One segment
This visit with former Los Angeles Police department Narcotics Detective Mike Ruppert updates information on the Tyree Suit and presents information from more recent issues of Mike’s newsletter, From the Wilderness.
Filed on behalf of former Green Beret Bill Tyree, the suit implicates George Bush, Oliver North, the CIA, Bill Clinton and several Massachusetts government officials in massive cocaine trafficking. Evidentiary tributaries running from the case run through the assassination of President Kennedy, among other investigations and operations.
In this interview, Mike informed the audience that Bush has failed to respond to his service, that Tyree’s counsel is going to move for summary judgement and that the suit is making waves in Washington D.C.
Next, Mike advanced a complicated working hypothesis that tentatively links the “Dark Alliance” series written by Gary Webb in the San Jose Mercury News, the release of Volume II of the CIA’s internal investigation of complicity between the CIA and drug traffickers, the failure of the attempt to remove Clinton from office and possible Kenneth Starr complicity in the creation of a memo indicating criminal intent with regard to drug trafficking by William Casey’s CIA. In a nutshell, Mike’s analysis alleges that Coral Baca, Webb’s primary informant for his “Dark Alliance” series, is closely connected to former Medellin Cartel kingpin Carlos Lehder Rivas, prosecuted by George Bush. Mike advances the possibility that Baca may have deliberately leaked the information to Webb as an act of revenge against Bush (on behalf of Lehder.)
Noting that CIA director George Tenet is a Clinton political appointee, Ruppert notes the close temporal proximity of Clinton’s impeachment and the posting of Volume II of the CIA report (one hour apart). The CIA report deeply implicates elements connected to North and George Bush in the Contra-related cocaine traffic. A 1982 memorandum exonerates the CIA from reporting connections with drug traffickers in the Contra war. The memo was drawn up by the administrative staff of then Attorney General William French Smith. Ken Starr was on that staff at the time, may have assisted in crafting the memo and (according to a confidential source of Mike’s) may have drafted the memo.
Mike hypothesizes that the possible complicity of Starr in drawing up the memo and the involvement of Bush & company with the Contra War and related drug traffic may have been used by Clinton as a deterrent to impeachment. Mike concludes the interview with discussion of the CIA’s apparent use of the U.S. Forestry Service as a cover for using C‑130 aircraft for drug trafficking. (Recorded on 2/28/99.)
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