Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #222 Fascism and the Black Metal Music Scene, Part II

MP3 One Seg­ment

Updat­ing dis­cus­sion from FTR-211, this pro­gram begins with dis­cus­sion of Nation­al Alliance leader William Pierce’s acqui­si­tion of Resis­tance Records (a white pow­er music label.) (Pierce is the head of the Nation­al Alliance, arguably the most impor­tant domes­tic Nazi group.)

Plan­ning to spe­cial­ize in black met­al music (among oth­er gen­res), Pierce and his asso­ciates are recruit­ing main­stream musi­cians to record racist and Nazi music under pseu­do­nyms.

The broad­cast high­lights the for­ma­tion of Resis­tance Records (pri­or to acqui­si­tion by Pierce) by George Bun­di (a.k.a. Eric Hawthorne.) Stem­ming from the World Church of the Cre­ator (anoth­er domes­tic fas­cist group), Hawthorne and Resis­tance have been cel­e­brat­ed by the Church of Satan. (Domes­tic fas­cists Boyd Rice and Michael Moyni­han are both mem­bers of the Church of Satan and influ­en­tial in the black met­al milieu.)

A mem­ber of the Church of the Cre­ator (Ben Smith) mur­dered sev­er­al peo­ple in the Mid­west (see FTR-168.) The pro­gram high­lights Moyni­han’s sup­port for Amer­i­can Nazi James Mason and his espousal of “lone wolf” racist killers like Smith. Mason has been fea­tured on the racist tele­vi­sion show of Tom Met­zger, whose orga­ni­za­tion has been suc­cess­ful­ly sued by the South­ern Pover­ty Law Cen­ter. Anoth­er of Moyni­han’s icons (and posthu­mous bene­fac­tor of Moyni­han’s pub­lish­ing out­fit) is SS offi­cial Karl Willigut.

The pro­gram reviews Moyni­han’s plans to pub­lish work by fascist/occultist Julius Evola (anoth­er advo­cate of fas­cist vio­lence as a “spir­i­tu­al” act). Moyni­han is also plan­ning to pub­lish music by the Iron Guard, a Roman­ian fas­cist group allied with Hitler (see FTR-221.) (Endorsed by Evola, the Iron Guard liaised with Otto von Bolschwing. Von Bolschwing was a key SS man who worked for the CIA after the war.)

The broad­cast sets forth the Abraxas Foun­da­tion’s espousal of the Iron Guard’s phi­los­o­phy of “long live death.” (Record­ed on 4/9/2000.)


4 comments for “FTR #222 Fascism and the Black Metal Music Scene, Part II”

  1. The look on Frank Luntz’s face when these guys were play­ing must have been price­less.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | March 26, 2012, 8:21 am
  2. [...] FTR #222 Fas­cism and the Black Met­al Music Scene, Part II This entry was post­ed in Counter-pro­pa­gan­da, Fas­cism, New Age and tagged 9/11 Truth Move­ment, Anti-Semi­tism, Aryan Nations, Auschwitz, Black Met­al, Boyd Rice, David Icke, Eric John­son, Eustace Mullins, Evola, Fer­al House, Fos­ter Gam­ble, Free Ener­gy, G. Edward Grif­fin, Jew­ish Con­spir­a­cy, Lord of Chaos, Michael Moyni­han, Peter Lev­en­da, Proc­tor and Gam­ble, Pro­to­cols of the Elders of Zion, Roth­schilds, The Order, Thrive. Book­mark the perma­link. ← Raphaël Enthoven : « La diver­sité est une inven­tion des Blancs, c’est un délire colo­nial » [...]

    Posted by « Thrive »: An example of counter-culture fascism | Lys-d'Or | May 30, 2012, 10:51 am
  3. It sounds likes this fel­low might no longer be sat­is­fied with mur­der­ing eardrums:

    ‘Neo-Nazi’ singer Vikernes in French ter­ror arrest
    A Nor­we­gian musi­cian with links to mass killer Anders Behring Breivik has been arrest­ed in France on “sus­pi­cion he was prepar­ing a major ter­ror­ist act”.
    16 July 2013 Last updat­ed at 09:10 ET

    The French inte­ri­or min­istry said Kris­t­ian “Varg” Vikernes con­sti­tut­ed “a poten­tial threat to soci­ety”.

    He was arrest­ed in cen­tral France after his wife bought four rifles.

    Vikernes, described by French offi­cials as a neo-Nazi, had in the past received a copy of a man­i­festo from Breivik, who killed 77 peo­ple in Nor­way in 2011.


    The offi­cial said: “There were sev­er­al sus­pi­cions that made the ser­vices fear he could pos­si­bly car­ry out a vio­lent act.”

    Legal per­mit

    Kris­t­ian Vikernes was arrest­ed along with his wife, a French nation­al, in Cor­reze, a region in cen­tral France.

    Police sources said offi­cers were search­ing their home for weapons and explo­sives.

    Offi­cials say Vikernes’ wife had a legal firearms per­mit when she bought the four rifles.

    Vikernes, a black met­al musi­cian and writer known as Varg, was con­vict­ed in 1994 of stab­bing a man to death in Oslo and burn­ing down sev­er­al church­es.

    He was released in 2009 and moved to France with his wife and three chil­dren.

    On his web­site, Vikernes dis­cuss­es Breivik’s man­i­festo, but also crit­i­cis­es him for killing inno­cent Nor­we­gians.

    Breivik’s 1,500-page man­i­festo out­lined his planned cru­sade against Mus­lims, who he said “were tak­ing over Europe and could only be defeat­ed through a vio­lent civ­il war”.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | July 16, 2013, 7:22 am
  4. While the motive for the neo-Nazi attack on a Wal­mart in El Paso, TX, was explic­it­ly laid out in Patrick Cru­sius’s man­i­festo post­ed on 8chan where he described his white nation­al­ist goals, the motive for the attack in Day­ton, OH, by Con­nor Betts remains large­ly a mys­tery. Cru­sius fits the class neo-Nazi domes­tic ter­ror­ist pro­file. But Con­nor Betts was a self-described anti-fas­cist, sup­port­er of Eliz­a­beth War­ren, and a reg­is­tered Demo­c­rat. He was basi­cal­ly the oppo­site of the pro­file of a mass shoot­er. At least if we sole­ly look at his self-described pol­i­tics. The fact that his own sis­ter was one of the first vic­tims only adds to the mys­tery.

    But as the fol­low­ing arti­cle makes clear, as more infor­ma­tion comes out about who Con­nor Betts was, a pic­ture emerges of a man moti­vat­ed not by pol­i­tics or ide­ol­o­gy but by an intense fas­ci­na­tion with vio­lence, gore, sadism, and hyper-misog­y­ny. The kind of misog­y­ny typ­i­cal­ly found with ‘incels’. Although Betts was­n’t quite an incel. He dat­ed. His last gir­friend actu­al­ly described an inci­dent where he took her on a trip to deliv­er an anony­mous threat­en­ing let­ter to his pre­vi­ous girl­friend because he thought it was fun­ny. But his intense misog­y­ny becomes unam­bigu­ous when we look at his hob­bies: Betts was the mem­ber of a band ded­i­cat­ed to misog­y­ny and glo­ri­fy­ing vio­lence against women. The band, Men­stru­al Munchies, was part of the “pornogrind” scene. Pornogrind appears to be a sub­genre of “gore­grind”, itself a fusion of “grind­core” and death met­al music. Mentstru­al Munchies released albums with titles like “6 Ways of Female Butch­ery” and “Pree­teen Daugh­ter Pu$$y Slaugh­ter,” and used cov­er art show­ing the rape and muti­la­tion of female bod­ies.

    We’re also learn­ing that, back in high school, Betts was caught with a ‘hit list’ of boys and ‘rape list’ of girls. And He did pro­fess an inter­est in satanism. In addi­tion, one of his band mem­bers recounts Betts bring­ing a hand­gun on one of their tours and seri­ous­ly sug­gest­ing that they rob a gas sta­tion. The guy was basi­cal­ly a tick­ing time-bomb.

    So giv­en that the Betts’s polit­i­cal back­ground makes him a high­ly unlike­ly can­di­date to go on a seem­ing­ly ran­dom mass mur­der spree, the fact that he was obsessed with rape and vio­lence and chan­neled that obses­sion in his music sug­gests that this might be one of those rel­a­tive­ly rare instances where men­tal ill­ness, and not ide­ol­o­gy, was the pri­ma­ry dri­ver of this mur­der spree:

    Vice News

    EXCLUSIVE: Day­ton Shoot­er Was In a “Pornogrind” Band That Released Songs About Rap­ing and Killing Women

    By Daniel Newhauser
    Aug 5, 2019

    Before he killed nine peo­ple in a mass shoot­ing in Day­ton, Ohio, ear­ly Sun­day, Con­nor Betts was deeply involved in the misog­y­nis­tic, male-dom­i­nat­ed “gore­grind” or “pornogrind” extreme met­al music scene. It has a region­al fol­low­ing in the Mid­west and is known for sex­u­al­ly vio­lent, death-obsessed lyrics and dehu­man­iz­ing imagery depict­ing women.

    Over the past year, the 24-year-old shoot­er occa­sion­al­ly per­formed live vocals in the band Men­stru­al Munchies, which released albums titled “6 Ways of Female Butch­ery” and “Pree­teen Daugh­ter Pu$$y Slaugh­ter,” with cov­er art show­ing the rape and mas­sacre of female bod­ies. He also per­formed with a group called Putrid Liq­uid.

    Now one of Betts’ band­mates, Jesse Creek­baum, 25, is tak­ing the record­ings down. He says he’s remov­ing them out of fear the vul­gar music he pro­duced will make a cult hero out of the mur­der­er, who was killed by police at the scene. He’s also received death threats online because of his asso­ci­a­tion with Betts.

    Creek­baum, who has been writ­ing and record­ing music under the name Men­stru­al Munchies for more than five years, says he did it most­ly as a joke and now is sick­ened that Betts appar­ent­ly took it all seri­ous­ly.

    “I feel shi tty hav­ing let him be in the band, doing those lyrics,” Creek­baum said. “Because I know, like, where­as I saw it as a joke — like, ‘Let’s play this and we’ll shock some peo­ple,’ and then the peo­ple that we know laugh — he did­n’t see it as a joke. He was like, ‘Fu ck, yeah. We’re gonna do this.’”

    “It’s like, Jesus Christ, how much of this was like real life for him?” he said.


    The Pornogrind scene

    The Mid­west pornogrind scene exists in an obscure pock­et of the larg­er grind­core genre and con­sists of a hand­ful of bands who often play shows to each oth­er or to small audi­ences. Even bet­ter-known bands in the genre writ large, such as Ger­many-based Cock and Ball Tor­ture, have just thou­sands of Face­book fans.

    Men­stru­al Munchies often per­formed with oth­er region­al acts like Necro Can­ni­bal Ass Grinder, Bill Nye da Nazi Spy, and Cunt Torch, play­ing fes­ti­vals like the Porn­fieldz of Illi­noise Grind­fest or a for­mer venue in Colum­bia, Mis­souri, called UPS — Under the Porn Shop, named for its loca­tion beneath the Venus Adult Mega­s­tore, owned by the moth­er of fel­low scen­ester Zach Wal­ton, of the band Groin Mal­let.

    In a phone inter­view, Wal­ton, who has booked Men­stru­al Munchies at that venue, said the pornogrind scene is tight-knit and that he and his friends have been dev­as­tat­ed to learn what Betts did. But he doesn’t believe the con­tent of the music con­tributed in any way to his actions.

    “It’s just the music we love, you know, like, it’s fun to play. It’s ener­getic and there’s noth­ing else like it. So we play it,” Wal­ton, 29, said. “And then we get peo­ple like this, who, you know, are fuc king sick in the head, who get into our scene and end­ed up killing nine peo­ple and almost, you know, putting a bad name on our scene. And that’s not fair for the rest of us.”

    Betts was not involved in any of the writ­ing or record­ing and only per­formed as a live vocal­ist for Men­stru­al Munchies. Nev­er­the­less, Creek­baum said he removed the band’s Face­book, Band­camp and YouTube pages from the web. But a saved ver­sion of the Band­camp page found on the Inter­net Archive reveals the sex­u­al­ly vio­lent and demean­ing album titles and art­work.

    Many of the band’s songs are still active on oth­er web­sites. The mem­bers of Putrid Liq­uid did not respond to a request for com­ment sent through their Band­camp page, which is still active.

    Creek­baum says he feels con­flict­ed: On the one hand, he believes music and art do not cause peo­ple to com­mit mur­der, but on the oth­er hand, he feels guilty for hav­ing asso­ci­at­ed with some­one who car­ried out vio­lence sim­i­lar to the kind he por­trayed in his songs.

    Creek­baum said he con­tact­ed the Day­ton police imme­di­ate­ly after hear­ing the news, but said they hadn’t replied to him, although he said the FBI vis­it­ed his home on Mon­day to inter­view him.

    Betts’ bizarre behav­ior

    Look­ing back, there were clues some­thing wasn’t right with Betts. Betts was a lon­er and emo­tion­al­ly with­drawn, Creek­baum and oth­ers in the scene told VICE News.

    Creek­baum said Betts once brought a hand­gun on a tour to Iowa and sug­gest­ed to oth­ers that they rob some gas sta­tions — some­thing Creek­baum said he chewed Betts out for but didn’t take seri­ous­ly.

    He said he and oth­ers had recent­ly dis­tanced them­selves from Betts over his bizarre behav­ior, includ­ing talk­ing in real­is­tic terms about the vio­lence depict­ed in the music, telling sto­ries about his past metham­phet­a­mine use, and lying about hav­ing a crim­i­nal record.

    He said Betts had also told them about a pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed inci­dent in which he was sus­pend­ed from his high school for keep­ing a “hit list” and a “rape list” of class­mates he want­ed to com­mit vio­lence against. And Betts had men­tioned to Creek­baum that he was depressed. Still, Creek­baum said he did not think Betts was capa­ble of this kind of slaugh­ter.

    “I think he decid­ed that he was going to kill him­self, and he was like, ‘I don’t have the balls to do it’ and he drew a gun,” Creek­baum spec­u­lat­ed.

    The band hadn’t been active since Creek­baum found out in July that Betts had con­tact­ed show­go­ers online after a recent gig and asked them to send him mon­ey on Pay­Pal, some­thing Creek­baum found obnox­ious.

    The music was cre­at­ed to be con­tro­ver­sial, Creek­baum said, inspired by the work of shock-rock acts like the Men­tors and GG Allin. He often played ful­ly naked wear­ing an executioner’s hood. In a video, they can be seen per­form­ing in noth­ing but San­ta Claus beards and hats.

    And if the goal was attract­ing con­tro­ver­sy, they suc­ceed­ed. Creek­baum said even some of his close friends found the misog­y­nis­tic imagery to be too much. Now, the music is sure to be exam­ined in a nation­al con­ver­sa­tion as social crit­ics point to tox­ic mas­culin­i­ty as a root cause of mass gun vio­lence.

    Betts’ appar­ent polit­i­cal beliefs are also draw­ing scruti­ny. He iden­ti­fied as an anti-fas­cist and slan­dered Nazis and gun vio­lence in social media posts that have since been removed from Twit­ter and Face­book. Some on the polit­i­cal right have seized on that to infer his ide­ol­o­gy was part of his motive.

    The anti-fas­cist extreme met­al band Neck­beard Death­camp was quick to dis­tance Betts from their scene.


    “JUST ANOTHER DIME A DOZEN OHIO GRIND DUDE WHO CAPED PROGRESSIVE POLITICS WHILE TREATING WOMEN LIKE SH IT,” the band con­tin­ued in anoth­er tweet. The band fol­lowed up with a thread explain­ing they did not know Betts, although he did fol­low their account on Twit­ter.

    Ryan Ward, of the Ohio-based Cunt Torch, a band that reg­u­lar­ly played with Men­stru­al Munchies, likened the com­ing back­lash to how Mar­i­lyn Man­son and “South Park” were blamed for the Columbine shoot­ings, although he acknowl­edged that it is some­what dif­fer­ent because a mem­ber of a band com­mit­ted the heinous act, not just a fan.

    Still, he says he finds it hard to believe the dehu­man­iza­tion por­trayed in the music con­tributed to an envi­ron­ment in which Betts felt desen­si­tized enough to com­mit actu­al vio­lence him­self, includ­ing shoot­ing to death his own sis­ter and her boyfriend, two of the vic­tims of his ram­page.

    Part of the music is you want to fig­ure out ways to por­tray peo­ple as being dehu­man­ized as much as pos­si­ble or, you know, degrad­ed. And sex­u­al dehu­man­iza­tion and objec­ti­fi­ca­tion is a big way of doing that,” Ward said. “If for some rea­son the music he made or what­ev­er, some­how did do that for him, I feel that it’s an excep­tion, not the rule when it comes to peo­ple mak­ing this music.”

    “I feel it’s our respon­si­bil­i­ty to make it a point to let peo­ple know that, no, this is not what we actu­al­ly stand for,” he added. “Our songs aren’t prophe­cies, you know, like, they’re not fuc king, omi­nous fuc king mes­sages that are sup­posed to come true. They’re just songs.”


    “EXCLUSIVE: Day­ton Shoot­er Was In a “Pornogrind” Band That Released Songs About Rap­ing and Killing Women” by Daniel Newhauser; Vice News; 08/05/2019

    ““Part of the music is you want to fig­ure out ways to por­tray peo­ple as being dehu­man­ized as much as pos­si­ble or, you know, degrad­ed. And sex­u­al dehu­man­iza­tion and objec­ti­fi­ca­tion is a big way of doing that,” Ward said. “If for some rea­son the music he made or what­ev­er, some­how did do that for him, I feel that it’s an excep­tion, not the rule when it comes to peo­ple mak­ing this music.””

    Well, let’s hope Betts is indeed the excep­tion for peo­ple into “pornogrind” music. At a min­i­mum, it sounds like the kind of genre that’s going to have a con­cen­tra­tion of psy­chopath fans even if the major­i­ty of peo­ple are just into it for the shock val­ue. And Betts cer­tain­ly sound­ed like a bud­ding psy­chopath:

    Look­ing back, there were clues some­thing wasn’t right with Betts. Betts was a lon­er and emo­tion­al­ly with­drawn, Creek­baum and oth­ers in the scene told VICE News.

    Creek­baum said Betts once brought a hand­gun on a tour to Iowa and sug­gest­ed to oth­ers that they rob some gas sta­tions — some­thing Creek­baum said he chewed Betts out for but didn’t take seri­ous­ly.

    He said he and oth­ers had recent­ly dis­tanced them­selves from Betts over his bizarre behav­ior, includ­ing talk­ing in real­is­tic terms about the vio­lence depict­ed in the music, telling sto­ries about his past metham­phet­a­mine use, and lying about hav­ing a crim­i­nal record.

    He said Betts had also told them about a pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed inci­dent in which he was sus­pend­ed from his high school for keep­ing a “hit list” and a “rape list” of class­mates he want­ed to com­mit vio­lence against. And Betts had men­tioned to Creek­baum that he was depressed. Still, Creek­baum said he did not think Betts was capa­ble of this kind of slaugh­ter.

    “I think he decid­ed that he was going to kill him­self, and he was like, ‘I don’t have the balls to do it’ and he drew a gun,” Creek­baum spec­u­lat­ed.

    So Betts appears to have been gen­uine­ly men­tal­ly ill in a man­ner that made him obsessed with vio­lence, in par­tic­u­lar vio­lence against women. Might that be at least part of the expla­na­tion for why his sis­ter was one of his first tar­gets? Well, there’s anoth­er twist to all this involv­ing his sis­ter. It turns out she iden­ti­fied as a trans­gen­der man. It was some­thing she report­ed­ly was only open about to a rel­a­tive­ly small cir­cle of friends. And one of those friends claims her broth­er did­n’t know she was trans­gen­der. Is it pos­si­ble he recent­ly dis­cov­ered this and was sent into some sort of rage? At this point we don’t know, but it rais­es the ques­tion of how a vio­lent hyper-misog­y­nist might respond if to the rev­e­la­tion that his sis­ter is trans­gen­dered:

    Splin­ter News

    Friends Say that Sib­ling Mur­dered by Day­ton Shoot­er Was a Trans­gen­der Man

    Kate­lyn Burns
    08/07/2019 2:51pm

    Accounts from friends and social media pro­files belong­ing to a vic­tim in last weekend’s shoot­ing in Day­ton, OH, whose name was pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed as Megan Betts, indi­cate that Betts was a trans­gen­der man who went by Jor­dan Cofer and used he/him pro­nouns.

    Accord­ing to media reports, Cofer, 22, was the sib­ling of shoot­ing sus­pect Con­nor Betts, and was the first vic­tim in the mass shoot­ing in Dayton’s Ore­gon dis­trict that left nine dead and 27 wound­ed. It appears that Cofer was out as a trans man to only a hand­ful of peo­ple, and there is no indi­ca­tion at this time that his gen­der iden­ti­ty was a moti­vat­ing fac­tor in his death.

    A close friend of Cofer’s—who wished to remain anonymous—confirmed the authen­tic­i­ty of sev­er­al social media accounts to Splin­ter, say­ing that he was trans and pre­ferred being called Jor­dan.

    “Jor­dan was my clos­est friend,” said the friend over Twit­ter direct mes­sage. “He iden­ti­fied with he/him pro­nouns to peo­ple he trust­ed and knew would sup­port him. Jor­dan was prob­a­bly one of the sweet­est peo­ple you would ever meet, a true saint, but he was also very scared con­stant­ly. He tried to give the best to every­one.”

    A Twit­ter account asso­ci­at­ed with Cofer appears to show him tweet­ing at his broth­er just hours before the shoot­ing.

    Sto­ries like Cofer’s, fea­tur­ing a young trans per­son who was a vic­tim of a dev­as­tat­ing and high-pro­file crime but who appears to have only shared his trans sta­tus with a small cir­cle of peo­ple, are del­i­cate. Peo­ple can debate about whether the fact of his gen­der iden­ti­ty is news­wor­thy. What is clear, though, is that his friends are free to remem­ber him as they knew him.

    The trans com­mu­ni­ty also has a right to account for its dead. There’s been no indi­ca­tion thus far that Cofer’s mur­der was a trans­pho­bic hate crime, but it serves as an impor­tant reminder that trans peo­ple are more than the trans­pho­bia soci­ety vis­its upon them. Every­one who spoke with Splin­ter for this sto­ry felt it was impor­tant for his true iden­ti­ty to be accu­rate­ly report­ed in the press, with­out sen­sa­tion­al­is­tic or polit­i­cal sen­ti­ments.

    Jor­dan told me in the past that he was not out to his fam­i­ly, but that could have changed in the past month as we bare­ly spoke of the top­ic recent­ly,” the close friend, who said Cofer nev­er told his broth­er about his trans sta­tus, told Splin­ter. “I do not believe that his gen­der iden­ti­ty had played a part in his death because of the fact that he wasn’t out to many peo­ple.”

    A Tum­blr account that appears to have belonged to Cofer list­ed him as an “ace poly trans boy with a lov­ing heart and way too much work to do.” The friend con­firmed the account belonged to Cofer, say­ing they met on the plat­form.

    An Insta­gram account for Cofer fea­tures a pro­file pho­to of Nate­wantsto­bat­tle, one of his favorite YouTu­bers. Accord­ing to the friend, Cofer was deeply involved in the fan­doms of sev­er­al well known YouTu­bers, includ­ing Jack­Sep­tic­Eye, who is fea­tured in Cofer’s Tum­blr pro­file pic­ture.

    Bell­brook Police Chief Doug Doher­ty released a state­ment to the media on Mon­day evening on behalf of the Betts fam­i­ly that made ref­er­ence to their griev­ing the loss of their daugh­ter. Attempts to con­tact the fam­i­ly through the Bell­brook police, which is cur­rent­ly han­dling media requests, were not returned before pub­li­ca­tion. The Day­ton Police Depart­ment said it was not aware of Cofer’s gen­der iden­ti­ty.


    Over the week­end, Can­dice Keller, an Ohio Repub­li­can offi­cial, pinned the blame for the ris­ing num­ber of mass shoot­ings in the coun­try on “the break­down of the fam­i­ly,” list­ing the exis­tence of trans­gen­der peo­ple at the top of the list.

    The poten­tial for the politi­ciza­tion of Cofer’s trans sta­tus is high in this case, though it should be reit­er­at­ed that there sim­ply is no cur­rent avail­able evi­dence to sug­gest that Cofer’s killer, his own broth­er, even knew of his gen­der iden­ti­ty, much less whether it was a moti­vat­ing fac­tor in the shoot­ing.

    Cofer’s close friend said she hopes that peo­ple will remem­ber him for how he lived his life. “I am dev­as­tat­ed, but I’m not let­ting that hold me back from hav­ing him be seen as him,” she said. “I will remem­ber him as prob­a­bly one of the biggest, best parts of my life. All of my best expe­ri­ences involved him.”



    “Friends Say that Sib­ling Mur­dered by Day­ton Shoot­er Was a Trans­gen­der Man” by Kate­lyn Burns; Splin­ter News; 08/07/2019

    “Accord­ing to media reports, Cofer, 22, was the sib­ling of shoot­ing sus­pect Con­nor Betts, and was the first vic­tim in the mass shoot­ing in Dayton’s Ore­gon dis­trict that left nine dead and 27 wound­ed. It appears that Cofer was out as a trans man to only a hand­ful of peo­ple, and there is no indi­ca­tion at this time that his gen­der iden­ti­ty was a moti­vat­ing fac­tor in his death.

    So at this point we have no idea of Con­nor even knew is sis­ter Jor­dan was trans. But as one of Jor­dan’s close friends points out, it’s entire­ly pos­si­ble Con­nor very recent­ly learned about this:

    Jor­dan told me in the past that he was not out to his fam­i­ly, but that could have changed in the past month as we bare­ly spoke of the top­ic recent­ly,” the close friend, who said Cofer nev­er told his broth­er about his trans sta­tus, told Splin­ter. “I do not believe that his gen­der iden­ti­ty had played a part in his death because of the fact that he wasn’t out to many peo­ple.”

    So that all just adds to the mys­tery of the motive. But the more we learn about Con­nor Betts, the more it appears that his pro­fessed left-lean­ing pol­i­tics and anti-fas­cist self-iden­ti­fi­ca­tion was­n’t part of the motive.

    Along those lines, it’s worth not­ing one of the obser­va­tions in the fol­low­ing arti­cle about Betts’s anti-fas­cist activ­i­ties: there was a KKK ral­ly in Day­ton back in May. A hand­ful of klans­men showed up but hun­dreds of counter-pro­tes­tors showed up too. Betts was there, armed with a gun and cov­er­ing his face with a ban­dan­na. And accord­ing to the reporter who spoke with him at the ral­ly, Betts did­n’t appear to be there with any oth­er group. He was just a lone ‘anti-fas­cist’ with a gun at the counter-protest, sug­gest­ing that Betts was­n’t actu­al­ly direct­ly involved with any anti-fas­cist groups:

    Day­ton Dai­ly News

    Day­ton shoot­er was armed counter-pro­test­er at Ku Klux Klan ral­ly

    By Will Garbe and Hasan Karim, Staff Writer
    LOCAL Aug 06, 2019

    The man who killed nine peo­ple in Dayton’s Ore­gon Dis­trict was seen car­ry­ing a gun and protest­ing against the Ku Klux Klan at a ral­ly down­town in May.

    Con­nor Betts, 24, was shot and killed by Day­ton police dur­ing the Sun­day morn­ing ram­page. Nei­ther the police nor the FBI have iden­ti­fied a motive for the attack, though the fed­er­al author­i­ties said Tues­day he “was explor­ing vio­lent ide­olo­gies” before the shoot­ing.

    The May 25 ral­ly attract­ed about 500 to 600 counter-pro­test­ers who opposed the nine Klans­man who came from Indi­ana and protest­ed in Cour­t­house Square. The counter-protest group was fenced 0ff away from the Klans­man and sev­er­al peo­ple in the crowd were seen car­ry­ing firearms.

    Hasan Karim, who knew Betts and grew up in Bell­brook in the same high school class, was in the crowd accom­pa­ny­ing free­lance jour­nal­ists and was tak­ing pic­tures of the event. Karim bumped into some­one in the crowd and the man told him ‘You don’t know me.’ The two said hel­lo to each oth­er and Karim rec­og­nized Betts by his voice, body and man­ner­isms in their brief inter­ac­tion.

    Betts wore a ban­dan­na cov­er­ing part of his face and sun­glass­es. He car­ried a gun which appeared to be sim­i­lar in style to the one used in Sunday’s shoot­ing. He did not appear to be part of any group that was in the protest crowd.

    The Indi­ana KKK group’s ral­ly and counter-protest events result­ed in no arrests, no uses of force by police, and no injuries.



    “Day­ton shoot­er was armed counter-pro­test­er at Ku Klux Klan ral­ly” by Will Garbe and Hasan Karim; Day­ton Dai­ly News; 08/06/2019

    “Betts wore a ban­dan­na cov­er­ing part of his face and sun­glass­es. He car­ried a gun which appeared to be sim­i­lar in style to the one used in Sunday’s shoot­ing. He did not appear to be part of any group that was in the protest crowd.

    Note that there were reports of a group of antifa mem­bers at the counter-protest. So Betts was there, armed and dressed like an antifa mem­ber, but he did­n’t actu­al­ly appear to be part of the actu­al antifa group there.

    It’s also worth not­ing the sim­i­lar­i­ties to a pre­vi­ous mass shoot­ers, Steven Kazmier­czak, the North­ern Illi­nois Uni­ver­si­ty for­mer stu­dent who open fire on a class, killing 18 peo­ple before killing him­self. Kazmier­czak also appeared to be heav­i­ly dri­ven by an intense fas­ci­na­tion with vio­lence and gore, with a focus on the “Saw” movies. Like Betts, Kazmier­czak had an inter­est in Satanism. Although Kazmier­czak also had a his­to­ry of inter­est in white-pow­er move­ments, so in that sense he fit the clas­sic mass mur­der­er pro­file more close­ly than Betts.

    The iron­ic part of all this is that one of the prob­lems with how the US deals with domes­tic ter­ror­ism is that when­ev­er the ter­ror­ist is a far right white male the ascribed motive is typ­i­cal­ly left to ‘men­tal ill­ness’ com­mit­ted by a ‘lone wolf’, despite the fact that the white male ter­ror­ists almost always appears to have been rad­i­cal­ized online and spurred on by neo-Nazi pro­pa­gan­da. But in the case of Con­nor Betts, he real­ly does appear to be a lone wolf not dri­ven by pol­i­tics and his mass mur­der spree real­ly does appear to be pri­mar­i­ly dri­ven by a men­tal ill­ness. So it’s this high­ly anom­alous mass mur­der event that actu­al­ly fits the pre­vail­ing ‘men­tal­ly ill lone wolf’ nar­ra­tive.

    It’s also worth keep­ing in mind that since Betts was fas­ci­nat­ed with mass mur­der­ers and satanism and vio­lence in gen­er­al he prob­a­bly got exposed to a lot of the neo-Nazi pro­pa­gan­da that glo­ri­fies mass mur­der­ers. So in that sense he could still be seen as being influ­enced by far right pro­pa­gan­da.

    Posted by Pterrafractyl | August 9, 2019, 12:31 pm

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