so without attracting attention. Military athletes are in superb condition and, if infected with one of the milder strains of Covid-19, their robust immune systems might well leave them asymptomatic, yet still contagious, or mildly ill at worst. They could then communicate the virus to other military athletes, who would then serve as a vector for other countries. ” . . . . Zhao’s explosive conclusion is that COVID-19 was already in effect in the U.S. before being identified in Wuhan – due to the by now fully documented inability of the U.S. to test and verify differences compared with the flu. . . .”
- Author Pepe Escobar reiterates the contention that the variants of the virus in Italy and Iran are different from the variants that infected Wuhan, an interpretation whose significance is debated by scientists.
- The article highlights the shuttering of Ft. Detrick, which has now been partially re-opened. ” . . . . Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan, Chinese media are now openly asking questions and drawing a connection with the shutting down in August last year of the “unsafe” military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick, the Military Games, and the Wuhan epidemic. Some of these questions had been asked– with no response – inside the U.S. itself. . . .”
- Escobar also notes Event 201, which we highlighted in FTR #‘s 1111 and 1112: ” . . . . Extra questions linger about the opaque Event 201 in New York on October 18, 2019: a rehearsal for a worldwide pandemic caused by a deadly virus – which happened to be coronavirus. This magnificent coincidence happened one month before the outbreak in Wuhan. Event 201 was sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the CIA, Bloomberg, John Hopkins Foundation and the UN. The World Military Games opened in Wuhan on the exact same day. . . .”
- We note that, although we have not been able to conclusively prove that CIA was one of the sponsors of the event, a former Deputy Director of the Agency was a key participant. Having reached such a level of prominence within the agency, one never “leaves” altogether. It is probable that there was Agency participation.
- Further discussion notes the possible use of a coronavirus as part of a psy-op: ” . . . . The working hypothesis of coronavirus as a very powerful but not Armageddon-provoking bio-weapon unveils it as a perfect vehicle for widespread social control — on a global scale. . . .”
- Escobar alleges that Cuba has developed an anti-viral that is promising against the virus: ” . . . . The anti-viral Heberon – or Interferon Alpha 2b – a therapeutic, not a vaccine, has been used with great success in the treatment of coronavirus. A joint venture in China is producing an inhalable version, and at least 15 nations are already interested in importing the therapeutic. . . .”
- Quoting Italian analyst Sandro Mezzadra, Escobar notes the Covid-19 outbreak as a social Darwinian psy-op: ” . . . .We are facing a choice between a Malthusian strand – inspired by social Darwinism – ‘led by the Johnson-Trump-Bolsonaro axis’ and, on the other side, a strand pointing to the “requalification of public health as a fundamental tool,’ exemplified by China, South Korea and Italy. There are key lessons to be learned from South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. The stark option, Mezzadra notes, is between a ‘natural population selection,’ with thousands of dead, and ‘defending society’ by employing ‘variable degrees of authoritarianism and social control.’ . . .”
- Like many analysts, Escobar–correctly in our opinion–notes that the Covid-19 outbreak threatens the global economy and may collapse the derivative market. That this may be intended to mask an overvalued equities market seems probable to us.
1. Moderna Inc. is one of the DARPA-funded companies that has been authorized to begin testing of vaccines.
. . . . The second pharmaceutical company that was selected by CEPI to develop a vaccine for the new coronavirus is Moderna Inc., which will develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus of concern in collaboration with the U.S. NIH and which will be funded entirely by CEPI. The vaccine in question, as opposed to Inovio’s DNA vaccine, will be a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine. Though different than a DNA vaccine, mRNA vaccines still use genetic material ‘to direct the body’s cells to produce intracellular, membrane or secreted proteins.’ Moderna’s mRNA treatments, including its mRNA vaccines, were largely developed using a $25 million grant from DARPA and it often touts is strategic alliance with DARPA in press releases. . . .
2. As discussed by Whitney Webb, Moderna Inc. is getting a green light to develop its mRNA vaccine (mRNA 1273) for preventing Covid-19 infection. The Western Edition of The New York Times contains information NOT contained in the online manifestation of the article.
Although vaccines that inject nucleic acid–either DNA or messenger RNA–into cells have been seen as promising, they have NEVER been administered to humans. The trials for the Moderna vaccine appear to be “fast-tracked.”
We have done numerous programs about the polio vaccine and how that “fast-tracked” (and consequently insufficiently vetted) vaccine was contaminated with the SV40 cancer-causing monkey virus.
The first testing in humans of an experimental vaccine for the new coronavirus began on Monday, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases announced.
The main goal of this first set of tests is to find out if the vaccine is safe. If it is, later studies will determine how well it works.
The trial was “launched in record speed,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the institute’s director, said in a statement. . . .
. . . . Moderna uses genetic material — messenger RNA — to make vaccines, and the company has nine others in various stages of development, including several for viruses that cause respiratory illnesses. But no vaccine made with this technology has yet reached the market. . . .
. . . . The trial will enroll 45 healthy adults ages 18 to 55. Each will receive two shots, 28 days apart. Moderna calls the vaccine mRNA-1273. . .
. . . . If the vaccine then appears safe, he said, Moderna will ask the Food and Drug Administration for permission to move ahead to the next phase of testing even before the first stage is finished. The second round of testing, to measure efficacy as well as to verify safety, will include many more participants.
3. In the context of the destabilization of China (covered in many programs and a key element of analysis in assessing the Covid-19 outbreak), we note that the collapsing of economies abroad, including the U.S., will significantly and adversely affect China’s export-oriented economy.
It may lead to the collapse of the Chinese economy eagerly–and financially–anticipated by J. Kyle Bass, Tommy Hicks Jr. and Steve Bannon.
“China’s Path Back to Work Is Cluttered With Hurdles” by Keith Bradsher; The New York Times; 3/13/2020; pp. B‑1, B‑5 [Western Edition].
4. This op-ed column further develops the potential danger to China’s economy posed by the Covid-19 outbreak. ” . . . . While China is no longer center stage, as the virus spreads worldwide there are renewed fears that the crisis could circle back to its shores by hurting demand for exports. Over the last decade China’s corporate debt swelled fourfold to over $20 trillion — the biggest binge in the world. The International Monetary Fund estimates that one-tenth of this debt is in zombie firms, which rely on government-directed lending to stay alive. . . .”
. . . . . On Wall Street, bulls still hold out hope that the worst can pass quickly and point to the encouraging developments in China. The first cases were reported there on Dec. 31, and the rate of growth in new cases peaked on Feb. 13, just seven weeks later. After early losses, China’s stock market bounced back and the economy seemed to do the same. But the latest data, released today on retail sales and fixed investment, suggest the Chinese economy is set to contract this quarter.
While China is no longer center stage, as the virus spreads worldwide there are renewed fears that the crisis could circle back to its shores by hurting demand for exports. Over the last decade China’s corporate debt swelled fourfold to over $20 trillion — the biggest binge in the world. The International Monetary Fund estimates that one-tenth of this debt is in zombie firms, which rely on government-directed lending to stay alive.
In other parts of the world, including the United States, calls are growing for policymakers to offer similar state support to the fragile corporate sector. No matter what the policymakers do, the outcome is now up to the coronavirus, and how soon its spread starts to slow.
The longer the coronavirus continues to spread at its current pace, the more likely it is that zombies begin to die, further depressing the markets — and increasing the risk of wider financial contagion. . . .
5. Trump’s labeling of Covid-19 as “the Chinese virus” is apparently in response to suggestions in Chinese social media and some published material pointing to the U.S. and/or national security elements within and/or associated with it as the source of the virus.
. . . . at the White House briefing on Tuesday, Mr. Trump told reporters that he was attaching “China” to the name of the virus to combat a disinformation campaign promoted by Beijing officials that the American military was the source of the outbreak.
“I didn’t appreciate the fact that China was saying that our military gave it to them,” Mr. Trump said. “I think saying that our military gave it to them creates a stigma.” . . . .
. . . . And last week, Zhao Lijian, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, shared the conspiracy theory that the United States was behind the virus. “It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan,” he said on Twitter. “Be transparent! Make public your datea! US owe us an explanation!” . . . .
6. In FTR #1109, we examined Donald Trump’s dealings with Deutsche Bank, key “suicides” in connection with the bank’s records on Trump and Jared Kushner, Trump’s claims of executive privilege in attempts to keep the records secret, the apparent destruction of those records by Deutsche Bank and the tracking of the case to a decision by the Supreme Court.
Now, the Covid-19 outbreak may delay that decision indefinitely.
On Monday, the Supreme Court took the drastic step of postponing upcoming oral arguments for an indefinite period of time in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In its press release on the decision, the court noted that arguments in 1918 were postponed due to the flu pandemic and the argument calendar was shortened in 1793 and 1798 due to yellow fever outbreaks.
Even if the once-in-a-century postponement is not unprecedented, these particular circumstances may be. Three of the cases that have been postponed in the March 23–25 and March 30–April 1 sessions revolved around extraordinary assertions of executive power by the Trump administration to keep third-party records of the president’s finances from congressional and local investigators.
Nobody knows how long such extraordinary measures might be necessary to protect the public from COVID-19, but President Donald Trump said on Monday that experts had advised him that they might be necessary through “July, August.” If the cases that have been bumped get moved into the fall calendar and Trump loses the November election, these cases could then easily be moot.
7b. As highlighted above, Donald Trump has been labeling Covid-19 the “Chinese virus” in response to Chinese intimations (correct in their main contention in our opinion) that the U.S. is the point of origin of the virus.
An article in The Asia Times provides more depth on the growing media war between the U.S. and China.
Key points of discussion and analysis:
- China now openly views the U.S. as a threat: ” . . . . For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the U.S. as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference during the peak of the fight against coronavirus. . . .”
- President Xi Jinping has dropped verbal clues as to the Chinese view of the origin of the Covid-19: ” . . . . Beijing is carefully, incrementally shaping the narrative that, from the beginning of the coronavirus attack, the leadership knew it was under a hybrid war attack. The terminology of President Xi Jinping is a major clue. He said, on the record, that this was war. And, as a counter-attack, a ‘people’s war’ had to be launched. Moreover, he described the virus as a demon or devil. Xi is a Confucianist. Unlike some other ancient Chinese thinkers, Confucius was loath to discuss supernatural forces and judgment in the afterlife. However, in a Chinese cultural context, devil means ‘white devils’ or ‘foreign devils’: guailo in Mandarin, gweilo in Cantonese. This was Xi delivering a powerful statement in code. . . .”
- A Chinese Foreign Ministry official cited the Military World Games in Wuhan as a possible vectoring point. (We believe this is possible, although we suspect the Shincheonji cult and a USAMRIID association with a Wuhan virological institute as other possible vectors.) IF, for the sake of argument, fascist elements (CIA, Underground Reich or whatever) chose the US military athletes as a vector, it would have been altogether possible to do so without attracting attention. Military athletes are in superb condition and, if infected with one of the milder strains of Covid-19, their robust immune systems might well leave them asymptomatic, yet still contagious, or mildly ill at worst. They could then communicate the virus to other military athletes, who would then serve as a vector for other countries. ” . . . . Zhao’s explosive conclusion is that COVID-19 was already in effect in the U.S. before being identified in Wuhan – due to the by now fully documented inability of the U.S. to test and verify differences compared with the flu. . . .”
- Author Pepe Escobar reiterates the contention that the variants of the virus in Italy and Iran are different from the variants that infected Wuhan, an interpretation whose significance is debated by scientists.
- The article highlights the shuttering of Ft. Detrick, which has now been partially re-opened. ” . . . . Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan, Chinese media are now openly asking questions and drawing a connection with the shutting down in August last year of the “unsafe” military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick, the Military Games, and the Wuhan epidemic. Some of these questions had been asked– with no response – inside the U.S. itself. . . .”
- Escobar also notes Event 201, which we highlighted in FTR #‘s 1111 and 1112: ” . . . . Extra questions linger about the opaque Event 201 in New York on October 18, 2019: a rehearsal for a worldwide pandemic caused by a deadly virus – which happened to be coronavirus. This magnificent coincidence happened one month before the outbreak in Wuhan. Event 201 was sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the CIA, Bloomberg, John Hopkins Foundation and the UN. The World Military Games opened in Wuhan on the exact same day. . . .”
- We note that, although we have not been able to conclusively prove that CIA was one of the sponsors of the event, a former Deputy Director of the Agency was a key participant. Having reached such a level of prominence within the agency, one never “leaves” altogether. It is probable that there was Agency participation.
- Further discussion notes the possible use of a coronavirus as part of a psy-op: ” . . . . The working hypothesis of coronavirus as a very powerful but not Armageddon-provoking bio-weapon unveils it as a perfect vehicle for widespread social control — on a global scale. . . .”
- Escobar alleges that Cuba has developed an anti-viral that is promising against the virus: ” . . . . The anti-viral Heberon – or Interferon Alpha 2b – a therapeutic, not a vaccine, has been used with great success in the treatment of coronavirus. A joint venture in China is producing an inhalable version, and at least 15 nations are already interested in importing the therapeutic. . . .”
- Quoting Italian analyst Sandro Mezzadra, Escobar notes the Covid-19 outbreak as a social Darwinian psy-op: ” . . . .We are facing a choice between a Malthusian strand – inspired by social Darwinism – ‘led by the Johnson-Trump-Bolsonaro axis’ and, on the other side, a strand pointing to the “requalification of public health as a fundamental tool,’ exemplified by China, South Korea and Italy. There are key lessons to be learned from South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. The stark option, Mezzadra notes, is between a ‘natural population selection,’ with thousands of dead, and ‘defending society’ by employing ‘variable degrees of authoritarianism and social control.’ . . .”
- Like many analysts, Escobar–correctly in our opinion–notes that the Covid-19 outbreak threatens the global economy and may collapse the derivative market. That this may be intended to mask an overvalued equities market seems probable to us.
“China Locked in Hybrid War with U.S.” by Pepe Escobar [Asia Times]; Consortium News; 3/18/2020.
Among the myriad, earth-shattering geopolitical effects of coronavirus, one is already graphically evident. China has re-positioned itself. For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the U.S. as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference during the peak of the fight against coronavirus.
Beijing is carefully, incrementally shaping the narrative that, from the beginning of the coronavirus attack, the leadership knew it was under a hybrid war attack.
The terminology of President Xi Jinping is a major clue. He said, on the record, that this was war. And, as a counter-attack, a “people’s war” had to be launched.
Moreover, he described the virus as a demon or devil. Xi is a Confucianist. Unlike some other ancient Chinese thinkers, Confucius was loath to discuss supernatural forces and judgment in the afterlife. However, in a Chinese cultural context, devil means “white devils” or “foreign devils”: guailo in Mandarin, gweilo in Cantonese. This was Xi delivering a powerful statement in code.
When Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, voiced in an incandescent tweet the possibility that “it might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan” – the first blast to this effect to come from a top official – Beijing was sending up a trial balloon signaling that the gloves were finally off. Zhao Lijian made a direct connection with the Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019, which included a delegation of 300 U.S. military.
He directly quoted U.S. CDC Director Robert Redfield who, when asked last week whether some deaths by Coronavirus had been discovered posthumously in the U.S., replied that “some cases have actually been diagnosed this way in the U.S. today.”
Zhao’s explosive conclusion is that COVID-19 was already in effect in the U.S. before being identified in Wuhan – due to the by now fully documented inability of the U.S. to test and verify differences compared with the flu.
Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan, Chinese media are now openly asking questions and drawing a connection with the shutting down in August last year of the “unsafe” military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick, the Military Games, and the Wuhan epidemic. Some of these questions had been asked– with no response – inside the U.S. itself.
Extra questions linger about the opaque Event 201 in New York on October 18, 2019: a rehearsal for a worldwide pandemic caused by a deadly virus – which happened to be coronavirus. This magnificent coincidence happened one month before the outbreak in Wuhan.
Event 201 was sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the CIA, Bloomberg, John Hopkins Foundation and the UN. The World Military Games opened in Wuhan on the exact same day.
Irrespective of its origin, which is still not conclusively established, as much as Trump tweets about the “Chinese virus,” COVID-19 already poses immensely serious questions about biopolitics (where’s Foucault when we need him?) and bio-terror.
The working hypothesis of coronavirus as a very powerful but not Armageddon-provoking bio-weapon unveils it as a perfect vehicle for widespread social control — on a global scale.
Cuba Rises as Biotech Power
Just as a fully masked Xi visiting the Wuhan frontline last week was a graphic demonstration to the whole planet that China, with immense sacrifice, is winning the “people‘s war” against COVID-19, Russia, in a Sun Tzu move on Riyadh whose end result was a much cheaper barrel of oil, helped for all practical purposes to kick-start the inevitable recovery of the Chinese economy. This is how a strategic partnership works.
The chessboard is changing at breakneck speed. Once Beijing identified coronavirus as a bio-weapon attack the “people’s war” was launched with the full force of the state. Methodically. On a “whatever it takes” basis. Now we are entering a new stage, which will be used by Beijing to substantially recalibrate the interaction with the West, and under very different frameworks when it comes to the U.S. and the EU.
Soft power is paramount. Beijing sent an Air China flight to Italy carrying 2,300 big boxes full of masks bearing the script, “We are waves from the same sea, leaves from the same tree, flowers from the same garden.” China also sent a hefty humanitarian package to Iran, significantly aboard eight flights from Mahan Air — an airline under illegal, unilateral Trump administration sanctions.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic could not have been more explicit: “The only country that can help us is China. By now, you all understood that European solidarity does not exist. That was a fairy tale on paper.”
Under harsh sanctions and demonized since forever, Cuba is still able to perform breakthroughs – even on biotechnology. The anti-viral Heberon – or Interferon Alpha 2b – a therapeutic, not a vaccine, has been used with great success in the treatment of coronavirus. A joint venture in China is producing an inhalable version, and at least 15 nations are already interested in importing the therapeutic.
Now compare all of the above with the Trump administration offering $1 billion to poach German scientists working at biotech firm Curevac, based in Thuringia, on an experimental vaccine against COVID-19, to have it as a vaccine “only for the United States.”
Social Engineering Psy-Op?
Sandro Mezzadra, co-author with Brett Neilson of the seminal “The Politics of Operations: Excavating Contemporary Capitalism,” is already trying to conceptualize where we stand now in terms of fighting COVID-19.
We are facing a choice between a Malthusian strand – inspired by social Darwinism – “led by the Johnson-Trump-Bolsonaro axis” and, on the other side, a strand pointing to the “requalification of public health as a fundamental tool,” exemplified by China, South Korea and Italy. There are key lessons to be learned from South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.
The stark option, Mezzadra notes, is between a “natural population selection,” with thousands of dead, and “defending society” by employing “variable degrees of authoritarianism and social control.” It’s easy to imagine who stands to benefit from this social re-engineering, a 21st century remix of Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death.”
Amid so much doom and gloom, count on Italy to offer us Tiepolo-style shades of light. Italy chose the Wuhan option, with immensely serious consequences for its already fragile economy. Quarantined Italians remarkably reacted by singing on their balconies: a true act of metaphysical revolt. . . .
. . . . Not even trillions of dollars raining from the sky by an act of divine Fed mercy were able to cure Covid-19. G‑7 “leaders” had to resort to a videoconference to realize how clueless they are – even as China’s fight against coronavirus gave the West a head start of several weeks.
Shanghai-based Dr. Zhang Wenhong, one of China’s top infectious disease experts, whose analyses have been spot on so far, now says China has emerged from the darkest days in the “people’s war” against Covid-19. But he does not think this will be over by summer. Now extrapolate what he’s saying to the Western world.
It’s not even spring yet, and we already know it takes a virus to mercilessly shatter the Goddess of the Market. Last Friday, Goldman Sachs told no fewer than 1,500 corporations that there was no systemic risk. That was false.
New York banking sources told me the truth: systemic risk became way more severe in 2020 than in 1979, 1987 or 2008 because of the hugely heightened danger that the $1.5 quadrillion derivative market would collapse.
As the sources put it, history had never before seen anything like the Fed’s intervention via its little understood elimination of commercial bank reserve requirements, unleashing a potential unlimited expansion of credit to prevent a derivative implosion stemming from a total commodity and stock market collapse of all stocks around the world.
Those bankers thought it would work, but as we know by now all the sound and fury signified nothing. The ghost of a derivative implosion – in this case not caused by the previous possibility, the shutting down of the Strait of Hormuz – remains.
We are still barely starting to understand the consequences of Covid-19 for the future of neoliberal turbo-capitalism. What’s certain is that the whole global economy has been hit by an insidious, literally invisible circuit breaker. This may be just a “coincidence.” Or this may be, as some are boldly arguing, part of a possible, massive psy-op creating the perfect geopolitlcal and social engineering environment for full-spectrum dominance.
Additionally, along the hard slog down the road, with immense, inbuilt human and economic sacrifice, with or without a reboot of the world-system, a more pressing question remains: will imperial elites still choose to keep waging full-spectrum-dominance hybrid war against China?
President Trump raised eyebrows with his call for the US to end the lockdowns and ‘reopen’ for business by Easter as the COVID-19 pandemic plays out. It was the kind of statement that was unambiguously optimistic. The question was whether or it was a plausibly optimistic proposal or just more Trumpian gaslighting. So it’s worth noting that Trump’s Department of Justice may not share that optimism. Quite the opposite. At least that’s what we can infer based on some rather chilling requests of Congress made by the DOJ for new judicial powers in response to the coronavirus.
The new powers the DOJ is requesting may seem reasonable in the context of the virus but they’re also new powers that could fundamentally strip away core civil right. Like habeus corpus, i.e. the right of someone arrested to be brought before judge or court. According to civil rights advocates, if these changes are approved, you could be arrested during a national emergency and be held without a right to go before a judge until the national emergency is declared over, which is obviously a pretty huge potential violation of core civil rights. Especially since national emergencies can be declared in response to civil disorder.
A second request that would restrict the right to a public trial involves the ability to mandate that video teleconferencing be used for court proceedings without prior approval of the defendant. So you might get a trial, but it won’t necessarily be in a public court.
Another new request is to change the law so people with COVID-19 can’t apply for asylum. Yep. It’s not clear why having COVID-19 should block someone from getting asylum but that’s what Will Barr’s DOJ wants to happen.
The article notes that these changes are unlikely to be approved by Congress as long as the Democrats control the House. So the requests aren’t really an immediate threat to the judicial processes in the US but more just another sign of how the Trump administration would like to exploit this national emergency to further its agenda. An agenda that involves potentially suspending habeus corpus:
“Documents reviewed by POLITICO detail the department’s requests to lawmakers on a host of topics, including the statute of limitations, asylum and the way court hearings are conducted. POLITICO also reviewed and previously reported on documents seeking the authority to extend deadlines on merger reviews and prosecutions.”
As Rahm Emmannuel once famously declared during the 2008 financial crisis (recently reiterated regarding the coronavirus), “never let a crisis go to waste.” It was something he . And it’s advice Trump’s Justice Department appears to have taken to heart with requests like the power to pause court proceedings, including “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil process and proceedings.” A pausing pre-court proceedings is basically an end to habeus corpus. You may not have a right to a trial, at least not as long as the national emergency is in place:
A second request would also limit that right to a trial. At least a public trial. Videoconferencing could be used instead without the defendants’ consent:
So that’s two DOJ requests involving the curtailment of a right to a public trial. It’s more than a bit ominous.
And then there’s the proposal to ban anyone with COVID-19 from seeking asylum. As activists note, this move would basically ban any asylum seeking from a country on the presidential travel ban list. And this request happens to come at a time when the administration has already signaled that it’s going to ban asylum seekers if they illegally cross the border so it seems like the kind of request that’s largely designed to provide political cover for an existing policy:
Fortunately, since these are all requests being made to Congress, it’s unlikely they’re be approved given the Democratic control of the House:
So these DOJ requests probably aren’t going to become law during the current COVID-19 outbreak. At least not in 2020. If the GOP retakes control of the House in 2021 who knows what might happen. But, for now, these DOJ requests appear to be more aspirational than anything else. Kind of like Trump’s draconian annual federal budget proposals. Documents that tell us what the Trump administration would like to do if it had the unilateral power to do so. Like the massive cuts in foreign aide proposed in the budget proposal just put forward last month. The Trump administration can’t actually last foreign aid in the middle of a global pandemic do that on its own. That’s up to Congress. But the administration would clearly like to slash foreign aid. It’s in the damn budget proposal.
And that’s how we should probably view these DOJ requests to congress. It’s a signal of what the Trump administration would do if it didn’t have to share power with Congress. And that apparently includes potentially suspending or limiting the right to a public trial.
But also keep in mind that, had the GOP retained control of the House in 2018, we would have GOP control of both chambers of Congress and the likelihood of these DOJ requests being granted by Congress would be much higher. Especially these days when the GOP is seemingly incapable of defying Trump. That’s why these DOJ requests aren’t just aspirational. They’re a warning about what to expect during future national emergencies where the GOP has full control of the White House and Congress. Especially if the national emergency is widespread civil disobedience over a governmental power grab.
Pepe Escobar, author of Asia Times article cited at beginning of the written description, in conversation with Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton of Moderate Rebels and The Grayzone. Escobar discusses the article, other aspects of the outbreak that Dave Emory has been highlighting, and more. Very much worth a listen:
The next two articles suggest that a substantially higher portion of the population has been infected by the virus that causes COVID19. The first article suggests that roughly 50 times as many people have had exposure. As of today, April 20 we have 785,000 confirmed cases in the US. This would suggest that 39 million had been infected or more than 10% of the population. The article does not state when the sampling occurred. It also has not been peer reviewed. Below is another article published April 9, about a highly infected town town in Germany which found 15% — this was more than a week earlier.
The first article is an April 7, 2020 Guardian Article Antibody study suggests coronavirus may be far more widespread than previously thought
It states:
“The study from Stanford University, which was released Friday and has yet to be peer reviewed, tested samples from 3,330 people in Santa Clara county and found the virus was 50 to 85 times more common than official figures indicated.
At the time of the study, Santa Clara county had 1,094 confirmed cases of Covid-19, resulting in 50 deaths. But based on the rate of people who have antibodies, it is likely that between 48,000 and 81,000 people had been infected in Santa Clara county by early April – a number approximately 50 to 80 times higher.
That also means coronavirus is potentially much less deadly to the overall population than initially thought. As of Tuesday, the US’s coronavirus death rate was 4.1% and Stanford researchers said their findings show a death rate of just 0.12% to 0.2%.
Even with the adjusted rate of infection as found by the study, only 3% of the population has coronavirus – that means 97% does not. To reach herd immunity 50% or more of the population would have to be infected and recovered from coronavirus.”
April 9, Dailey Mail, UK Scientists say many more people than previously thought could have acquired coronavirus immunity after discovering 15% of people in city dubbed ‘German Wuhan’ could be carrying antibodies
This Dailey Mail article suggest that this is not an anomolie. It states
“Scientists studying Gangelt, the town at the centre of Germany’s first big outbreak dubbed the ‘German Wuhan’, discovered that as many as 15 per cent of people may have already been infected with the virus and acquired immunity.
If 15 per cent of people do have antibodies, then Germany’s actual death rate could be as low as 0.37 per cent.
This is five times lower than the current level.”
This next April 20, 2020 ABC News article titled
“Why are so many COVID-19 patients also seeing blood clots?” includes the following information:
“Doctors in hot spots across the globe have begun to report an unexpected prevalence of blood clotting among COVID cases, in what could pose a perfect storm of potentially fatal risk factors.
“In the beginning of the outbreak, we started only giving them medicine to prevent clots. We saw that it wasn’t enough,” Dr. Cristina Abad, an anesthesiologist at Hospital Clínicos San Carlos in Madrid, told ABC News. “They started having pulmonary embolisms, so we started [full] anticoagulation on everyone.”
But symptoms of a worsening COVID infection mirror those of a severe clot in the lung, which, doctors have said, further blurs the lines of a diagnosis already difficult to clarify. More observation and research will be required.”
Additionally, a separate article (which was not peer reviewed) stated:
“A prominent Israeli mathematician, analyst, and former general claims simple statistical analysis demonstrates that the spread of COVID-19 peaks after about 40 days and declines to almost zero after 70 days — no matter where it strikes, and no matter what measures governments impose to try to thwart it.”
What is interesting are the similariies with the Nazi novel Serpent’s Walk published in 1991:
“The vectors . . . agents of transmission . . . for Pacov‑1 are extensive. It travels through the air, the water, or directly from person-to-person and is highly contagious. It spreads for hundreds of miles, if conditions are optimal. Pacov‑1 produces only a mild, flu-like infection that disappears within a day or two. Public health authorities would overlook it, never consider it a serious epidemic, and even if they did they’d have to look carefully to isolate it. Once a victim is over the ‘flu,’ Pacov‑1 becomes dormant and almost undetectable. A month or two later, you send in the second stage: Pacov‑2 is also a virus, just as contagious as the first, and just as harmless by itself. It reacts with Pacov‑1 to produce a powerful coagulant. . . . you die within three minutes. No warning, no vaccine, no cure. Those not exposed to both stages remain unharmed. . . . Pacov‑2 goes inert, like Pacov‑1 within a week or two. Then you get your victim’s country, all his property, in undamaged condition. . . . and a lot of corpses to bury.’ . . . .”