Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR 1146 The Space Plane and Covid-19: The Paperclip Legacy, Part 1

Dave Emory’s entire life­time of work is avail­able on a flash dri­ve that can be obtained HERE. The new dri­ve is a 32-giga­byte dri­ve that is cur­rent as of the pro­grams and arti­cles post­ed by the fall of 2019. The new dri­ve (avail­able for a tax-deductible con­tri­bu­tion of $65.00 or more.)

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Please con­sid­er sup­port­ing THE WORK DAVE EMORY DOES.

FTR #1146 This pro­gram was record­ed in one, 60-minute seg­ment

Intro­duc­tion: This series of pro­grams should be digest­ed against the back­ground of a very impor­tant devel­op­ment that has not gen­er­at­ed much dia­logue or atten­tion. A new branch of the mil­i­tary has been created–the Space Force, join­ing the Army, Navy and Air Force (the Marines are tech­ni­cal­ly part of the Navy.)

As peo­ple lis­ten to the dis­cus­sion of the space plane, this should be borne in mind.

The pro­gram begins on an inter­roga­to­ry note. In numer­ous pro­grams, we have cov­ered Project HAARP–a  mil­i­tary envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy. HAARP came online a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry ago, and should be con­sid­ered in the con­text of a treaty that was con­clud­ed between the U.S. and the for­mer Sovi­et Union in the 1970s that explic­it­ly banned envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tion for mil­i­tary pur­pos­es.

(Pro­grams fea­tur­ing infor­ma­tion about HAARP include five inter­views with Nick Begich: FTR #‘s 1, 30, 79, 101, 128.)

Mr. Emory had been expect­ing envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tion war­fare to be employed as part of the full-court press against Chi­na. That coun­try has been beset by enor­mous flood­ing, that some crit­ics see as desta­bi­liz­ing that coun­try’s pol­i­tics. ” . . . . ‘I believe that the Chi­nese pub­lic will ques­tion Bei­jing from this year’s con­tin­u­ous nat­ur­al and man-made dis­as­ters, and even ques­tion China’s gov­er­nance mod­el and its effec­tive­ness,’ said Wu Qiang, an inde­pen­dent polit­i­cal ana­lyst in Bei­jing. . . . Of course, microwaves from space could also, poten­tial­ly, be a weapon. . . . ”

A top secret mil­i­tary project has been under­way for years–a space plane that can stay aloft for long peri­ods of time. This devel­op­ment should be seen against the back­ground of Don­ald Trump’s new Space Force–a nov­el branch of the mil­i­tary.

It should also be seen against the back­ground of envi­ron­men­tal war­fare: HAARP came online 25 years ago and the U.S/U.S.S.R treaty was con­clud­ed more than forty years ago.

Just con­sid­er the advances in mil­i­tary aviation–the Wright broth­ers flew in 1903. Just look at how far mil­i­tary avi­a­tion had advanced by 1928 and, sub­se­quent­ly 1948. It is rea­son­able to assume that envi­ron­men­tal war­fare tech­nol­o­gy has advanced cor­re­spond­ing­ly.

The space plane is involved with tech­no­log­i­cal advances devel­oped by William Brown of Raytheon and Wern­her von Braun, the SS offi­cer and war crim­i­nal who head­ed the Amer­i­can space pro­gram. ” . . . . In the 1960s, Brown went on to work with NASA’s Wern­her von Braun on con­vert­ing microwave beams into elec­tri­cal cur­rent. The con­cept had par­tic­u­lar rel­e­vance for pow­er­ing future space­craft — but also promised a way to har­ness the pow­er of sun­light, up to 10 times more potent above the atmos­phere and its dust, for use on earth. . . Of course, microwaves from space could also, poten­tial­ly, be a weapon. . . . the U.S. Air Force revealed some of the satel­lite pay­loads and exper­i­ments it will car­ry aloft this month [May of 2020], includ­ing one that will try con­vert­ing the sun’s ener­gy into a form that can be sent to Earth . [Such as light­ning strikes?–D.E.] . . .”

Mr. Emory notes that, in ear­ly 2020, the space plane con­clud­ed a long, clas­si­fied mis­sion of more than a year in dura­tion. Short­ly after, North­ern Cal­i­for­nia expe­ri­enced the first Feb­ru­ary on record with no rain­fall at all–and this after what had been a nor­mal rainy sea­son.

After North­ern Cal­i­for­nia was bom­bard­ed with light­ning strikes, the Bay Area was enveloped with record wild­fires, expe­ri­enc­ing some of the worst air qual­i­ty in the world. This prompt­ed sev­er­al points of inquiry:

  1. Might the total absence of rain­fall in Feb­ru­ary and, per­haps, the high­ly unusu­al num­ber of light­ning strikes be linked to the space plane and advances in envi­ron­men­tal war­fare?
  2. With Covid-19’s effects exac­er­bat­ed by dirty air, might this be a har­bin­ger of a dra­mat­ic wors­en­ing of the pan­dem­ic in the fall?
  3. Might the space plane and advances in envi­ron­men­tal war­fare be involved in Chi­na’s record flood­ing?
  4. The space plane’s mis­sions are opaque: ” . . . . [Secure World Foun­da­tion’s Bri­an] Weeden’s main con­cerns about the X‑37B are that it puts stuff in space and doesn’t tell any­one. ‘On the pre­vi­ous mis­sion they deployed three small satel­lites from the X‑37B and did­n’t even cat­a­log them until after it had land­ed and those satel­lites had decayed from orbit,’ he said. ‘That’s the sort of non-trans­par­ent and poten­tial­ly irre­spon­si­ble behav­ior the U.S. has crit­i­cized the Rus­sians and Chi­nese for in the past.’ . . .”

Mr. Emory’s mus­ings should also be con­sid­ered in the con­text of the the­sis set forth in L‑2.

Much of the pro­gram details the incor­po­ra­tion of the Nazi rock­et pro­gram’s mil­i­tary commander–Walter Dornberger–and SS Major Wern­her von Braun into the U.S. V‑2 pro­gram Project Her­mes (con­tract­ed for by Gen­er­al Elec­tric in Novem­ber of 1944.)

Dorn­berg­er and von Braun were in touch with G.E. in Decem­ber of 1944, months before the sur­ren­der of Nazi Ger­many! They sub­se­quent­ly went to work for G.E. and Project Her­mes!

Key points of analy­sis and dis­cus­sion include:

  1. The over­whelm­ing prob­a­bil­i­ty that the G.E./Dornberger/von Braun liai­son was arranged on the Ger­man end by SS Gen­er­al Hans Kamm­ler, who had over­all super­vi­so­ry con­trol of the Nazi rock­et pro­gram.
  2. The prob­a­bil­i­ty that the arrange­ments were facil­i­tat­ed in Lis­bon by Sigis­mund von Braun–the broth­er of Wern­her von Braun and an agent for the SD. The Sichere­its­di­enst (SD) was the SS intel­li­gence ser­vice.
  3. The prob­a­bil­i­ty that Sigis­mund von Braun’s Lis­bon sojourn and arrange­ment for the G.E./Dornberger/von Braun liai­son was also facil­i­tat­ed by Ernst von Weisza­ck­er, Nazi Ger­many’s ambas­sador to the Vat­i­can.

Sub­se­quent pro­grams in this series will cen­ter on OSS agent and Sul­li­van & Cromwell attor­ney Allen Dulles’s trea­so­nous liai­son with the Nazi SS and col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Vat­i­can to incor­po­rate the SS into the The Gehlen “Org” and the CIA.

In all prob­a­bil­i­ty, it was Allen Dulles who estab­lished con­tact with Kammler/Dornber and the von Braun broth­ers, also with prob­a­ble Vat­i­can com­plic­i­ty.

In FTR #511, we not­ed that AEG–German Gen­er­al Elec­tric (which made elec­tri­cal com­po­nents for the V‑2)–was 30% owned by Amer­i­can G.E. Gen­er­al Elec­tric was not only a client of Sul­li­van & Cromwell, but was formed by it.

Pro­gram High­lights Include:

  1. Review of Sul­li­van & Cromwell’s deci­sive posi­tion in the Amer­i­can cor­po­rate pan­theon.
  2. Review of Wern­her von Braun’s work for the SS and the fact that he was a war crim­i­nal.
  3. Review of Allen Dulles’s trea­so­nous deal­ings with Prince Max Egon von Hohenlohe–an emis­sary of SD for­eign intel­li­gence chief Wal­ter Schel­len­berg.

1a. The pro­gram begins on an inter­roga­to­ry note. In numer­ous pro­grams, we have cov­ered Project HAARP–a  mil­i­tary envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy. HAARP came online a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry ago, and should be con­sid­ered in the con­text of a treaty that was con­clud­ed between the U.S. and the for­mer Sovi­et Union in the 1970s that explic­it­ly banned envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tion for mil­i­tary pur­pos­es.

(Pro­grams fea­tur­ing infor­ma­tion about HAARP include five inter­views with Nick Begich: FTR #‘s 1, 30, 79, 101, 128.)

Mr. Emory had been expect­ing envi­ron­men­tal mod­i­fi­ca­tion war­fare to be employed as part of the full-court press against Chi­na. That coun­try has been beset by enor­mous flood­ing, that some crit­ics see as desta­bi­liz­ing that coun­try’s pol­i­tics. ” . . . . ‘I believe that the Chi­nese pub­lic will ques­tion Bei­jing from this year’s con­tin­u­ous nat­ur­al and man-made dis­as­ters, and even ques­tion China’s gov­er­nance mod­el and its effec­tive­ness,’ said Wu Qiang, an inde­pen­dent polit­i­cal ana­lyst in Bei­jing. . . . Of course, microwaves from space could also, poten­tial­ly, be a weapon. . . . ”

“After Virus, New Hur­dles For Chi­na From Flood­ing” by Steven Lee Myers; The New York Times 08/22/2020; p. A10 [West­ern Edi­tion].

Hav­ing brought the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic large­ly under con­trol, China’s lead­ers are now strug­gling with a surge of crip­pling floods that have killed hun­dreds of peo­ple and dis­placed mil­lions across the cen­tral and south­west­ern parts of the coun­try. . . .

. . . . Mr. Li vis­it­ed Chongqing, where the Yangtze spilled over its banks for the fifth time this year and, on Thurs­day after­noon, breached the his­tor­i­cal high reached in 1981. The lead­ers have tried to reas­sure peo­ple that the gov­ern­ment was doing every­thing it could, but some might have doubts.

“I believe that the Chi­nese pub­lic will ques­tion Bei­jing from this year’s con­tin­u­ous nat­ur­al and man-made dis­as­ters, and even ques­tion China’s gov­er­nance mod­el and its effec­tive­ness,” said Wu Qiang, an inde­pen­dent polit­i­cal ana­lyst in Bei­jing. . . .

1b. A top secret mil­i­tary project has been under­way for years–a space plane that can stay aloft for long peri­ods of time. This devel­op­ment should be seen against the back­ground of Don­ald Trump’s new Space Force–a nov­el branch of the mil­i­tary.

It should also be seen against the back­ground of envi­ron­men­tal war­fare: HAARP came online 25 years ago and the U.S/U.S.S.R treaty was con­clud­ed more than forty years ago.

Just con­sid­er the advances in mil­i­tary aviation–the Wright broth­ers flew in 1903. Just look at how far mil­i­tary avi­a­tion had advanced by 1928 and, sub­se­quent­ly 1948. It is rea­son­able to assume that envi­ron­men­tal war­fare tech­nol­o­gy has advanced cor­re­spond­ing­ly.

The space plane is involved with tech­no­log­i­cal advances devel­oped by William Brown of Raytheon and Wern­her von Braun, the SS offi­cer and war crim­i­nal who head­ed the Amer­i­can space pro­gram. ” . . . . In the 1960s, Brown went on to work with NASA’s Wern­her von Braun on con­vert­ing microwave beams into elec­tri­cal cur­rent. The con­cept had par­tic­u­lar rel­e­vance for pow­er­ing future space­craft — but also promised a way to har­ness the pow­er of sun­light, up to 10 times more potent above the atmos­phere and its dust, for use on earth. . . Of course, microwaves from space could also, poten­tial­ly, be a weapon. . . . the U.S. Air Force revealed some of the satel­lite pay­loads and exper­i­ments it will car­ry aloft this month [May of 2020], includ­ing one that will try con­vert­ing the sun’s ener­gy into a form that can be sent to Earth . [Such as light­ning strikes?–D.E.] . . .”

Mr. Emory notes that, in ear­ly 2020, the space plane con­clud­ed a long, clas­si­fied mis­sion of more than a year in dura­tion. Short­ly after, North­ern Cal­i­for­nia expe­ri­enced the first Feb­ru­ary on record with no rain­fall at all–and this after what had been a nor­mal rainy sea­son.

After North­ern Cal­i­for­nia was bom­bard­ed with light­ning strikes, the Bay Area was enveloped with record wild­fires, expe­ri­enc­ing some of the worst air qual­i­ty in the world. This prompt­ed sev­er­al points of inquiry:

  1. Might the total absence of rain­fall in Feb­ru­ary and, per­haps, the high­ly unusu­al num­ber of light­ning strikes be linked to the space plane and advances in envi­ron­men­tal war­fare?
  2. With Covid-19’s effects exac­er­bat­ed by dirty air, might this be a har­bin­ger of a dra­mat­ic wors­en­ing of the pan­dem­ic in the fall?
  3. Might the space plane and advances in envi­ron­men­tal war­fare be involved in Chi­na’s record flood­ing?
  4. The space plane’s mis­sions are opaque: ” . . . . [Secure World Foun­da­tion’s Bri­an] Weeden’s main con­cerns about the X‑37B are that it puts stuff in space and doesn’t tell any­one. ‘On the pre­vi­ous mis­sion they deployed three small satel­lites from the X‑37B and did­n’t even cat­a­log them until after it had land­ed and those satel­lites had decayed from orbit,’ he said. ‘That’s the sort of non-trans­par­ent and poten­tial­ly irre­spon­si­ble behav­ior the U.S. has crit­i­cized the Rus­sians and Chi­nese for in the past.’ . . .”

“The Air Force’s Secret Space Plane Is Part of A Plan to One Day Shoot Microwaves to Earth” by Patrick Tuck­er; Defense One; 5/6/2020.

Lit­tle is known about the X‑37B space plane and what, exact­ly, it’s been doing dur­ing mis­sions that now total near­ly eight years in orbit. On Wednes­day, the U.S. Air Force revealed some of the satel­lite pay­loads and exper­i­ments it will car­ry aloft this month, includ­ing one that will try con­vert­ing the sun’s ener­gy into a form that can be sent to Earth.

“The U.S. Naval Research Lab­o­ra­to­ry, will trans­form solar pow­er into radio fre­quen­cy microwave ener­gy which could then be trans­mit­ted to the ground,” Air Force offi­cials told reporters dur­ing a tele­phone brief­ing.

A 1‑square-foot solar pan­el will try to con­vert solar radi­a­tion to reg­u­lar DC cur­rent and then into microwaves and sent via cable to a box to mea­sure, a first in space, said Paul Jaffe, an elec­tron­ics engi­neer at the Naval Research Lab. The exper­i­ment could pave the way for much larg­er solar arrays that might some­day gen­er­ate enough pow­er to send use­ful amounts to the ground (if fund­ing con­tin­ues.)

Efforts to beam ener­gy to and from alti­tude go back to 1959, when Raytheon’s William Brown sold the Defense Depart­ment on a con­cept for a heli­copter that would hov­er at 50,000 feet, well above atmos­pher­ic winds, pow­ered by a microwave ray from below. The con­cept didn’t make it to real­i­ty, though in 1964, they were able to lift a very small microwave-pow­ered heli­copter a few feet off the ground.

In the 1960s, Brown went on to work with NASA’s Wern­her von Braun on con­vert­ing microwave beams into elec­tri­cal cur­rent. The con­cept had par­tic­u­lar rel­e­vance for pow­er­ing future space­craft — but also promised a way to har­ness the pow­er of sun­light, up to 10 times more potent above the atmos­phere and its dust, for use on earth.

Send­ing direct elec­tric cur­rent to earth via an anten­na would require a device too large to be prac­ti­cal. But it is pos­si­ble to send microwaves to earth from space with an anten­na that could actu­al­ly make it to space.

In 1975, NASA’s Jet Propul­sion Lab­o­ra­to­ry staged a break­through demon­stra­tion. In the Gold­stone Exper­i­ment, researchers sent a 2.388-Ghz beam more than a mile over the Mojave desert to a recten­na that con­vert­ed it to 30 kilo­watts of pow­er.

Lat­er, Japan and Cana­da over­took the Unit­ed States in space-solar pow­er research. NASA took a fresh look in the 2000s but “In the last ten years, numer­ous arti­cles have been writ­ten about SSP, but sup­port­ive research has been spo­radic at best,” researchers Bernd Strass­ner and Kai Chang wrote for IEEE in 2013.

The launch of the X‑37B Orbital Test Vehi­cle, OTV‑6, is sched­uled for May 16 at Cape Canaver­al Air Force Sta­tion in Flori­da. The launch vehi­cle will also car­ry five more exper­i­men­tal pay­loads in the FalconSat‑8 edu­ca­tion­al satel­lite.

Two NASA exper­i­ments will “study the results of radi­a­tion and oth­er space effects on a mate­ri­als sam­ple plate and seeds used to grow food,” the Air Force said in a state­ment.

While the X‑37 belongs to the Air Force, the new Space Force is “respon­si­ble for the launch, on-orbit oper­a­tions, and land­ing,” the state­ment said.

Of course, microwaves from space could also, poten­tial­ly, be a weapon. The Defense Depart­ment has float­ed the idea of space-based microwaves to fry the elec­tron­ics of mis­siles tak­ing off from launch pads. But Bri­an Wee­den, tech­ni­cal advi­sor for the Secure World Foun­da­tion, said that lim­it­ed pow­er lev­els sug­gest the cur­rent exper­i­ments aren’t about that. 

Jaffe said that a “solar pow­er satel­lite would be very dif­fi­cult to weaponize,” in part because microwaves have a long wave­length, which makes it dan­ger­ous to get to an appro­pri­ate lev­el of pow­er den­si­ty to be use­ful as a ray gun.

“We’ve seen noth­ing so far to indi­cate that the X‑37B is an offen­sive plat­form as many had spec­u­lat­ed. All the evi­dence points to it being used as a plat­form to test out new tech­nolo­gies and poten­tial­ly new [con­cepts of oper­a­tion] for mis­sions like remote sens­ing and sur­veil­lance,” Wee­den said.

Weeden’s main con­cerns about the X‑37B are that it puts stuff in space and doesn’t tell any­one.

“On the pre­vi­ous mis­sion they deployed three small satel­lites from the X‑37B and did­n’t even cat­a­log them until after it had land­ed and those satel­lites had decayed from orbit,” he said. “That’s the sort of non-trans­par­ent and poten­tial­ly irre­spon­si­ble behav­ior the U.S. has crit­i­cized the Rus­sians and Chi­nese for in the past.”

Jaffe says space-based pow­er would make it pos­si­ble to send clean, con­sis­tent elec­tric­i­ty to vir­tu­al­ly any place on earth. He likened it to GPS in its con­cep­tu­al phase.

“We’re not sur­prised when peo­ple are incred­u­lous about space solar,” he said, “But GPS was once incon­ceiv­able and it’s every­where today”

2a. Much of the pro­gram details the incor­po­ra­tion of the Nazi rock­et pro­gram’s mil­i­tary commander–Walter Dornberger–and SS Major Wern­her von Braun into the U.S. V‑2 pro­gram Project Her­mes (con­tract­ed for by Gen­er­al Elec­tric in Novem­ber of 1944.)

Dorn­berg­er and von Braun were in touch with G.E. in Decem­ber of 1944, months before the sur­ren­der of Nazi Ger­many! They sub­se­quent­ly went to work for G.E. and Project Her­mes!

Key points of analy­sis and dis­cus­sion include:

  1. The over­whelm­ing prob­a­bil­i­ty that the G.E./Dornberger/von Braun lid­u­ai­son was arranged on the Ger­man end by SS Gen­er­al Hans Kamm­ler, who had over­all super­vi­so­ry con­trol of the Nazi rock­et pro­gram.
  2. The prob­a­bil­i­ty that the arrange­ments were facil­i­tat­ed in Lis­bon by Sigis­mund von Braun–the broth­er of Wern­her von Braun and an agent for the SD. The Sichere­its­di­enst (SD) was the SS intel­li­gence ser­vice.
  3. The prob­a­bil­i­ty that Sigis­mund von Braun’s Lis­bon sojourn and arrange­ment for the G.E./Dornberger/von Braun liai­son was also facil­i­tat­ed by Ernst von Weisza­ck­er, Nazi Ger­many’s ambas­sador to the Vat­i­can.

The Hid­den Nazi: The Untold Sto­ry of America’s Deal with the Dev­il by Dean Reuter, Colm Low­ery and Kei­th Chester; Reg­n­ery His­to­ry [HC]; Copy­right 2019 by Dean Reuter, Colm Low­ery and Kei­th Chester; ISBN 978–1‑62157–735‑5; pp. 129–135.

. . . . Secret­ly record­ed post-war con­ver­sa­tions with Wal­ter Dorn­berg­er, the mil­i­tary admin­is­tra­tive head of the Ger­mans’ rock­et project, con­firmed that, as the Bat­tle of the Bulge  was being waged and lost, he and rock­et sci­en­tist Wern­her von Braun agreed that the larg­er war was lost. There­fore, they got in touch with the U.S. gov­ern­ment and a promi­nent U.S. busi­ness through the Ger­man Embassy in Lis­bon to bro­ker a deal. . . .

. . . . “Accord­ing to Dorn­berg­er,” Colm said, “he and von Braun made con­tact as ear­ly as Decem­ber 1944” . . . .

. . . . “Dorn­berg­er and von Braun were in touch with G.E. . . . . Gen­er­al Elec­tric. The Amer­i­can com­pa­ny.” . . . .

. . . .  “We have no con­clu­sive infor­ma­tion as to how Dorn­berg­er and von Braun reached out to GE, but we’re cer­tain they did. We don’t know whether it was in per­son or not, or whether the con­tact had been ini­ti­at­ed the oth­er way around. It’s not clear whether von Braun and Dorn­berg­er trav­eled to Lis­ton, or com­mu­ni­cat­ed by telex, diplo­mat­ic pouch, or even through an inter­me­di­ary. But this has Kammler’s fin­ger­prints all over it,” Colm assured me. . . .

. . . . “Here’s the whole quote: ‘Dorn­berg­er, in con­ver­sa­tion with Gen­eral­ma­jor Bas­sen­ge, made the fol­low­ing mis­cel­la­neous remarks deal­ing with the ‘2’. He said that: Braun and Dorn­berg­er him­self had real­ized at the end of Decem­ber 1944 that things were going wrong and had con­se­quent­ly been in touch since that time with the Gen­er­al Elec­tric Com­pa­ny through the Ger­man Embassy in Por­tu­gal, with a view to com­ing to some arrange­ment.’” . . . .

. . . . The exact tim­ing, mode of con­tact, or even whether there had been inter­me­di­aries could not be deter­mined from this lan­guage; we couldn’t even tell which side ini­ti­at­ed the con­tact, only that Dorn­berg­er and von Braun had “been in touch” with G.E. to come to some “arrange­ment.” I flashed on the mem­o­ry of Jorg [Kammler’s son—D.E.] telling me that his moth­er had always insist­ed that Kamm­ler nev­er approached the Amer­i­cans to make a deal, but that they had approached him. Either way, I thought, this news was huge.

Colm quick­ly gave me his analy­sis of the new infor­ma­tion, in light of our oth­er known facts. He was cer­tain Kamm­ler would not have let von Braun out of the coun­try (and I agreed), so if in-per­son con­tact had been made in Lis­bon, it would have been through Dorn­berg­er. Colm said it was pos­si­ble that Dorn­berg­er made the trip to Lis­bon with Sigis­mund von Braun, Werner’s broth­er. “Sigis­mund was a Ger­man diplo­mat with great influ­ence, and a Nazi. After the war he would become West Germany’s Sec­re­tary of State, liv­ing to a ripe old age, until 1998. Dur­ing the war, he was a Ger­man rep­re­sen­ta­tive to the Vat­i­can. The Vat­i­can,” Colm continued,”was instru­men­tal in oth­er nego­ti­a­tions at the end of the war, and Sigis­mund is also known to have par­tic­i­pat­ed in oth­er talks, so he might well have been involved here. He would cer­tain­ly have an inter­est in help­ing his broth­er, and Wern­er would have pre­ferred hav­ing his own broth­er, his own flesh and blood, not just Dorn­berg­er, at the table on his behalf.” That made sense to me, but there was even more to this thread. What has seem­ing­ly nev­er before been dis­cussed is Sigis­mund von Braun’s role as an appar­ent SD agent with­in the Vatican—as indi­cat­ed by a Jan­u­ary 1945 doc­u­ment that Colm had uncov­ered, by the act­ing direc­tor of the Wash­ing­ton, D.C., office of the OSS, the pre­cur­sor orga­ni­za­tion to the CIA. The SD, or Sicher­heits­di­enst, head­ed first by Holo­caust mas­ter­mind Rein­hard Hey­drich, was the intel­li­gence arm of the Nazi Par­ty, charged with root­ing out ene­mies of the party—both exter­nal­ly and from with­in the ranks. Frankly, I wasn’t sure if Sigis­mund as an agent of the SD would have been more or less like­ly to have facil­i­tat­ed the Lis­bon con­tract, though these con­nec­tions nev­er ceased to amaze me.

We also have wartime intel­li­gence records that con­nect Sigis­mund von Braun with Baron Ernst von Weiz­sack­er, the Ger­man ambas­sador to the Holy See and the father of not­ed Ger­man nuclear physi­cist Carl Friedrich Frei­herr von Weisza­ck­er, in Novem­ber 1944. It would also have made sense for Dorn­berg­er to choose von Weiz­sack­er as a trav­el com­pan­ion because von Weizsacker’s diplo­mat­ic sta­tus and like­ly fre­quent trips would have meant he could have made the trip to Lis­bon with­out rais­ing an eye­brow. We can also tie von Weiszacker’s son’s nuclear research to Kamm­ler and von Braun. More­over, the senior Weisza­ck­er was one of the per­ceived neu­trals autho­rized by Hitler’s for­eign min­is­ter, Joachim von Ribben­trop (who him­self had been autho­rized by Hitler), to make peace over­tures to the West­ern Allies, In the end, I decid­ed it didn’t real­ly mat­ter whether Dorn­berg­er went to Lis­bon him­self, with a fel­low, trav­el­er, or at all. What was plain from this new record was that he and von Braun were in con­tact with G.E.

“All good. But why meet with G.E.?” I asked Colm, still con­fused. I knew Gen­er­al Elec­tric was big today, but I didn’t know much about its his­to­ry. Colm told me G.E. was a con­trac­tor.

“Con­trac­tor for who? For what?” still befud­dled, not quite fol­low­ing.

“For the U.S. gov­ern­ment; for Project Her­mes,” Colm said, paus­ing for my response. I could tell from the note of final­i­ty that this was sup­posed to mean some­thing to me.

Project Her­mes? That rang a faint bell, though at the moment my head was not in World War II but in my work world—where Her­mes was an expen­sive neck tie, not some mil­i­tary op I couldn’t place it.

“Project Her­mes was the Gen­er­al Elec­tric project to devel­op a U.S. ver­sion of the V‑,” Colm prompt­ed.

“What the hell?” I said too loud­ly, turn­ing the heads of a few col­leagues. “That’s unbe­liev­able.”

What did this mean? The con­tract putting G.E. in charge of the Amer­i­can V‑2 project was let on Novem­ber 20, 1944, Colm told me. And before the ink was dry, G.E. was in con­tact with Dorn­berg­er and von Braun, Kammler’s under­lings? That was astound­ing. I not­ed that G.E. would nev­er have con­tact­ed the Nazi rock­et team with­out explic­it autho­riza­tion from the con­trac­tor, the Unit­ed States gov­ern­ment. So the con­tact must have been sanc­tioned at the high­est lev­els of the Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment.

And on the Ger­man side, Kamm­ler had to have been involved. Von Braun and Dorn­berg­er had no author­i­ty or abil­i­ty to manip­u­late events as the war wound down—but Kamm­ler did. They could not order the cream of the Ger­man rock­et team to evac­u­ate Peen­e­mu­nde for Nord­hausen, and then evac­u­ate Nord­hausen for Ober­am­mer­gau, ulti­mate­ly to the wait­ing U.S. Army—but Kamm­ler could. (Von Braun him­self told us it was Kamm­ler who ordered the Peen­e­mu­nde evac­u­a­tion.) Von Braun and Dorn­berg­er could not ensure that Hitler’s orders to destroy the rock­et facil­i­ties were ignored. And they could not dis­obey Hitler’s orders to anni­hi­late the entire Ger­man rock­et team, specif­i­cal­ly to pre­vent them from falling into the hands of German’s ene­mies. But, as we shall see, Kamm­ler could and did. . . .

. . . . And the ven­ture was suc­cess­ful was made. . . .

Wern­her von Braun would become the leader of this key G.E. project, whose in-house direc­tor was Richard W. Porter. G.E. was so hun­gry to col­lect the Nazi rock­et resources that at the end of the war, Porter was flown to Europe to hand-pick Ger­man sci­en­tists and engi­neers most capa­ble of help­ing. Porter would also help­ful­ly iden­ti­fy essen­tial rock­et parts for ship­ment back to the U.S., all to the ben­e­fit of the U.S. and, of course, G.E., his employ­er. Indeed, a post-war report by the U.S. Air Force claimed that using Ger­man sci­en­tists meant a sav­ings of 40–50 per­cent on the over­all Her­mes con­tract. G.E. was able to pick up where the Nazi rock­et project had left off rather than rein­vent­ing the wheel (lit­er­al­ly, rein­vent­ing the rock­et).

The tim­ing of these seem­ing­ly unre­lat­ed events is the key to under­stand­ing them. The Hermes—G.E. con­tract was inked in Novem­ber 1944. In Jan­u­ary 1945, von Braun held a “secret meet­ing” in Peen­e­mu­nde with col­leagues, includ­ing Dornberger’s chief of staff, to dis­cuss the “even­tu­al fea­si­bil­i­ty of sur­ren­der­ing the devel­op­ment team intact.” The Kamm­ler order to evac­u­ate Peen­e­mu­nde would come on Jan­u­ary 31, 1945.  There­after, Kamm­ler would move the rock­et sci­en­tists into the wait­ing arms of the Amer­i­cans in Ober­am­mer­gau.

The tight­ly sequenced events tell a clear sto­ry: Kamm­ler as behind a deal for U.S. forces to cap­ture the Nazis’ rock­et pro­gram and give a new home to the Nazi rock­et scientists—and per­haps to their boss, Hans Kamm­ler him­self. Kamm­ler would pre­serve the rock­et team, turn them over to the Amer­i­cans, and in return, hope­ful­ly save his own life. . . .

2b. Sub­se­quent pro­grams in this series will cen­ter on OSS agent and Sul­li­van & Cromwell attor­ney Allen Dulles’s trea­so­nous liai­son with the Nazi SS and col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Vat­i­can to incor­po­rate the SS into the The Gehlen “Org” and the CIA.

In all prob­a­bil­i­ty, it was Allen Dulles who estab­lished con­tact with Kammler/Dornber and the von Braun broth­ers, also with prob­a­ble Vat­i­can com­plic­i­ty.

In FTR #511, we not­ed that AEG–German Gen­er­al Elec­tric (which made elec­tri­cal com­po­nents for the V‑2)–was 30% owned by Amer­i­can G.E. Gen­er­al Elec­tric was not only a client of Sul­li­van & Cromwell, but was formed by it.

The Hid­den Nazi: The Untold Sto­ry of America’s Deal with the Dev­il by Dean Reuter, Colm Low­ery and Kei­th Chester; Reg­n­ery His­to­ry [HC]; Copy­right 2019 by Dean Reuter, Colm Low­ery and Kei­th Chester; ISBN 978–1‑62157–735‑5; pp. 306–307.

. . . . In the inter-war years, Amer­i­can busi­ness­es and banks invest­ed heav­i­ly in the Ger­man econ­o­my. As col­lat­er­al, Amer­i­can investors often took back shares of stock in Swiss hold­ing com­pa­nies that them­selves owned Ger­man bank stocks. Numer­ous U.S. com­pa­nies had Ger­man sis­ter com­pa­nies or sub­sidiaries, and vice ver­sa, with inter­lock­ing boards of direc­tors. It was the begin­ning of the era of glob­al com­pa­nies, or at least inter­na­tion­al busi­ness­es. One such com­pa­ny was Gen­er­al Elec­tric, which had a Ger­man coun­ter­part, AEG, which did man­u­fac­ture V‑2 elec­tron­ics. The two busi­ness­es pro­duced many of the same goods and shared some board mem­bers and investors. And G.E. was a client of Dulles’s firm. If, in his posi­tion in the OSS, Allen Dulles made a deal with Hans Kamm­ler and could offer up the Ger­man rock­et indus­try to G.E., lock stock, and bar­rel, he would be sav­ing one of his firm’s clients a decade of work and per­haps untold sums of mon­ey. . . .

3. We set forth events rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the fun­da­men­tal place of Sul­li­van & Cromwell in the devel­op­ment of Amer­i­can Big Mon­ey.

The Broth­ers: John Fos­ter Dulls, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War by Stephen Kinz­er; St. Mar­tin Grif­fin [SC]; Copy­right 2013 by Stephen Kinz­er; ISBN 978–1‑250–05312‑1; pp. 18–19.

 . . . . . . . . In 1882, it cre­at­ed Edi­son Gen­er­al Elec­tric. Sev­en years lat­er, with the financier J.P. Mor­gan as its client, it wove twen­ty-one steel­mak­ers into the Nation­al Tube Com­pa­ny and then, in 1891, merged Nation­al Tube with sev­en oth­er com­pa­nies to cre­ate U.S. Steel, cap­i­tal­ized at more than one bil­lion dol­lars, an astound­ing sum at that time. The rail­road mag­nate E.H. Har­ri­man, whom Pres­i­dent Theodore Roo­sevelt had denounced as a “male­fac­tor of great wealth” and “an ene­my of the Repub­lic,” hired the firm to wage two of his leg­endary proxy wars, one to take over the Illi­nois Cen­tral Rail­road and anoth­er to fend off angry share­hold­ers at Wells Far­go Bank. It won the first with tac­tics that a New York news­pa­per called “one of those ruth­less exer­cis­es of the pow­er of sheer mil­lions,” and the sec­ond with com­plex maneu­vers that, accord­ing to a book about the firm, amount­ed to “deceit, bribery and trick­ery [that] was all legal.”

Soon after­ward, work­ing on behalf of French investors who were fac­ing ruin after their effort to build a canal across Pana­ma col­lapsed, Sul­li­van & Cromwell achieved a unique tri­umph in glob­al pol­i­tics. Through a mas­ter­ful lob­by­ing cam­paign, its end­less­ly resource­ful man­ag­ing part­ner, William Nel­son Cromwell, per­suad­ed the Unit­ed States Con­gress to reverse its deci­sion to build a canal across Nicaragua and to pay his French clients $40 mil­lion for their land in Pana­ma instead. Then he helped engi­neer a rev­o­lu­tion that pulled the province of Pana­ma away from Colom­bia and estab­lished it as an inde­pen­dent coun­try, led by a clique will­ing to show its grat­i­tude by allow­ing con­struc­tion of a canal on terms favor­able to the Unit­ed States. One news­pa­per called him “the man whose mas­ter­ful mind, whet­ted on the grind­stone of cor­po­rate cun­ning, con­ceived and car­ried out the rape of the Isth­mus.” . . .

4a. Fur­ther devel­op­ing the nature of the founders of the Insti­tute of Noet­ic Sci­ences, we high­light Wern­her von Braun’s mem­ber­ship in the SS.

“Wern­her von Braun;” OperationPaperclip.info

. . . . An OMGUS (Office of Mil­i­tary Gov­ern­ment, Unit­ed States) doc­u­ment dat­ed April 23, 1947 states that von Braun joined the SS (Schutzstaffel) horse­back rid­ing school in 1933, then the Nazi Par­ty on May 1, 1937 and became an offi­cer in the SS from May 1940 to the end of the war. . . .

. . . .He began as an Unter­sturm­führer (Sec­ond Lieu­tenant) and was pro­mot­ed three times by Himm­ler, the last time in June 1943 to SS-Sturm­ban­n­führer (Wehrma­cht Major). . . .

4b. An exam­ple of von Braun’s “Aquar­i­an con­scious­ness” may be gleaned from his role in procur­ing the slave labor­ers for the V‑2 pro­duc­tion lines:

Oper­a­tion Paper­clip  by Annie Jacob­sen; HC Lit­tle, Brown and Com­pa­ny; Copy­right 2014 by Anne M. Jacob­sen; ISBN 978–0‑316–22104‑7; p. 16.

. . . . This time, Wern­her von Braun ini­ti­at­ed the action him­self. On August 15, 1944, von Braun wrote a let­ter to a Mit­tel­w­erk engi­neer, Albin Sawatz­ki, describ­ing a new lab­o­ra­to­ry he want­ed to set up inside the tun­nels. Von Braun told Sawatz­ki that to expe­dite the process, he had tak­en it upon him­self to pro­cure slave labor­ers from the Buchen­wald con­cen­tra­tion camp. . . .

4d. Cit­i­zen von Braun cer­tain­ly knew about the con­di­tions in which his charges labored:

Oper­a­tion Paper­clip  by Annie Jacob­sen; HC Lit­tle, Brown and Com­pa­ny; Copy­right 2014 by Anne M. Jacob­sen; ISBN 978–0‑316–22104‑7; p. 14.

. . . . The pris­on­ers worked twelve-hour shifts, sev­en days a week, putting togeth­er V‑weapons. By the end of the first two months there were eight thou­sand men liv­ing and work­ing in this cramped under­ground space.  There was no fresh air in the tun­nels, no ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem, no water, and very lit­tle light. ‘Blast­ing went on day and night and the dust after every blast was so thick that it was impos­si­ble to see five steps ahead,’ read one report. Labor­ers slept inside the tun­nels on wood bunk beds. There were no wash­ing facil­i­ties and no san­i­ta­tion. Latrines were bar­rels cut in half. The work­ers suf­fered and died from star­va­tion, dysen­tery, pleurisy, pneu­mo­nia, tuber­cu­lo­sis, and phleg­ma­sia from beat­ings. The men were walk­ing skele­tons, skin stretched over bones. Some per­ished from ammo­nia burns to the lungs. Oth­ers died by being crushed from the weight of the rock­et parts they were forced to car­ry. The dead were replace­able. Humans and machine parts went into the tun­nels. Rock­ets and corpses came out. Work­ers who were slow on the pro­duc­tion lines were beat­en to death.  Insub­or­di­nates were gar­rot­ed or hanged.  After the war, war crimes inves­ti­ga­tors deter­mined that approx­i­mate­ly half of the six­ty thou­sand men even­tu­al­ly brought to Nord­hausen were worked to death. . . .  .

4e. In Amer­i­can Swasti­ka, the late author Charles High­am pro­vides us with insight into the Chris­t­ian West con­cept, reveal­ing the extent to which these SS/OSS nego­ti­a­tions set the tem­plate for the post-World War II world, as well as the degree of res­o­nance that key Amer­i­cans, such as Allen Dulles, had with Nazi ide­ol­o­gy, anti-Semi­tism in par­tic­u­lar. Weigh­ing the long, pro­found rela­tion­ship between Dulles and The Times, this is pre­sent­ed as some­thing of a “nav­i­ga­tion­al aid” to analy­sis of the weaponized cov­er­age of the virus.

The post­war polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic real­i­ties of the Dulles, Hohen­lo­he, Schel­len­berg meet­ings were fur­ther solid­i­fied when William (Wild Bill) Dono­van entered into his “M” Project. Impor­tant to note in this con­text, is the dom­i­nant role in world affairs played by car­tels, the fun­da­men­tal ele­ment in the indus­tri­al and finan­cial axis that was essen­tial to the cre­ation and per­pet­u­a­tion of fas­cism. Much of the Third Reich’s mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex, the pri­ma­cy of Ger­many in the post­war EU, as well as the cor­re­la­tion between post­war Europe as con­struct­ed in the Chris­t­ian West nego­ti­a­tions and long-stand­ing Ger­man plans for Euro­pean dom­i­na­tion are deriv­a­tive of the pow­er of car­tels. The Chris­t­ian West and “M” Projects:

  1. Revealed that Allen Dulles’ views res­onat­ed with Third Reich anti-Semi­tism, and that his opin­ions were shared by oth­er, like-mind­ed Amer­i­can pow­er bro­kers: ” . . . . He said that it would be unbear­able for any decent Euro­pean to think that the Jews might return some­day, and that there must be no tol­er­a­tion of a return of the Jew­ish pow­er posi­tions. . . . He made the curi­ous asser­tion that the Amer­i­cans were only con­tin­u­ing the war to get rid of the Jews and that there were peo­ple in Amer­i­ca who were intend­ing to send the Jews to Africa. . . .”
  2. Set the tem­plate for the post­war Fed­er­al Repub­lic of Ger­many and the EU: ” . . . . He [Dulles] reit­er­at­ed his desire for a greater Euro­pean polit­i­cal federation–and fore­saw the fed­er­al Ger­many that in fact took place. . . . Ger­many would be set up as the dom­i­nat­ing force in indus­try and agri­cul­ture in con­ti­nen­tal Europe, at the heart of a con­ti­nen­tal state run by Ger­many, the U.S.A., and Great Britain as a focus of trade. . . .”
  3. Were the vehi­cle for Allen Dulles to betray much of the Allied mil­i­tary plans for South­ern Europe to the Third Reich: “. . . . Dulles now pro­ceed­ed to sup­ply Hohen­lo­he with dol­lops of secret intel­li­gence, announc­ing that the U.S. Army would not land in Spain but, after con­quer­ing Tunisia, would advance from Africa toward the Ploesti oil fields to cut off the Ger­man oil sup­plies. He said it was like­ly the Allies would land in Sici­ly to cut off Rom­mel and con­trol Italy from there, and thus secure the advance in the Balka­ns. Hav­ing giv­en vir­tu­al­ly the entire bat­tle plan for Europe, top secret at the time, to one of Ger­many’s agents, Allen Dulles pro­ceed­ed to the almost unnec­es­sary rid­er that he had very good rela­tions with the Vat­i­can. . . .”
  4. Direct­ly fore­shad­owed the con­fronta­tion between the U.S. and the Sovi­et Union which became the Cold War.  “. . . . In oth­er meet­ings, Dulles . . . . pre­dict­ed that ‘the next world war would be between the U.S.A. and the Sovi­et Union.’ . . . .”
  5. Were the occa­sion for Dulles to laud the “genius” of Nazi pro­pa­gan­da min­is­ter Joseph Goebbels: “He . . . . described a recent speech by Dr. Goebbels as ‘a work of genius; I have rarely read a speech with such ratio­nal plea­sure.’ . . . .”

Amer­i­can Swasti­ka by Charles High­am; Dou­ble­day & Co. [HC]; Copy­right 1985 by Charles High­am; ISBN 0–385-17874–3; pp. 191–194.

. . . . Dulles pressed ahead. He said that it would be unbear­able for any decent Euro­pean to think that the Jews might return some­day, and that there must be no tol­er­a­tion of a return of the Jew­ish pow­er posi­tions. He reit­er­at­ed his desire for a greater Euro­pean polit­i­cal federation–and fore­saw the fed­er­al Ger­many that in fact took place. . . . He made the curi­ous asser­tion that the Amer­i­cans were only con­tin­u­ing the war to get rid of the Jews and that there were peo­ple in Amer­i­ca who were intend­ing to send the Jews to Africa. This was Hitler’s dream of course: that the Jews would go to Mada­gas­car and stay there. . . .

. . . . Dulles now pro­ceed­ed to sup­ply Hohen­lo­he with dol­lops of secret intel­li­gence, announc­ing that the U.S. Army would not land in Spain but, after con­quer­ing Tunisia, would advance from Africa toward the Ploesti oil fields to cut off the Ger­man oil sup­plies. He said it was like­ly the Allies would land in Sici­ly to cut off Rom­mel and con­trol Italy from there, and thus secure the advance in the Balka­ns. Hav­ing giv­en vir­tu­al­ly the entire bat­tle plan for Europe, top secret at the time, to one of Ger­many’s agents, Allen Dulles pro­ceed­ed to the almost unnec­es­sary rid­er that he had very good rela­tions with the Vat­i­can. . . .

. . . . In oth­er meet­ings, Dulles . . . . pre­dict­ed that “the next world war would be between the U.S.A. and the Sovi­et Union.” . . . . Dulles obtained a great deal of infor­ma­tion relat­ing to Ger­many and plans for its recon­struc­tion after the war. He . . . . described a recent speech by Dr. Goebbels as “a work of genius; I have rarely read a speech with such ratio­nal plea­sure.” . . . .

. . . . In July, [OSS chief William] Dono­van and the OSS began to take mat­ters into their own hands. No doubt inspired by the invig­o­rat­ing meet­ing in Switzer­land, Dono­van embarked on the so-called “M” project. . . .

. . . . By now, the Ger­man [Franz Von Papen] had read the details of the peace pro­pos­al on micro­film and learned that it was more or less on the same lines as the Dulles pro­pos­als. Ger­many would be set up as the dom­i­nat­ing force in indus­try and agri­cul­ture in con­ti­nen­tal Europe, at the heart of a con­ti­nen­tal state run by Ger­many, the U.S.A., and Great Britain as a focus of trade. . . . 


3 comments for “FTR 1146 The Space Plane and Covid-19: The Paperclip Legacy, Part 1”

  1. It all adds up! The Nazis and GE worked togeth­er to con­trol the devel­op­ment of rock­etry in Ger­many, then in the USA!
    Noth­ing hap­pens that is not planned in advance, we see in this pro­gram...

    Posted by BOB SEVERIN | September 7, 2020, 9:00 pm
  2. Check out Bruce Gagnon. “Bruce Gagnon, Co-Founder and Secretary/Coordinator of the Glob­al Net­work Against Weapons and Nuclear Pow­er in Space, and a 30 year vet­er­an of actions against nuclear weapon­ry and expan­sion­ism in space.” He says the Pen­ta­gon con­ducts exer­cis­es every year sim­u­lat­ing a nuclear first strike with the Space Plane. The Plane with a nuclear pay­load becomes the weapon.

    Posted by Bill from Sacto | September 13, 2020, 7:10 pm
  3. I don’t dis­pute your premise, but the New York Times arti­cle is designed to make the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty look incom­pe­tent and inef­fi­cient. I dai­ly fol­low sev­er­al West­ern expats liv­ing in Chi­na, some who have vis­it­ed key areas of the flood dam­age (for exam­ple in Chongqing) and post­ed video sur­veys of the flood dam­age. The death and destruc­tion is exag­ger­at­ed. It’s West­ern pro­pa­gan­da.

    Posted by AtlantaBill aka Babouviste | October 13, 2020, 1:56 am

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