One segment
Introducing and/or updating a number of different stories, the program begins with discussion of convicted Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski’s voluntary participation in a CIA “psychological experiment” while a student at Harvard.
The experiment was administered by Harvard professor Henry Murray (a former member of the OSS, America’s World War II intelligence service). It is not clear from the historical record what experimental procedure Kaczynski underwent or what effect the experiment may have had on his subsequent behavior. It should be noted that the program Kaczynski volunteered for was part of the CIA’s extensive mind-control research program.
One possibility that suggests itself is the theory that Kaczynski may have been placed under mind-control. If that was the case, then he may have been acting under mind-control when committing the bombings (or when admitting to having committed them.)
Next, the discussion turns to the Balkans war and the credibility of some of the atrocity tales coming out of Kosovo. In attempting to verify many of the tales of mass murder and rape related by Kosovars, investigators have found numerous instances of small-scale atrocities, committed by Serbs on an ad hoc basis, but nothing like the systematic mass-exterminations and “rape camps” that the popular press has reported in the United States.
The program concludes with a look at a key development in the young life of the Euro, the currency of the EMU. Past discussion of the EMU has analyzed the theory that the Euro would turn out to be a weak currency. This possibility derives from strict budgetary limitations placed on participating nations, in combination with traditionally high European spending on social welfare programs. A weak Euro could be disastrous for the American manufacturing sector. By creating a flight to the dollar among currency speculators, a weak Euro could make the dollar unnaturally strong, thus making American manufactured exports prohibitively high for consumers in foreign countries.
Prospects for the Euro weakened considerably with an EU agreement to release Italy from budgetary restrictions required for EMU membership. With other large Western European countries straining to meet the EMU’s budgetary constraints, the possibility of a repeat of the Italian situation is one that must be seriously regarded. (Recorded on 7/11/99.)
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