1. Beginning with discussion of maneuvering by Germany and the German-dominated European Union designed to maximize German influence within Europe while minimizing that of the United Kingdom, the broadcast highlights a warning by EU trade commissioner Pascal Lamy. Attempting to dissuade Britain from entering into NAFTA, Lamy predicted isolation and failure, if the UK did join the trade pact. (Financial Times, 7/7/2000, p.7.) As noted in past broadcasts, the EMU constitutes the realization of pan-German theoretician Friedrich List’s plans for German world domination through an economically unified Europe controlled by Germany. List visualized this union in the 1840’s as a vehicle for displacing Great Britain as the dominant power on earth.
2. Next, the program sets forth German foreign minister Joschka Fischer’s proposals for a federal Europe, outlining revisions which would increase German influence. (Ibid., p.2.) Debate in Britain over whether to adopt the Euro continues, with a high level of investment leading some analysts to recommend against joining the EMU.
3. Other observers maintain that the relatively strong pound makes the cost of doing business in the UK too high. (Both BMW and Ford have closed plants in Britain recently, due to the high cost of doing business there.) (The New York Times, 7/6/2000, p. C‑4.)
4. Frequently overlooked is the EU’s capacity to block mergers by American companies. Recently, Microsoft abandoned its purchase of Telewest, a British telecommunications firm, as a result of a threat by the European Union to block the acquisition. (Wall Street Journal, 7/5/2000, p.A3; Wall Street Journal, 7/8/2000, p. C1.) In addition to representing a fundamental incursion on American sovereignty (the United States is not represented in the European Union), the EU’s influence on American corporate practice can serve as a vehicle for German economic hegemony. (Mr. Emory’s observations in this context should not be misinterpreted as an endorsement of economic globalization or concentration of economic power. Rather, they should be understood as analysis of the geo-political implications of undercurrents within these important, and on-going economic phenomena.)
5. In addition to pressure from the U.S. Department of Justice over potential monopolistic overtones to the deal, the recent cancellation of the WorldCom-Sprint merger stemmed in part from opposition by the EU. This cancellation may facilitate the takeover of either WorldCom or Sprint by Deutsche Telekom, the former German telephone monopoly. Deutsche Telekom is looking to enter the American telecommunications market. (The New York Times, 6/27/2000, p. C2.)
6. When considering German corporate policy, one should not lose sight of the fundamental connection between corporate Germany and the Bormann organization, the economic component of a Third Reich gone underground.
7. Another important example of German political interference in American corporate (and national security) matters is the recent pressure by German business executives, as well as Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, to cancel the sale of Spanish munitions maker Santa Barbara Blindados to General Dynamics, a U.S. defense company. (Financial Times, 7/7/2000, p. 2.) The Germans were concerned about the deal, because the acquisition would give the U.S. group details about Germany’s Leopard II battle tank, which SBB is licensed to manufacture. Mr. Emory speculates about growing indications of divergence between German/European defense and intelligence considerations and those of the United States.
8. Next, Mr. Emory turns to discussion of continuing German/European pressure on the Echelon electronic intelligence function of the National Security Agency and the GCHQ (an element of British intelligence) and the closely related Menwith Hill (UK) facility. The European Parliament has opened formal hearings into this matter. (San Francisco Chronicle, 7/6/2000, p. A16.)
9. In addition, the Bundestag (the upper house of the German legislature) has opened hearings into alleged NSA spying on German corporations. (London Independent, 7/2/2000, p.1)
10. Pressure on the NSA/GCHQ liaison is being mounted in the United Kingdom, where it is being said that this liaison permits the United States to spy on British corporations. (Idem.) As noted in past discussions of the Menwith Hill facility, it is essential to American national security (its real or alleged transgressions aside.) Mr. Emory reiterates his view that the German/EU pressure on Echelon/Menwith Hill constitutes a post Cold War strategic paradigm shift of significance equal to that of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
11. Next, the program sets forth the granting of a prestigious literary award to a pro-Holocaust revisionist. Ernst Nolte (the recipient of the Deutschland Foundation’s Konrad Adenauer Award) has contended that, since National Socialism was allegedly the strongest force opposing Bolshevism, and since many Jews were allegedly pro-communist, Hitler may have had “rational” reasons for his policy toward the Jews. (The New York Times, 6/21/2000, p.A3.) The award has created a journalistic firestorm in Germany (to the great credit of the German people and the German press). Sadly, it is indicative of the retrenchment of fascism in Europe, which was never truly eliminated.
12. A major element of discussion in the second half of the program is an op-ed column by Martin A. Lee. (Los Angeles Times, 6/25/2000.) In addition to discussing many of the Nazi elements put back in power at the end of World War II in order to fight communism, Lee notes the profound connections between former Chancellor Helmut Kohl and the Third Reich residua in the Federal Republic. In particular, Lee notes connections between Kohl and a Nazi industrialist named Fritz Ries, himself connected in the post-war period to Eberhard Taubert, a Goebbels propaganda ministry official who found work with the national security establishment of the Federal Republic.
13. The program concludes with a look at growing fascism and historical revisionism in the United States, and its connections to the fascist milieu of the right-wing of Kohl’s CDU. The program highlights connections between Andreas Strassmeier (son of Kohl’s chief-of-staff Gunther Strassmeier), the Oklahoma City bombing, and American attorney Kirk Lyons. (The Beast Reawakens, hardcover, Little Brown & Co., pp. 352–3, ISBN 0–316-51959–6.) The program notes Lyons’ involvement in the neo-Confederate movement, as well as attempts by Lyons’ professional associates at portraying slavery as a relatively benevolent institution.
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