Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.

For The Record  

FTR #258 The Brown & Root of All Evil

MP3 One Seg­ment
NB: This RealAu­dio stream con­tains both FTRs 257 and 258 in sequence. Each is a 30-minute broad­cast.

This broad­cast high­lights and ana­lyzes an arti­cle from Mike Ruppert’s From the Wilder­ness newslet­ter. (A for­mer LAPD nar­cotics inves­ti­ga­tor, Mike has worked for years to expose the intel­li­gence community’s involve­ment in the nar­cotics traf­fic.) All of the cita­tions in the descrip­tion that fol­lows are from this arti­cle.

The arti­cle is titled “The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire” authored by Mike Rup­pert in the 10/24/2000 issue of From the Wilder­ness. The arti­cle deals with the Brown & Root con­struc­tion firm, a sub­sidiary of Hal­libur­ton Oil, whose CEO is Dick Cheney, the Repub­li­can Vice-Pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee.

The arti­cle con­cen­trates on evi­dence link­ing Brown & Root’s oper­a­tions with covert oper­a­tions and drug smug­gling. Begin­ning with Brown & Root’s con­nec­tions to a major Russ­ian oil com­pa­ny, the arti­cle con­nects drug mon­ey to con­tri­bu­tions made to the Bush cam­paign. (From the Wilder­ness; 10/24/2000; p. 1.)

A Wash­ing­ton, D.C., attor­ney for this com­pa­ny held a fund-rais­er for George Bush last June. (Idem.)

Mike’s arti­cle details B & R’s his­to­ry of work for the gov­ern­ment and gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies that have been paid to finance the firm’s work in for­eign coun­tries.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Brown & Root’s work in Viet­nam dur­ing the war (Ibid., p. 2.); the company’s work dis­man­tling Sovi­et ICBM’s (Idem.); Cheney’s role in dis­pens­ing Brown & Root con­tri­bu­tions to Repub­li­can politi­cians (Idem.); the company’s build­ing projects in Colom­bia and the pos­si­ble dual-use of those facil­i­ties by the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty (Ibid., p. 3.); the firm’s work in Turkey, appar­ent­ly dou­bling as an intel­li­gence asset deal­ing with Kur­dish refugees (Ibid., pp. 3–4.); the role of the Export-Import in aid­ing CIA covert oper­a­tions (Ibid., p. 4.); details about the Brown & Root/Tyumen Oil Com­pa­ny/­drug-traf­fick­ing link (Ibid., pp. 4–5.); details about the Bush fund-rais­er orga­nized by James C. Lang­don (Ibid., p. 5.); the Laot­ian ori­gin of the hero­in alleged­ly involved in the B & R/Alfa Group con­nec­tion (Ibid., p. 5.); Mike’s own expe­ri­ence with Brown & Root oper­a­tions in the Gulf of Mex­i­co, alleged­ly used as CIA drug-smug­gling bases (Ibid., pp. 6–9.); oth­er alle­ga­tions of Brown & Root com­plic­i­ty in drug-relat­ed covert oper­a­tions in the Mid­dle East (Idem.) (Record­ed on 10/28/2000.)


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