Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #14 Interview with Donald Freed

Lis­ten now: Side 1 | Side 2

The author of Killing Time (Hard­cov­er, Macmil­lan, copy­right 1996, co-authored with Ray­mond P. Brig­gs), Don­ald Freed presents a pen­e­trat­ing analy­sis of the O.J. Simp­son mur­der case, which proves that the pros­e­cu­tion’s sce­nario of the killings is phys­i­cal­ly impos­si­ble and that a mas­sive media cov­er-up of the case has occurred. The inter­view cov­ers many of the basic points in Freed’s book includ­ing: the con­tra­dic­tion between the pros­e­cu­tion’s dual­is­tic por­tray­al of O.J. Simp­son as a “cal­cu­lat­ing, cold-blood­ed killer” and as “a burn­ing fuse;” the myth that O.J. was “an abuser” (Nicole tes­ti­fied at their divorce pro­ceed­ing that O.J. was vio­lent with her once dur­ing the course of their mar­riage and, at the time of the killings she had asked O.J. and his friends to come around to pro­tect her from unknown per­sons who were fol­low­ing her); the fact that both O.J. and Nicole had been get­ting threat­en­ing let­ters and phone calls from white suprema­cists in the peri­od lead­ing up to the killings (some of these warn­ings were deliv­ered by L.A. law enforce­ment offi­cers and the F.B.I. knew about this); the intim­i­da­tion of wit­ness­es who had infor­ma­tion indi­cat­ing that O.J. was not the killer; the involve­ment of the Nicole-Gold­man-Simp­son milieu with “orga­nized vice;” the mas­sive con­tra­dic­tions in the phys­i­cal evi­dence in the case. (Record­ed on 10/13/96)


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