Consisting of new stories and updates of old ones, this program begins with analysis of German economic and social malaise and its implications for the future of Germany, Europe and the world. With its economy declining, Germany is experiencing “the blame game” — different elements of the German body politic are blaming each other and people and nations outside Germany.
The corporations are blaming the current “center-left” government for the economic slowdown, at the same time they devote resources toward moving their principal place of business outside Germany and/or purchasing foreign competitors, chiefly American. The Schroder government, in turn, is putting pressure and blame on other European Union countries and institutions, pressuring the European Central Bank to lower interest rates (thus opening the way for the “political Euro” that Germany had previously warned against.) In addition, the Schroder government is blaming Britain and France for some of Germany’s problems and pressuring them to give back monies derived through the EU. Most alarmingly, this nationalistic and chauvinistic German government (“center-left” in name only) continues to scapegoat “foreigners,” “immigrants” and others for Germany’s social ills, echoing a theme found in fascist circles around the world. (The Republican Party in the U.S. has endorsed a similar political agenda and the accompanying rhetoric.)
Next, the program highlights the class-action suits being pursued against both German and American corporations for their use of slave labor during World War II
Following a quote from former Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler characterizing his career as having been a “Racketeer for Capitalism,” the broadcast presents the story of a Chilean scientist who had been involved in “Operation Condor”. (That operation was an international assassination consortium consisting of a number of Latin American fascist dictatorships.) Kidnapped and later murdered in order to keep him from bearing witness against former Chilean Dictator Pinochet, Berrios (the scientist) became a focal point of an ongoing political controversy. The program concludes with an analysis of the career and activities of Spanish Judge Balthazar Garzon, who is investigating Condor, Pinochet and the activities of other Latin American dictatorships. (Recorded on February 28, 1999.)
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