As the formal hostilities drew to a close in June of 1999, the outlines of the political reality determined by the war began to take shape. The program begins with discussion of the background of Sergie Stepashin, who became Russian Prime Minister during the bombing. Mr. Stepashin undertook a review of Soviet era intelligence files concerning the collusion between the Reagan-Bush campaign and the Khomeini forces in Iran. Undertaken at the request of a U.S. congressional investigative subcommittee, Stepashin’s review concluded that Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Robert Gates and William Casey had been principally involved in the conspiracy. (This finding constituted High Treason on the part of two Presidents and two directors of the CIA.) The subcommittee that requested the report disregarded its findings and concluded that no conspiracy took place, despite massive evidence to the contrary. The selection of Mr. Stepashin to fill this important post at this time may well be significant. Some observers feel that the Russians are seeking to use their knowledge of U.S. covert operations of the Cold War era as a bargaining chip and/or lever in their dealings with the United States. Next, the program highlights evidence that American diplomats deliberately crafted the Rambouillet Accord in such a way as to make it impossible for Milosevich to sign. Unnamed U.S. diplomats confided that they “set the bar too high” for the Serbs in order to precipitate military action against Yugoslavia. The second half of the program sets forth the massive ecological damage done to Yugoslavia by the bombing. Unreported by major U.S. media, this damage amounts to an ecological cataclysm, with the large amounts of toxic and/or radioactive contaminants compounding the impending problems of famine and exposure. With critical crops having gone unplanted and the utility infrastructure of the country destroyed, the citizens of what is left of Yugoslavia face the prospect of a devastating winter. It should be noted that much of the water supply for neighboring Eastern European nations comes from Serbia and that the supply has been seriously contaminated. The last section of the broadcast examines the Kosovo conflict as an extension of Hitler’s policy for the region. German troops entering Kosovo were greeted by the ethnic Albanians as heroes, in part because many remembered them fondly from World War II. During the Axis occupation of the Balkans, Kosovo was reunited with Albania as part of the greater Albania that many Kosovars dream of. The program concludes with a look at the fascist antecedents of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Many of the KLA’s recruits are the sons and grandsons of veterans of fascist militias that fought alongside Germans and Italians, as well as the Skanderberg Waffen SS division, largely composed of ethnic Albanians. The KLA’s decision to dress its police in black fatigues and (initially) to use a fascist salute harken back to its political antecedents. (The KLA changed its salute to the standard American military salute in an attempt to mask the fascist element of its heritage.) (Recorded on 6/13/99.)
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