In October of 1998, Mr. Emory interviewed attorney Ray Kohlman in a conference call with former LAPD narcotics detective Mike Ruppert on the subject of the Tyree suit. Mr. Kohlman is representing former Special Forces soldier Bill Tyree in his lawsuit against George Bush, the CIA, Oliver North and Bill Clinton, among others. The discussion centers on the structure of the lawsuit itself, the current status of the suit (as of the Fall of 1998) and the possible impact of the publication of Volume Two of the CIA Inspector General’s report on the agency’s involvement in the drug trade. The main element connecting the disparate aspects of the lawsuit is the remarkable career of Albert Vincent Carone, who worked variously for the New York Police Department, the U.S. Army, the CIA and the Mafia. One item of information of particular interest (and not included in the previous broadcasts on the subject) is the allegation Carone made (during a deathbed confession) that he had paid money to Ruth Paine, one of the people who shepherded Lee Harvey Oswald around in the Dallas area. Carone also alleged that he paid money to Jack Ruby on 11/21/63 and that he was on a rooftop on a building at Love Field in Dallas with a rifle in order to kill President Kennedy on 11/22/63 but was unable to get a clear shot.
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