Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #171 Further Discussion with Mike Ruppert

Lis­ten: Side 1 | Side 2

In this inter­view, Mike Rup­pert updates and fur­ther devel­ops a num­ber of sto­ries, begin­ning with the sub­ject of George W. Bush’s pur­chase of a kilo of cocaine. This pur­chase (alleged­ly in the com­pa­ny of his broth­er Jeb, who also pur­chased a kilo) was alleged­ly caught on film as part of a DEA sting at Miami’s Tami­a­mi Air­port.

One of the cen­tral points of dis­cus­sion con­cerns the appar­ent use of CIA-gen­er­at­ed crack cocaine to delib­er­ate­ly ruin neigh­bor­hoods in which there were sub­stan­tive amounts of HUD sub­si­dized hous­ing occu­pied by African-Amer­i­cans. Com­ing as it does from Ms. Cather­ine Austin Fitts (con­tribut­ing edi­tor to Mr. Rup­pert’s From the Wilder­ness newslet­ter and a for­mer Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of HUD under George Bush), this dis­clo­sure is as com­pelling as it is dis­turb­ing. Ms. Fitts and Mr. Rup­pert noticed an unnerv­ing over­lap between the areas of Los Ange­les in which the CIA-con­nect­ed crack cocaine dis­tri­b­u­tion oper­a­tion of “free­way” Ricky Ross was locat­ed and the areas in which there was HUD hous­ing. (The sto­ry of Ricky Ross is detailed in Gary Web­b’s Dark Alliance series.)

The dev­as­tat­ing effects of the crack epi­dem­ic of the 1980s dec­i­mat­ed these neigh­bor­hoods, forc­ing the African-Amer­i­can res­i­dents to flee and open­ing up their prop­er­ties to re-sale for pen­nies on the dol­lar. It is the con­sid­ered opin­ion of Ms. Fitts that this pol­i­cy was delib­er­ate and con­sti­tutes a delib­er­ate pro­gram of eth­nic cleans­ing or even geno­cide. Ms. Fitts was a first-hand wit­ness to dis­cus­sions with asso­ciates of Newt Gin­grich, in which they open­ly expressed the view that African-Amer­i­cans were genet­i­cal­ly infe­ri­or and implied that they should be exter­mi­nat­ed.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: dis­cus­sion of Ms. Fitts’ ill-fat­ed attempts to restruc­ture HUD projects in African-Amer­i­can inner-city areas in such a way as to per­mit many of the sin­gle moth­ers with chil­dren to do com­put­er data pro­cess­ing (pro­vid­ing them with income and sav­ing HUD mon­ey); the dis­missal by HUD offi­cials of Ms. Fitts’ pro­pos­al as “com­put­ers for nig­gers;” Mr. Rup­pert’s rumi­na­tion about the prospects of the Unit­ed States going to war in Colom­bia; analy­sis of the sig­nif­i­cance of drug mon­ey for the long Wall Street invest­ment boom; dis­cus­sion of Mike Rup­pert’s inter­ac­tion with Con­gres­sion­al per­son­nel inves­ti­gat­ing the CIA-cocaine link; the progress of sev­er­al class-action suits filed against the CIA in con­nec­tion with the Con­tra-cocaine con­nec­tion.


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