Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #232 “Can You Imagine Us in London?” (or How the United Kingdom Lost the Second World War)

MP3 Side 1 | Side 2

In the movie Casablan­ca, Humphrey Bog­a­rt (play­ing the char­ac­ter Rick) is asked by one of Major Strasser’s Nazi asso­ciates “Can you pic­ture us in Lon­don?” More than fifty years after that movie was made, Wern­er Seifert (the head of the Frank­furt-based Deutsche Borse) echoed that ques­tion, say­ing that he could pic­ture him­self head­quar­tered in, and liv­ing in, Lon­don.

This broad­cast sets forth the facts con­cern­ing the pro­posed merg­er between the Lon­don Stock Exchange and the Deutsche Borse (the Ger­man stock exchange). Far from being a “merg­er,” the com­bined exchange (to be called “iX”) will be dom­i­nat­ed by the large Ger­man banks that con­trol the Deutsche Borse.

Begin­ning with dis­cus­sion of the details con­cern­ing Ger­man dom­i­nance of the pro­posed merg­er (the share­hold­ers of the Lon­don Stock Exchange have yet to approve the merg­er), the pro­gram under­scores the pend­ing takeover as a par­tial real­iza­tion of the Pan-Ger­man the­o­ries of Friedrich List. Writ­ing in the 1840’s, List advo­cat­ed that Ger­many should eco­nom­i­cal­ly unite Europe under its con­trol, as a vehi­cle for replac­ing Great Britain as the dom­i­nant pow­er on earth.

Although Britain is no longer the world’s fore­most colo­nial pow­er, Lon­don had been the finan­cial cen­ter of Europe. The pro­posed merg­er would change that. Sig­nif­i­cant­ly, the pend­ing iX will have a link to NASDAQ, the Amer­i­can high-tech stock exchange, which it may ulti­mate­ly absorb.

The sec­ond half of the pro­gram focus­es on the con­trol of the Deutsche Borse by three big Ger­man com­mer­cial banks: the Deutsche Bank, the Dres­d­ner Bank and the Com­merzbank. In turn, the broad­cast sets forth the role of the above-named banks in the Third Reich and the Bor­mann Orga­ni­za­tion (the eco­nom­ic com­po­nent of a Third Reich gone under­ground).

In charge of the bank­ing activ­i­ties of the Third Reich, Mar­tin Bor­mann over­saw the inte­gra­tion of the finan­cial struc­tures of the coun­tries of occu­pied Europe into Ger­many’s. The “Big Three” Ger­man banks were the cen­tral vehi­cles for this incor­po­ra­tion, the Deutsche Bank in par­tic­u­lar. These banks then served as prin­ci­pal vehi­cles for the Bor­mann flight cap­i­tal pro­gram, through which the Bor­mann Orga­ni­za­tion was real­ized.

The pro­gram also dis­cuss­es the role of the Union Bank of Switzer­land (now UBS-War­burg) in both the Bor­mann group and the Deutsche Borse.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: the pend­ing sup­plant­i­ng of the LSE’s elec­tron­ic sys­tem with the Deutsche Borse’s Xetra sys­tem; the eclips­ing of the Lon­don Futures Exchange and the Chica­go Board of Trade with Eurex (the Deutsche Borse’s futures exchange); a review of List’s for­mu­la for Ger­man eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal con­trol of Europe; the role of the “Big Three” of Ger­man bank­ing in the Swiss and Turk­ish ele­ments of the Bor­mann flight cap­i­tal pro­gram; the Bor­mann group’s invest­ment in Amer­i­can blue chip cor­po­ra­tions; Mar­tin Bor­man­n’s demand accounts in branch­es of major Amer­i­can com­mer­cial banks; the out­go­ing head of the Lon­don Exchange’s pro­jec­tion that the iX would even­tu­al­ly absorb NASDAQ. (Record­ed on 5/20/2000 and 5/28/2000.)


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