Beginning with a shocking account for how Congress rejected the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, this program introduces and updates a number of different stories. Introduced as an addendum to a bill before the House, the Fourth Amendment was tacked on by Representative Mel Watt (D‑N.C.), in order to test the civil-liberties acumen of his colleagues. That proved sadly lacking under the circumstances, as they voted it down!
Next, the discussion turns to the highly questionable claims that Bill Clinton raped a woman. For instance, Ms. Broaddrick (Clinton’s accuser) couldn’t remember the date or month of the rape and denied under oath that Clinton raped her.
The program then highlights Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky and an allegation that the Mossad (the Israeli intelligence service) had used wiretaps of the pair to blackmail the United States. After allegedly tapping the White House phone, the Mossad allegedly used damaging information concerning the Clinton-Lewinsky affair to deter an alleged counter-intelligence investigation of “MEGA,” an Israeli spy deep inside the White House. This charge was made in a new book about the Mossad and is followed by a review of a forthcoming book about the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin. The book indicates (among other things) that Rabin’s successor, Benjamin Netanyahu, was close to being indicted for incitement in connection with the incident.
The first side concludes with a look at the rise in Russian fascism and the growing electoral strength of the Freedom Party of Jörg Haider in Austria. Haider’s party was originally founded as a political repository for veterans of the Austrian Nazi Party under Hitler.
After a discussion of lawsuits against many of the German and American corporations that funded Hitler, the second side highlights the recent addition of the treasurer of the CDU party in Germany (a former transport minister) to the powerful Washington law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. The latter is handling the class-action lawsuits (filed by survivors of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps) for several prominent German corporations. The program analyzes growing conflict between U.S. and German intelligence.
The Clinton Administration has refused to return the files of the former East German intelligence service (the Stasi) to Germany. Spirited out of Germany by the CIA, the files have been the focus of intense interest by Chancellor Gerhard Schroder. Believed to contain information about former Stasi “moles” deep inside the German Government, the files’ return has been coupled with the threat of removal of U.S. intelligence installations in Germany, as a possible reprisal in the event the files are not returned.
The last part of the discussion turns to the subject of U.S. intelligence involvement with the People’s Temple of the late Rev. Jim Jones. Apparent involvement with the temple on the part of elements of U.S. intelligence is the focal point of continued research. The U.S. government continues to withhold thousands of pages of sensitive documents about Jonestown. The broadcast concludes with a reading of the obituary of Larry Layton Senior, the former Pentagon scientist, whose family played such an important role in Jones’ organization. (Recorded on 3/7/99.)
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