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With the coming of the year 2000, much attention has been focused on the failure of computer systems to recognize the double-digit year designation “00” as 2000, rather than 1900. Numerous studies have indicated that serious disruption may very well result from the glitch. This program discusses the handling of the issue by arch-conservative and overtly fascist elements. Many of these groups and individuals have predicted catastrophic results from and (in some cases) advised deadly violent actions in response to the event. In many cases, survivalist and Born-again Christian elements have advised security precautions reminiscent of the fallout shelter mania of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Some overtly fascist elements within the “Patriot” movement have advocated that their followers seize upon the event as the beginning of an apocalyptic race war. Others have advised that the government will utilize the Y2K problem as an excuse to impose totalitarian rule. An FBI counter-terrorist official is quoted as saying he thinks that there probably will be incidents of right-wing terror in connection with the dawning of 2000. (Recorded on 2/28/99.)
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