The relatively obscure Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk is far more than the novel it purports to be. (The book is published by National Vanguard Books, the publisher of The Turner Diaries, used as a blueprint by both Timothy McVeigh and company in the Oklahoma City Bombing and by the Nazi group The Order, which murdered Denver Talk show host Alan Berg.) The book entails Hitler’s SS going underground, putting together a huge capital organization and buying into the American opinion forming media preparatory for taking over the United States.
This broadcast analyzes the takeover of the American publishing industry by German corporations apparently connected to what Mr. Emory calls “the Underground Reich”. This takeover indicates that the Serpent’s Walk scenario is coming true — what educated Americans are going to know about the world, the Second World War, the Third Reich, the Holocaust, etc., will be coming from German corporations and what uneducated Americans are going to know about the world will come from educated Americans. The strategic importance of this takeover could not be exaggerated — it constitutes a profound loss of American national sovereignty. Imagine the United States permitting the Soviet Union to gain control of American publishing (and scientific and technical publishing in particular) during the Cold War. Unthinkable!
Program highlights include: the Nazi past of the Bertelsmann (the largest English language publisher in the world), Bertelsmann’s apparent connections to the powerful German industrial firm Thyssen A.G. and (through the Thyssen firm) the remarkable and deadly Bormann Organization, which Mr. Emory believes will prove to be the decisive element in human affairs on this planet); the Third Reich tactic of giving apparently “anti-Nazi” pedigrees to those elements designated to serve in a post-war capacity; a review of Bertelsmann’s recent purchases in American publishing; discussion of the control of American technical and scientific publishing by European firms; and a review of the Nazi and SS connections of the Von Holzbrinck firm (which, along with Bertelsmann, controls American publishing.
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