Consisting largely of excerpts from previous For the Record programs, this broadcast highlights the political heritage to which George W. is heir. The Bush family has a long, extensive, influential, and largely sinister history.
1. The program begins with an excerpt of FTR-186. (The text is excerpted from The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People, by John Loftus and Mark Aarons; St. Martin’s Press; copyright 1994; ISBN 0–312-11057X.)
2. The discussion focuses on the profound involvement of George Herbert Walker (W’s great grandfather) and his son-in-law Prescott Bush Sr. in the financing of the German industrial concerns that backed Hitler. (The Secret War Against the Jews; pp. 358–9; 36061.) Prescott Bush, Sr., is the father of the former President and CIA Director and the grandfather of “W.”)
3. The Walker-Bush involvement with the investment firm Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company is a major focal point of the broadcast. (Idem.)
4. In particular, the program focuses on the Hamburg-Amerika line, one of the Bush-connected companies that played a key role in Nazi espionage before and during World War II.
5. The company helped to finance the operations of the SS. (Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, by Paul Manning; Copyright 1981 [HC] (copyright held by the Manning family); published by Lyle Stuart; p.43.)
6. The discussion underscores the strong connections between Walker, Prescott Bush Sr. and Fritz Thyssen. (Thyssen was a German steel maker and one of Hitler’s earliest and most prominent financial backers. The Walker-Thyssen relationship began in 1924.) (Idem.)
7. The program also excerpts FTR-186 (and the Loftus/Aarons text) with a look at George Sr.‘s involvement with the Nazi émigré milieu that spawned the Republican Ethnic Heritage Organization, literally a Nazi wing of the Republican Party. (The Secret War Against the Jews; pp. 369–71.)
8. A close political ally of Richard Nixon’s, George Bush midwifed the formal inclusion of the Nazi “ethnics” in the GOP, utilizing his position as chairman of the Republican National Committee. Bush later used this same Nazi émigré network in his 1988 presidential campaign. (Idem.)
9. In a shift of focus to George H.W Bush’s career as director of the CIA, the program highlights George W’s briefing by the agency at its headquarters. (The San Francisco Examiner, 9/3/2000; p. A‑3.)
10. Recapitulating a section of FTR-214, the discussion highlights the phony “oil shortage” of the late 1970’s against the background of the allegedly real “oil shortage” of the year 2000. (The Secret War Against the Jews; pp. 333–335.)
11. In this important and extensively footnoted volume, the authors draw on veteran American and British intelligence officers in order to document collusion among elements of George Bush’s CIA, the petroleum industry and the government of Saudi Arabia. Together, these elements fabricated an alleged Soviet petroleum shortfall, as well as a phony “decline” in Saudi oil production. Career oil industry professional George Bush gave Jimmy Carter a CIA report that falsely forecast a world-wide oil shortage. (Idem.)
12. The report also ruminated about the possibility that the Soviets might invade the Middle East in order to augment allegedly failing domestic production. The goal of the report was to influence Jimmy Carter to increase oil production and to mandate weapons sales to Saudi Arabia in order to “defend against the Soviet menace.” (Idem.)
13. Carter and Energy Secretary James Schlesinger instead responded with a program of conservation. This enraged the petroleum interests, which then responded with the phony “gas shortage” of 1979. This gas shortage helped to propel Jimmy Carter from office. (Schlesinger had resigned his post earlier in Carter’s administration.) Former CIA director Bush became Vice-President under Reagan and (according to some sources) became “power behind the throne.” Eventually, it became evident that the CIA report was false, and that the Middle East was swimming in oil. Nonetheless, the CIA/Saudi/petroleum industry fraud was successful in conning consumers into accepting dramatically higher gasoline prices, destabilizing the Carter administration, and persuading Congress and the President to authorize a Saudi military buildup. That Saudi build-up tipped the military balance of power in favor of the Arabs. Most importantly, the phony oil shortage set the stage for an unprecedented military build-up during the Reagan administrations. That military build-up tripled the U.S. national debt in eight years.
14. Next, the program highlights George W. adviser Condoleeza Rice’s role as a director of the Chevron Corporation. (San Francisco Examiner; 8/28/2000; p. A‑12.) If “W.” is elected, there is a strong chance Rice will be Secretary of State.
15. In an excerpt of FTR-182, the broadcast reviews business connections between Bin Laden’s family and George W. Bush. (Fortunate Son; J. H. Hatfield; St. Martin’s Press; copyright 1999.) Bush’s Arbusto Energy company was begun, in part, with money from one James R. Bath. Bath’s reputed associations run from the Central Intelligence Agency to the failed BCCI. The later was a financial institution involved in drug dealing, terrorism and arms trafficking. (It was used by Oliver North for some of his Iran-Contra machinations.) (For more on BCCI, see also Miscellaneous Archive Show M‑51, as well as FTR-29.) Bath was the Texas business representative for Bin Laden’s family and the money he used to help start Arbusto may very well have come, in part, from Bin Laden’s family.
16. Next, the program focuses on George H.W. Bush’s pivotal role in the Iran-Contra and “Iraqgate” scandals. After discussion of his pardoning of several key participants in the affair, the program turns to his involvement in the events themselves. (The Los Angeles Times; 8/28/2000; p. A13.)
17. Excerpting FTR-174, the broadcast focuses on Bush and the world of “international terrorism.” (The Secret War Against the Jews; pp. 407–409; p. 429.)
18. Having chaired the Vice-President’s Task Force on Counter-Terrorism, George H.W. Bush oversaw and implemented recommendations issung from that Task Force. In a series of National Security Decision Directives, Bush was given command of what authors John Loftus and Mark Aarons describe as “His (Bush’s) own private spy agency,” and “a White House within the White House.” (See FTR-29.)
19. Ostensibly created to provide a rapid, prophylactic response to “international terrorism,” these networks became the primary vehicles for the realization of the ill-fated, illegal and treasonous Iran-Contra and Iraqgate schemes. Far from being “out of the loop,” as he claimed, George Bush was the primary player in both affairs. (Idem.)
20. His “private spy agency” was the most significant element in the both the administration and implementation of the operations. (Idem.)
21. Next, we review George Bush Sr.‘s presence at a meeting with (among others) Army intelligence agents McKee and Gannon. (Excerpt from FTR-228.)
22. This meeting had been a major point of interest for Iran-Contra Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh. (Iran-Contra: The Final Report; published by Times Books.)
23. Both McKee and Gannon were killed in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103. (Gideon’s Spies, Gordon Thomas; Thomas Dunne; copyright 1999.) (The name of arms and drug dealer Monzer Al-Kassar has come up in connection with the bombing of Pan Am 103. The Pan Am insurance investigator’s report claimed that Al-Kassar was the author of the bombing and that the attack was allowed to go forward in order to silence McKee and Gannon. Al-Kassar was pivotally involved in the Iran-Contra scandal.
24. The program concludes with discussion of George H.W. Bush’s post-presidential employment as a speaker on behalf of the Unification Church in Latin America. (The material is excerpted from FTR-84. In turn, that broadcast draws on The Dark Side of Reverend Moon by Robert Parry in I.F. Magazine; September/October/ 1997, Vol. 1, #2.)
25. Paid millions for his work, Bush has been particularly active on behalf of Moon in Argentina. (Idem.)
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