Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #12 Interview with Stephen Singular

Lis­ten now: Side 1 | Side 2

This inter­view high­lights the cen­tral points of Sin­gu­lar’s book Lega­cy of Decep­tion (soft-cov­er, Dove Books, copy­right 1995). Con­tact­ed by an anony­mous source from with­in the Los Ange­les legal sys­tem, who pro­vid­ed him with inside infor­ma­tion about the Simp­son mur­der case, Sin­gu­lar helped to shape the course of the tri­al of O.J. Simp­son, as some of the infor­ma­tion he devel­oped was uti­lized by the defense. Sin­gu­lar’s source con­tact­ed him because of Stephen’s work on the mur­der of Den­ver talk-show host Alan Berg by the Neo-Nazi group “The Order”. (This book, Talked to Death, became the basis for the Oliv­er Stone film “Talk Radio.”) Sin­gu­lar’s source con­tact­ed him because the source felt that Simp­son had been framed by peo­ple with­in the legal sys­tem, who held views sim­i­lar to those of “The Order”. Sin­gu­lar dis­cuss­es many ele­ments of the Simp­son case that were ignored by the nation­al news media includ­ing: a blue plas­tic object adja­cent to Simp­son’s guest house, which may well have been a plas­tic evi­dence bag from a police evi­dence kit; the fact that it may have held the glove that was dis­cov­ered on O.J.‘s prop­er­ty; the fact that the blood found in Simp­son’s Bron­co may well have been plant­ed; the fact that the blood sam­ple col­lect­ed from the back gate at Nicole’s prop­er­ty was prob­a­bly plant­ed and that it con­tained sam­ples of a preser­v­a­tive (EDTA) used in foren­sic evi­dence kits; infor­ma­tion indi­cat­ing that Ron Gold­man may have been the actu­al tar­get of the killings and infor­ma­tion that Mark Fuhrman may well be a Nazi and that he may very well have had a roman­tic affair with Nicole. (Record­ed in the spring of 1995.)


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